Example #1
 public function getPayDetailCount($StartTime, $EndTime, $UserId, $oWherePartnerPermission, $PassageId)
     $select_fields = array('OrderCount' => 'count(*)');
     $whereStartTime = $StartTime ? " PayTime >= " . strtotime($StartTime) . " " : "";
     $whereEndTime = $EndTime ? " PayTime <= " . strtotime($EndTime) . " " : "";
     $whereUser = $UserId ? " AcceptUserId = " . $UserId . " " : "";
     $wherePassage = $PassageId ? " PassageId = " . $PassageId . " " : "";
     $whereCondition = array($whereUser, $whereStartTime, $whereEndTime, $oWherePartnerPermission, $wherePassage);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     if ($UserId) {
         $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_user) . "_" . $position['db_fix'];
     } else {
         $Date = date("Ym", strtotime($StartTime));
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_date) . "_" . $Date;
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where;
     $PayCount = $this->db->getOne($sql, false);
     if ($PayCount) {
         return $PayCount;
     } else {
         return 0;
Example #2
 public function InsertCharacterKickOff($KickOffArr)
     $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($KickOffArr['UserId']);
     $table_user = Base_Common::getUserTable($this->character_kick_off, $position);
     $user = $this->db->insert($table_user, $KickOffArr);
     $Date = date("Ym", $KickOffArr['KickOffTime']);
     $table_date = $this->CreateCharacterKickOffLog($Date);
     $oSocketType = @(include __APP_ROOT_DIR__ . "/etc/SocketType.php");
     $oSocketQueue = new Config_SocketQueue();
     $uType = 60221;
     $TypeInfo = $oSocketType[$uType];
     if ($TypeInfo['Type']) {
         $DataArr = array('PackFormat' => $TypeInfo['PackFormat'], 'Length' => $TypeInfo['Length'], 'Length2' => 0, 'uType' => $uType, 'MsgLevel' => 0, 'Line' => 0, 'UserID' => $KickOffArr['UserId'], 'KickOffReason' => $KickOffArr['KickOffReason'], 'Serial' => $KickOffArr['KickOffId']);
     $DataArr = array('ServerId' => $KickOffArr['ServerId'], 'uType' => $uType, 'UserId' => $DataArr['UserID'], 'MessegeContent' => serialize($DataArr), 'QueueTime' => time(), 'SendTime' => 0);
     $addQueue = $oSocketQueue->insert($DataArr);
     $log = $this->db->insert($table_date, $KickOffArr);
     if ($user && $log && $addQueue) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #3
 public function UserLoginSumDate($UserId, $oWherePartnerPermission)
     $whereCondition = array($oWherePartnerPermission);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
     $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_user) . "_" . $position['db_fix'];
     $sql = "SELECT sum(`LogoutTime`-`LoginTime`) as `LoingTime` FROM {$table_to_process} WHERE `UserId` = {$UserId} and `LogoutTime` > 0 and `LogoutTime` > `LoginTime` " . $where;
     return $this->db->getOne($sql, false);
Example #4
 public function getItemPickUpCount($StartTime, $EndTime, $UserId, $ServerId, $oWherePartnerPermission, $ItemListText)
     $select_fields = array('PickUpCount' => 'count(*)');
     $whereStartTime = $StartTime ? " ItemPickUpTime >= '" . strtotime($StartTime) . "' " : "";
     $whereEndTime = $EndTime ? " ItemPickUpTime <= '" . strtotime($EndTime) . "' " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $whereItemID = $ItemListText ? " ItemID in ( " . $ItemListText . " )" : "";
     $whereUser = $UserId ? " UserId = " . $UserId . " " : "";
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartTime, $whereEndTime, $whereUser, $whereServer, $oWherePartnerPermission, $whereItemID);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     if ($UserId) {
         $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
         $table_to_process = Base_Common::getUserTable($this->table_list['pickitem_user'], $position);
     } else {
         $Date = date("Ymd", strtotime($StartTime));
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_list['pickitem']) . "_" . $Date;
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where;
     $PickUpCount = $this->db->getOne($sql, false);
     if ($PickUpCount) {
         return $PickUpCount;
     } else {
         return 0;
Example #5
 public function getPvpLogTotal($whereTime)
     $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_pvp_log_total);
     $sql = "truncate {$table_to_process}";
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
         $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById(sprintf("%03d", $i));
         $table_to_get = Base_Common::getUserTable($this->table_pvp_log_user, $position);
         $sql = "replace into {$table_to_process} (ServerId,UserId,Won,PvpCount) select ServerId,UserId,Won,Count(*) from {$table_to_get} where {$whereTime} group by ServerId,UserId,Won";
         echo $this->db->query($sql) . "-";
Example #6
 public function getUserExchangeCount($UserId, $AppId, $PartnerId, $ServerId, $StartDate, $EndDate, $ExchangeStatus)
     $select_fields = array('ExchangeCount' => 'count(*)');
     $whereStartDate = $StartDate ? " CreateExchangeTime >= " . strtotime($StartDate) . " " : "";
     $whereEndDate = $EndDate ? " CreateExchangeTime <= " . (strtotime($EndDate) + 86400 - 1) . " " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $wherePartner = $PartnerId ? " PartnerId = " . $PartnerId . " " : "";
     $whereApp = $AppId ? " AppId = " . $AppId . " " : "";
     $whereUser = $UserId ? " UserId = " . $UserId . " " : "";
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartDate, $whereEndDate, $whereServer, $wherePartner, $whereApp, $whereUser);
     if ($ExchangeStatus == 0) {
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_exchange_queue);
     } elseif ($ExchangeStatus == 1) {
         $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_user) . "_user_" . $position['db_fix'];
     } else {
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_exchange_queue_error);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $StatArr = array('ExchangeCount' => 0);
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where;
     $ExchangeCount = $this->db->getRow($sql, false);
     if (isset($ExchangeCount)) {
         $StatArr['ExchangeCount'] += $ExchangeCount['ExchangeCount'];
     return $StatArr;
Example #7
 public function getNpcItemPurchaseDetailCount($StartTime, $EndTime, $UserId, $ServerId, $MoneyType, $oWherePartnerPermission, $ItemListText)
     $select_fields = array('PurchaseCount' => 'count(*)');
     $whereStartTime = $StartTime ? " NpcPurchaseTime >= '" . strtotime($StartTime) . "' " : "";
     $whereEndTime = $EndTime ? " NpcPurchaseTime <= '" . strtotime($EndTime) . "' " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $whereItemID = $ItemListText ? " ItemID in ( " . $ItemListText . " )" : "";
     $whereUser = $UserId ? " UserId = " . $UserId . " " : "";
     $whereMoney = $MoneyType ? " MoneyType = " . $MoneyType . " " : "";
     $groups = Base_common::getGroupBy($group_fields);
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartTime, $whereEndTime, $whereUser, $whereMoney, $whereServer, $oWherePartnerPermission, $whereItemID);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     if ($UserId) {
         $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_npc_item_purchase) . "_user_" . $position['db_fix'];
     } else {
         $Date = date("Ym", strtotime($StartTime));
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_npc_item_purchase) . "_" . $Date;
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where;
     $PurchaseCount = $this->db->getOne($sql, false);
     if ($PurchaseCount) {
         return $PurchaseCount;
     } else {
         return 0;
Example #8
 public function asignProductPackCode($UserName, $unsignedCode)
     $oUser = new Lm_User();
     $UserInfo = $oUser->getUserByName($UserName);
     if ($UserInfo['UserId']) {
         if ($unsignedCode['ProductPackCode']) {
             $PackInfo = $this->getRow($unsignedCode['ProductPackId']);
             $CodeCount = $this->getUserProductPackCodeListCount($UserInfo['UserId'], 0, 0, $unsignedCode['GenId']);
             if ($CodeCount < $PackInfo['AsignCountLimit']) {
                 $unsignedCode['AsignTime'] = time();
                 $unsignedCode['AsignUser'] = $UserInfo['UserId'];
                 $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserInfo['UserId']);
                 $table_user = Base_Common::getUserTable($this->table_code, $position);
                 $user = $this->db->replace($table_user, $unsignedCode);
                 $table_code = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_code);
                 $bind = $unsignedCode;
                 $code = $this->db->update($table_code, $bind, '`ProductPackCode` = ?', $unsignedCode['ProductPackCode']);
                 if ($code && $user) {
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     return false;
             } else {
                 return false;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #9
 public function getUserOrderCount($UserId, $AppId, $PartnerId, $ServerId, $StartDate, $EndDate, $OrderStatus)
     $select_fields = array('OrderCount' => 'count(*)');
     $whereStartDate = $StartDate ? " OrderTime >= " . strtotime($StartDate) . " " : "";
     $whereEndDate = $EndDate ? " OrderTime <= " . (strtotime($EndDate) + 86400 - 1) . " " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $wherePartner = $PartnerId ? " PartnerId = " . $PartnerId . " " : "";
     $whereApp = $AppId ? " AppId = " . $AppId . " " : "";
     $whereStatus = $OrderStatus != 5 ? " OrderStatus = " . $OrderStatus . " " : "";
     $whereUser = $UserId ? " AcceptUserId = " . $UserId . " " : "";
     $whereCondition = array($whereStartDate, $whereEndDate, $whereStatus, $whereServer, $wherePartner, $whereApp, $whereUser);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     $StatArr = array('OrderCount' => 0);
     $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
     $table_name = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table_user) . "_" . $position['db_fix'];
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_name} as log where 1 " . $where;
     $OrderCount = $this->db->getRow($sql, false);
     if (isset($OrderCount)) {
         $StatArr['OrderCount'] += $OrderCount['OrderCount'];
     return $StatArr;
Example #10
 public function getSendErrorList($UserId, $SendId, $fields = '*')
     $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
     $table_user = Base_Common::getUserTable($this->table_send_log_user, $position);
     $sql = "select {$fields} from {$table_user} where `SendStatus` = 2 and `UserId` = ? and `SendId` = ?";
     return $this->db->getAll($sql, array($UserId, $SendId));
Example #11
 public function getSlkDetailCount($StartTime, $EndTime, $UserId, $InstMapId, $HeroId, $ServerId, $oWherePartnerPermission)
     $select_fields = array('SlkCount' => 'count(*)');
     $whereStartTime = $StartTime ? " CharacterSlkEnterTime >= " . strtotime($StartTime) . " " : "";
     $whereEndTime = $EndTime ? " CharacterSlkEnterTime <= " . strtotime($EndTime) . " " : "";
     $whereUser = $UserId ? " UserId = " . $UserId . " " : "";
     $whereServer = $ServerId ? " ServerId = " . $ServerId . " " : "";
     $whereInstMap = $InstMapId ? " SlkId = " . $InstMapId . " " : "";
     $whereHero = $HeroId != -1 ? " HeroId = " . $HeroId . " " : "";
     $whereCondition = array($whereUser, $whereStartTime, $whereEndTime, $whereServer, $whereInstMap, $whereHero, $oWherePartnerPermission);
     $fields = Base_common::getSqlFields($select_fields);
     $where = Base_common::getSqlWhere($whereCondition);
     if ($UserId) {
         $position = Base_Common::getUserDataPositionById($UserId);
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table) . "_user_" . $position['db_fix'];
     } else {
         $Date = date("Ym", strtotime($StartTime));
         $table_to_process = Base_Widget::getDbTable($this->table) . "_" . $Date;
     $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table_to_process} as log where 1 " . $where;
     $SlkCount = $this->db->getOne($sql, false);
     if ($SlkCount) {
         return $SlkCount;
     } else {
         return 0;