public function testBarcodeLib() { $pad = BarcodeLib::padUPC('1'); $this->assertEquals('0000000000001', $pad, 'BarcodeLib::padUPC failed'); $checks = array('12345678901' => '2', '123456789012' => '8', '1234567890123' => '1'); foreach ($checks as $barcode => $check_digit) { $calc = BarcodeLib::getCheckDigit($barcode); $this->assertEquals($check_digit, $calc, 'Failed check digit calculation for ' . $barcode); $with_check = $barcode . $check_digit; $without_check = $barcode . ($check_digit + 1) % 10; $this->assertEquals(true, BarcodeLib::verifyCheckdigit($with_check)); $this->assertEquals(false, BarcodeLib::verifyCheckdigit($without_check)); } $upc_a = BarcodeLib::UPCACheckDigit('12345678901'); $this->assertEquals('123456789012', $upc_a, 'Failed UPC A check digit calculation'); $ean_13 = BarcodeLib::EAN13CheckDigit('123456789012'); $this->assertEquals('1234567890128', $ean_13, 'Failed EAN 13 check digit calculation'); $norm = BarcodeLib::normalize13('12345678901'); $this->assertEquals('0123456789012', $norm, 'Failed normalizing UPC-A to 13 digits'); $norm = BarcodeLib::normalize13('123456789012'); $this->assertEquals('1234567890128', $norm, 'Failed normalizing EAN-13 to 13 digits'); }
public function run() { $FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS = $this->config->get('PLUGIN_SETTINGS'); $dbc = FannieDB::get($this->config->get('OP_DB')); $query = ' SELECT p.upc, p.description, p.brand, u.description AS goodDescription, u.brand AS goodBrand, p.size, p.unitofmeasure, v.size AS vendorSize, p.scale, d.normal_price AS deposit, m.super_name,, p.idEnforced, p.normal_price, p.special_price, p.discounttype, p.start_date, p.end_date,, p.inUse FROM products AS p LEFT JOIN productUser AS u ON p.upc=u.upc LEFT JOIN vendorItems AS v ON p.upc=v.upc AND p.default_vendor_id=v.vendorID LEFT JOIN products AS d ON p.deposit=d.upc LEFT JOIN MasterSuperDepts AS m ON p.department=m.dept_ID WHERE m.superID <> 0'; $result = $dbc->query($query); $csvfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'ICT'); $csv = fopen($csvfile, 'w'); // reatailer_code is misspelled in the spec fwrite($csv, 'lookup_code,reatailer_code,item_name,size,cost_price_per_unit,price_unit,bottle_deposit,department,taxable,available,alcoholic,brand_name,sale_price,sale_start_at,sale_end_at' . "\r\n"); while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($result)) { // UPC or PLU with added check digits $plu = ltrim($row['upc'], '0'); if (strlen($plu) == 13) { fwrite($csv, $plu . ',,'); // EAN-13 with check } elseif (strlen($plu == 12)) { // probably EAN-13 w/o check fwrite($csv, $plu . BarcodeLib::EAN13CheckDigit($plu) . ',,'); } elseif (strlen($plu > 7)) { // probably UPC-A w/o check $plu = str_pad($plu, 11, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); fwrite($csv, $plu . BarcodeLib::UPCACheckDigit($plu) . ','); } else { fwrite($csv, ',' . $plu . ','); } // item_name fwrite($csv, '"' . (!empty($row['goodDescription']) ? $row['goodDescription'] : $row['description']) . '",'); // size $size = $row['scale'] == 1 ? 'per lb' : 'each'; if (!empty($row['size'])) { $size = $row['size']; if (is_numeric($size) && !empty($row['unitofmeasure'])) { $size .= $row['unitofmeasure']; } } elseif (!empty($row['vendorSize'])) { $size = $row['vendorSize']; } fwrite($csv, '"' . $size . '",'); // cost_price_per_unit fwrite($csv, $row['normal_price'] . ','); // price_unit fwrite($csv, ($row['scale'] ? 'lb' : 'each') . ','); // bottle_deposit fwrite($csv, ($row['deposit'] ? $row['deposit'] : 0.0) . ','); // department fwrite($csv, '"' . $row['super_name'] . '",'); // taxable fwrite($csv, ($row['scale'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ','); // available fwrite($csv, ($row['inUse'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ','); // alcoholic fwrite($csv, ($row['idEnforced'] == 21 ? 'true' : 'false') . ','); // brand_name fwrite($csv, '"' . (!empty($row['goodBrand']) ? $row['goodBrand'] : $row['brand']) . '",'); if ($row['discounttype'] == 1 && $row['special_price'] != 0) { fwrite($csv, $row['special_price'] . ','); fwrite($csv, date('m/d/Y', strtotime($row['start_date'])) . ','); fwrite($csv, date('m/d/Y', strtotime($row['end_date'])) . "\r\n"); } else { fwrite($csv, ",,\r\n"); } } fclose($csv); /** Upload export via (S)FTP */ unlink($csvfile); }