* Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. * */ require_once "../BarPlot.class.php"; $graph = new Graph(400, 400); // Set a title to the graph $graph->title->set('The title'); // Change graph background color $graph->setBackgroundColor(new Color(230, 230, 230)); $values = array(8, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5); // Declare a new BarPlot $plot = new BarPlot($values); // Reduce padding around the plot $plot->setPadding(NULL, NULL, NULL, 20); // Reduce plot size and move it to the bottom of the graph $plot->setSize(1, 0.96); $plot->setCenter(0.5, 0.52); // Set a background color to the plot $plot->grid->setBackgroundColor(new White()); // Set a dashed grid $plot->grid->setType(LINE_DASHED); $plot->label->set($values); $plot->label->move(0, -10); $plot->label->setColor(new DarkBlue()); // Set a shadow to the bars $plot->barShadow->setSize(2); // Bar size is at 60% $plot->setBarSize(0.6); // Change the color of the bars $plot->setBarColor(new Orange(15)); // Add the plot to the graph