public static function votedown($data) { $out = array(); if (!MyUser::isloggedin()) { throw new APIException("User ist nicht angemeldet.", 100); } if (MyUser::getKarmaPoints() < 100) { throw new APIException("Du benötigst 100 Karma-Punkte um einen negativen Vote zu geben.", 200); } if (!isset($data["question"])) { throw new APIException("Benötigter Parameter fehlt (question).", 50); } $db = new SQL(0); $row = $db->cmdrow(0, 'SELECT * FROM questions WHERE id={0}', array($data["question"] + 0)); if (!isset($row["id"])) { throw new APIException("Diese Frage existiert nicht (mehr)", 300); } if ($row["author"] == MyUser::id()) { throw new APIException("Sie dürfen nicht auf Ihre eigene Frage voten", 301); } $raw = $db->cmdrow(0, 'SELECT * FROM question_votes WHERE question={0} AND user={1} LIMIT 0,1', array($data["question"] + 0, MyUser::id())); $w = array(); $w["question"] = $data["question"] + 0; $w["user"] = MyUser::id(); $w["vote"] = -1; $db->CreateUpdate(0, "question_votes", $w); $db->cmd(0, 'UPDATE questions as T1 SET count_votes = (SELECT sum(vote) FROM question_votes WHERE WHERE id={0} LIMIT 1', false, array($w["question"])); $out["sumvotes"] = self::getVotes(array("question" => $w["question"])); if (!isset($raw["id"])) { Karma::RuleAction("VOTEDOWN_QUESTION", array("user" => $row["author"], "question" => $w["question"])); } Badge::add(9, MyUser::id(), array("question" => $w["question"])); //Kritiker: für downvote return $out; }
/** * Returns an array of properties representing the 'value' of a badge. * * @param Badge $badge Value should be returned. * * @return an array of values of the given badges */ private static function getValue(Badge $badge) { return array("name" => $badge->getName()); }
public function actionMy() { $this->pageTitle = Yii::t('badgerModule.Site', 'My badges'); $Badge = new Badge(); $Badge->checkAndGiveOne(Badge::BADGE_LIST_MY); $badges = Badge::model()->my()->findAll(); $this->render('my', array('badges' => $badges)); }
public function getBadges() { $result = Database::query(SQL::trainerBadges($this->id)); $badges = array(); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { foreach ($result as $row) { $badge = new Badge($row); array_push($badges, $badge->serialize()); } } return $badges; }
/** * Tests all badges are valid. */ public function testValid() { $badges = Badge::model()->findAll(); foreach ($badges as $badge) { $this->assertFileExists(Yii::app()->params['badgeIconsDir'] . $badge->location); } }
/** * Retrieves all conditions. * @return array the conditions */ public function conditions() { $mapping = $this->getMappings(); $conditions = array(); foreach ($mapping as $id => $count) { $conditions[] = array('badge' => Badge::model()->findByPk($id), 'count' => $count); } return $conditions; }
/** Parses habbo info array to \Entities\Habbo object * * @param array $data */ public function parse($data) { $this->setId($data['uniqueId']); $this->setHabboName($data['name']); $this->setMotto($data['motto']); $this->setFigureString($data['figureString']); if (isset($data['memberSince'])) { $this->setMemberSince($data['memberSince']); } if (isset($data['profileVisible'])) { $this->setProfileVisible($data['profileVisible']); } if (isset($data['selectedBadges'])) { foreach ($data['selectedBadges'] as $badge) { $selectedBadge = new Badge(); $selectedBadge->parse($badge); $this->addSelectedBadge($selectedBadge); } } }
public function __construct($id) { $name = "Sea Pup"; $label = "SeaPup"; $achieved = Database::getBadgeState($id, $label); $requirements = Database::getBadgeRequirements($label); parent::__construct($name, $achieved, $requirements, $label); }
public function revokeBadge($badge) { if (is_array($badge)) { $revokeReason = $badge['reason']; $badge = Badge::findOrFail($badge['model']->id); } if ($badge->count() && empty($badge->revoked_at)) { $this->getBadgePivotBuilder($badge->id)->update(['revoke_reason' => $revokeReason, 'revoked_at' => Carbon::now()]); } }
public function __construct($data) { if (is_array($data)) { $this->id = $data['gym_id']; $this->name = $data['gym_name']; $this->city = $data['gym_city']; $type = Type::getById(intval($data['gym_type'])); $this->type = $type->serialize(); $badge = Badge::getById(intval($data['gym_badge'])); $this->badge = $badge->serialize(); } }
/** * Return the reward in JSON format. * * @return the reward in JSON format */ public function toJson() { $response = array(); if (count($this->getBadges()) > 0) { $response["badges"] = Badge::getValues($this->getBadges()); } else { $response["badges"] = array(); } $response["koin_count_new"] = $this->getKoinCountNew(); $response["koin_count_total"] = $this->getKoinCountTotal(); return json_encode($response); }
public function actionIndex() { $this->render('layouts/header'); $this->render('general/index', array('general' => $this->getGeneral(), 'messages' => $this->getMessages()), true); $this->render('pokemon/index', array('pokemon' => Pokemon::getPartyPokemon(), 'owned' => $this->getGeneral()->pokedex_owned, 'seen' => $this->getGeneral()->pokedex_seen), true); $this->render('badge/index', array('badges' => Badge::getBadges(null, 'LIMIT 0, 8')), true); $this->render('pokemon_box/index', array('pokemon' => Pokemon::getBoxPokemon()), true); $this->render('pokemon_daycare/index', array('pokemon' => Pokemon::getDaycarePokemon()), true); $this->render('item/index', array('items' => Item::getAllItems()), true); $this->render('pokemon_history/index', array('pokemon' => Pokemon::getHistoryPokemon()), true); $this->render('milestone/index', array('milestones' => Milestone::getMilestones()), true); $this->render('fact/index', array('facts' => Fact::getFacts()), true); $this->render('credit/index', array('credits' => Credit::getCredits()), true); $this->render('layouts/footer'); }
public function processLevelAndBadgeValidation() { $return = true; $current_level = (int) Configuration::get('GF_CURRENT_LEVEL'); $current_level_percent = (int) Configuration::get('GF_CURRENT_LEVEL_PERCENT'); $not_viewed_badge = explode('|', ltrim(Configuration::get('GF_NOT_VIEWED_BADGE', ''), '')); $nbr_notif = Configuration::get('GF_NOTIFICATION', 0); $ids_badge = Badge::getIdsBadgesToValidate(); if (count($ids_badge)) { $not_viewed_badge = array(); } //reset the last badge only if there is new badge to validate foreach ($ids_badge as $id) { $badge = new Badge((int) $id); if ($badge->scoring + $current_level_percent >= 100) { $current_level++; $current_level_percent = $badge->scoring + $current_level_percent - 100; } else { $current_level_percent += $badge->scoring; } $badge->validated = 1; $return &= $badge->save(); $nbr_notif++; $not_viewed_badge[] = $badge->id; } Configuration::updateGlobalValue('GF_NOTIFICATION', (int) $nbr_notif); Configuration::updateGlobalValue('GF_NOT_VIEWED_BADGE', implode('|', array_unique($not_viewed_badge))); Configuration::updateGlobalValue('GF_CURRENT_LEVEL', (int) $current_level); Configuration::updateGlobalValue('GF_CURRENT_LEVEL_PERCENT', (int) $current_level_percent); return $return; }
} private function _render_template($template) { $tpl = new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH."/widget_$template.tpl"); return $tpl->fetch(); } } // --- controller (part 2) // find user and badge $user = new user(); $user->load((int)$login_uid); try { $badge = new Badge($user, $badge_tag); } catch (PAException $e) { switch ($e->code) { case CONTENT_HAS_BEEN_DELETED: case ROW_DOES_NOT_EXIST: header("Location: " . PA::$url . "/badge_create.php"); exit; default: throw $e; } } function badge_disp($content) { if ($content instanceof Badge_Redirect) { header("Location: ".$content->url); } else {
public function processImportBadges($badges, $badges_lang, $id_lang) { $formated_badges_lang = array(); foreach ($badges_lang as $lang) { $formated_badges_lang[$lang->id_ps_badge] = array('name' => array($id_lang => $lang->name), 'description' => array($id_lang => $lang->description), 'group_name' => array($id_lang => $lang->group_name)); } $current_badges = array(); $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT id_ps_badge FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'badge'); foreach ($result as $row) { $current_badges[] = (int) $row['id_ps_badge']; } $cond_ids = $this->getFormatedConditionsIds(); foreach ($badges as $badge) { try { //if badge already exist we update language data if (in_array((int) $badge->id_ps_badge, $current_badges)) { $bdg = new Badge(Badge::getIdByIdPs((int) $badge->id_ps_badge)); $bdg->name[$id_lang] = $formated_badges_lang[$badge->id_ps_badge]['name'][$id_lang]; $bdg->description[$id_lang] = $formated_badges_lang[$badge->id_ps_badge]['description'][$id_lang]; $bdg->group_name[$id_lang] = $formated_badges_lang[$badge->id_ps_badge]['group_name'][$id_lang]; $bdg->update(); unset($current_badges[(int) array_search($badge->id_ps_badge, $current_badges)]); } else { $badge_data = array_merge((array) $badge, $formated_badges_lang[$badge->id_ps_badge]); $bdg = new Badge(); $bdg->hydrate($badge_data, (int) $id_lang); $bdg->add(); foreach ($badge->conditions as $cond) { Db::getInstance()->insert('condition_badge', array('id_condition' => $cond_ids[$cond], 'id_badge' => $bdg->id)); } } unset($bdg); } catch (Exception $e) { continue; } } // Delete badges that are not in the file anymore foreach ($current_badges as $id_ps_badge) { $bdg = new Badge(Badge::getIdByIdPs((int) $id_ps_badge)); $bdg->delete(); } }
public function executeAddbadge() { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(BadgePeer::NAME, $this->getRequestParameter('badge')); $exbadge = BadgePeer::doSelectOne($c); if ($exbadge) { $this->setFlash('notice', 'Badge could not be added. A badge with this name already exists.'); } else { $badge = new Badge(); $badge->setName($this->getRequestParameter('badge')); $badge->save(); $this->setFlash('notice', 'Badge <b>' . $badge->getName() . '</b> added successfully.'); } $this->redirect('/admin/badges'); }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getBadges() { return $this->hasMany(Badge::className(), ['agg_profile_id' => 'id']); }
Route::get('administrador/crear-contenido/{id}', array('as' => 'crear-curso-5', 'uses' => 'TemarioController@create2')); Route::get('administrador/crear-leccion/{id}', array('as' => 'crear-curso-6', 'uses' => 'LeccionController@create')); Route::get('administrador/crear-evaluacion/{id}', array('as' => 'crear-curso-7', 'uses' => 'EvaluacionController@create')); Route::get('administrador/crear-preguntas/{id}', array('as' => 'crear-curso-8', 'uses' => 'PreguntaController@create')); Route::get('administrador/asignar-color/{id}', array('as' => 'crear-curso-9', function ($id) { if (Session::get('user_id') == '') { return Redirect::to('index'); } $relaciones = RelacionUsuarioCurso::where('id_usuario', '=', Session::get('user_id'))->where('id_curso', '=', $id)->where('tipo_relacion', '=', 'Profesor Admin')->get(); if (count($relaciones) == 0 && Session::get('tipo_usuario') != "Administrador") { return Redirect::to('index'); } if (Badge::where('id_curso', '=', $id)->count() == 0) { DB::table('badge')->insert(array('id_curso' => $id, 'color1' => '#FFFFFF', 'color2' => '#000000')); } $badge = Badge::find($id); $curso = Curso::find($id); return View::make('Administrador/asignar-color')->with('curso', $curso)->with('badge', $badge); }))->where('id', '[0-9]+'); Route::get('administrador/asignar-profesor/{id}', array('as' => 'crear-curso-3', function ($id) { if (Session::get('user_id') == '') { return Redirect::to('index'); } $relaciones = RelacionUsuarioCurso::where('id_usuario', '=', Session::get('user_id'))->where('id_curso', '=', $id)->where('tipo_relacion', '=', 'Profesor Admin')->get(); if (count($relaciones) == 0 && Session::get('tipo_usuario') != "Administrador") { return Redirect::to('index'); } $profesores = Usuario::all(); $curso = Curso::find($id); return View::make('Administrador/asignar-profe')->with('profesores', $profesores)->with('curso', $curso); }))->where('id', '[0-9]+');
}); $app->get('/trainers/:id/badges', function ($id) use($app) { $trainer = Trainer::getById($id); sendResponse($trainer->getBadges()); }); $app->get('/gyms', function () use($app) { sendResponse(Gym::getAll()); }); $app->get('/gyms/:id', function ($id) use($app) { $gym = Gym::getById($id); sendResponse($gym->serialize()); }); $app->get('/gyms/:id/leader', function ($id) use($app) { $gym = Gym::getById($id); sendResponse($gym->getLeader()->serialize()); }); $app->get('/types', function () use($app) { sendResponse(Type::getAll()); }); $app->get('/types/:id', function ($id) use($app) { $type = Type::getById($id); sendResponse($type->serialize()); }); $app->get('/badges', function () use($app) { sendResponse(Badge::getAll()); }); $app->get('/badges/:id', function ($id) use($app) { $badge = Badge::getById($id); sendResponse($badge->serialize()); }); $app->run();
public static function search($searchStr) { $result = Database::query(SQL::searchBadges($searchStr)); return Badge::badgesForResult($result); }
public function delete($id) { $badge = Badge::find($id); $badge->delete(); Session::flash('success', 'Badge deleted'); return Redirect::to('admin/badges'); }
public function getBadge() { $badge = Badge::find($this->id_curso); return $badge; }
public function post($slug) { $post = Post::withTrashed()->where('slug', $slug)->first(); $nextpost = Post::where('id', '<', $post->id)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if (empty($post)) { App::abort(404); } $comments = Comment::where('post_id', $post->id)->where('parent_comment_id', 0)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(3)->get(); $attack_comments = Comment::where('post_id', $post->id)->where('type', 'attack')->where('parent_comment_id', 0)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(3)->get(); $assist_comments = Comment::where('post_id', $post->id)->where('type', 'assist')->where('parent_comment_id', 0)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(3)->get(); $defense_comments = Comment::where('post_id', $post->id)->where('type', 'defense')->where('parent_comment_id', 0)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(3)->get(); $post->load(array('votes' => function ($query) { $query->where('user_id', Auth::id()); })); $others = Post::orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(10)->get(); $user = User::find($post->user_id); $totalposts = Post::where('user_id', $user->id)->count(); if (!$totalposts) { $totalposts = 0; } $badge = Badge::where('total_posts', '<=', $totalposts)->orderBy('total_posts', 'desc')->first(); if ($badge) { $badgename = $badge->name; $badgeimage = $badge->image; } else { $badgename = ''; $badgeimage = ''; } $featured = FeaturedPost::where('post_id', $post->id)->first(); $data = array('page' => 'page', 'post' => $post, 'nextpost' => $nextpost, 'comments' => $comments, 'attacks' => $attack_comments, 'assists' => $assist_comments, 'defenses' => $defense_comments, 'others' => $others, 'posted_by' => $user->username, 'badge_name' => $badgename, 'badge_image' => $badgeimage, 'isfeatured' => !empty($featured) ? true : false); return View::make('post2')->with($data); }
public static function getAll() { $cacheSec = Yii::app()->getModule('badger')->cacheSec; $badges = Badge::model()->cache($cacheSec)->findAll(); return $badges; }
public function ToString() { $value = "<span class=\"ProfileBadges\">"; $badges = Badge::GetByUser($this); foreach ($badges as $badge) { $value .= "<img src=\"" . System::ExpandRelativePath("~/images/badges/" . $badge->Name . ".png") . "\" alt=\"" . $badge->Title . "\" title=\"" . $badge->Title . "\" /> "; } $value .= "</span>"; $value .= $this->LongName; return $value; }