Example #1
  * Parses the overview data
 private function parseOverviewData()
     // get aggregates
     $results = BackendAnalyticsModel::getAggregates($this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp);
     $resultsTotal = BackendAnalyticsModel::getAggregatesTotal($this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp);
     // are there some values?
     $dataAvailable = false;
     foreach ($resultsTotal as $data) {
         if ($data != 0) {
             $dataAvailable = true;
     // show message if there is no data
     $this->tpl->assign('dataAvailable', $dataAvailable);
     if (!empty($results)) {
         // pageviews percentage of total
         $pageviewsPercentageOfTotal = $results['pageviews'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['allPagesPageviews'] / $results['pageviews'] * 100, 0);
         // unique pageviews percentage of total
         $uniquePageviewsPercentageOfTotal = $results['uniquePageviews'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['allPagesUniquePageviews'] / $results['uniquePageviews'] * 100, 0);
         // time on site values
         $timeOnSite = $results['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : $results['timeOnSite'] / $results['entrances'];
         $timeOnSiteTotal = $resultsTotal['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : $resultsTotal['timeOnSite'] / $resultsTotal['entrances'];
         $timeOnSiteDifference = $timeOnSiteTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($timeOnSite - $timeOnSiteTotal) / $timeOnSiteTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($timeOnSiteDifference > 0) {
             $timeOnSiteDifference = '+' . $timeOnSiteDifference;
         // bounces
         $bounces = $results['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['bounces'] / $results['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $bouncesTotal = $resultsTotal['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($resultsTotal['bounces'] / $resultsTotal['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $bouncesDifference = $bouncesTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($bounces - $bouncesTotal) / $bouncesTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($bouncesDifference > 0) {
             $bouncesDifference = '+' . $bouncesDifference;
         // exits percentage
         $exitsPercentage = $results['allPagesPageviews'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['exits'] / $results['allPagesPageviews'] * 100, 0);
         $exitsPercentageTotal = $resultsTotal['pageviews'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($resultsTotal['exits'] / $resultsTotal['pageviews'] * 100, 0);
         $exitsPercentageDifference = $exitsPercentageTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($exitsPercentage - $exitsPercentageTotal) / $exitsPercentageTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($exitsPercentageDifference > 0) {
             $exitsPercentageDifference = '+' . $exitsPercentageDifference;
         $this->tpl->assign('timeOnSite', BackendAnalyticsModel::getTimeFromSeconds($timeOnSite));
         $this->tpl->assign('timeOnSiteTotal', BackendAnalyticsModel::getTimeFromSeconds($timeOnSiteTotal));
         $this->tpl->assign('timeOnSiteDifference', $timeOnSiteDifference);
         $this->tpl->assign('pageviews', $results['pageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('pageviewsPercentageOfTotal', $pageviewsPercentageOfTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('uniquePageviews', $results['uniquePageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('uniquePageviewsPercentageOfTotal', $uniquePageviewsPercentageOfTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('bounces', $bounces);
         $this->tpl->assign('bouncesTotal', $bouncesTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('bouncesDifference', $bouncesDifference);
         $this->tpl->assign('exitsPercentage', $exitsPercentage);
         $this->tpl->assign('exitsPercentageTotal', $exitsPercentageTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('exitsPercentageDifference', $exitsPercentageDifference);
Example #2
  * Parses the overview data
  * @return	void
 private function parseOverviewData()
     // get aggregates
     $results = BackendAnalyticsModel::getAggregates($this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp);
     // get total aggregates
     $resultsTotal = BackendAnalyticsModel::getAggregatesTotal($this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp);
     // are there some values?
     $dataAvailable = false;
     foreach ($resultsTotal as $data) {
         if ($data != 0) {
             $dataAvailable = true;
     // show message if there is no data
     $this->tpl->assign('dataAvailable', $dataAvailable);
     // there are some results
     if (!empty($results)) {
         // time on site values
         $timeOnSite = $results['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : $results['timeOnSite'] / $results['entrances'];
         $timeOnSiteTotal = $resultsTotal['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : $resultsTotal['timeOnSite'] / $resultsTotal['entrances'];
         $timeOnSiteDifference = $timeOnSiteTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($timeOnSite - $timeOnSiteTotal) / $timeOnSiteTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($timeOnSiteDifference > 0) {
             $timeOnSiteDifference = '+' . $timeOnSiteDifference;
         // pages / visit
         $pagesPerVisit = $results['visits'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['pageviews'] / $results['visits'], 2);
         $pagesPerVisitTotal = $resultsTotal['visits'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($resultsTotal['pageviews'] / $resultsTotal['visits'], 2);
         $pagesPerVisitDifference = $pagesPerVisitTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($pagesPerVisit - $pagesPerVisitTotal) / $pagesPerVisitTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($pagesPerVisitDifference > 0) {
             $pagesPerVisitDifference = '+' . $pagesPerVisitDifference;
         // new visits
         $newVisits = $results['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['newVisits'] / $results['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $newVisitsTotal = $resultsTotal['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($resultsTotal['newVisits'] / $resultsTotal['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $newVisitsDifference = $newVisitsTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($newVisits - $newVisitsTotal) / $newVisitsTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($newVisitsDifference > 0) {
             $newVisitsDifference = '+' . $newVisitsDifference;
         // bounces
         $bounces = $results['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['bounces'] / $results['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $bouncesTotal = $resultsTotal['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($resultsTotal['bounces'] / $resultsTotal['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $bouncesDifference = $bouncesTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($bounces - $bouncesTotal) / $bouncesTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($bouncesDifference > 0) {
             $bouncesDifference = '+' . $bouncesDifference;
         // parse data
         $this->tpl->assign('pageviews', $results['pageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('visitors', $results['visitors']);
         $this->tpl->assign('pageviews', $results['pageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('pageviewsTotal', $resultsTotal['pageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('pagesPerVisit', $pagesPerVisit);
         $this->tpl->assign('pagesPerVisitTotal', $pagesPerVisitTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('pagesPerVisitDifference', $pagesPerVisitDifference);
         $this->tpl->assign('timeOnSite', BackendAnalyticsModel::getTimeFromSeconds($timeOnSite));
         $this->tpl->assign('timeOnSiteTotal', BackendAnalyticsModel::getTimeFromSeconds($timeOnSiteTotal));
         $this->tpl->assign('timeOnSiteDifference', $timeOnSiteDifference);
         $this->tpl->assign('newVisits', $newVisits);
         $this->tpl->assign('newVisitsTotal', $newVisitsTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('newVisitsDifference', $newVisitsDifference);
         $this->tpl->assign('bounces', $bounces);
         $this->tpl->assign('bouncesTotal', $bouncesTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('bouncesDifference', $bouncesDifference);
Example #3
  * Parses the overview data
  * @return	void
 private function parseOverviewData()
     // get aggregates
     $results = BackendAnalyticsModel::getAggregates($this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp);
     // get total aggregates
     $resultsTotal = BackendAnalyticsModel::getAggregatesTotal($this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp);
     // are there some values?
     $dataAvailable = false;
     foreach ($resultsTotal as $data) {
         if ($data != 0) {
             $dataAvailable = true;
     // show message if there is no data
     $this->tpl->assign('dataAvailable', $dataAvailable);
     // there are some results
     if (!empty($results)) {
         // exits percentage of total
         $exitsPercentageOfTotal = $results['exits'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['exitPagesExits'] / $results['exits'] * 100, 0);
         // pageviews percentage of total
         $pageviewsPercentageOfTotal = $results['pageviews'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['exitPagesPageviews'] / $results['pageviews'] * 100, 0);
         // exits percentage
         $exitsPercentage = $results['exitPagesPageviews'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['exits'] / $results['exitPagesPageviews'] * 100, 0);
         $exitsPercentageTotal = $resultsTotal['pageviews'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($resultsTotal['exits'] / $resultsTotal['pageviews'] * 100, 0);
         $exitsPercentageDifference = $exitsPercentageTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($exitsPercentage - $exitsPercentageTotal) / $exitsPercentageTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($exitsPercentageDifference > 0) {
             $exitsPercentageDifference = '+' . $exitsPercentageDifference;
         // parse data
         $this->tpl->assign('exits', $results['exits']);
         $this->tpl->assign('exitsPercentageOfTotal', $exitsPercentageOfTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('pageviews', $results['exitPagesPageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('pageviewsPercentageOfTotal', $pageviewsPercentageOfTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('exitsPercentage', $exitsPercentage);
         $this->tpl->assign('exitsPercentageTotal', $exitsPercentageTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('exitsPercentageDifference', $exitsPercentageDifference);
Example #4
  * Parses the overview data
  * @return	void
 private function parseOverviewData()
     // get aggregates
     $results = BackendAnalyticsModel::getAggregates($this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp);
     // get total aggregates
     $resultsTotal = BackendAnalyticsModel::getAggregatesTotal($this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp);
     // are there some values?
     $dataAvailable = false;
     foreach ($resultsTotal as $data) {
         if ($data != 0) {
             $dataAvailable = true;
     // show message if there is no data
     $this->tpl->assign('dataAvailable', $dataAvailable);
     // there are some results
     if (!empty($results)) {
         // new visitors
         $newVisits = $results['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['newVisits'] / $results['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $newVisitsTotal = $resultsTotal['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($resultsTotal['newVisits'] / $resultsTotal['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $newVisitsDifference = $newVisitsTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($newVisits - $newVisitsTotal) / $newVisitsTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($newVisitsDifference > 0) {
             $newVisitsDifference = '+' . $newVisitsDifference;
         // bounces
         $bounces = $results['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($results['bounces'] / $results['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $bouncesTotal = $resultsTotal['entrances'] == 0 ? 0 : number_format($resultsTotal['bounces'] / $resultsTotal['entrances'] * 100, 0);
         $bouncesDifference = $bouncesTotal == 0 ? 0 : number_format(($bounces - $bouncesTotal) / $bouncesTotal * 100, 0);
         if ($bouncesDifference > 0) {
             $bouncesDifference = '+' . $bouncesDifference;
         // parse data
         $this->tpl->assign('pageviews', $results['pageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('pageviewsTotal', $resultsTotal['pageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('uniquePageviews', $results['uniquePageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('uniquePageviewsTotal', $resultsTotal['uniquePageviews']);
         $this->tpl->assign('newVisits', $newVisits);
         $this->tpl->assign('newVisitsTotal', $newVisitsTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('newVisitsDifference', $newVisitsDifference);
         $this->tpl->assign('bounces', $bounces);
         $this->tpl->assign('bouncesTotal', $bouncesTotal);
         $this->tpl->assign('bouncesDifference', $bouncesDifference);