Example #1
  * Load metabox scripts
 public function add_scripts($page)
     $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
     $scripts_url = plugins_url('js', BU_NAV_PLUGIN);
     $styles_url = plugins_url('css', BU_NAV_PLUGIN);
     // Scripts
     wp_register_script('bu-navigation-metabox', $scripts_url . '/navigation-metabox' . $suffix . '.js', array('bu-navigation', 'thickbox', 'media-upload'), BU_Navigation_Plugin::VERSION, true);
     // Setup dynamic script context for navigation-metabox.js
     $post_type = get_post_type_object($this->post_type);
     $ancestors = $this->get_formatted_ancestors();
     // Strings for localization
     $nav_menu_label = __('Appearance > Primary Navigation', 'bu-navigation');
     $strings = array('topLevelDisabled' => sprintf(__('Displaying top-level %s in navigation lists is currently disabled.', 'bu-navigation'), strtolower($post_type->labels->name)), 'topLevelNotice' => sprintf(__('To change this behavior, visit %s and enable the "Allow Top-Level Pages" setting.', 'bu-navigation'), $nav_menu_label), 'topLevelLabel' => sprintf(__('Top level %s', 'bu-navigation'), strtolower($post_type->labels->singular_name)));
     $script_context = array('postTypes' => $this->post_type, 'postStatuses' => array('publish', 'private'), 'currentPost' => $this->post_id, 'ancestors' => $ancestors, 'lazyLoad' => false, 'showCounts' => false, 'nodePrefix' => 'na', 'deselectOnDocumentClick' => false);
     // Navigation tree view will handle actual enqueuing of our script
     $treeview = new BU_Navigation_Tree_View('nav_metabox', array_merge($script_context, $strings));
     // Styles
     wp_enqueue_style('bu-navigation-metabox', $styles_url . '/navigation-metabox.css', array(), BU_Navigation_Plugin::VERSION);
Example #2
  * Register dependent Javscript and CSS files
 public function add_scripts($page)
     if (is_array($this->pages) && in_array($page, $this->pages)) {
         $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
         $scripts_url = plugins_url('js', BU_NAV_PLUGIN);
         $vendor_url = plugins_url('js/vendor', BU_NAV_PLUGIN);
         $styles_url = plugins_url('css', BU_NAV_PLUGIN);
         // Scripts
         wp_register_script('bu-jquery-validate', $vendor_url . '/jquery.validate' . $suffix . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.8.1', true);
         wp_register_script('bu-navman', $scripts_url . '/manage' . $suffix . '.js', array('bu-navigation', 'jquery-ui-dialog', 'bu-jquery-validate'), BU_Navigation_Plugin::VERSION, true);
         // Strings for localization
         $nav_menu_label = __('Appearance > Primary Navigation', 'bu-navigation');
         $strings = array('optionsLabel' => __('options', 'bu-navigation'), 'optionsEditLabel' => __('Edit', 'bu-navigation'), 'optionsViewLabel' => __('View', 'bu-navigation'), 'optionsDeleteLabel' => __('Delete', 'bu-navigation'), 'optionsTrashLabel' => __('Move to Trash', 'bu-navigation'), 'addLinkDialogTitle' => __('Add a Link', 'bu-navigation'), 'editLinkDialogTitle' => __('Edit Link', 'bu-navigation'), 'cancelLinkBtn' => __('Cancel', 'bu-navigation'), 'confirmLinkBtn' => __('Ok', 'bu-navigation'), 'noTopLevelNotice' => __('You are not allowed to create top level published content.', 'bu-navigation'), 'noLinksNotice' => __('You are not allowed to add links', 'bu-navigation'), 'createLinkNotice' => __('Select a page that you can edit and click "Add a Link" to create a new link below the selected page.', 'bu-navigation'), 'allowTopNotice' => sprintf(__('Site administrators can change this behavior by visiting %s and enabling the "Allow Top-Level Pages" setting.', 'bu-navigation'), $nav_menu_label), 'noChildLinkNotice' => __('Links are not permitted to have children.', 'bu-navigation'), 'unloadWarning' => __('You have made changes to your navigation that have not yet been saved.', 'bu-navigation'), 'saveNotice' => __('Saving navigation changes...', 'bu-navigation'));
         // Setup dynamic script context for manage.js
         $script_context = array('postTypes' => $this->post_type, 'postStatuses' => array('publish', 'private'), 'nodePrefix' => 'nm', 'lazyLoad' => true, 'showCounts' => true);
         // Navigation tree view will handle actual enqueuing of our script
         $treeview = new BU_Navigation_Tree_View('bu_navman', array_merge($script_context, $strings));
         // Register custom jQuery UI stylesheet if it isn't already
         if (!wp_style_is('bu-jquery-ui', 'registered')) {
             if ('classic' == get_user_option('admin_color')) {
                 wp_register_style('bu-jquery-ui', $styles_url . '/jquery-ui-classic.css', array(), BU_Navigation_Plugin::VERSION);
             } else {
                 wp_register_style('bu-jquery-ui', $styles_url . '/jquery-ui-fresh.css', array(), BU_Navigation_Plugin::VERSION);
         wp_enqueue_style('bu-navman', $styles_url . '/manage.css', array('bu-jquery-ui'), BU_Navigation_Plugin::VERSION);