  * @group date_query
 public function test_date_query()
     $u1 = $this->factory->user->create();
     $u2 = $this->factory->user->create();
     $u3 = $this->factory->user->create();
     $u4 = $this->factory->user->create();
     // follow all users at different dates
     bp_follow_start_following(array('leader_id' => $u2, 'follower_id' => $u1));
     bp_follow_start_following(array('leader_id' => $u3, 'follower_id' => $u1, 'date_recorded' => '2001-01-01 12:00'));
     bp_follow_start_following(array('leader_id' => $u4, 'follower_id' => $u1, 'date_recorded' => '2005-01-01 12:00'));
     // 'date_query' before test
     $query = BP_Follow::get_following($u1, '', array('date_query' => array(array('before' => array('year' => 2004, 'month' => 1, 'day' => 1)))));
     $this->assertEquals(array($u3), $query);
     // 'date_query' range test
     $query = BP_Follow::get_following($u1, '', array('date_query' => array(array('after' => 'January 2nd, 2001', 'before' => array('year' => 2013, 'month' => 1, 'day' => 1), 'inclusive' => true))));
     $this->assertEquals(array($u4), $query);
     // 'date_query' after and relative test
     $query = BP_Follow::get_following($u1, '', array('date_query' => array(array('after' => '1 day ago'))));
     $this->assertEquals(array($u2), $query);
  * Clear blog count cache when a blog is deleted.
  * @param int $blog_id The ID of the blog being deleted
 public function clear_cache_on_blog_delete($blog_id)
     // clear followers count for blog
     wp_cache_delete($blog_id, 'bp_follow_followers_blogs_count');
     // clear queried followers for blog
     wp_cache_delete($blog_id, 'bp_follow_followers_blogs');
     // delete each user's blog following count for those that followed the blog
     $users = BP_Follow::get_followers($blog_id, 'blogs');
     if (!empty($users)) {
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             wp_cache_delete($user, 'bp_follow_following_blogs_count');
             // clear follow relationship
             wp_cache_delete("{$blog_id}:{$user}:blogs", 'bp_follow_data');
Example #3
        $output .= '<div class="clearfix">';
        $output .= '<ul data-max-slides="' . $max_slides . '" data-min-slides="' . $min_slides . '" 
		data-item-width="' . $item_width . '" class="gears-carousel-standard bp-members-carousel">';
        while (bp_members()) {
            $output .= '<li class="carousel-item">';
            $name = bp_get_member_name();
            $permalink = bp_get_member_permalink();
            $last_active = bp_get_member_last_active();
            $output .= '<a class="members-name" href="' . esc_url($permalink) . '" title="' . esc_attr($name) . '">';
            $output .= esc_attr($name);
            $output .= '</a>';
            $output .= '<a href="' . esc_url($permalink) . '" title="' . esc_attr($name) . '">';
            $output .= bp_get_member_avatar(array('type' => 'full'));
            $output .= '</a>';
            if (class_exists('BP_Follow')) {
                if (method_exists('BP_Follow', 'get_counts')) {
                    $follow_count = BP_Follow::get_counts(bp_get_member_user_id());
                    $follow_label = $follow_count['followers'] == 1 ? 'Follower' : 'Followers';
                    $output .= '<p><strong>' . $follow_count['followers'] . ' ' . $follow_label . '</strong></p>';
            $output .= '</li>';
        $output .= '</ul>';
        $output .= '</div>';
        echo $output;
} else {
    echo $this->bp_not_installed;
 * Clear follow cache when a user is deleted.
 * @since 1.3.0
 * @param int $user_id The ID of the user being deleted
function bp_follow_clear_cache_on_user_delete($user_id)
    // delete follow cache
    wp_cache_delete($user_id, 'bp_follow_following_count');
    wp_cache_delete($user_id, 'bp_follow_followers_count');
    wp_cache_delete($user_id, 'bp_follow_following');
    wp_cache_delete($user_id, 'bp_follow_followers');
    // delete each user's followers count that the user was following
    $users = BP_Follow::get_following($user_id);
    if (!empty($users)) {
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            wp_cache_delete($user, 'bp_follow_followers_count');
            // clear follow relationship
            wp_cache_delete("{$user_id}:{$user}:", 'bp_follow_data');
 * Removes follow relationships for all users from a user who is deleted or spammed
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @uses BP_Follow::delete_all_for_user() Deletes user ID from all following / follower records
function bp_follow_remove_data($user_id)
    do_action('bp_follow_before_remove_data', $user_id);
    do_action('bp_follow_remove_data', $user_id);
 * Get the total followers and total following counts for a user.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param array $args {
 *     Array of arguments.
 *     @type int $user_id The user ID to grab follow counts for.
 *     @type string $follow_type The follow type
 * }
 * @return array [ followers => int, following => int ]
function bp_follow_total_follow_counts($args = '')
    $r = wp_parse_args($args, array('user_id' => bp_loggedin_user_id(), 'follow_type' => ''));
    $counts = BP_Follow::get_counts($r['user_id'], $r['follow_type']);
    if (empty($r['follow_type'])) {
        $retval = apply_filters('bp_follow_total_follow_counts', $counts, $r['user_id']);
    } else {
        $retval = apply_filters('bp_follow_total_follow_' . $r['follow_type'] . '_counts', $counts, $r['user_id']);
    return $retval;
  * Clear activity cache when a user is deleted.
  * @param int $user_id The user ID being deleted
 public function clear_cache_on_user_delete($user_id = 0)
     // delete user's blog follow count
     wp_cache_delete($user_id, 'bp_follow_user_activity_following_count');
     // delete queried blogs that user was following
     wp_cache_delete($user_id, 'bp_follow_user_activity_following_query');
     // delete each blog's followers count that the user was following
     $aids = BP_Follow::get_following($user_id, 'activity');
     if (!empty($aids)) {
         foreach ($aids as $aid) {
             wp_cache_delete($aid, 'bp_follow_activity_followers_count');
Example #8
 * Inject $members_template global with follow status for each member in the
 * group members loop.
 * Once the group members loop has queried and built a $members_template
 * object, fetch all of the member IDs in the object and bulk fetch the
 * following status for all the group members in one query.
 * This is significantly more efficient that querying for every member inside
 * of the loop.
 * @author r-a-y
 * @since 1.1
 * @global $members_template The members template object containing all fetched members in the loop
 * @uses BP_Follow::bulk_check_follow_status() Check the following status for more than one member
 * @param $has_members - Whether any members where actually returned in the loop
 * @return $has_members - Return the original $has_members param as this is a filter function.
function bp_follow_inject_group_member_follow_status($has_members)
    global $members_template;
    if (empty($has_members)) {
        return $has_members;
    $user_ids = array();
    foreach ((array) $members_template->members as $i => $member) {
        if ($member->user_id != bp_loggedin_user_id()) {
            $user_ids[] = $member->user_id;
        $members_template->members[$i]->is_following = false;
    if (empty($user_ids)) {
        return $has_members;
    $following = BP_Follow::bulk_check_follow_status($user_ids);
    if (empty($following)) {
        return $has_members;
    foreach ((array) $following as $is_following) {
        foreach ((array) $members_template->members as $i => $member) {
            if ($is_following->leader_id == $member->user_id) {
                $members_template->members[$i]->is_following = true;
    return $has_members;
 * Get the followers count for a particular item.
 * Defaults to the number of users following the logged-in user.
 * @since 1.3.0
 * @param  array $args See bp_follow_get_common_args()
 * @return int
function bp_follow_get_the_followers_count($args = array())
    $r = bp_follow_get_common_args($args);
    // fetch cache
    $retval = wp_cache_get($r['object_id'], "bp_follow_{$r['object']}_followers_count");
    // query if necessary
    if (false === $retval) {
        $retval = BP_Follow::get_followers_count($r['object_id'], $r['follow_type']);
        wp_cache_set($r['object_id'], $retval, "bp_follow_{$r['object']}_followers_count");
     * Dynamic filter for the followers count.
     * Defaults to 'bp_follow_get_user_followers_count'.
     * @since 1.3.0
     * @param int $retval    The followers count.
     * @param int $object_id The object ID.  Defaults to logged-in user ID.
    return apply_filters("bp_follow_get_{$r['object']}_followers_count", $retval, $r['object_id']);