Example #1
  * Get nodes selection
  * $params
  *     depth int - depth of the selection. will be usefull for
  *                 AXIS_DESCENDANT, AXIS_ANCESTOR selects
  *  slice1 int,
  *     slice2 int -select data slice, will be usefull for
  *                 AXIS_DESCENDANT, AXIS_ANCESTOR selects
  * @param int $contextId
  * @param int $axis axis of the selection. see AXIS_* consts
  * @param array $params
  * @return Axis_NSTree_NodeSet
  * @throws Axis_NSTree_Exception
 public function select($contextId, $axis = self::AXIS_SELF, $params = array())
     $select = $this->_table->makeSelect($contextId, $axis, $params);
     if ($this->_2tables) {
         $info = $this->_table2->info();
         $cols = array();
         foreach (array_values($info['cols']) as $column) {
             $cols[] = new Zend_Db_Expr("d.{$column} AS {$column}");
         $select->from(array("d" => $this->_tableName2), $cols);
         $select->where("s1.{$this->_dataForeign} = d.{$this->_dataPrimary}");
     $fetched = $this->_db->fetchAll($select->__toString());
     $data = array();
     $structure = array();
     foreach ($fetched as $row) {
         $dataRow = $this->_2tables ? array_diff_key($row, $this->_systemColumns) : $row;
         $structRow = array();
         foreach ($this->_systemColumns as $name => $title) {
             $structRow[$title] = $row[$name];
         $structure[] = $structRow;
         $data[] = $dataRow;
      * Convert data
     $pseudoRoot = new stdClass();
     $pseudoRoot->children = array();
     if (sizeof($structure)) {
         $levels = array();
         $levels[$structure[0]['level'] - 1] = $pseudoRoot;
         foreach ($structure as $i => $nodeStruct) {
             $node = new stdClass();
             $node->struct = $nodeStruct;
             $node->data = $data[$i];
             $node->children = array();
             $parent = $levels[$nodeStruct['level'] - 1];
             $parent->children[] = $node;
             $levels[$nodeStruct['level']] = $node;
     return new Axis_NSTree_Nodeset(array('db' => $this->_db, 'table' => $this->_dataTable, 'nodes' => $pseudoRoot->children));