public function check_version() { global $pagenow; if ($pagenow == "admin-ajax.php" || $GLOBALS['pagenow'] == "customize" && isset($_GET['theme']) && !empty($_GET['theme'])) { return; } $saveVer = AvadaRedux_Helpers::major_version(get_option('avadaredux_version_upgraded_from')); $curVer = AvadaRedux_Helpers::major_version(AvadaReduxFramework::$_version); $compare = false; if (AvadaRedux_Helpers::isLocalHost()) { $compare = true; } else { if (class_exists('AvadaReduxFrameworkPlugin')) { $compare = true; } else { $avadaredux = AvadaReduxFrameworkInstances::get_all_instances(); if (is_array($avadaredux)) { foreach ($avadaredux as $panel) { if ($panel->args['dev_mode'] == 1) { $compare = true; break; } } } } } if ($compare) { $redirect = false; if (empty($saveVer)) { $redirect = true; // First time } else { if (version_compare($curVer, $saveVer, '>')) { $redirect = true; // Previous version } } if ($redirect && !defined('WP_TESTS_DOMAIN') && AvadaReduxFramework::$_as_plugin) { add_action('init', array($this, 'do_redirect')); } } }
private function change_demo_defaults() { if ($this->args['dev_mode'] == true || AvadaRedux_Helpers::isLocalHost() == true) { if (!empty($this->args['admin_bar_links'])) { foreach ($this->args['admin_bar_links'] as $idx => $arr) { if (is_array($arr) && !empty($arr)) { foreach ($arr as $x => $y) { if (strpos(strtolower($y), 'avadaredux') >= 0) { $msg = __('<strong>AvadaRedux Framework Notice: </strong>There are references to the AvadaRedux Framework support site in your config\'s <code>admin_bar_links</code> argument. This is sample data. Please change or remove this data before shipping your product.', 'avadaredux-framework'); $this->display_arg_change_notice('admin', $msg); $this->omit_admin_items = true; continue; } } } } } if (!empty($this->args['share_icons'])) { foreach ($this->args['share_icons'] as $idx => $arr) { if (is_array($arr) && !empty($arr)) { foreach ($arr as $x => $y) { if (strpos(strtolower($y), 'avadaredux') >= 0) { $msg = __('<strong>AvadaRedux Framework Notice: </strong>There are references to the AvadaRedux Framework support site in your config\'s <code>share_icons</code> argument. This is sample data. Please change or remove this data before shipping your product.', 'avadaredux-framework'); $this->display_arg_change_notice('share', $msg); $this->omit_share_icons = true; } } } } } } }
* * @author AvadaRedux Framework * @package AvadaReduxFramework/Templates * @version: */ $tip_title = __('Developer Mode Enabled', 'avadaredux-framework'); if ($this->parent->dev_mode_forced) { $is_debug = false; $is_localhost = false; $debug_bit = ''; if (AvadaRedux_Helpers::isWpDebug()) { $is_debug = true; $debug_bit = __('WP_DEBUG is enabled', 'avadaredux-framework'); } $localhost_bit = ''; if (AvadaRedux_Helpers::isLocalHost()) { $is_localhost = true; $localhost_bit = __('you are working in a localhost environment', 'avadaredux-framework'); } $conjunction_bit = ''; if ($is_localhost && $is_debug) { $conjunction_bit = ' ' . __('and', 'avadaredux-framework') . ' '; } $tip_msg = __('This has been automatically enabled because', 'avadaredux-framework') . ' ' . $debug_bit . $conjunction_bit . $localhost_bit . '.'; } else { $tip_msg = __('If you are not a developer, your theme/plugin author shipped with developer mode enabled. Contact them directly to fix it.', 'avadaredux-framework'); } ?> <div id="avadaredux-header"> <?php if (!empty($this->parent->args['display_name'])) {