Example #1
  * Return current user if it exists.
  * @return User instance or false
 public static function user()
     if (is_null(self::$user)) {
         // Not already cached
         self::$user = false;
         // Authentication logic
         $event = new Event('auth_check');
         $auth = $event->trigger(function () {
             // No authentification is required by application
             if (!Config::get('auth_sp_type')) {
                 return array();
             // Check for local authentificaiton (script)
             if (AuthLocal::isAuthenticated()) {
                 return array('local', AuthLocal::attributes());
             // Check for remote application/user
             if ((Config::get('auth_remote_application_enabled') || Config::get('auth_remote_user_enabled')) && AuthRemote::isAuthenticated() && (AuthRemote::application() && Config::get('auth_remote_application_enabled') || !AuthRemote::application() && Config::get('auth_remote_user_enabled'))) {
                 return array('remote', AuthRemote::attributes(), AuthRemote::application() && AuthRemote::isAdmin());
             // Check for SP autentification
             if (AuthSP::isAuthenticated()) {
                 return array('sp', AuthSP::attributes());
             return array();
         self::$type = array_shift($auth);
         self::$attributes = array_shift($auth);
         if (count($auth)) {
             self::$isAdmin = array_shift($auth);
         if (self::$attributes && array_key_exists('uid', self::$attributes)) {
             $user_filter = Config::get('auth_user_filter');
             if ($user_filter) {
                 self::$allowed = false;
                 if (is_string($user_filter)) {
                     if (preg_match('`^([^:]+):(.+)$`', $user_filter, $p)) {
                         self::$allowed = array_key_exists($p[1], self::$attributes) && preg_match('`' . $p[2] . '`', self::$attributes[$p[1]]);
                 } else {
                     self::$allowed = !(bool) $user_filter;
                 if (!self::$allowed) {
                     self::$type = null;
             // Set user if got uid attribute
             self::$user = User::fromAttributes(self::$attributes);
             // Save user additionnal attributes if enabled
             if (self::isSP() && Config::get('auth_sp_save_user_additional_attributes') && array_key_exists('additional', self::$attributes) && self::$user->additional_attributes != self::$attributes['additional']) {
                 self::$user->additional_attributes = self::$attributes['additional'];
     return self::$user;
Example #2
  * Authentication check.
  * @return bool
 public static function isAuthenticated()
     if (is_null(self::$isAuthenticated)) {
         self::$isAuthenticated = false;
         // Do we have remote authentication data in the request ?
         if (!array_key_exists('signature', $_GET)) {
             return false;
         if (!array_key_exists('timestamp', $_GET)) {
             return false;
         $application = array_key_exists('remote_application', $_GET) ? $_GET['remote_application'] : null;
         $uid = array_key_exists('remote_user', $_GET) ? $_GET['remote_user'] : null;
         if (!$application && !$uid) {
             return false;
         self::$attributes = array();
         // Get data
         $received_signature = $_GET['signature'];
         $timestamp = (int) $_GET['timestamp'];
         if ($application) {
             // Check that application is known
             $applications = Config::get('auth_remote_applications');
             if (!is_array($applications) || !array_key_exists($application, $applications)) {
                 throw new AuthRemoteUknownApplicationException($application);
             $application = new RemoteApplication($application, $applications[$application]);
         // Check request time to avoid replays
         $late = time() - $timestamp - 15;
         if ($late > 0) {
             throw new AuthRemoteTooLateException($late);
         // Get method from headers
         $method = null;
         foreach (array('X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE', 'REQUEST_METHOD') as $k) {
             if (!array_key_exists($k, $_SERVER)) {
             $method = strtolower($_SERVER[$k]);
         // Build signed data
         $signed = $method . '&' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . (array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : '');
         $args = $_GET;
         if (count($args)) {
             $signed .= '?' . implode('&', RestUtilities::flatten($args));
         $input = Request::body();
         if ($input) {
             $signed .= '&' . $input;
         // Check signature
         if ($application) {
             $secret = $application->secret;
         } else {
             // Get user, fail if unknown or no user secret
             try {
                 $user = User::fromId($uid);
             } catch (UserNotFoundException $e) {
                 throw new AuthRemoteUserRejectedException($uid, 'user not found');
             if (!$user->auth_secret) {
                 throw new AuthRemoteUserRejectedException($user->id, 'no secret set');
             $secret = $user->auth_secret;
         $algorithm = Config::get('auth_remote_signature_algorithm');
         if (!$algorithm) {
             $algorithm = 'sha1';
         $signature = hash_hmac($algorithm, $signed, $secret);
         if ($received_signature !== $signature) {
             throw new AuthRemoteSignatureCheckFailedException($signed, $secret, $received_signature, $signature);
         // Register user id if given
         if ($uid) {
             self::$attributes['uid'] = $uid;
         // Register admin level if asked for and enabled
         if ($application) {
             self::$isAdmin = $application->isAdmin;
             self::$application = $application;
             self::$attributes['remote_application'] = $application->name;
         self::$isAuthenticated = true;
     return self::$isAuthenticated;