protected function proceed() { switch ($this->action) { case 'getShared': $tkt = TicketsService::getSharedTicket($this->params['id']); $this->succeed($tkt); break; case 'getAllShared': $tkts = TicketsService::getAllSharedTickets(); $this->succeed($tkts); break; case 'delShared': $this->succeed(TicketsService::deleteSharedTicket($this->params['id'])); break; case 'share': $json = json_decode($this->params['ticket']); $ticket = SharedTicket::__build($json->id, $json->label, $json->customerId, $json->custCount, $json->tariffAreaId, $json->discountProfileId, $json->discountRate); $lines = array(); foreach ($json->lines as $jsLine) { // Get line info $tktLine = new SharedTicketLines($ticket->id, $jsLine->dispOrder, $jsLine->productId, $jsLine->taxId, $jsLine->quantity, $jsLine->discountRate, $jsLine->price, $jsLine->attributes); $lines[] = $tktLine; } if (TicketsService::createSharedTicket($ticket, $lines) === false) { $this->succeed(TicketsService::updateSharedTicket($ticket, $lines)); } else { $this->succeed(true); } break; case 'getOpen': $this->succeed(TicketsService::getOpen()); break; case 'search': $this->succeed(TicketsService::search($this->getParam("ticketId"), $this->getParam("ticketType"), $this->getParam("cashId"), $this->getParam("dateStart"), $this->getParam("dateStop"), $this->getParam("customerId"), $this->getParam("userId"), $this->getParam("limit"))); break; case 'delete': if (!TicketsService::delete($this->getParam("id"))) { $this->fail(APIError::$ERR_GENERIC); } else { $this->succeed(true); } break; case 'save': // Receive ticket data as json // Convert single ticket to array for consistency if (isset($this->params['tickets'])) { $json = json_decode($this->params['tickets']); } else { $json = array(json_decode($this->params['ticket'])); } // Get location from cash register $cashId = $this->params['cashId']; $cashSrv = new CashesService(); $cash = $cashSrv->get($cashId); if ($cash === null) { $this->fail(new APIError("Unknown cash session")); break; } $cashRegSrv = new CashRegistersService(); $cashReg = $cashRegSrv->get($cash->cashRegisterId); if ($cashReg === null) { $this->fail(new APIError("Cash register not found")); break; } $locationId = $cashReg->locationId; if ($locationId === null) { $this->fail(new APIError("Location not set")); break; } // Register tickets $ticketsCount = count($json); $successes = 0; $pdo = PDOBuilder::getPDO(); if (!$pdo->beginTransaction()) { $this->fail(APIError::$ERR_GENERIC); break; } foreach ($json as $jsonTkt) { if ($jsonTkt === null) { $this->fail(new APIError("Unable to decode ticket")); break; } $ticketId = $jsonTkt->ticketId; $userId = $jsonTkt->userId; $customerId = $jsonTkt->customerId; $date = $jsonTkt->date; $tktType = $jsonTkt->type; $custCount = $jsonTkt->custCount; $tariffAreaId = $jsonTkt->tariffAreaId; $discountRate = $jsonTkt->discountRate; $discountProfileId = $jsonTkt->discountProfileId; // Get lines $lines = array(); foreach ($jsonTkt->lines as $jsLine) { // Get line info $number = $jsLine->dispOrder; if (property_exists($jsLine, "productId")) { $productId = $jsLine->productId; } else { $productId = null; } $productLabel = $jsLine->productLabel; $quantity = $jsLine->quantity; $price = $jsLine->price; $taxId = $jsLine->taxId; $lineDiscountRate = $jsLine->discountRate; if ($jsLine->attributes !== null) { $jsAttr = $jsLine->attributes; $attrSetId = $jsAttr->attributeSetId; $values = $jsAttr->values; $desc = ""; foreach ($values as $val) { $desc .= $val->value . ", "; } $desc = substr($desc, 0, -2); $attrs = new AttributeSetInstance($attrSetId, $desc); foreach ($values as $val) { $attrVal = new AttributeInstance(null, $val->id, $val->value); $attrs->addAttrInst($attrVal); } $attrsId = TicketsService::createAttrSetInst($attrs); if ($attrsId === false) { $this->fail(new APIError("Unknown attributes")); break; } } else { $attrsId = null; } $product = ProductsService::get($productId); if ($product === null) { $product = new Product($productId, $productId, $productId, null, null, null, $taxId, true, false); } $tax = TaxesService::getTax($taxId); if ($tax == null) { $this->fail(new APIError("Unknown tax")); break; } $newLine = new TicketLine($number, $product, $attrsId, $quantity, $price, $tax, $lineDiscountRate, $productLabel); $lines[] = $newLine; } if (count($lines) != count($jsonTkt->lines)) { break; } // Get payments $payments = array(); foreach ($jsonTkt->payments as $jspay) { $type = $jspay->type; $amount = $jspay->amount; if (!property_exists($jspay, "currencyId") || $jspay->currencyId === null) { $currSrv = new CurrenciesService(); $currencyId = $currSrv->getDefault()->id; $currencyAmount = $amount; } else { $currencyId = $jspay->currencyId; $currencyAmount = $jspay->currencyAmount; } $backType = null; $backAmount = null; if (property_exists($jspay, "back") && $jspay->back !== null) { $backType = $jspay->back->type; $backAmount = $jspay->back->amount; } $payment = new Payment($type, $amount, $currencyId, $currencyAmount, $backType, $backAmount); $payments[] = $payment; } $ticket = new Ticket($tktType, $userId, $date, $lines, $payments, $cashId, $customerId, $custCount, $tariffAreaId, $discountRate, $discountProfileId); $ticket->ticketId = $ticketId; if (isset($jsonTkt->id)) { // Ticket edit $ticket->id = $jsonTkt->id; //Check if cash is still opened $oldTicket = TicketsService::get($id); if ($oldTicket != null) { $cashSrv = new CashesService(); $cash = $cashSrv->get($oldTicket->cashId); if ($cash->isClosed()) { $this->fail(new APIError("Cannot edit a ticket from " . "a closed cash")); break; } // Delete the old ticket and recreate if (TicketsService::delete($oldTicket->id) && TicketsService::save($ticket, $locationId)) { $successes++; } else { $this->fail(new APIError("Unable to edit ticket")); break; } } } else { // New ticket if (TicketsService::save($ticket)) { $successes++; } else { $this->fail(new APIError("Unable to save ticket")); break; } } } // Check if all tickets were saved, if not rollback and error $ret = $successes == $ticketsCount; if ($ret === true) { if ($pdo->commit()) { $ticketId++; $cashRegSrv->setNextTicketId($ticketId, $cash->cashRegisterId); $this->succeed(array("saved" => $ticketsCount)); } else { $this->fail(APIError::$ERR_GENERIC); } } else { $pdo->rollback(); if ($this->result === null) { $this->fail(APIError::$ERR_GENERIC); } } break; } }
public function testCreateAttrSetInst() { $attrSetInst = new AttributeSetInstance($this->attrSet->id, "Value"); $attrInst = new AttributeInstance(null, $this->attr->id, "AttrVal"); $attrSetInst->addAttrInst($attrInst); $attrsId = TicketsService::createAttrSetInst($attrSetInst); $this->assertNotEquals(false, $attrsId, "Creation failed"); $pdo = PDOBuilder::getPDO(); // Check attribute set instance $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM ATTRIBUTESETINSTANCE"); $this->assertNotEquals(false, $stmt->execute(), "Attribute set instance query failed"); $row = $stmt->fetch(); $this->assertNotEquals(false, $row, "Nothing found"); $this->assertEquals($attrsId, $row['ID'], "Id mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($this->attrSet->id, $row["ATTRIBUTESET_ID"], "Attribute set id mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($attrSetInst->value, $row['DESCRIPTION'], "Value mismatch"); $row = $stmt->fetch(); $this->assertFalse($row, "Too much attribute set instances found"); // Check attribute instance $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM ATTRIBUTEINSTANCE"); $this->assertNotEquals(false, $stmt->execute(), "Attribute instance Query failed"); $row = $stmt->fetch(); $this->assertNotEquals(false, $row, "Nothing found"); $this->assertEquals($attrsId, $row['ATTRIBUTESETINSTANCE_ID'], "Attribute set instance id mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($this->attr->id, $row["ATTRIBUTE_ID"], "Attribute id mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($attrInst->value, $row['VALUE'], "Value mismatch"); $row = $stmt->fetch(); $this->assertFalse($row, "Too much attribute set instances found"); }