Example #1

require_once 'html.php';
require_once 'settings.php';
require_once '../src/Attendly.php';
$api = new Attendly(API_USER, API_KEY);
// To work out which group to get, get a list of all the groups and then get the
// first one.
$all = $api->group_list('active');
// Get the group ID
$groupId = $all['Result'][0]['ID'];
// Get the group
$group = $api->group_get($groupId);
// Make a change to the group
$group['Result']['Name'] = 'Edited group... ' . rand(1, 1000);
// Update the group
$out = $api->group_update($group['Result']);
echo head();
echo '<h1>Group update <span class="label label-success">A 204 means success</span></h1><pre><code class="JSON">';
echo print_r($out, TRUE);
echo '</code></pre>' . footer();
Example #2

require_once 'html.php';
require_once 'settings.php';
require_once '../src/Attendly.php';
$api = new Attendly(API_USER, API_KEY);
// To work out which group to get, get a list of all the groups and then get the
// first one.
$all = $api->group_list('active');
// Get the group ID
$groupId = $all['Result'][0]['ID'];
// Get the group
$out = $api->group_get($groupId);
echo head();
echo '<h1>Group get</h1><pre><code class="JSON">';
echo print_r($out, TRUE);
echo '</code></pre>' . footer();