public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' === $this->name) { $this->name = 'taxonomy-list'; } // If a taxonomy wasn't passed in, assume the first taxonomy associated with the post type. if (!isset($data['taxonomy'])) { $post_object_taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($this->post_object); $this->taxonomy = array_shift($post_object_taxonomies); } else { $this->taxonomy = $data['taxonomy']; } $this->before_list = isset($data['before-list']) ? $data['before-list'] : ''; $this->separator = isset($data['separator']) ? $data['separator'] : ', '; $this->after_list = isset($data['after-list']) ? $data['after-list'] : ''; $this->include_links = isset($data['include-links']) ? $data['include-links'] : true; $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'p'; if (true === $this->include_links) { $this->content = get_the_term_list($this->post_object->ID, $this->taxonomy, $this->before_list, $this->separator, $this->after_list); } else { $terms_arr = get_the_terms($this->post_object->ID, $this->taxonomy); $term_names_arr = array(); if (!empty($terms_arr)) { foreach ($terms_arr as $term_obj) { $term_names_arr[] = '<span class="name">' . $term_obj->name . '</span>'; } $terms_list = implode($this->separator, $term_names_arr); $this->content = $this->before_list . $terms_list . $this->after_list; } else { $this->content = ''; } } }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'backgroundVideo'; } $this->tag = 'div'; $this->vide_bg = array(); if (!empty($data['mp4'])) { $this->vide_bg['mp4'] = $data['mp4']; } if (!empty($data['webm'])) { $this->vide_bg['webm'] = $data['webm']; } if (!empty($data['jpg'])) { $this->vide_bg['jpg'] = $data['jpg']; } // Set the vide bg. // Could probably check this closer if we need to, i.e., check and make sure we have a video file. if (!empty($this->vide_bg)) { $this->attributes['data-vide-bg'] = implode(', ', $this->vide_bg); } // Set the vide options. if (!empty($data['vide-options'])) { $this->vide_options = implode(', ', $data['vide-options']); } else { $this->vide_options = 'autoplay: true, posterType: jpg, loop: true, muted: true, position: left top'; } $this->attributes['data-vide-options'] = $this->vide_options; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->tag = 'div'; if (!isset($data['address_data'])) { return; } $address_pieces = array(); if (isset($data['address_data']['street_address']) && !empty($data['address_data']['street_address'])) { $address_pieces[] = '<span itemprop="streetAddress">' . $data['address_data']['street_address'] . '</span>'; } if (isset($data['address_data']['city']) && !empty($data['address_data']['city'])) { $address_pieces[] = '<span itemprop="addressLocality">' . $data['address_data']['city'] . '</span>'; } if (isset($data['address_data']['state']) && !empty($data['address_data']['state'])) { $address_pieces[] = ', <span itemprop="addressRegion">' . $data['address_data']['state'] . '</span>'; } if (isset($data['address_data']['zip_code']) && !empty($data['address_data']['zip_code'])) { $address_pieces[] = ' <span itemprop="postalCode">' . $data['address_data']['zip_code'] . '</span>'; } if (isset($data['address_data']['country']) && !empty($data['address_data']['country'])) { $address_pieces[] = ', <span itemprop="addressCountry">' . $data['address_data']['country'] . '</span>'; } $address = '<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">' . implode('', $address_pieces) . '</div>'; $this->content = $address; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'posttitle'; } $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'h2'; $this->content = get_the_title($this->post_object); }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'excerpt'; } $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'p'; $this->tag_type = 'false_without_content'; $this->content = isset($this->post_object->post_excerpt) ? $this->post_object->post_excerpt : ''; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' === $this->name) { $this->name = 'email-share'; } $this->tag = 'a'; $this->attributes['href'] = $this->share_href($data); $this->attributes['target'] = $this->link_target($data); }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'link'; } $this->tag = 'a'; if (isset($data['href'])) { $this->attributes['href'] = $data['href']; } }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'post-thumbnail'; } $this->size = isset($data['size']) ? $data['size'] : 'post-thumbnail'; $this->attr = isset($data['attr']) ? $data['attr'] : array(); $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'div'; $this->content = call_user_func('get_the_post_thumbnail', $this->post_object, $this->size, $this->attr); }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' === $this->name) { $this->name = 'post-term-link-single'; } $this->tag = 'a'; $this->tag_type = 'false_without_content'; $this->taxonomy = $data['taxonomy']; $this->get_term(); }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' === $this->name) { $this->name = 'category-list'; } $this->separator = isset($data['separator']) ? $data['separator'] : ', '; $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'p'; $this->prefix = isset($data['prefix']) ? $data['prefix'] : '<strong>Categories:</strong> '; $this->suffix = isset($data['suffix']) ? $data['suffix'] : ''; $this->content = $this->prefix . get_the_category_list($this->separator, '', $this->post_object) . $this->suffix; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->name = 'postclass'; $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'article'; $this->tag_type = 'split'; $classes = array(); if (isset($data['attributes']['class'])) { $classes = $data['attributes']['class']; } $this->attributes['class'] = get_post_class($classes, $this->post_object->ID); }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'post-author-link'; } $author_id = $this->post_object->post_author; $author_name = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $author_id); $author_url = get_author_posts_url($author_id); $this->tag = 'a'; $this->attributes['href'] = $author_url; $this->content = $author_name; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'p'; $post_id = $this->post_object->ID; self::setEventFunctions($data); $this->event_start_date = call_user_func_array($this->event_functions['start_date_function'], $this->event_functions['date_function_arguments']); $this->event_end_date = call_user_func_array($this->event_functions['end_date_function'], $this->event_functions['date_function_arguments']); $this->event_all_day = call_user_func($this->event_functions['all_day_function'], $post_id); self::setDateType(); self::setDateFormat(); $this->content = $this->event_date_formatted; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'postdate'; } $format = 'F j, Y'; if (isset($data['date_format'])) { $format = $data['date_format']; } $this->prefix = isset($data['prefix']) ? $data['prefix'] : '<strong>Published:</strong> '; $this->suffix = isset($data['suffix']) ? $data['suffix'] : ''; $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'p'; $this->content = $this->prefix . get_the_date($format, $this->post_object) . $this->suffix; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if (empty($this->name)) { $this->name = 'comment-number'; } $this->prefix = isset($data['prefix']) ? $data['prefix'] : ''; $this->suffix = isset($data['suffix']) ? $data['suffix'] : ''; $comment_count = 0; if (isset($this->post_object)) { $comment_count = get_comments_number($this->post_object->ID); } $this->tag = 'div'; $this->content = $this->prefix . $comment_count . $this->suffix; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'post-author'; } if (isset($data['post'])) { $author_id = $data['post']->post_author; } $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'p'; $this->prefix = isset($data['prefix']) ? $data['prefix'] : 'By: '; $this->suffix = isset($data['suffix']) ? $data['suffix'] : '.'; $author = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $author_id); $this->content = $this->prefix . $author . $this->suffix; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' === $this->name) { $this->name = 'loop'; } if ('' === $this->tag) { $this->tag = 'div'; } if (isset($data['array']) && isset($data['format'])) { foreach ($data['array'] as $loop_item) { $this->content .= vsprintf($data['format'], $loop_item); } } }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'site-title'; } if (!isset($this->link_data['name'])) { $this->link_data['name'] = $this->name . '-link'; } $this->link_data['content'] = get_bloginfo('site_title'); $this->link = new FrontPageLink($this->link_data); $this->link->get_markup(); $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'h2'; $this->content = $this->link->markup; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'menu'; } $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'nav'; if (isset($data['menu'])) { $this->menu = $data['menu']; } elseif (isset($data['menu-args']['menu'])) { $this->menu = $data['menu-args']['menu']; } $menu_args = ['menu' => $this->menu, 'echo' => false, 'container' => '']; if (isset($data['menu-args'])) { $menu_args = wp_parse_args($menu_args, $data['menu-args']); } $this->content = wp_nav_menu($menu_args); }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' === $this->name) { $this->name = 'list-pages'; } $this->tag = isset($data['tag']) ? $data['tag'] : 'ul'; // Set up default list args. $list_args_defaults_arr = ['post_type' => 'page', 'echo' => 0, 'title_li' => '']; // Parse supplied args from the organism setup. if (isset($data['list_args'])) { $list_args_arr = wp_parse_args($data['list_args'], $list_args_defaults_arr); } else { $list_args_arr = $list_args_defaults_arr; } /** * list_pages_list_args. * * A generic filter for site-wide use. * * @since 0.5.0 * * @param array $list_args_arr An array of list arguments. */ $list_args_arr = apply_filters('list_pages_list_args', $list_args_arr); Atom::add_debug_entry('Filter', 'list_pages_list_args'); /** * $this->name_list_pages_list_args. * * An atom-specific wp_list_categories args filter. * * @since 0.5.0 * * @param array $list_args_arr An array of list arguments. */ $list_args_arr_filter = $this->name . '_list_pages_list_args'; $list_args_arr = apply_filters($list_args_arr_filter, $list_args_arr); Atom::add_debug_entry('Filter', $list_args_arr_filter); // Assign the resolved args to the object. $this->list_args = $list_args_arr; $this->content = wp_list_pages($this->list_args); }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->name = ''; if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'content-source-link'; } $this->name = 'content-source-link'; $this->tag_type = 'false_without_content'; // If there's a link, we can set the tag, href, and target. if (isset($data['href'])) { $this->tag = 'a'; $this->attributes['href'] = site_url() . $data['href']; $this->attributes['target'] = '_blank'; } else { $this->tag = 'div'; } if (isset($data['type'])) { if ('h' === $data['type']) { $this->flag_type = 'Hardcoded'; $this->attributes['class'][] = 'hardcoded'; } if ('d' === $data['type']) { $this->flag_type = 'Dynamic'; $this->attributes['class'][] = 'dynamic'; } if ('e' === $data['type']) { $this->flag_type = 'Editable'; $this->attributes['class'][] = 'editable'; } } if (isset($data['parent'])) { $this->attributes['data-parent'] = $data['parent']; } $this->attributes['title'] = isset($data['title']) ? $data['title'] : ''; $this->content = '<span class="content">' . $this->content . ':</span> <span class="type">' . $this->flag_type . '</span>'; }
public function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); if ('' == $this->name) { $this->name = 'image'; } // wp_get_attachment_image gives us an image tag, so the atom passes its attributes on to that function. $this->tag_type = 'content-only'; // Convert any classes to a string. We do this because the $attr variable of wp_get_attachment_image is set // to take a single-dimensional array, not a multi-dimensional array. if (isset($this->attributes['class']) && is_array($this->attributes['class']) && !empty($this->attributes['class'])) { $this->attributes['class'] = implode(' ', $this->attributes['class']); } // Set up attachment ID $this->attachment_id = ''; if (isset($data['image_object']) && is_object($data['image_object'])) { $this->attachment_id = $data['image_object']->ID; } if (empty($this->attachment_id) && isset($data['image_object']) && is_array($data['image_object'])) { $this->attachment_id = $data['image_object']['ID']; } // Set up attachment ID if it isn't set yet. This gives us flexibility for ACF fields. if (empty($this->attachment_id) && isset($data['attachment_id'])) { $this->attachment_id = $data['attachment_id']; } // Set the image size $this->image_size = ''; if (!empty($data['size'])) { $this->image_size = $data['size']; } // Set up icon argument $this->icon = false; if (!empty($data['icon'])) { $this->icon = $data['icon']; } // Attributes will have already been handled in the main AtomTemplate class. }