Example #1
// get global settings from config file
global $settings, $pref;
$var = array();
$atmail = new AtmailGlobal();
$auth =& $atmail->getAuthObj();
$atmail->status = $auth->getuser($atmail->SessionID);
$atmail->username = $auth->username;
$atmail->pop3host = $auth->pop3host;
// check for language version
if (!$atmail->Language) {
    $atmail->Language = $pref['Language'];
// Print the error screen if the account has auth errors, or session timeout.
if ($atmail->status == 1) {
if ($atmail->status == 2) {
// Which function
$var['func'] = $_REQUEST['func'];
// Check for an attachment upload that has gone over post_max_size
// Set func to 'attachment' as $_POST will be empty.
if (isset($_GET['sending_attachment']) && !count($_POST) && !count($_FILES)) {
    $var['func'] = 'attachment';
// Load the account preferences
// Parse the users custom stylesheet
$var['atmailstyle'] = $atmail->parse("html/{$atmail->Language}/{$atmail->LoginType}/atmailstyle.css");