  * Executes Quickcreate action.
  * if id exists, return just the name of summit, 
  * if id = 0 and name provided, quickly create summit whose name was given
  * routes/quickcreate?link=summit_id // in action, specify that a link received for Route model is mandatorily a summit one.
  * plus return whole list of associated routes to this summit with created one = selected
 public function executeQuickcreate()
     sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('Url', 'Tag', 'Form'));
     $name = $this->getRequestParameter('name');
     // name string = title of document to create
     $link_with = $this->getRequestParameter('link_with');
     // eventually, a link parameter might be received
     $model = $this->model_class;
     // type of document to create
     $lcmodel = strtolower($model);
     $id_string = $lcmodel . '_id';
     // convention :
     // if we are looking for a summit, id key is summit_id
     // if we are looking for a route, id key is route_id
     $id = $this->getRequestParameter($id_string);
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $lang = $user->getCulture();
     $module = $lcmodel . 's';
     // user must be logged
     if (!$user->isConnected()) {
         return $this->ajax_feedback('Your session is over. Please login again.');
     if ($id) {
         // if given id is not null, then do not create document, just fetch it :
         $document = Document::find($model, $id, array('id'));
         //hydrate best name :
         $prefered_cultures = $this->getUser()->getCulturesForDocuments();
     } else {
         // here, we must create doc.
         // useful protection :
         if (strlen($name) < sfConfig::get('app_autocomplete_min_chars')) {
             return $this->ajax_feedback('Could not create document with so short a title');
         $document = new $model();
         $document->set('name', $name);
         $document->doSaveWithMetadata($user->getId(), false, "Quick creation of a {$lcmodel}");
         $id = $document->get('id');
         // a link request only occurs when a new document has to be quickly created.
         if ($link_with) {
             switch ($model) {
                 case 'Route':
                     $summit = Document::find('Summit', $link_with, array('id'));
                     if (!$summit) {
                         return $this->ajax_feedback('Summit not found');
                     // association has to be done in SummitRoute
                     // link route $id with summit $link_with
                     try {
                         $sr = new Association();
                         $sr->set('main_id', $link_with);
                         $sr->set('linked_id', $id);
                         $sr->set('type', 'sr');
                     } catch (exception $e) {
                         // fixme : catch exception.
                     // for the moment, we do not manage other associations than summits with route upon quick document creations.
     // format the response and send back :
     if ($link_with) {
         // return whole list of associated routes to this summit ($link_with) with created one = selected one
         $routes = Association::findAllWithBestName($link_with, $this->getUser()->getCulturesForDocuments(), 'sr');
         $output = '';
         foreach ($routes as $route) {
             $route_id = $route['id'];
             $output .= $route_id == $id ? '<option value="' . $route['id'] . '" selected="selected">' . $route['name'] . '</option>' : '<option value="' . $route['id'] . '">' . $route['name'] . '</option>';
         return $this->renderText($output);
     } else {
         return $this->renderText(input_hidden_tag($id_string, $id) . link_to($document->get('name'), "@document_by_id?module={$module}&id={$id}"));