function sidebar() { $return .= "\n\t<h4>Music Library</h4>\n\t<dl>\n\t\t<dt>Tracks</dt>\n\t\t<dd>" . number_format(Tracks::get_total_tracks()) . "</dd>\n\t\t<dt>Artists</dt>\n\t\t<dd>" . number_format(Artists::count()) . "</dd>\n\t\t<dt>Albums</dt>\n\t\t<dd>" . number_format(Albums::count()) . "</dd>\n\t</dl>"; function bytes($a) { $unim = array("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"); $c = 0; while ($a >= 1024) { $c++; $a = $a / 1024; } return number_format($a, $c ? 2 : 0, ".", ",") . " " . $unim[$c]; } $return .= "\n\t<h4>Archive Storage</h4>\n\t<dl>"; foreach (Archives::get_all() as $archive) { $pc = (int) (100 - $archive->get_free_space() / $archive->get_total_space() * 100); if ($archive->get_free_space() > 536870912000.0) { $colour = "success"; } else { if ($archive->get_free_space() > 214748364800.0) { $colour = "warning"; } else { $colour = "danger"; } } $return .= "\n\t\t<dt>" . $archive->get_name() . "</dt>\n\t\t<dd><div class=\"progress\" style=\"margin: 3px 0px; \"><div class=\"progress-bar progress-bar-" . $colour . "\" style=\"width: " . $pc . "%;\"></div></div></dd>\n\t\t<dd>" . bytes($archive->get_free_space()) . " free of " . bytes($archive->get_total_space()) . "</dd>"; } $return .= "</dl>"; return $return; }
public function getAdmin() { //Get info $data['users'] = User::paginate(5); $data['recent_books'] = Comicbooks::select('book_name', 'updated_at')->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->paginate(3); $data['user_count'] = User::where('id', '>', 0)->count(); $data['publisher_count'] = Publishers::where('id', '>', 0)->count(); $data['books_count'] = Comicbooks::where('id', '>', 0)->count(); $data['issue_count'] = Comicissues::where('issue_id', '>', 0)->where('book_id', '>', 0)->count(); $data['artist_count'] = Artists::count(); $data['author_count'] = Authors::count(); $data['books_created'] = Comicbooks::select(DB::raw('count(*) as count'), 'created_at')->groupby(DB::raw('date_format(created_at, "%b %Y")'))->orderby('created_at', 'asc')->get(); $data['issues_created'] = Comicissues::select(DB::raw('count(*) as count'), 'created_at')->groupby(DB::raw('date_format(created_at, "%b %Y")'))->orderby('created_at', 'asc')->get(); //Check if there are any comicbook series if (count($data['books_created']) > 0) { //Get the count of books per the month/year then return the json encoded string foreach ($data['books_created'] as $created) { $created_books[] = $created->count; $created_books_date[] = date_format($created->created_at, "M Y"); } $data['created_books'] = json_encode($created_books); } //Check if there are any comicbook issue if (count($data['issues_created']) > 0) { //Get the count of issues per the month/year then return the json encoded string foreach ($data['issues_created'] as $created) { $created_issues[] = $created->count; $created_issues_date[] = date_format($created->created_at, "M Y"); } $data['created_issues'] = json_encode($created_issues); } //Merge dates from comicbook series and issues created then return the json encoded string $data['created_dates'] = json_encode(array_unique(array_merge($created_issues_date, $created_books_date))); $this->layout->content = View::make('admin.index', $data); }