Example #1
// assemble all tabs
$context['text'] .= Skin::build_tabs($panels);
// buttons to display previous and next pages, if any
if (isset($neighbours) && $neighbours) {
    $context['text'] .= Skin::neighbours($neighbours, 'manual');
// the extra panel -- most content is cached, except commands specific to current surfer
// page tools
// commands to add pages
if (Articles::allow_creation($item, $anchor)) {
    Skin::define_img('ARTICLES_ADD_IMG', 'articles/add.gif');
    $url = 'articles/edit.php?anchor=' . urlencode('section:' . $item['id']);
    if (is_object($content_overlay) && ($label = $content_overlay->get_label('new_command', 'articles'))) {
    } else {
        $label = i18n::s('Add a page');
    $context['page_tools'][] = Skin::build_link($url, ARTICLES_ADD_IMG . $label, 'basic', i18n::s('Add new content to this section'));
    // the command to create a new poll, if no overlay nor template has been defined for content of this section
    if ((!isset($item['content_overlay']) || !trim($item['content_overlay'])) && (!isset($item['articles_templates']) || !trim($item['articles_templates'])) && (!is_object($anchor) || !$anchor->get_templates_for('article'))) {
        Skin::define_img('ARTICLES_POLL_IMG', 'articles/poll.gif');
        $url = 'articles/edit.php?anchor=' . urlencode('section:' . $item['id']) . '&variant=poll';
        $context['page_tools'][] = Skin::build_link($url, ARTICLES_POLL_IMG . i18n::s('Add a poll'), 'basic', i18n::s('Add new content to this section'));
// add a section
Example #2
File: event.php Project: rair/yacs
  * list dates at some anchor
  * @param string type of replaced items (e.g., 'articles')
  * @param string the anchor to consider (e.g., 'section:123')
  * @param int page index
  * @return string to be inserted in resulting web page, or NULL
 function render($type, $anchor, $page = 1)
     global $context;
     // instead of articles
     if ($type != 'articles') {
         return NULL;
     // get the containing page
     $container = Anchors::get($anchor);
     // handle dates
     include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'dates/dates.php';
     // the maximum number of articles per page
     if (!defined('DATES_PER_PAGE')) {
         define('DATES_PER_PAGE', 50);
     // where we are
     $offset = ($page - 1) * DATES_PER_PAGE;
     // should we display all dates, or not?
     $with_past_dates = FALSE;
     if (preg_match('/\\bwith_past_dates\\b/i', $this->attributes['overlay_parameters'])) {
         $with_past_dates = TRUE;
     // menu to be displayed at the top
     $menu = array();
     // empowered users can contribute
     if (Articles::allow_creation(NULL, $container)) {
         Skin::define_img('ARTICLES_ADD_IMG', 'articles/add.gif');
         $menu[] = '<div style="display: inline">' . Skin::build_link('articles/edit.php?anchor=' . urlencode($anchor), ARTICLES_ADD_IMG . i18n::s('Add an event'), 'span') . '</div>';
     // ensure access to past dates
     if (!$with_past_dates && ($items = Dates::list_past_for_anchor($anchor, $offset, DATES_PER_PAGE, 'compact'))) {
         // turn an array to a string
         if (is_array($items)) {
             $items =& Skin::build_list($items, 'compact');
         // navigation bar
         $bar = array();
         // count the number of dates in this section
         $stats = Dates::stat_past_for_anchor($anchor);
         if ($stats['count'] > DATES_PER_PAGE) {
             $bar = array_merge($bar, array('_count' => sprintf(i18n::ns('%d date', '%d dates', $stats['count']), $stats['count'])));
         // navigation commands for dates
         if ($section = Sections::get(str_replace('section:', '', $anchor))) {
             $home = Sections::get_permalink($section);
             $prefix = Sections::get_url($section['id'], 'navigate', 'articles');
             $bar = array_merge($bar, Skin::navigate($home, $prefix, $stats['count'], DATES_PER_PAGE, $page));
         // display the bar
         if (is_array($bar)) {
             $items = Skin::build_list($bar, 'menu_bar') . $items;
         // in a separate box
         $menu[] = Skin::build_sliding_box(i18n::s('Past dates'), $items, 'past_dates', TRUE);
     // menu displayed towards the top of the page
     $text = Skin::finalize_list($menu, 'menu_bar');
     // build a list of events
     if (preg_match('/\\blayout_as_list\\b/i', $this->attributes['overlay_parameters'])) {
         // list all dates
         if ($with_past_dates) {
             // navigation bar
             $bar = array();
             // count the number of dates in this section
             $stats = Dates::stat_for_anchor($anchor);
             if ($stats['count'] > DATES_PER_PAGE) {
                 $bar = array_merge($bar, array('_count' => sprintf(i18n::ns('%d date', '%d dates', $stats['count']), $stats['count'])));
             // navigation commands for dates
             $section = Sections::get($anchor);
             $home = Sections::get_permalink($section);
             $prefix = Sections::get_url($section['id'], 'navigate', 'articles');
             $bar = array_merge($bar, Skin::navigate($home, $prefix, $stats['count'], DATES_PER_PAGE, $page));
             // display the bar
             if (count($bar)) {
                 $text .= Skin::build_list($bar, 'menu_bar');
             // list one page of dates
             if ($items = Dates::list_for_anchor($anchor, $offset, DATES_PER_PAGE, 'family')) {
                 $text .= $items;
             // display only future dates to regular surfers
         } else {
             // show future dates on first page
             if ($page == 1 && ($items = Dates::list_future_for_anchor($anchor, 0, 500, 'family', TRUE))) {
                 $text .= $items;
         // deliver a calendar view for current month, plus months around
     } else {
         // show past dates as well
         if ($with_past_dates) {
             $items = Dates::list_for_anchor($anchor, 0, 500, 'links');
         } else {
             $items = Dates::list_future_for_anchor($anchor, 0, 500, 'links', TRUE);
         // layout all these dates
         if ($items) {
             $text .= Dates::build_months($items);
     // integrate this into the page
     return $text;