Example #1
 public function ProcceedToPayment()
     include_once "models/FlightModel.php";
     $flightId = Request::RequestParams("flightid");
     $category = Request::RequestParams("ticketcategory");
     $children = Request::RequestParams("children");
     $adults = Request::RequestParams("adults");
     $typeticket = Request::RequestParams("typeticket");
     //set the booking details
     $booking = new BookInfo();
     $booking->adult_no = isset($adults) ? $adults : 0;
     $booking->children_no = isset($children) ? $children : 0;
     $booking->flight_id = $flightId;
     $booking->ticket_cat = $category;
     $booking->ticket_type = $typeticket;
     $flightModel = new FlightModel();
     $this->viewModel->flightDbModel = $flightModel;
     $this->viewModel->flight = $flightModel->GetFlightById($flightId);
     if ($booking->validated()) {
         if ($this->viewModel->flight != NULL) {
             $booking->ticket_adult_price = $this->viewModel->flight->ticketPrice;
     } else {
         //else still required more informations
         $attr = new ArrayIterator();
         $attr->offsetSet("class", "warning");
         $attr->offsetSet("style", "border:1px solid #000;");
         ContextManager::ValidationFor("warning", $booking->getError());
     $this->ViewBag("Title", "Booking");
     $this->ViewBag("Controller", "Booking");
     $this->ViewBag("Page", "Flight");
     Session::set("BOOKINFO", $booking);
     return $this->View($this->viewModel, "Home", "Index");
Example #2
 public function hydrateResource()
     $role = $this->role;
     $resources = $role->getResources();
     foreach ($resources as $value) {
         $this->resources->offsetSet($value, $value);
     return $this;
Example #3
 public function offsetSet($key, $value)
     if ((int) $value % 3 === 0 or (int) $value % 5 === 0) {
         parent::offsetSet($key, $value);
  * Sets a collection entry
  * @param string $index
  * @param string $content
  * @throws \MarkdownExtended\Exception\UnexpectedValueException it the argument does not implement `\MarkdownExtended\API\ContentInterface`
 public function offsetSet($index, $content)
     if (!is_object($content) || !Kernel::valid($content, Kernel::TYPE_CONTENT)) {
         throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Method "%s" expects the second parameter to implement "%s", got "%s"', __METHOD__, Kernel::CONTENT_INTERFACE, is_object($content) ? get_class($content) : gettype($content)));
     parent::offsetSet($index, $content);
  * Set object
  * @param mixed $index
  * @param Currency $newval
 public function offsetSet($index, $newval)
     if (!$newval instanceof $this->currencyClass) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('$newval must be an instance of Currency, instance of "%s" given', get_class($newval)));
     parent::offsetSet($index, $newval);
 public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
     if (is_null($roffset = $this->_getRealOffset($offset))) {
         parent::offsetSet($offset, $value);
     } else {
         parent::offsetSet($roffset, $value);
 public function collect(\Iterator $iterator) : \Traversable
     $collection = new \ArrayIterator();
     foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
         $collection->offsetSet($key, $value);
     return $collection;
Example #8
  * (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.0)<br/>
  * Set value for an offset
  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayiterator.offsetset.php
  * @param string $index  <p>
  *                       The index to set for.
  *                       </p>
  * @param string $newval <p>
  *                       The new value to store at the index.
  *                       </p>
  * @throws Exception\Collection When the collection has been marked as read-only
  * @throws Exception\Collection When the given type is not correct
 public function offsetSet($index, $newval)
     if ($this->isReadOnly() === true) {
         throw Exception\Collection::readOnly(get_class($this));
     if ($this->isValidValue($newval) === false) {
         throw Exception\Collection::invalidType($newval, get_class($this));
     parent::offsetSet($index, $newval);
  * Reflect the handle class
  * @param string $class
  * @return Collection\Method
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgument
 public function reflect($class)
     if (class_exists($class) === false) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgument(sprintf($this->exceptions[1], $class), 1);
     // Check if we've already reflected this class
     if (static::$reflections->offsetExists($class)) {
         return static::$reflections->offsetGet($class);
     // Create reflection
     $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     $reflectionMethods = $reflectionClass->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
     // Method container
     $methods = new Collection\Method();
     // Loop through the class methods (Only public);
     foreach ($reflectionMethods as $reflectionMethod) {
         // Create method information entity
         $method = new Entity\Method();
         // Get method parameters
         $reflectionParams = $reflectionMethod->getParameters();
         // Evaluate the method params
         foreach ($reflectionParams as $reflectionParam) {
             // Create parameter information entity
             $parameter = new Entity\Parameter();
             $parameter->setRequired($reflectionParam->isDefaultValueAvailable() === false);
             // Only set default value when param is optional
             if ($parameter->getRequired() === false) {
             // Add the parameter to the container
         // Add the method to the method container
         $methods->offsetSet(strtolower($method->getName()), $method);
     // Cache reflection in the runtime
     self::$reflections->offsetSet($class, $methods);
     // Return the methods
     return $methods;
  * Extract array of var in object
  * @param   Object $object
  * @returns array Array extracted of the object
 public function extractArray($object, $isRecursive = false)
     if (method_exists($object, "toArray")) {
         return $object->toArray();
     $arrayCollection = new \ArrayIterator();
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($object);
     $vars = array_keys($reflection->getdefaultProperties());
     foreach ($vars as $key) {
         $value = $this->resolveGetNameMethod($key, $object);
         if ($value !== null) {
             if (is_object($value) && !$isRecursive) {
                 $arrayCollection->offsetSet($key, $this->extractArray($value, true));
             } else {
                 $arrayCollection->offsetSet($key, $value);
     return $arrayCollection->getArrayCopy();
Example #11
  * Get Annotations Found
  * @return array
  *   Found Annotations
 public function getAnnotations()
     $data = new \ArrayIterator();
     $domains = $this->matchDomainAnnotations($this->application);
     if (count($domains) > 0) {
         $data->offsetSet('Domains', $domains);
     $data->offsetSet('Path', $this->matchPathAnnotation($this->application));
     // Listing Controllers Methods and reducing (or amplifying) the list to its Action Methods
     $actions = $this->application->getControllers()->getIterator();
     iterator_apply($actions, function (\Iterator $iterator) {
         $action = new Actions(new \ArrayIterator($iterator->current()->getClass()->getMethods()));
         $iterator->offsetSet($iterator->key(), $action->getAnnotations());
         return TRUE;
     }, array($actions));
     if ($actions->count() > 0) {
         $data->offsetSet('Routes', $actions->getArrayCopy());
     return $data;
Example #12
  * Get the handler based on the namespace
  * @param string $namespace
  * @return object
  * @throws Exception\ArgumentException
 protected function getHandler($namespace)
     // Chack if namespace has been registered
     if ($this->handlers->offsetExists($namespace) === false) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgument(sprintf($this->exceptions[1], $namespace), 1);
     // Create instance when needed
     if ($this->handlerInstances->offsetExists($namespace) === false) {
         $handler = $this->handlers->offsetGet($namespace);
         $this->handlerInstances->offsetSet($namespace, new $handler());
     // Return instance
     return $this->handlerInstances->offsetGet($namespace);
Example #13
 public function addRequest(EntityRequest $request, $callable = null)
     $id = $request->getId();
     if ($id === null && $callable !== null) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgument('Request ID is NULL. This means no response for server. Cannot ' . 'attach callable to this request.', 1);
     if ($id !== null && array_key_exists($id, $this->ids)) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Cannot add same id `' . $id . '` twice to the stack!');
     // Add the callable to the stack
     if ($id !== null) {
         $this->ids[$id] = $callable;
     return parent::offsetSet(null, $request);
Example #14
 function Search()
     $arry = new ArrayIterator();
     $chkOptionType = Request::RequestParams("rbticketType");
     $txtForm = Request::RequestParams("txtForm");
     $txtTo = Request::RequestParams("txtTo");
     $txtDepatureDate = Request::RequestParams("txtDepatureDate");
     $txtreturndate = Request::RequestParams("txtreturndate");
     $sltflight = Request::RequestParams("sltflight");
     $sltTicketType = Request::RequestParams("sltTicketType");
     $txtadults = Request::RequestParams("txtadults");
     $txtchildren = Request::RequestParams("txtchildren");
     Session::set("children", $txtchildren);
     Session::set("adults", $txtadults);
     if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
         //search on flights base on the given informations
         $this->db = new Database();
         $statement = "select *from tbl_flight where to_where =:to_where or from_where=:from_where or " . " landingDate =:landingDate or BoardDate =:BoardDate or BoardingTime =:BoardingTime or " . " price =:price ";
         $smt = $this->db->prepare($statement);
         $smt->bindValue(":to_where", $txtTo);
         $smt->bindValue(":from_where", $txtForm);
         $smt->bindValue(":landingDate", $statement);
         $smt->bindValue(":BoardDate", $txtDepatureDate);
         $smt->bindValue(":BoardingTime", $txtreturndate);
         $smt->bindValue(":price", $statement);
         $status = $smt->execute();
         if (!$status) {
         //get all the results
         //  $flight= new Flight();
         Session::set("Searching", "1");
         $counter = 0;
         while ($row = $smt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
             $flight = new Flight();
             $flight->Id = $row["id"];
             $flight->Landingtime = $row["LandingTime"];
             $flight->boardingTime = $row["BoardingTime"];
             $flight->deptureDate = $row["BoardDate"];
             $flight->from = $row["from_where"];
             $flight->landindDate = $row["landingDate"];
             $flight->stops = $row["noofstop"];
             $flight->ticketPrice = $row["price"];
             $flight->to = $row["to_where"];
             $flight->seats = $row["seats"];
             $flight->status = $row["status"];
             $flight->planeID = $row["planeID"];
             $arry->offsetSet($counter, $flight);
     $this->ViewBag("Title", "Search flight");
     $this->ViewBag("Controller", "Flight");
     $this->ViewBag("Page", "SearchFlights");
     $this->flightModelView->flightList = $arry;
     $controller = "Home";
     $action = "Index";
     ContextManager::PartialView("SearchFlights", "Flight");
     Session::set("SubView", "SearchFlights");
     return $this->View($this->flightModelView, $controller, $action);
  * @param LocationHelper $locHelper
  * @return $this
 public function addLocHelper(LocationHelper $locHelper)
     $this->locations->offsetSet($locHelper->getLoc()["lid"], $locHelper);
     return $this;
Example #16

include_once "entities/Flight.php";
include_once "models/FlightModel.php";
$model = new FlightModel();
$flightList = $model->GetAllDistinctFlights();

$object = new ArrayIterator();
$object->offsetSet("method", "post");
$object->offsetSet("class", "form form-horizontal ");
ContextManager::BeginForm("Flight", "Search", $object);

if (Session::get("db_username") == null) {
    <div class="title border-sm-1">Search Flights</div>
} else {
    <div class="title borderless ">Agent Flights Search </div>

Example #17
 public function offsetSet($i, $val)
     $this->changed = true;
     parent::offsetSet($i, $val);
Example #18
<div class="form-group inline-fields sm-1">
    <textarea class="form-control" name="desc_note"><?php 
echo $model->seat->desc;


<div class="form-group">
$paramInput = new ArrayIterator();
$paramInput->offsetSet("class", "btn btn-primary");
if ($model->seat->mode == "edit") {
    $paramInput->offsetSet("type", "submit");
    $paramInput->offsetSet("value", "Update");
    ContextManager::HtmlInputField("btnUpdateSeat", $paramInput);
} else {
    $paramInput->offsetSet("type", "submit");
    $paramInput->offsetSet("value", "Add");
    ContextManager::HtmlInputField("btnCreateSeat", $paramInput);

Example #19
 public function set($field, $value)
     $this->initialized[$field] = null;
     $this->data->offsetSet($field, $value);
     return $this;
Example #20
 public function offsetSet($index, $newval)
     $this->collection->offsetSet($index, $newval);
     parent::offsetSet($index, $newval);
  * Append a ProductPurchaseMinMaxLine into container
  * @param ProductPurchaseMinMaxLine $purchaseLine
 public function appendLine($purchaseLine)
     parent::offsetSet($purchaseLine->getIndex(), $purchaseLine);
Example #22
$paramsLink = new ArrayIterator();
$paramsLink->offsetSet("class", "dropdown-toggle");
//$paramsLink->offsetSet("data-toggle", "dropdown");
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="myNavbar">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">

if (Session::get("db_username") == null) {
    ContextManager::ActionLink("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-home'></span> Home", "Home", "Index");
} else {
    ContextManager::ActionLink("<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-home\"></span> Account", "Account", "Index");


ContextManager::ActionLink("<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-book\"></span> Bookings", "Account", "Booking");


        <li >
ContextManager::ActionLink("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-calendar'></span> Times Table", "Flight", "TimesTable", $paramsLink);
Example #23
  * Appends the value
  * @param Collectable $collectable
 public function append($collectable)
     parent::offsetSet($collectable->getIndex(), $collectable);
Example #24
 function Create($email, $firstname, $lastname, $phone, $password, $repassword, $sendButton = null)
     $repassword = $repassword == "null" ? null : $repassword;
     $agent = new Agent();
     $agent->set($firstname, $lastname, $email, $phone, $password);
     $agentModel = new AgentModel($agent);
     $list = $agentModel->GetUsers();
     $this->agentModelView->agent = $agent;
     $this->agentModelView->agentList = $list;
     if ($agent->validated()) {
         if ($password != $repassword) {
             Session::set("warning", " Password mis-matched, re-enter passwords again!");
             return $this->View($this->agentModelView, "Agent", "Create");
         } else {
             $this->agentModelView->agentDbModel = $agentModel;
             if ($agentModel->Exists()) {
                 Session::set("warning", "The user with the given email address [{$email}] already exists!");
             } else {
                 try {
                     //else create the user
                     if ($agentModel->Create()) {
                         $sessionID = Validator::UniqueKey(20);
                         $agentModel->SaveVerificationCode($email, $sessionID);
                         //create a barcode
                         $param = new ArrayIterator();
                         $param->offsetSet("username", $agent->email);
                         $param->offsetSet("verificationCode", $sessionID);
                         $url = ContextManager::CreateURL("Agent", "Login", $param);
                         $imgPath = ContextManager::CreateQRBarcode($url, $agent->agentId);
                         if ($this->_sendVerificationEmail($agent, $sessionID, $imgPath)) {
                             //navigate to comfirmation page
                             return $this->View($agent, "Agent", "Confirmation");
                         } else {
                             Session::set("warning", "could not send mail ");
                 } catch (Exception $err) {
                     Session::set("warning", $err->getMessage());
         // create a database record here
     } else {
         Session::set("warning", $agent->getError());
     return $this->View($this->agentModelView, "Agent", "Create");
Example #25
 public function getDeadFiles()
     $files = new ArrayIterator();
     foreach ($this->files as $file) {
         if ($file->isDead()) {
             $files->offsetSet(null, $file);
     return $files;
Example #26
 function GetAllDistinctFlights()
     if ($this->db != null) {
         $query = "select *  from tbl_flight  where  id !='null' group by from_where,to_where";
         $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);
         $arry = new ArrayIterator();
         $counter = 0;
         while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH)) {
             $flight = new Flight();
             $flight->Id = $row["id"];
             $flight->Landingtime = $row["LandingTime"];
             $flight->boardingTime = $row["BoardingTime"];
             $flight->deptureDate = $row["BoardDate"];
             $flight->from = $row["from_where"];
             $flight->landindDate = $row["landingDate"];
             $flight->stops = $row["noofstop"];
             $flight->ticketPrice = $row["price"];
             $flight->to = $row["to_where"];
             $flight->seats = $row["seats"];
             $flight->status = $row["status"];
             $flight->planeID = $row["planeID"];
             $arry->offsetSet($counter, $flight);
         return $arry;
     return null;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see ArrayIterator::offsetSet()
 public function offsetSet($name, $value)
     if (!is_array($name)) {
         return parent::offsetSet($name, $value);
     } else {
         $key = array_shift($name);
         if (sizeof($name) == 0) {
             parent::offsetSet($key, $value);
         } else {
             $childArray = parent::offsetExists($key) ? parent::offsetGet($key) : new MultiDimArray();
             if (!is_a($childArray, 'MultiDimArray')) {
                 $childArray = new MultiDimArray();
             parent::offsetSet($key, $childArray);
             $childArray->offsetSet($name, $value);
Example #28
  * Set value for an offset
  * @param string $index   The index to set for.
  * @param string $newval  The new value to store at the index.
 public function offsetSet($index, $newval)
     if ($index === 'class' && is_string($newval)) {
         $newval = preg_split('/\\s+/', $newval);
     parent::offsetSet($index, $newval);
Example #29
    <div class="col-lg-12">

        <div id='container'>

            <div class='title'>

                Flight List :

$attr = new ArrayIterator();
$attr->offsetSet("method", "post");
ContextManager::BeginForm("Flight", "Modify", $attr);
            <table width="100%" class="table  table-heading borderless">
                <tr class ="">
                    <th>Flight Name</th>
                    <th>Boarding Date</th>
                    <th>Arrival Date</th> 
                    <th>Boarding Time</th> 
                    <th>Arrival Time</th> 
                    <th>Price Rate</th> 
Example #30
  * Set the value of the array, clear caches for that index
  * @param mixed $index The array index
  * @param mixed $value Tha value to store
 public function offsetSet($index, $value)
     parent::offsetSet($index, $value);