Example #1
	public static function addStack($stackName, $type = self::ST_TYPE_USER_ADDED) {
		$ct = new CollectionType();
		$data = array();

		$parent = Page::getByPath(STACKS_PAGE_PATH);
		$data = array();
		$data['name'] = $stackName;
		if (!$stackName) {
			$data['name'] = t('No Name');
		$pagetype = CollectionType::getByHandle(STACKS_PAGE_TYPE);
		$page = $parent->add($pagetype, $data);	

		// we have to do this because we need the area to exist before we try and add something to it.
		$a = Area::getOrCreate($page, STACKS_AREA_NAME);
		// finally we add the row to the stacks table
		$db = Loader::db();
		$stackCID = $page->getCollectionID();
		$v = array($stackName, $stackCID, $type);
		$db->Execute('insert into Stacks (stName, cID, stType) values (?, ?, ?)', $v);
		//Return the new stack
		return self::getByID($stackCID);
Example #2
 public function on_start()
     $this->area = \Area::getOrCreate($this->page, $_REQUEST['arHandle']);
     $this->permissions = new \Permissions($this->area);
     $this->set('a', $this->area);
Example #3
	public function run() {
		$db = Loader::db();
		// Add in stuff that may have gotten missed before
		$p = Page::getByPath('/profile');
		if ($p->isError()) {
			$d1 = SinglePage::add('/profile');
			$d2 = SinglePage::add('/profile/edit');
			$d3 = SinglePage::add('/profile/avatar');				
		$p2 = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/users/registration');
		if ($p2->isError()) {
			$d4 = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/users/registration');
		// Move any global blocks to new scrapbook page.
		$sc = Page::getByPath("/dashboard/scrapbook/global");
		$scn = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/scrapbook');
		$scu = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/scrapbook/user');
		if (!$sc->isError()) {
			$blocks = $sc->getBlocks("Global Scrapbook");
			if (count($blocks) > 0) {
				// we create the new shared scrapbook 1
				$a = Area::getOrCreate($scn, t('Shared Scrapbook 1'));
				foreach($blocks as $_b) {
					// we move them into the area on the new page. 
					$_b->move($scn, $a);
		if (!$scu->isError()) {
		//add the new collection attribute keys
		if(!is_object($cak)) {
			CollectionAttributeKey::add('header_extra_content', t('Header Extra Content'), true, null, 'TEXT');
		if (!is_object($cak)) {
			CollectionAttributeKey::add('exclude_search_index', t('Exclude From Search Index'), true, null, 'BOOLEAN');
		//convert file tags to new format, cleaned up with leading and trailing line breaks  
		$fileVersionsData=$db->GetAll('SELECT fID, fvID, fvTags FROM FileVersions');
		foreach($fileVersionsData as $fvData){
			$vals=array( FileVersion::cleanTags($fvData['fvTags']) , $fvData['fID'] , $fvData['fvID'] );
			$db->query('UPDATE FileVersions SET fvTags=? WHERE fID=? AND fvID=?',  $vals );
Example #4
 protected function getBlockToEdit()
     $ax = $this->area;
     $cx = $this->page;
     if ($this->area->isGlobalArea()) {
         $ax = STACKS_AREA_NAME;
         $cx = \Stack::getByName($_REQUEST['arHandle']);
     $b = \Block::getByID($_REQUEST['bID'], $cx, $ax);
     $nvc = $cx->getVersionToModify();
     if ($this->area->isGlobalArea()) {
         $xvc = $this->page->getVersionToModify();
         // we need to create a new version of THIS page as well.
     if ($b->getBlockTypeHandle() == BLOCK_HANDLE_SCRAPBOOK_PROXY) {
         // if we're editing a scrapbook display block, we add a new block in this position for the real block type
         // set the block to the display order
         // delete the scrapbook display block, and save the data
         $originalDisplayOrder = $b->getBlockDisplayOrder();
         $btx = BlockType::getByHandle($_b->getBlockTypeHandle());
         $nb = $nvc->addBlock($btx, $ax, array());
         $b = &$nb;
         $originalDisplayOrder = $b->getBlockDisplayOrder();
         $cnt = $b->getController();
         $ob = \Block::getByID($cnt->getOriginalBlockID());
         if (!is_object($ax)) {
             $ax = Area::getOrCreate($cx, $ax);
         $nb = $ob->duplicate($nvc);
         $b =& $nb;
     } else {
         if ($b->isAlias()) {
             // then this means that the block we're updating is an alias. If you update an alias, you're actually going
             // to duplicate the original block, and update the newly created block. If you update an original, your changes
             // propagate to the aliases
             $nb = $b->duplicate($nvc);
             $b = $nb;
     return $b;
Example #5
 public function duplicate($nc = null, $preserveUserID = false)
     if (!is_object($nc)) {
         // There is not necessarily need to provide the parent
         // page for the duplicate since for stacks, that is
         // always the same page.
         $nc = Page::getByPath(STACKS_PAGE_PATH);
     $page = parent::duplicate($nc, $preserveUserID);
     // we have to do this because we need the area to exist before we try and add something to it.
     $a = Area::getOrCreate($page, STACKS_AREA_NAME);
     $db = Loader::db();
     $v = array($page->getCollectionName(), $page->getCollectionID(), $this->getStackType());
     $db->Execute('insert into Stacks (stName, cID, stType) values (?, ?, ?)', $v);
     // Make sure we return an up-to-date record
     return Stack::getByID($page->getCollectionID());
Example #6
 public function add($cID, $arHandle, $btID, $action)
     $c = \Page::getByID($cID);
     if (is_object($c) && !$c->isError()) {
         $a = \Area::getOrCreate($c, $arHandle);
         if (is_object($a)) {
             $ap = new \Permissions($a);
             $bt = \BlockType::getByID($btID);
             if (is_object($bt) && $ap->canAddBlock($bt)) {
                 $controller = $bt->getController();
                 return $this->deliverResponse($controller, $action);
     $response = new Response(t('Access Denied'));
     return $response;
Example #7
 public static function getByID($bID, $c = null, $a = null)
     if ($c == null && $a == null) {
         $cID = 0;
         $arHandle = "";
         $cvID = 0;
         $b = CacheLocal::getEntry('block', $bID);
     } else {
         if (is_object($a)) {
             $arHandle = $a->getAreaHandle();
         } else {
             if ($a != null) {
                 $arHandle = $a;
                 $a = Area::getOrCreate($c, $a);
         $cID = $c->getCollectionID();
         $cvID = $c->getVersionID();
         $b = CacheLocal::getEntry('block', $bID . ':' . $cID . ':' . $cvID . ':' . $arHandle);
     if ($b instanceof Block) {
         return $b;
     $db = Loader::db();
     $b = new Block();
     if ($c == null && $a == null) {
         // just grab really specific block stuff
         $q = "select bID, bIsActive, BlockTypes.btID, Blocks.btCachedBlockRecord, BlockTypes.btHandle, BlockTypes.pkgID, BlockTypes.btName, bName, bDateAdded, bDateModified, bFilename, Blocks.uID from Blocks inner join BlockTypes on (Blocks.btID = BlockTypes.btID) where bID = ?";
         $b->isOriginal = 1;
         $v = array($bID);
     } else {
         $b->arHandle = $arHandle;
         $b->a = $a;
         $b->cID = $cID;
         $b->c = $c ? $c : '';
         $vo = $c->getVersionObject();
         $cvID = $vo->getVersionID();
         $v = array($b->arHandle, $cID, $cvID, $bID);
         $q = "select CollectionVersionBlocks.isOriginal, Blocks.btCachedBlockRecord, BlockTypes.pkgID, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbOverrideAreaPermissions, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbDisplayOrder, Blocks.bIsActive, Blocks.bID, Blocks.btID, bName, bDateAdded, bDateModified, bFilename, btHandle, Blocks.uID from CollectionVersionBlocks inner join Blocks on (CollectionVersionBlocks.bID = Blocks.bID) inner join BlockTypes on (Blocks.btID = BlockTypes.btID) where CollectionVersionBlocks.arHandle = ? and CollectionVersionBlocks.cID = ? and (CollectionVersionBlocks.cvID = ? or CollectionVersionBlocks.cbIncludeAll=1) and CollectionVersionBlocks.bID = ?";
     $r = $db->query($q, $v);
     $row = $r->fetchRow();
     if (is_array($row)) {
         $bt = BlockType::getByID($b->getBlockTypeID());
         $class = $bt->getBlockTypeClass();
         if ($class == false) {
             // we can't find the class file, so we return
             return false;
         $b->instance = new $class($b);
         if ($c != null || $a != null) {
             CacheLocal::set('block', $bID . ':' . $cID . ':' . $cvID . ':' . $arHandle, $b);
         } else {
             $ca = new Cache();
             CacheLocal::set('block', $bID, $b);
         return $b;
     // set the block to the display order
     // delete the scrapbook display block, and save the data
     $originalDisplayOrder = $b->getBlockDisplayOrder();
     $btx = BlockType::getByHandle($_b->getBlockTypeHandle());
     $nb = $nvc->addBlock($btx, $ax, array());
     $b = &$nb;
     $originalDisplayOrder = $b->getBlockDisplayOrder();
     $cnt = $b->getController();
     $ob = Block::getByID($cnt->getOriginalBlockID());
     if (!is_object($ax)) {
         $ax = Area::getOrCreate($cx, $ax);
     $nb = $ob->duplicate($nvc);
     $b =& $nb;
 } else {
     if ($b->isAlias()) {
         // then this means that the block we're updating is an alias. If you update an alias, you're actually going
         // to duplicate the original block, and update the newly created block. If you update an original, your changes
         // propagate to the aliases
         $nb = $ob->duplicate($nvc);
         $b =& $nb;
Example #9
 public function rescanAreaPermissions()
     $db = Loader::db();
     $arHandles = $db->GetCol('select arHandle from Areas where cID = ?', $this->getCollectionID());
     foreach ($arHandles as $arHandle) {
         $a = Area::getOrCreate($this, $arHandle);
     $blocks = $this->getBlocks();
     foreach ($blocks as $b) {
Example #10
 public function rename_block()
     $bID = intval($_REQUEST['bID']);
     $globalScrapbookC = $this->getCollectionObject();
     $scrapbookName = $_REQUEST['scrapbookName'];
     $globalScrapbookArea = Area::getOrCreate($globalScrapbookC, $scrapbookName);
     $block = Block::getById($bID, $globalScrapbookC, $globalScrapbookArea);
     if ($block && strlen($_POST['bName'])) {
         //&& $block->getAreaHandle()=='Global Scrapbook'
         //this is needed so the cache clears correctly
         $bp = new Permissions($block);
         if ($bp->canAdmin()) {
             $block->updateBlockName($_POST['bName'], 1);
Example #11
 protected function migrateAreaPermissions()
     if (PERMISSIONS_MODEL == 'simple') {
     $db = Loader::db();
     $tables = $db->MetaTables();
     if (!in_array('AreaGroups', $tables)) {
         return false;
     // permissions
     $permissionMap = array('r' => array(PermissionKey::getByHandle('view_area')), 'wa' => array(PermissionKey::getByHandle('edit_area_contents'), PermissionKey::getByHandle('add_layout_to_area'), PermissionKey::getByHandle('edit_area_design'), PermissionKey::getByHandle('edit_area_contents')), 'db' => array(PermissionKey::getByHandle('edit_area_permissions'), PermissionKey::getByHandle('schedule_area_contents_guest_access'), PermissionKey::getByHandle('delete_area_contents')));
     $r = $db->Execute('select * from AreaGroups order by cID asc');
     while ($row = $r->FetchRow()) {
         $pe = $this->migrateAccessEntity($row);
         if (!$pe) {
         $permissions = $this->getPermissionsArray($row['agPermissions']);
         $co = Page::getByID($row['cID']);
         if (!is_object($co) || $co->getCollectionID() <= 0) {
         $ax = Area::getOrCreate($co, $row['arHandle']);
         foreach ($permissions as $p) {
             $permissionsToApply = $permissionMap[$p];
             foreach ($permissionsToApply as $pko) {
                 $pt = $pko->getPermissionAssignmentObject();
                 $pa = $pko->getPermissionAccessObject();
                 if (!is_object($pa)) {
                     $pa = PermissionAccess::create($pko);
                 } else {
                     if ($pa->isPermissionAccessInUse()) {
                         $pa = $pa->duplicate();
                 $pa->addListItem($pe, false, AreaPermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE);
Example #12
 public static function getByID($bID, $c = null, $a = null)
     if ($c == null && $a == null) {
         $cID = 0;
         $arHandle = "";
         $cvID = 0;
         $b = Cache::get('block', $bID);
     } else {
         if (is_object($a)) {
             $arHandle = $a->getAreaHandle();
         } else {
             if ($a != null) {
                 $arHandle = $a;
                 $a = Area::getOrCreate($c, $a);
         $cID = $c->getCollectionID();
         $cvID = $c->getVersionID();
         $b = Cache::get('block', $bID . ':' . $cID . ':' . $cvID . ':' . $arHandle);
         if ($b instanceof Block) {
             return $b;
     if ($b instanceof Block) {
         return $b;
     $db = Loader::db();
     $b = new Block();
     if ($c == null && $a == null) {
         // just grab really specific block stuff
         $q = "select bID, bIsActive, BlockTypes.btID, BlockTypes.btHandle, BlockTypes.pkgID, BlockTypes.btName, bName, bDateAdded, bDateModified, bFilename, Blocks.uID from Blocks inner join BlockTypes on (Blocks.btID = BlockTypes.btID) where bID = ?";
         $b->isOriginal = 1;
         $v = array($bID);
     } else {
         $b->arHandle = $arHandle;
         $b->a = $a;
         $b->cID = $cID;
         $b->c = $c ? $c : '';
         $vo = $c->getVersionObject();
         $cvID = $vo->getVersionID();
         $v = array($b->arHandle, $cID, $cvID, $bID);
         $q = "select CollectionVersionBlocks.isOriginal, BlockTypes.pkgID, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbOverrideAreaPermissions, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbDisplayOrder,\n\t\t\tBlocks.bIsActive, Blocks.bID, Blocks.btID, bName, bDateAdded, bDateModified, bFilename, btHandle, Blocks.uID from CollectionVersionBlocks inner join Blocks on (CollectionVersionBlocks.bID = Blocks.bID)\n\t\t\tinner join BlockTypes on (Blocks.btID = BlockTypes.btID) where CollectionVersionBlocks.arHandle = ? and CollectionVersionBlocks.cID = ? and (CollectionVersionBlocks.cvID = ? or CollectionVersionBlocks.cbIncludeAll=1) and CollectionVersionBlocks.bID = ?";
     $r = $db->query($q, $v);
     $row = $r->fetchRow();
     if (is_array($row)) {
         $b->csrID = $db->GetOne('select csrID from CollectionVersionBlockStyles where cID = ? and cvID = ? and arHandle = ? and bID = ?', array($cID, $cvID, $b->arHandle, $bID));
         $bt = BlockType::getByID($b->getBlockTypeID());
         $class = $bt->getBlockTypeClass();
         if ($class == false) {
             // we can't find the class file, so we return
             return false;
         $b->instance = new $class($b);
         if ($c != null) {
             $ct = CollectionType::getByID($c->getCollectionTypeID());
             if (is_object($ct)) {
                 if ($ct->isCollectionTypeIncludedInComposer()) {
                     if ($c->isMasterCollection()) {
                         $ctID = $c->getCollectionTypeID();
                         $ccbID = $bID;
                     } else {
                         $tempBID = $b->getBlockID();
                         while ($tempBID != false && $tempBID != 0) {
                             $originalBID = $tempBID;
                             $tempBID = $db->GetOne('select distinct br.originalBID from BlockRelations br inner join CollectionVersionBlocks cvb on cvb.bID = br.bID where br.bID = ? and cvb.cID = ?', array($tempBID, $cID));
                         if ($originalBID && is_object($c)) {
                             $ctID = $c->getCollectionTypeID();
                             $ccbID = $originalBID;
                     if ($ctID && $ccbID) {
                         $cb = $db->GetRow('select bID, ccFilename from ComposerContentLayout where ctID = ? and bID = ?', array($ctID, $ccbID));
                         if (is_array($cb) && $cb['bID'] == $ccbID) {
                             $b->bIncludeInComposer = 1;
                             $b->cbFilename = $cb['ccFilename'];
         if ($c != null || $a != null) {
             $ca = new Cache();
             $ca->set('block', $bID . ':' . $cID . ':' . $cvID . ':' . $arHandle, $b);
         } else {
             $ca = new Cache();
             $ca->set('block', $bID, $b);
         return $b;
Example #13
	function display(&$c, $alternateBlockArray = null) {

			//Invalid Collection
			return false;
		$currentPage = Page::getCurrentPage();
		$ourArea = Area::getOrCreate($c, $this->arHandle);
		if (count($this->customTemplateArray) > 0) {
			$ourArea->customTemplateArray = $this->customTemplateArray;
		if (count($this->attributes) > 0) {
			$ourArea->attributes = $this->attributes;
		if ($this->maximumBlocks > -1) {
			$ourArea->maximumBlocks = $this->maximumBlocks;
		$ap = new Permissions($ourArea);
		$blocksToDisplay = ($alternateBlockArray) ? $alternateBlockArray : $ourArea->getAreaBlocksArray($c, $ap);
		$this->totalBlocks = $ourArea->getTotalBlocksInArea();
		$u = new User();
		$bv = new BlockView();
		// now, we iterate through these block groups (which are actually arrays of block objects), and display them on the page
		if (($this->showControls) && ($c->isEditMode() && ($ap->canAddBlocks() || $u->isSuperUser()))) {
			$bv->renderElement('block_area_header', array('a' => $ourArea));	

		$bv->renderElement('block_area_header_view', array('a' => $ourArea));	

		//display layouts tied to this area 
		//Might need to move this to a better position  
		$areaLayouts = $this->getAreaLayouts($c);
		if(is_array($areaLayouts) && count($areaLayouts)){ 
			foreach($areaLayouts as $layout){
			if($this->showControls && ($c->isArrangeMode() || $c->isEditMode())) {
				echo '<div class="ccm-layouts-block-arrange-placeholder ccm-block-arrange"></div>';

		foreach ($blocksToDisplay as $b) {
			$bv = new BlockView();
			// this is useful for rendering areas from one page
			// onto the next and including interactive elements
			if ($currentPage->getCollectionID() != $c->getCollectionID()) {
			$p = new Permissions($b);
			if (($p->canWrite() || $p->canDeleteBlock()) && $c->isEditMode() && $this->showControls) {
				$includeEditStrip = true;

			if ($p->canRead()) {
				if (!$c->isEditMode()) {
					echo $this->enclosingStart;
				if ($includeEditStrip) {
					$bv->renderElement('block_controls', array(
						'a' => $ourArea,
						'b' => $b,
						'p' => $p
					$bv->renderElement('block_header', array(
						'a' => $ourArea,
						'b' => $b,
						'p' => $p

				if ($includeEditStrip) {
				if (!$c->isEditMode()) {
					echo $this->enclosingEnd;

		$bv->renderElement('block_area_footer_view', array('a' => $ourArea));	

		if (($this->showControls) && ($c->isEditMode() && ($ap->canAddBlocks() || $u->isSuperUser()))) {
			$bv->renderElement('block_area_footer', array('a' => $ourArea));	
Example #14
echo $page_id;
echo $c->getCollectionHandle();
							<m class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-plus"></m>
			<section class="container-fluid">
				<div class="row">
$a = Area::getOrCreate($c, 'Features');
$blocks = $c->getBlocks('Features');
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
    echo '<section class="col-sm-12 col-md-6">';
    echo '</section>';

		<section class="container-fluid">
			<div class="row">
Example #15
 public function submit()
     if ($this->validateAction() && $this->canAccess()) {
         $c = $this->page;
         $a = \Area::get($this->page, $_REQUEST['arHandle']);
         $ax = $a;
         $cx = $c;
         if ($a->isGlobalArea()) {
             $ax = STACKS_AREA_NAME;
             $cx = \Stack::getByName($_REQUEST['arHandle']);
         $b = \Block::getByID($_REQUEST['bID'], $cx, $ax);
         $pr = new \Concrete\Core\Page\EditResponse();
         $bi = $b->getInstance();
         if ($b->getBlockTypeHandle() == BLOCK_HANDLE_SCRAPBOOK_PROXY) {
             $_b = \Block::getByID($bi->getOriginalBlockID());
             $bi = $_b->getInstance();
             // for validation
         $e = $bi->validate($_POST);
         $pr->setAdditionalDataAttribute('aID', $a->getAreaID());
         $pr->setAdditionalDataAttribute('arHandle', $a->getAreaHandle());
         if (!is_object($e) || $e instanceof \Concrete\Core\Error\Error && !$e->has()) {
             $bt = BlockType::getByHandle($b->getBlockTypeHandle());
             if (!$bt->includeAll()) {
                 // we make sure to create a new version, if necessary
                 $nvc = $cx->getVersionToModify();
             } else {
                 $nvc = $cx;
                 // keep the same one
             if ($a->isGlobalArea()) {
                 $xvc = $c->getVersionToModify();
                 // we need to create a new version of THIS page as well.
             $ob = $b;
             // replace the block with the version of the block in the later version (if applicable)
             $b = \Block::getByID($_REQUEST['bID'], $nvc, $ax);
             if ($b->getBlockTypeHandle() == BLOCK_HANDLE_SCRAPBOOK_PROXY) {
                 // if we're editing a scrapbook display block, we add a new block in this position for the real block type
                 // set the block to the display order
                 // delete the scrapbook display block, and save the data
                 $originalDisplayOrder = $b->getBlockDisplayOrder();
                 $btx = BlockType::getByHandle($_b->getBlockTypeHandle());
                 $nb = $nvc->addBlock($btx, $ax, array());
                 $b = &$nb;
                 $originalDisplayOrder = $b->getBlockDisplayOrder();
                 $cnt = $b->getController();
                 $ob = \Block::getByID($cnt->getOriginalBlockID());
                 if (!is_object($ax)) {
                     $ax = Area::getOrCreate($cx, $ax);
                 $nb = $ob->duplicate($nvc);
                 $b =& $nb;
             } else {
                 if ($b->isAlias()) {
                     // then this means that the block we're updating is an alias. If you update an alias, you're actually going
                     // to duplicate the original block, and update the newly created block. If you update an original, your changes
                     // propagate to the aliases
                     $nb = $ob->duplicate($nvc);
                     $b =& $nb;
             $pr->setAdditionalDataAttribute('bID', $b->getBlockID());
             // we can update the block that we're submitting
Example #16
 public function addNewSection($author_id, $page_id, $area_handle, $project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $part_handle, $chapter_handle, $type_handle, $section_subject, $section_content, $attached_files)
     if (!in_array($domain_handle, $this->mDomainList)) {
         return self::EC_BAD_DOMAIN;
     $page = Page::getByID($page_id);
     $area = Area::getOrCreate($page, $area_handle);
     if (!is_object($area)) {
         return self::EC_BAD_PAGEAREA;
     $content_file_name = hash_hmac("md5", microtime() . rand(), $author_id);
     $full_content_path_name = $this->getSectionContentPath($content_file_name, '0', '');
     $fp = fopen($full_content_path_name . 'org', "w");
     if ($fp === FALSE) {
         return self::EC_FILE;
     fwrite($fp, "{$author_id}\n");
     fwrite($fp, "{$type_handle}\n");
     fwrite($fp, "{$attached_files}\n");
     fwrite($fp, h5($section_subject) . "\n");
     fwrite($fp, h5($section_content));
     $section_content_html = $this->org2html($section_subject, $section_content, $type_handle);
     $fp = fopen($full_content_path_name . 'html', "w");
     if ($fp === FALSE) {
         return self::EC_FILE;
     fwrite($fp, $section_content_html);
     $block_type = BlockType::getByHandle("document_section");
     $block = $page->addBlock($block_type, $area, array("domainHandle" => $domain_handle, "sectionID" => $content_file_name, "currentVerCode" => 0));
     if (!$block instanceof Block) {
         return self::EC_ON_NEW_BLOCK;
     $db = Loader::db();
     $doc_lang = substr($project_id, -2);
     $query = "INSERT IGNORE fsen_document_sections_{$doc_lang} (id, author_id, page_id, area_handle, block_id,\n\t\tproject_id, domain_handle, volume_handle, part_handle, chapter_handle, create_time, update_time)\n\tVALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW())";
     $res = $db->Execute($query, array($content_file_name, $author_id, $page_id, $area_handle, $block->getBlockID(), $project_id, $domain_handle, $volume_handle, $part_handle, $chapter_handle));
     if ($db->Affected_Rows() == 0) {
         return self::EC_DATABASE;
     /* purge the full page cache */
     $page_cache = PageCache::getLibrary();
     return self::EC_OK;
Example #17
    echo $section_notes[0]['nr_praise'];
						<div class="col-md-11">
    $b = Block::getByID($section_notes[0]['block_id'], $c, $an);
    if ($b instanceof Block) {
					</div> <!-- row -->
$ar = Area::getOrCreate($c, 'References');
if ($nr_references > 0) {
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-md-1">
							<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-link big-glyph text-warning"></span>
							<p class="text-center text-warning lead">
    echo $section_references[0]['nr_praise'];
						<div class="col-md-11">

    $b = Block::getByID($section_references[0]['block_id'], $c, $ar);
Example #18
 function updatePermissions($args = null)
     $db = Loader::db();
     if (!is_array($args)) {
         $args = $_POST;
         // legacy support
     if ($args['cInheritPermissionsFrom'] == 'OVERRIDE') {
         // we're hitting manual override, which means we need to do permissions updates
         if ($this->getPermissionsCollectionID() != $this->cID) {
             // that means we're selecting override from some collection that _wasn't_ set to override
             // we have to grab the existing area permissions for that collection, then, clear out any
             // area permissions we might have (for some reason) and add them to this collection
         $v = array('OVERRIDE', $this->cID, $this->cID);
         $q = "update Pages set cInheritPermissionsFrom = ?, cInheritPermissionsFromCID = ? where cID = ?";
         $r = $db->query($q, $v);
     } else {
         // we're not overriding permissions so we don't do those updates
         if ($args['cInheritPermissionsFrom'] == 'PARENT') {
             $cpID = $this->getParentPermissionsCollectionID();
             $this->updatePermissionsCollectionID($this->cID, $cpID);
         } else {
             if ($args['cInheritPermissionsFrom'] == 'TEMPLATE') {
                 $cpID = $this->getMasterCollectionID();
                 $this->updatePermissionsCollectionID($this->cID, $cpID);
             } else {
                 $cpID = $this->getCollectionID();
         $v = array($args['cInheritPermissionsFrom'], $cpID, $this->cID);
         $q = "update Pages set cInheritPermissionsFrom = ?, cInheritPermissionsFromCID = ? where cID = ?";
         $r = $db->query($q, $v);
         $this->cInheritPermissionsFrom = $args['cInheritPermissionsFrom'];
         $this->cInheritPermissionsFromCID = $cpID;
         // we do this because we may be going from a manual override to inheritance, and we don't
         // want any orphaned groups
     $cOverrideTemplatePermissions = $args['cOverrideTemplatePermissions'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $v = array($cOverrideTemplatePermissions, $this->cID);
     $q = "update Pages set cOverrideTemplatePermissions = ? where cID = ?";
     $this->cOverrideTemplatePermissions = $cOverrideTemplatePermissions;
     $arHandles = $db->GetCol('select arHandle from Areas where cID = ?', $this->getCollectionID());
     foreach ($arHandles as $arHandle) {
         $a = Area::getOrCreate($this, $arHandle);
     $blocks = $this->getBlocks();
     foreach ($blocks as $b) {
     $db->query($q, $v);
Example #19
				<div class="panel-footer">

<!-- MainAfterword area: Flex columns -->
		<section class="container-fluid">
			<div class="row row-md-flex row-md-flex-wrap">
$a = Area::getOrCreate($c, 'MainAfterword');
$blocks = $c->getBlocks('MainAfterword');
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
				<section class="col-md-6 visible-on-edit-document-right alert alert-info alert-dismissible">
					<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">
						<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
						<span class="sr-only">Close</span>
echo t('<strong>Tip: </strong>This is the afterword area (flex columns).');
					<a class="dialog-launch"
Example #20
 public function rescanAreaPermissions()
     $db = Loader::db();
     $r = $db->Execute('select arHandle, arIsGlobal from Areas where cID = ?', $this->getCollectionID());
     while ($row = $r->FetchRow()) {
         $a = Area::getOrCreate($this, $row['arHandle'], $row['arIsGlobal']);
Example #21
				foreach($items as $item) { 
					if ($item instanceof CSSOutputObject) { ?>
						// we only support CSS here
						ccm_addHeaderItem("<?=$item->href?>", 'CSS');
					<? } else if ($item instanceof JavaScriptOutputObject) { ?>
						ccm_addHeaderItem("<?=$item->href?>", 'JAVASCRIPT');
					<? }
				} ?>
				<? }
				if ($rarHandle) {
					$pagec = Page::getByID($_REQUEST['cID']);
					$a = Area::getOrCreate($pagec, $rarHandle);
				$bv->renderElement('block_controls', array(
					'a' => $a,
					'b' => $b,
					'p' => $bp
				$bv->renderElement('block_header', array(
					'a' => $a,
					'b' => $b,
					'p' => $bp
Example #22
	public function rename_block(){
		$valt = Loader::helper('validation/token');
			$this->set('error', array($valt->getErrorMessage()));
		$scrapbookName = $_REQUEST['scrapbookName']; 
		$globalScrapbookArea = Area::getOrCreate( $globalScrapbookC, $scrapbookName );
		$block=Block::getById($bID, $globalScrapbookC, $globalScrapbookArea); 		
		if($block && strlen($_POST['bName']) ){  //&& $block->getAreaHandle()=='Global Scrapbook'		
			//this is needed so the cache clears correctly
			$bp = new Permissions($block);
			if ($bp->canAdmin()) { 
				$block->updateBlockName( $_POST['bName'], 1 );
		header('Location: ' . View::url('/dashboard/scrapbook', 'view') . '?scrapbookName=' . $scrapbookName);
Example #23
	public function display() {
		$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
		parent::getOrCreate($c, $this->arHandle, 1);		
Example #24
 $b = Block::getByID($_REQUEST['bID'], $c, $a);
 $p = new Permissions($b);
 if ($p->canWrite()) {
     $bi = $b->getInstance();
     $e = $bi->validate($_POST);
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->aID = $a->getAreaID();
     $obj->arHandle = $a->getAreaHandle();
     $obj->cID = $c->getCollectionID();
     $scrapbookHelper = Loader::helper('concrete/scrapbook');
     $c1 = $scrapbookHelper->getGlobalScrapbookPage();
     if ($c1->getCollectionID() == $c->getCollectionID()) {
         $obj->isGlobalBlock = true;
         $obj->cID = $_REQUEST['rcID'];
         $obj->arHandle = $_REQUEST['rarHandle'];
         $a1 = Area::getOrCreate(Page::getByID($obj->cID), $obj->arHandle);
         $obj->aID = $a1->getAreaID();
     } else {
         $obj->isGlobalBlock = false;
     if (!is_object($e) || $e instanceof ValidationErrorHelper && !$e->has()) {
         $bt = BlockType::getByHandle($b->getBlockTypeHandle());
         if (!$bt->includeAll()) {
             // we make sure to create a new version, if necessary
             $nvc = $c->getVersionToModify();
         } else {
             $nvc = $c;
             // keep the same one
         $ob = $b;
         // replace the block with the version of the block in the later version (if applicable)
 public function execute(Batch $batch)
     $this->batch = $batch;
     $pages = $this->getPagesOrderedForImport($batch);
     if (!$pages) {
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $concretePage = $this->getPageByPath($batch, $page->getBatchPath());
         foreach ($page->attributes as $attribute) {
             $ak = $this->getTargetItem('attribute', $attribute->getAttribute()->getHandle());
             if (is_object($ak)) {
                 $value = $attribute->getAttribute()->getAttributeValue();
                 $publisher = $value->getPublisher();
                 $publisher->publish($ak, $concretePage, $value);
         $em = \ORM::entityManager("migration_tool");
         $r = $em->getRepository('\\PortlandLabs\\Concrete5\\MigrationTool\\Entity\\ContentMapper\\TargetItem');
         $controls = $r->findBy(array('item_type' => 'composer_output_content'));
         $controlHandles = array_map(function ($a) {
             return $a->getItemID();
         }, $controls);
         $blockSubstitutes = array();
         // Now we have our $controls array which we will use to determine if any of the blocks on this page
         // need to be replaced by another block.
         foreach ($page->areas as $area) {
             $styleSet = $area->getStyleSet();
             if (is_object($styleSet)) {
                 $styleSetPublisher = $styleSet->getPublisher();
                 $publishedStyleSet = $styleSetPublisher->publish();
                 $concreteArea = \Area::getOrCreate($concretePage, $area->getName());
                 $concretePage->setCustomStyleSet($concreteArea, $publishedStyleSet);
             foreach ($area->blocks as $block) {
                 $bt = $this->getTargetItem('block_type', $block->getType());
                 if (is_object($bt)) {
                     $value = $block->getBlockValue();
                     $publisher = $value->getPublisher();
                     $b = $publisher->publish($batch, $bt, $concretePage, $area, $value);
                     $styleSet = $block->getStyleSet();
                     if (is_object($styleSet)) {
                         $styleSetPublisher = $styleSet->getPublisher();
                         $publishedStyleSet = $styleSetPublisher->publish();
                     if ($block->getCustomTemplate()) {
                     if (in_array($bt->getBlockTypeHandle(), $controlHandles)) {
                         $blockSubstitutes[$bt->getBlockTypeHandle()] = $b;
         // Loop through all the blocks on the page. If any of them are composer output content blocks
         // We look in our composer mapping.
         foreach ($concretePage->getBlocks() as $b) {
             if ($b->getBlockTypeHandle() == BLOCK_HANDLE_PAGE_TYPE_OUTPUT_PROXY) {
                 foreach ($controls as $targetItem) {
                     if ($targetItem->isMapped() && intval($targetItem->getSourceItemIdentifier()) == intval($b->getBlockID())) {
                         $substitute = $blockSubstitutes[$targetItem->getItemID()];
                         if ($substitute) {
                             // We move the substitute to where the proxy block was.
                             $blockDisplayOrder = $b->getBlockDisplayOrder();
                             $control = $b->getController()->getComposerOutputControlObject();
                             if (is_object($control)) {
                                 $control = FormLayoutSetControl::getByID($control->getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlID());
                                 if (is_object($control)) {
                                     $blockControl = $control->getPageTypeComposerControlObject();
                                     if (is_object($blockControl)) {
                 // we delete the proxy block