Example #1
 public static function GetNextItem($p_timeNow)
     //get previous show and previous item in the schedule table.
     //Compare the two and if the last show was recorded and started
     //after the last item in the schedule table, then return the show's
     //name. Else return the last item from the schedule.
     $showInstance = Application_Model_ShowInstance::GetNextShowInstance($p_timeNow);
     $row = Application_Model_Schedule::GetNextScheduleItem($p_timeNow);
     if (is_null($showInstance)) {
         if (count($row) == 0) {
             return null;
         } else {
             return array("name" => $row[0]["artist_name"] . " - " . $row[0]["track_title"], "starts" => $row[0]["starts"], "ends" => $row[0]["ends"]);
     } else {
         if (count($row) == 0) {
             if ($showInstance->isRecorded()) {
                 //last item is a show instance
                 return array("name" => $showInstance->getName(), "starts" => $showInstance->getShowInstanceStart(), "ends" => $showInstance->getShowInstanceEnd());
             } else {
                 return null;
         } else {
             //return the one that starts sooner.
             if ($row[0]["starts"] <= $showInstance->getShowInstanceStart()) {
                 return array("name" => $row[0]["artist_name"] . " - " . $row[0]["track_title"], "starts" => $row[0]["starts"], "ends" => $row[0]["ends"]);
             } else {
                 return array("name" => $showInstance->getName(), "starts" => $showInstance->getShowInstanceStart(), "ends" => $showInstance->getShowInstanceEnd());
 public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
     if (Application_Model_RabbitMq::$doPush) {
         $md = array('schedule' => Application_Model_Schedule::getSchedule());
         Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToPypo("update_schedule", $md);
         if (!isset($_SERVER['AIRTIME_SRV'])) {
     if (memory_get_peak_usage() > 30 * pow(2, 20)) {
         Logging::debug("Peak memory usage: " . memory_get_peak_usage() / 1000000 . " MB while accessing URI " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         Logging::debug("Should try to keep memory footprint under 25 MB");
 function testIsScheduleEmptyInRange()
     $i = new Application_Model_ScheduleGroup();
     $this->groupIdCreated = $i->add('2011-10-10 01:30:23', $this->storedFile->getId());
     if (Application_Model_Schedule::isScheduleEmptyInRange('2011-10-10 01:30:23', '00:00:12.555')) {
         $this->fail("Reporting empty schedule when it isnt.");
     //    echo "groupid: ".$this->groupIdCreated."\n";
     $success = $i->remove();
     if ($success === false) {
         $this->fail("Failed to delete schedule group.");
     if (!Application_Model_Schedule::isScheduleEmptyInRange('2011-10-10 01:30:23', '00:00:12.555')) {
         $this->fail("Reporting booked schedule when it isnt.");
Example #4
 public function notifyMediaItemStartPlayAction()
     // disable the view and the layout
     $media_id = $this->_getParam("media_id");
     Logging::debug("Received notification of new media item start: {$media_id}");
     //set a 'last played' timestamp for media item
     //needed for smart blocks
     try {
         $mediaType = Application_Model_Schedule::GetType($media_id);
         if ($mediaType == 'file') {
             $file_id = Application_Model_Schedule::GetFileId($media_id);
             if (!is_null($file_id)) {
                 //we are dealing with a file not a stream
                 $file = Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall($file_id);
                 $now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
         } else {
             // webstream
             $stream_id = Application_Model_Schedule::GetStreamId($media_id);
             if (!is_null($stream_id)) {
                 $webStream = new Application_Model_Webstream($stream_id);
                 $now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     echo json_encode(array("status" => 1, "message" => ""));
 public function getItems()
     $current_id = -1;
     $display_items = array();
     $shows = array();
     $showInstance = array();
     if ($this->opts["myShows"] === 1) {
         $shows = $this->getUsersShows();
     } elseif ($this->opts["showFilter"] !== 0) {
         $shows[] = $this->opts["showFilter"];
     } elseif ($this->opts["showInstanceFilter"] !== 0) {
         $showInstance[] = $this->opts["showInstanceFilter"];
     $scheduled_items = Application_Model_Schedule::GetScheduleDetailItems($this->startDT, $this->endDT, $shows, $showInstance);
     for ($i = 0, $rows = count($scheduled_items); $i < $rows; $i++) {
         $item = $scheduled_items[$i];
         //don't send back data for filler rows.
         if (isset($item["playout_status"]) && $item["playout_status"] < 0) {
         //make a header row.
         if ($current_id !== $item["si_id"]) {
             //make a footer row.
             if ($current_id !== -1) {
                 // pass in the previous row as it's the last row for
                 // the previous show.
                 $display_items[] = $this->makeFooterRow($scheduled_items[$i - 1]);
             $display_items[] = $this->makeHeaderRow($item);
             $current_id = $item["si_id"];
             $this->pos = 1;
         //make a normal data row.
         $row = $this->makeScheduledItemRow($item);
         //don't display the empty rows.
         if (isset($row)) {
             $display_items[] = $row;
         if ($current_id !== -1 && !in_array($current_id, $this->showInstances)) {
             $this->showInstances[] = $current_id;
     //make the last footer if there were any scheduled items.
     if (count($scheduled_items) > 0) {
         $display_items[] = $this->makeFooterRow($scheduled_items[count($scheduled_items) - 1]);
     return array("schedule" => $display_items, "showInstances" => $this->showInstances);
 public function getCurrentPlaylistAction()
     $range = Application_Model_Schedule::GetPlayOrderRange();
     $show = Application_Model_Show::getCurrentShow();
     /* Convert all UTC times to localtime before sending back to user. */
     $range["schedulerTime"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["schedulerTime"]);
     if (isset($range["previous"])) {
         $range["previous"]["starts"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["previous"]["starts"]);
         $range["previous"]["ends"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["previous"]["ends"]);
     if (isset($range["current"])) {
         $range["current"]["starts"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["current"]["starts"]);
         $range["current"]["ends"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["current"]["ends"]);
     if (isset($range["next"])) {
         $range["next"]["starts"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["next"]["starts"]);
         $range["next"]["ends"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::UTCStringToUserTimezoneString($range["next"]["ends"]);
     Application_Common_DateHelper::convertTimestamps($range["currentShow"], array("starts", "ends", "start_timestamp", "end_timestamp"), "user");
     Application_Common_DateHelper::convertTimestamps($range["nextShow"], array("starts", "ends", "start_timestamp", "end_timestamp"), "user");
     //TODO: Add timezone and timezoneOffset back into the ApiController's results.
     $range["timezone"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::getUserTimezoneAbbreviation();
     $range["timezoneOffset"] = Application_Common_DateHelper::getUserTimezoneOffset();
     $source_status = array();
     $switch_status = array();
     $live_dj = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceStatus("live_dj");
     $master_dj = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceStatus("master_dj");
     $scheduled_play_switch = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus("scheduled_play");
     $live_dj_switch = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus("live_dj");
     $master_dj_switch = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus("master_dj");
     //might not be the correct place to implement this but for now let's just do it here
     $source_status['live_dj_source'] = $live_dj;
     $source_status['master_dj_source'] = $master_dj;
     $this->view->source_status = $source_status;
     $switch_status['live_dj_source'] = $live_dj_switch;
     $switch_status['master_dj_source'] = $master_dj_switch;
     $switch_status['scheduled_play'] = $scheduled_play_switch;
     $this->view->switch_status = $switch_status;
     $this->view->entries = $range;
     $this->view->show_name = isset($show[0]) ? $show[0]["name"] : "";
Example #7
 public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin, $instanceId)
     $con = Propel::getConnection();
     if ($deltaDay > 0) {
         return _("Shows can have a max length of 24 hours.");
     $utcTimezone = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
     $nowDateTime = new DateTime("now", $utcTimezone);
     //keep track of cc_show_day entries we need to update
     $showDayIds = array();
      * If the resized show is an edited instance of a repeating show we
      * need to treat it as a separate show and not resize the other instances
      * Also, if the resized show has edited instances, we need to exclude
      * those from the resize
     $ccShow = CcShowQuery::create()->findPk($this->_showId);
     if ($ccShow->isRepeating()) {
         //convert instance to local timezone
         $ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPk($instanceId);
         $startsDT = $ccShowInstance->getDbStarts(null);
         $timezone = $ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay()->getDbTimezone();
         $startsDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
         /* Get cc_show_day for the current instance. If we don't find one
          * we know it is a repeat interval of one of cc_show_days first
          * show and we can assume we aren't resizing a modified instance
         $ccShowDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()->filterByDbFirstShow($startsDT->format("Y-m-d"))->filterByDbStartTime($startsDT->format("H:i:s"))->filterByDbShowId($this->_showId)->findOne();
         /* Check if this cc_show_day rule is non-repeating. If it is, then
          * we know this instance was edited out of the repeating sequence
         if (!$ccShowDay || $ccShowDay->getDbRepeatType() != -1) {
             $ccShowDays = $ccShow->getRepeatingCcShowDays();
             foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) {
                 array_push($showDayIds, $day->getDbId());
             $excludeIds = $ccShow->getEditedRepeatingInstanceIds();
             //exlcude edited instances from resize
             $showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbShowId($this->_showId)->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false)->filterByDbId($excludeIds, criteria::NOT_IN)->find();
         } elseif ($ccShowDay->getDbRepeatType() == -1) {
             array_push($showDayIds, $ccShowDay->getDbId());
             //treat edited instance as separate show for resize
             $showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbId($instanceId)->find();
     } else {
         $ccShowDays = $ccShow->getCcShowDayss();
         foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) {
             array_push($showDayIds, $day->getDbId());
         $showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbShowId($this->_showId)->find($con);
     /* Check two things:
        1. If the show being resized and any of its repeats end in the past
        2. If the show being resized and any of its repeats overlap
           with other scheduled shows */
     //keep track of instance ids for update show instances start/end times
     $instanceIds = array();
     $displayTimezone = new DateTimeZone(Application_Model_Preference::GetUserTimezone());
     //check if new show time overlaps with any other shows
     foreach ($showInstances as $si) {
         array_push($instanceIds, $si->getDbId());
         $startsDateTime = $si->getDbStarts(null);
         $endsDateTime = $si->getDbEnds(null);
         /* The user is moving the show on the calendar from the perspective
            of local time.  * incase a show is moved across a time change
            border offsets should be added to the local * timestamp and
            then converted back to UTC to avoid show time changes */
         //$newStartsDateTime = Application_Model_ShowInstance::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
         $newEndsDateTime = Application_Model_ShowInstance::addDeltas($endsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
         if ($newEndsDateTime->getTimestamp() < $nowDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
             return _("End date/time cannot be in the past");
         //convert our new starts/ends to UTC.
         $overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($startsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $si->getDbId());
         if ($overlapping) {
             return _("Cannot schedule overlapping shows.\nNote: Resizing a repeating show " . "affects all of its repeats.");
     $hours = $deltaMin / 60;
     $hours = $hours > 0 ? floor($hours) : ceil($hours);
     $mins = abs($deltaMin % 60);
     $sql_gen = "UPDATE cc_show_instances " . "SET ends = (ends + :deltaDay1::INTERVAL + :interval1::INTERVAL) " . "WHERE (id IN (" . implode($instanceIds, ",") . ") " . "AND ends > :current_timestamp1) " . "AND ((ends + :deltaDay2::INTERVAL + :interval2::INTERVAL - starts) <= interval '24:00')";
     Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql_gen, array(':deltaDay1' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval1' => "{$hours}:{$mins}", ':current_timestamp1' => $nowDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ':deltaDay2' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval2' => "{$hours}:{$mins}"), "execute");
     $sql_gen = "UPDATE cc_show_days " . "SET duration = (CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay3::INTERVAL + :interval3::INTERVAL) " . "WHERE id IN (" . implode($showDayIds, ",") . ") " . "AND ((CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay4::INTERVAL + :interval4::INTERVAL) <= interval '24:00')";
     Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql_gen, array(':deltaDay3' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval3' => "{$hours}:{$mins}", ':deltaDay4' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval4' => "{$hours}:{$mins}"), "execute");
     $con = Propel::getConnection(CcSchedulePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         //update the status flag in cc_schedule.
         /* Since we didn't use a propel object when updating
          * cc_show_instances table we need to clear the instances
          * so the correct information is retrieved from the db
         $instances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbEnds($nowDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), Criteria::GREATER_THAN)->filterByDbId($instanceIds, Criteria::IN)->find($con);
         foreach ($instances as $instance) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Logging::info("Couldn't update schedule status.");
Example #8
 private static function getRangeStartAndEnd($p_fromDateTime, $p_toDateTime)
     $CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
     $utcTimeZone = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
     /* if $p_fromDateTime and $p_toDateTime function parameters are null,
        then set range * from "now" to "now + 24 hours". */
     if (is_null($p_fromDateTime)) {
         $t1 = new DateTime("@" . time(), $utcTimeZone);
         $range_start = $t1->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     } else {
         $range_start = Application_Model_Schedule::PypoTimeToAirtimeTime($p_fromDateTime);
     if (is_null($p_fromDateTime)) {
         $t2 = new DateTime("@" . time(), $utcTimeZone);
         $cache_ahead_hours = $CC_CONFIG["cache_ahead_hours"];
         if (is_numeric($cache_ahead_hours)) {
             //make sure we are not dealing with a float
             $cache_ahead_hours = intval($cache_ahead_hours);
         } else {
             $cache_ahead_hours = 1;
         $t2->add(new DateInterval("PT" . $cache_ahead_hours . "H"));
         $range_end = $t2->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     } else {
         $range_end = Application_Model_Schedule::PypoTimeToAirtimeTime($p_toDateTime);
     return array($range_start, $range_end);
Example #9
 public static function SetNewLogTime($state, $dateTime)
     try {
         $scheduled = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('scheduled_play');
         if ($state == 'L' && $scheduled == 'on') {
             self::SetEndTime('S', $dateTime);
         /* Only insert new state if last log
          * has ended
         $sql_select = "SELECT max(id) from CC_LIVE_LOG" . " WHERE (state= :state1 and end_time is NULL) or (state= :state2 and end_time is NULL)";
         $params = array(":state1" => 'L', ":state2" => 'S');
         $id = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql_select, $params, Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);
         if ($id == null) {
             $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO CC_LIVE_LOG (state, start_time)" . " VALUES (:state, :start)";
             $params = array(':state' => $state, ':start' => $dateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql_insert, $params, Application_Common_Database::EXECUTE);
             if ($state == "S") {
                 // if scheduled play source is getting broadcasted
                 Application_Model_Schedule::UpdateBrodcastedStatus($dateTime, 1);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
         Logging::info("SetNewLogTime - Could not connect to database.");
Example #10
 public static function setIsScheduled($p_webstreamId, $p_status)
     $webstream = CcWebstreamQuery::create()->findPK($p_webstreamId);
     $updateIsScheduled = false;
     if (isset($webstream) && !in_array($p_webstreamId, Application_Model_Schedule::getAllFutureScheduledWebstreams())) {
         $updateIsScheduled = true;
     return $updateIsScheduled;
Example #11
 public function addShowAction()
     $js = $this->_getParam('data');
     $data = array();
     //need to convert from serialized jQuery array.
     foreach ($js as $j) {
         $data[$j["name"]] = $j["value"];
     $data['add_show_hosts'] = $this->_getParam('hosts');
     $data['add_show_day_check'] = $this->_getParam('days');
     if ($data['add_show_day_check'] == "") {
         $data['add_show_day_check'] = null;
     $validateStartDate = true;
     $success = Application_Model_Schedule::addUpdateShow($data, $this, $validateStartDate);
     if ($success) {
         $this->view->addNewShow = true;
         $this->view->newForm = $this->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
         Logging::debug("Show creation succeeded");
     } else {
         $this->view->addNewShow = true;
         $this->view->form = $this->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
         Logging::debug("Show creation failed");
 public function emptyShowContent($instanceId)
     try {
         $ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPk($instanceId);
         $instances = array();
         $instanceIds = array();
         if ($ccShowInstance->getCcShow()->isLinked()) {
             foreach ($ccShowInstance->getCcShow()->getCcShowInstancess() as $instance) {
                 $instanceIds[] = $instance->getDbId();
                 $instances[] = $instance;
         } else {
             $instanceIds[] = $ccShowInstance->getDbId();
             $instances[] = $ccShowInstance;
         /* Get the file ids of the tracks we are about to delete
          * from cc_schedule. We need these so we can update the
          * is_scheduled flag in cc_files
         $ccSchedules = CcScheduleQuery::create()->filterByDbInstanceId($instanceIds, Criteria::IN)->setDistinct(CcSchedulePeer::FILE_ID)->find();
         $fileIds = array();
         foreach ($ccSchedules as $ccSchedule) {
             $fileIds[] = $ccSchedule->getDbFileId();
         /* Clear out the schedule */
         CcScheduleQuery::create()->filterByDbInstanceId($instanceIds, Criteria::IN)->delete();
         /* Now that the schedule has been cleared we need to make
          * sure we do not update the is_scheduled flag for tracks
          * that are scheduled in other shows
         $futureScheduledFiles = Application_Model_Schedule::getAllFutureScheduledFiles();
         foreach ($fileIds as $k => $v) {
             if (in_array($v, $futureScheduledFiles)) {
         $selectCriteria = new Criteria();
         $selectCriteria->add(CcFilesPeer::ID, $fileIds, Criteria::IN);
         $updateCriteria = new Criteria();
         $updateCriteria->add(CcFilesPeer::IS_SCHEDULED, false);
         BasePeer::doUpdate($selectCriteria, $updateCriteria, Propel::getConnection());
         $con = Propel::getConnection(CcShowInstancesPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
         foreach ($instances as $instance) {
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
 public function testExport()
     echo Application_Model_Schedule::ExportRangeAsJson("2010-01-01 00:00:00", "2011-01-01 00:00:00");
Example #14
 public function removeItems($scheduledItems, $adjustSched = true, $cancelShow = false)
     $showInstances = array();
     try {
         $scheduledIds = array();
         foreach ($scheduledItems as $item) {
             $scheduledIds[] = $item["id"];
         $removedItems = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPks($scheduledIds);
         //check to make sure all items selected are up to date
         foreach ($removedItems as $removedItem) {
             $instance = $removedItem->getCcShowInstances($this->con);
             //check if instance is linked and if so get the schedule items
             //for all linked instances so we can delete them too
             if (!$cancelShow && $instance->getCcShow()->isLinked()) {
                 //returns all linked instances if linked
                 $ccShowInstances = $this->getInstances($instance->getDbId());
                 $instanceIds = array();
                 foreach ($ccShowInstances as $ccShowInstance) {
                     $instanceIds[] = $ccShowInstance->getDbId();
                  * Find all the schedule items that are in the same position
                  * as the selected item by the user.
                  * The position of each track is the same across each linked instance
                 $itemsToDelete = CcScheduleQuery::create()->filterByDbPosition($removedItem->getDbPosition())->filterByDbInstanceId($instanceIds, Criteria::IN)->find();
                 foreach ($itemsToDelete as $item) {
                     if (!$removedItems->contains($item)) {
             //check to truncate the currently playing item instead of deleting it.
             if ($removedItem->isCurrentItem($this->epochNow)) {
                 $nEpoch = $this->epochNow;
                 $sEpoch = $removedItem->getDbStarts('U.u');
                 $length = bcsub($nEpoch, $sEpoch, 6);
                 $cliplength = Application_Common_DateHelper::secondsToPlaylistTime($length);
                 $cueinSec = Application_Common_DateHelper::playlistTimeToSeconds($removedItem->getDbCueIn());
                 $cueOutSec = bcadd($cueinSec, $length, 6);
                 $cueout = Application_Common_DateHelper::secondsToPlaylistTime($cueOutSec);
                 //Set DbEnds - 1 second because otherwise there can be a timing issue
                 //when sending the new schedule to Pypo where Pypo thinks the track is still
             } else {
             // update is_scheduled in cc_files but only if
             // the file is not scheduled somewhere else
             $fileId = $removedItem->getDbFileId();
             // check if the removed item is scheduled somewhere else
             $futureScheduledFiles = Application_Model_Schedule::getAllFutureScheduledFiles();
             if (!is_null($fileId) && !in_array($fileId, $futureScheduledFiles)) {
                 $db_file = CcFilesQuery::create()->findPk($fileId, $this->con);
         if ($adjustSched === true) {
             //get the show instances of the shows we must adjust times for.
             foreach ($removedItems as $item) {
                 $instance = $item->getDBInstanceId();
                 if (!in_array($instance, $showInstances)) {
                     $showInstances[] = $instance;
             foreach ($showInstances as $instance) {
         //update the status flag in cc_schedule.
         $instances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByPrimaryKeys($showInstances)->find($this->con);
         foreach ($instances as $instance) {
         //update the last scheduled timestamp.
         CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByPrimaryKeys($showInstances)->update(array('DbLastScheduled' => new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"))), $this->con);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Example #15
  * Calculates the percentage of a show scheduled given the start and end times in date/time format
  * and the time_filled as the total time the schow is scheduled for in time format.
 private static function getPercentScheduled($p_starts, $p_ends, $p_time_filled)
     $durationSeconds = strtotime($p_ends) - strtotime($p_starts);
     $time_filled = Application_Model_Schedule::WallTimeToMillisecs($p_time_filled) / 1000;
     $percent = ceil($time_filled / $durationSeconds * 100);
     return $percent;
Example #16
 public static function SetNewLogTime($state, $dateTime)
     try {
         $con = Propel::getConnection();
         $scheduled = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('scheduled_play');
         if ($state == 'L' && $scheduled == 'on') {
             self::SetEndTime('S', $dateTime);
         /* Only insert new state if last log
          * has ended
         $sql_select = "SELECT max(id) from CC_LIVE_LOG" . " WHERE (state='L' and end_time is NULL) or (state='S' and end_time is NULL)";
         $id = $con->query($sql_select)->fetchColumn(0);
         if ($id == null) {
             $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO CC_LIVE_LOG (state, start_time)" . " VALUES ('{$state}', '{$dateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")}')";
             if ($state == "S") {
                 // if scheduled play source is getting broadcasted
                 Application_Model_Schedule::UpdateBrodcastedStatus($dateTime, 1);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
         Logging::info("SetNewLogTime - Could not connect to database.");
 public function notifyMediaItemStartPlayAction()
     $media_id = $this->_getParam("media_id");
     Logging::debug("Received notification of new media item start: {$media_id}");
     $historyService = new Application_Service_HistoryService();
     //set a 'last played' timestamp for media item
     //needed for smart blocks
     try {
         $mediaType = Application_Model_Schedule::GetType($media_id);
         if ($mediaType == 'file') {
             $file_id = Application_Model_Schedule::GetFileId($media_id);
             if (!is_null($file_id)) {
                 //we are dealing with a file not a stream
                 $file = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallById($file_id);
                 $now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
         } else {
             // webstream
             $stream_id = Application_Model_Schedule::GetStreamId($media_id);
             if (!is_null($stream_id)) {
                 $webStream = new Application_Model_Webstream($stream_id);
                 $now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $this->_helper->json->sendJson(array("status" => 1, "message" => ""));
Example #18
    $instances = Application_Model_Show::getShows($showTime, $showTime);
    $instance = array_pop($instances);
    $show = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($instance["instance_id"]);
    //echo "Adding playlist to show instance ".$show->getShowInstanceId()."\n";
    //echo "done\n";
$showTime = new DateTime();
$resolution = "hour";
$showNumber = 1;
$numberOfDays = 180;
$numberOfHours = 0;
$endDate = new DateTime();
$endDate->add(new DateInterval("P" . $numberOfDays . "DT" . $numberOfHours . "H"));
echo "End date: " . $endDate->format("Y-m-d H:i") . "\n";
while ($showTime < $endDate) {
    echo $showTime->format("Y-m-d H:i") . " < " . $endDate->format("Y-m-d H:i") . "\n";
    if ($resolution == "minute") {
        createTestShow($showNumber, $showTime, "0:01");
        $showTime->add(new DateInterval("PT1M"));
    } elseif ($resolution == "hour") {
        createTestShow($showNumber, $showTime);
        $showTime->add(new DateInterval("PT1H"));
    $showNumber = $showNumber + 1;
if (Application_Model_RabbitMq::$doPush) {
    $md = array('schedule' => Application_Model_Schedule::getSchedule());
    Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToPypo("update_schedule", $md);
Example #19
 public function checkRebroadcastDates($repeatShowStart, $formData, $hours, $minutes, $showEdit = false)
     $overlapping = false;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
         if (empty($formData["add_show_rebroadcast_date_" . $i])) {
         $rebroadcastShowStart = clone $repeatShowStart;
         /* formData is in local time so we need to set the
          * show start back to local time
         $rebroadcastShowStart->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($formData["add_show_timezone"]));
         $rebroadcastWhenDays = explode(" ", $formData["add_show_rebroadcast_date_" . $i]);
         $rebroadcastWhenTime = explode(":", $formData["add_show_rebroadcast_time_" . $i]);
         $rebroadcastShowStart->add(new DateInterval("P" . $rebroadcastWhenDays[0] . "D"));
         $rebroadcastShowStart->setTime($rebroadcastWhenTime[0], $rebroadcastWhenTime[1]);
         $rebroadcastShowStart->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
         $rebroadcastShowEnd = clone $rebroadcastShowStart;
         $rebroadcastShowEnd->add(new DateInterval("PT" . $hours . "H" . $minutes . "M"));
         if ($showEdit) {
             $overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($rebroadcastShowStart, $rebroadcastShowEnd, true, null, $formData['add_show_id']);
         } else {
             $overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($rebroadcastShowStart, $rebroadcastShowEnd);
         if ($overlapping) {
     return $overlapping;
 private function validateShowMove($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
     if (!$this->currentUser->isAdminOrPM()) {
         throw new Exception(_("Permission denied"));
     if ($this->ccShow->isRepeating()) {
         throw new Exception(_("Can't drag and drop repeating shows"));
     $today_timestamp = time();
     $startsDateTime = $this->ccShowInstance->getDbStarts(null);
     $endsDateTime = $this->ccShowInstance->getDbEnds(null);
     if ($today_timestamp > $startsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
         throw new Exception(_("Can't move a past show"));
     //the user is moving the show on the calendar from the perspective of local time.
     //incase a show is moved across a time change border offsets should be added to the localtime
     //stamp and then converted back to UTC to avoid show time changes!
     $showTimezone = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay()->getDbTimezone();
     $startsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($showTimezone));
     $endsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($showTimezone));
     $duration = $startsDateTime->diff($endsDateTime);
     $newStartsDateTime = self::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
     /* WARNING: Do not separately add a time delta to the start and end times because
                    that does not preserve the duration across a DST time change.
                    For example, 5am - 3 hours = 3am when DST occurs at 2am.
                             BUT, 6am - 3 hours = 3am also!
                              So when a DST change occurs, adding the deltas like this
                              separately does not conserve the duration of a show.
                    Since that's what we want (otherwise we'll get a zero length show), 
                    we calculate the show duration FIRST, then we just add that on
                    to the start time to calculate the end time. 
                    This is a safer approach.
                    The key lesson here is that in general: duration != end - start
                    ... so be careful!
     //$newEndsDateTime = self::addDeltas($endsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin); <--- Wrong, don't do it.
     $newEndsDateTime = clone $newStartsDateTime;
     $newEndsDateTime = $newEndsDateTime->add($duration);
     //convert our new starts/ends to UTC.
     $newStartsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     $newEndsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     if ($today_timestamp > $newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
         throw new Exception(_("Can't move show into past"));
     //check if show is overlapping
     $overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $this->ccShowInstance->getDbId());
     if ($overlapping) {
         throw new Exception(_("Cannot schedule overlapping shows"));
     if ($this->ccShow->isRecorded()) {
         //rebroadcasts should start at max 1 hour after a recorded show has ended.
         $minRebroadcastStart = self::addDeltas($newEndsDateTime, 0, 60);
         //check if we are moving a recorded show less than 1 hour before any of its own rebroadcasts.
         $rebroadcasts = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbOriginalShow($this->ccShow->getDbId())->filterByDbStarts($minRebroadcastStart->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), Criteria::LESS_THAN)->find();
         if (count($rebroadcasts) > 0) {
             throw new Exception(_("Can't move a recorded show less than 1 hour before its rebroadcasts."));
     if ($this->ccShow->isRebroadcast()) {
         $recordedShow = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByCcShow($this->ccShowInstance->getDbOriginalShow())->findOne();
         if (is_null($recordedShow)) {
             throw new Exception(_("Show was deleted because recorded show does not exist!"));
         $recordEndDateTime = new DateTime($recordedShow->getDbEnds(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
         $newRecordEndDateTime = self::addDeltas($recordEndDateTime, 0, 60);
         if ($newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp() < $newRecordEndDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
             throw new Exception(_("Must wait 1 hour to rebroadcast."));
     return array($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime);
Example #21
 public static function GetSystemInfo($returnArray = false, $p_testing = false)
     exec('/usr/bin/airtime-check-system --no-color', $output);
     $output = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $output);
     $systemInfoArray = array();
     foreach ($output as $key => &$out) {
         $info = explode('=', $out);
         if (isset($info[1])) {
             $key = str_replace(' ', '_', trim($info[0]));
             $key = strtoupper($key);
             if ($key == 'WEB_SERVER' || $key == 'CPU' || $key == 'OS' || $key == 'TOTAL_RAM' || $key == 'FREE_RAM' || $key == 'AIRTIME_VERSION' || $key == 'KERNAL_VERSION' || $key == 'MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE' || $key == 'TOTAL_MEMORY_MBYTES' || $key == 'TOTAL_SWAP_MBYTES' || $key == 'PLAYOUT_ENGINE_CPU_PERC') {
                 if ($key == 'AIRTIME_VERSION') {
                     // remove hash tag on the version string
                     $version = explode('+', $info[1]);
                     $systemInfoArray[$key] = $version[0];
                 } else {
                     $systemInfoArray[$key] = $info[1];
     $outputArray = array();
     $outputArray['LIVE_DURATION'] = Application_Model_LiveLog::GetLiveShowDuration($p_testing);
     $outputArray['SCHEDULED_DURATION'] = Application_Model_LiveLog::GetScheduledDuration($p_testing);
     $outputArray['SOUNDCLOUD_ENABLED'] = self::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption();
     if ($outputArray['SOUNDCLOUD_ENABLED']) {
         $outputArray['NUM_SOUNDCLOUD_TRACKS_UPLOADED'] = Application_Model_StoredFile::getSoundCloudUploads();
     } else {
     $outputArray['STATION_NAME'] = self::GetStationName();
     $outputArray['PHONE'] = self::GetPhone();
     $outputArray['EMAIL'] = self::GetEmail();
     $outputArray['STATION_WEB_SITE'] = self::GetStationWebSite();
     $outputArray['STATION_COUNTRY'] = self::GetStationCountry();
     $outputArray['STATION_CITY'] = self::GetStationCity();
     $outputArray['STATION_DESCRIPTION'] = self::GetStationDescription();
     // get web server info
     if (isset($systemInfoArray["AIRTIME_VERSION_URL"])) {
         $url = $systemInfoArray["AIRTIME_VERSION_URL"];
         $index = strpos($url, '/api/');
         $url = substr($url, 0, $index);
         $headerInfo = get_headers(trim($url), 1);
         $outputArray['WEB_SERVER'] = $headerInfo['Server'][0];
     $outputArray['NUM_OF_USERS'] = Application_Model_User::getUserCount();
     $outputArray['NUM_OF_SONGS'] = Application_Model_StoredFile::getFileCount();
     $outputArray['NUM_OF_PLAYLISTS'] = Application_Model_Playlist::getPlaylistCount();
     $outputArray['NUM_OF_SCHEDULED_PLAYLISTS'] = Application_Model_Schedule::getSchduledPlaylistCount();
     $outputArray['NUM_OF_PAST_SHOWS'] = Application_Model_ShowInstance::GetShowInstanceCount(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $outputArray['UNIQUE_ID'] = self::GetUniqueId();
     $outputArray['SAAS'] = self::GetPlanLevel();
     if ($outputArray['SAAS'] != 'disabled') {
         $outputArray['TRIAL_END_DATE'] = self::GetTrialEndingDate();
     } else {
         $outputArray['TRIAL_END_DATE'] = NULL;
     $outputArray['INSTALL_METHOD'] = self::GetInstallMethod();
     $outputArray['NUM_OF_STREAMS'] = self::GetNumOfStreams();
     $outputArray['STREAM_INFO'] = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getStreamInfoForDataCollection();
     $outputArray = array_merge($systemInfoArray, $outputArray);
     $outputString = "\n";
     foreach ($outputArray as $key => $out) {
         if ($key == 'TRIAL_END_DATE' && ($out != '' || $out != 'NULL')) {
         if ($key == "STREAM_INFO") {
             $outputString .= $key . " :\n";
             foreach ($out as $s_info) {
                 foreach ($s_info as $k => $v) {
                     $outputString .= "\t" . strtoupper($k) . " : " . $v . "\n";
         } elseif ($key == "SOUNDCLOUD_ENABLED") {
             if ($out) {
                 $outputString .= $key . " : TRUE\n";
             } elseif (!$out) {
                 $outputString .= $key . " : FALSE\n";
         } elseif ($key == "SAAS") {
             if (strcmp($out, 'disabled') != 0) {
                 $outputString .= $key . ' : ' . $out . "\n";
         } else {
             $outputString .= $key . ' : ' . $out . "\n";
     if ($returnArray) {
         $outputArray['PROMOTE'] = self::GetPublicise();
         $outputArray['LOGOIMG'] = self::GetStationLogo();
         return $outputArray;
     } else {
         return $outputString;
Example #22
 public static function setIsScheduled($fileId, $status)
     $file = self::RecallById($fileId);
     $updateIsScheduled = false;
     if (!is_null($fileId) && !in_array($fileId, Application_Model_Schedule::getAllFutureScheduledFiles())) {
         $updateIsScheduled = true;
     return $updateIsScheduled;
Example #23
  * Delete stored virtual file
  * @param boolean $p_deleteFile
 public function delete($deleteFromPlaylist = false)
     $filepath = $this->getFilePath();
     // Check if the file is scheduled to be played in the future
     if (Application_Model_Schedule::IsFileScheduledInTheFuture($this->getId())) {
         throw new DeleteScheduledFileException();
     $music_dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPK($this->_file->getDbDirectory());
     $type = $music_dir->getType();
     if (file_exists($filepath) && $type == "stor") {
         $data = array("filepath" => $filepath, "delete" => 1);
         Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToMediaMonitor("file_delete", $data);
     if ($deleteFromPlaylist) {
     // set file_exists falg to false
 public function streamSettingAction()
     $CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $baseUrl = Application_Common_OsPath::getBaseDir();
     $this->view->headScript()->appendFile($baseUrl . 'js/airtime/preferences/streamsetting.js?' . $CC_CONFIG['airtime_version'], 'text/javascript');
     // get current settings
     $temp = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getStreamSetting();
     $setting = array();
     foreach ($temp as $t) {
         $setting[$t['keyname']] = $t['value'];
     $name_map = array('ogg' => 'Ogg Vorbis', 'fdkaac' => 'AAC+', 'aac' => 'AAC', 'opus' => 'Opus', 'mp3' => 'MP3');
     // get predefined type and bitrate from pref table
     $temp_types = Application_Model_Preference::GetStreamType();
     $stream_types = array();
     foreach ($temp_types as $type) {
         $type = strtolower(trim($type));
         if (isset($name_map[$type])) {
             $name = $name_map[$type];
         } else {
             $name = $type;
         $stream_types[$type] = $name;
     $temp_bitrate = Application_Model_Preference::GetStreamBitrate();
     $max_bitrate = intval(Application_Model_Preference::GetMaxBitrate());
     $stream_bitrates = array();
     foreach ($temp_bitrate as $type) {
         if (intval($type) <= $max_bitrate) {
             $stream_bitrates[trim($type)] = strtoupper(trim($type)) . " kbit/s";
     $num_of_stream = intval(Application_Model_Preference::GetNumOfStreams());
     $form = new Application_Form_StreamSetting();
     $live_stream_subform = new Application_Form_LiveStreamingPreferences();
     $form->addSubForm($live_stream_subform, "live_stream_subform");
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_of_stream; $i++) {
         $subform = new Application_Form_StreamSettingSubForm();
         $form->addSubForm($subform, "s" . $i . "_subform");
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $params = $request->getPost();
         /* Parse through post data and put in format
          * $form->isValid() is expecting it in
         $postData = explode('&', $params['data']);
         $s1_data = array();
         $s2_data = array();
         $s3_data = array();
         $values = array();
         foreach ($postData as $k => $v) {
             $v = explode('=', urldecode($v));
             if (strpos($v[0], "s1_data") !== false) {
                 /* In this case $v[0] may be 's1_data[enable]' , for example.
                  * We only want the 'enable' part
                 preg_match('/\\[(.*)\\]/', $v[0], $matches);
                 $s1_data[$matches[1]] = $v[1];
             } elseif (strpos($v[0], "s2_data") !== false) {
                 preg_match('/\\[(.*)\\]/', $v[0], $matches);
                 $s2_data[$matches[1]] = $v[1];
             } elseif (strpos($v[0], "s3_data") !== false) {
                 preg_match('/\\[(.*)\\]/', $v[0], $matches);
                 $s3_data[$matches[1]] = $v[1];
             } else {
                 $values[$v[0]] = $v[1];
         $values["s1_data"] = $s1_data;
         $values["s2_data"] = $s2_data;
         $values["s3_data"] = $s3_data;
         $error = false;
         if ($form->isValid($values)) {
             $values['output_sound_device'] = $form->getValue('output_sound_device');
             $values['output_sound_device_type'] = $form->getValue('output_sound_device_type');
             $values['icecast_vorbis_metadata'] = $form->getValue('icecast_vorbis_metadata');
             $values['streamFormat'] = $form->getValue('streamFormat');
             /* If the admin password values are empty then we should not
              * set the pseudo password ('xxxxxx') on the front-end
             $s1_set_admin_pass = !empty($values["s1_data"]["admin_pass"]);
             $s2_set_admin_pass = !empty($values["s2_data"]["admin_pass"]);
             $s3_set_admin_pass = !empty($values["s3_data"]["admin_pass"]);
             // this goes into cc_pref table
             // compare new values with current value
             $changeRGenabled = Application_Model_Preference::GetEnableReplayGain() != $values["enableReplayGain"];
             $changeRGmodifier = Application_Model_Preference::getReplayGainModifier() != $values["replayGainModifier"];
             if ($changeRGenabled || $changeRGmodifier) {
                 $md = array('schedule' => Application_Model_Schedule::getSchedule());
                 Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToPypo("update_schedule", $md);
             if (!Application_Model_Preference::GetMasterDjConnectionUrlOverride()) {
                 $master_connection_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $values["master_harbor_input_port"] . "/" . $values["master_harbor_input_mount_point"];
                 if (empty($values["master_harbor_input_port"]) || empty($values["master_harbor_input_mount_point"])) {
                 } else {
             } else {
             if (!Application_Model_Preference::GetLiveDjConnectionUrlOverride()) {
                 $live_connection_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $values["dj_harbor_input_port"] . "/" . $values["dj_harbor_input_mount_point"];
                 if (empty($values["dj_harbor_input_port"]) || empty($values["dj_harbor_input_mount_point"])) {
                 } else {
             } else {
             // extra info that goes into cc_stream_setting
             // store stream update timestamp
             $data = array();
             $info = Application_Model_StreamSetting::getStreamSetting();
             $data['setting'] = $info;
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_of_stream; $i++) {
                 Application_Model_StreamSetting::setLiquidsoapError($i, "waiting");
             Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToPypo("update_stream_setting", $data);
             $this->view->enable_stream_conf = Application_Model_Preference::GetEnableStreamConf();
             $this->view->form = $form;
             $this->view->num_stream = $num_of_stream;
             $this->view->statusMsg = "<div class='success'>" . _("Stream Setting Updated.") . "</div>";
             $this->_helper->json->sendJson(array("valid" => "true", "html" => $this->view->render('preference/stream-setting.phtml'), "s1_set_admin_pass" => $s1_set_admin_pass, "s2_set_admin_pass" => $s2_set_admin_pass, "s3_set_admin_pass" => $s3_set_admin_pass));
         } else {
             $this->view->enable_stream_conf = Application_Model_Preference::GetEnableStreamConf();
             $this->view->form = $form;
             $this->view->num_stream = $num_of_stream;
             $this->_helper->json->sendJson(array("valid" => "false", "html" => $this->view->render('preference/stream-setting.phtml')));
     $this->view->num_stream = $num_of_stream;
     $this->view->enable_stream_conf = Application_Model_Preference::GetEnableStreamConf();
     $this->view->form = $form;
Example #25
 public function moveShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
     if ($this->getShow()->isRepeating()) {
         return "Can't drag and drop repeating shows";
     $today_timestamp = time();
     $startsDateTime = new DateTime($this->getShowInstanceStart(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     $endsDateTime = new DateTime($this->getShowInstanceEnd(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     if ($today_timestamp > $startsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
         return "Can't move a past show";
     //the user is moving the show on the calendar from the perspective of local time.
     //incase a show is moved across a time change border offsets should be added to the localtime
     //stamp and then converted back to UTC to avoid show time changes!
     $startsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
     $endsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
     $newStartsDateTime = self::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
     $newEndsDateTime = self::addDeltas($endsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
     //convert our new starts/ends to UTC.
     $newStartsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     $newEndsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     if ($today_timestamp > $newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
         return "Can't move show into past";
     //check if show is overlapping
     $overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $this->getShowInstanceId());
     if ($overlapping) {
         return "Cannot schedule overlapping shows";
     if ($this->isRecorded()) {
         //rebroadcasts should start at max 1 hour after a recorded show has ended.
         $minRebroadcastStart = self::addDeltas($newEndsDateTime, 0, 60);
         //check if we are moving a recorded show less than 1 hour before any of its own rebroadcasts.
         $rebroadcasts = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbOriginalShow($this->_instanceId)->filterByDbStarts($minRebroadcastStart->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), Criteria::LESS_THAN)->find();
         if (count($rebroadcasts) > 0) {
             return "Can't move a recorded show less than 1 hour before its rebroadcasts.";
     if ($this->isRebroadcast()) {
         try {
             $recordedShow = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($this->_showInstance->getDbOriginalShow());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return "Show was deleted because recorded show does not exist!";
         $recordEndDateTime = new DateTime($recordedShow->getShowInstanceEnd(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
         $newRecordEndDateTime = self::addDeltas($recordEndDateTime, 0, 60);
         if ($newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp() < $newRecordEndDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
             return "Must wait 1 hour to rebroadcast.";
     $show = new Application_Model_Show($this->getShowId());
     if (!$show->isRepeating() && is_null($this->isRebroadcast())) {
Example #26
 public static function addUpdateShow($data, $controller, $validateStartDate, $originalStartDate = null, $update = false, $instanceId = null)
     $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
     $user = new Application_Model_User($userInfo->id);
     $isAdminOrPM = $user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER));
     $isSaas = Application_Model_Preference::GetPlanLevel() != 'disabled';
     $record = false;
     $formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat();
     $formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho();
     $formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen();
     $formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats();
     $formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle();
     $formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream();
     $what = $formWhat->isValid($data);
     $when = $formWhen->isValid($data);
     $live = $formLive->isValid($data);
     if ($when) {
         $when = $formWhen->checkReliantFields($data, $validateStartDate, $originalStartDate, $update, $instanceId);
     //The way the following code works is that is parses the hour and
     //minute from a string with the format "1h 20m" or "2h" or "36m".
     //So we are detecting whether an hour or minute value exists via strpos
     //and then parse appropriately. A better way to do this in the future is
     //actually pass the format from javascript in the format hh:mm so we don't
     //have to do this extra String parsing.
     $hPos = strpos($data["add_show_duration"], 'h');
     $mPos = strpos($data["add_show_duration"], 'm');
     $hValue = 0;
     $mValue = 0;
     if ($hPos !== false) {
         $hValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], 0, $hPos));
     if ($mPos !== false) {
         $hPos = $hPos === false ? 0 : $hPos + 1;
         $mValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], $hPos, -1));
     $data["add_show_duration"] = $hValue . ":" . $mValue;
     if (!$isSaas) {
         $formRecord = new Application_Form_AddShowRR();
         $formAbsoluteRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowAbsoluteRebroadcastDates();
         $formRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowRebroadcastDates();
         $record = $formRecord->isValid($data);
     if ($data["add_show_repeats"]) {
         $repeats = $formRepeats->isValid($data);
         if ($repeats) {
             $repeats = $formRepeats->checkReliantFields($data);
         if (!$isSaas) {
             //make it valid, results don't matter anyways.
             $rebroadAb = 1;
             if ($data["add_show_rebroadcast"]) {
                 $rebroad = $formRebroadcast->isValid($data);
                 if ($rebroad) {
                     $rebroad = $formRebroadcast->checkReliantFields($data);
             } else {
                 $rebroad = 1;
     } else {
         $repeats = 1;
         if (!$isSaas) {
             //make it valid, results don't matter anyways.
             $rebroad = 1;
             if ($data["add_show_rebroadcast"]) {
                 $rebroadAb = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->isValid($data);
                 if ($rebroadAb) {
                     $rebroadAb = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->checkReliantFields($data);
             } else {
                 $rebroadAb = 1;
     $who = $formWho->isValid($data);
     $style = $formStyle->isValid($data);
     if ($what && $when && $repeats && $who && $style && $live) {
         if (!$isSaas) {
             if ($record && $rebroadAb && $rebroad) {
                 if ($isAdminOrPM) {
                 //send back a new form for the user.
                 //$controller->view->newForm = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $controller->view->what = $formWhat;
                 $controller->view->when = $formWhen;
                 $controller->view->repeats = $formRepeats;
                 $controller->view->who = $formWho;
                 $controller->view->style = $formStyle;
                 $controller->view->rr = $formRecord;
                 $controller->view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast;
                 $controller->view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast;
                 $controller->view->live = $formLive;
                 //$controller->view->addNewShow = !$editShow;
                 //$controller->view->form = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
                 return false;
         } else {
             if ($isAdminOrPM) {
             //send back a new form for the user.
             //$controller->view->newForm = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
             return true;
     } else {
         $controller->view->what = $formWhat;
         $controller->view->when = $formWhen;
         $controller->view->repeats = $formRepeats;
         $controller->view->who = $formWho;
         $controller->view->style = $formStyle;
         $controller->view->live = $formLive;
         if (!$isSaas) {
             $controller->view->rr = $formRecord;
             $controller->view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast;
             $controller->view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast;
         //$controller->view->addNewShow = !$editShow;
         //$controller->view->form = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml');
         return false;