Example #1
 public static function copyFileToStor($p_targetDir, $fileName, $tempname)
     $audio_file = $p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tempname;
     Logging::info('copyFileToStor: moving file ' . $audio_file);
     $storDir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir();
     $stor = $storDir->getDirectory();
     // check if "organize" dir exists and if not create one
     if (!file_exists($stor . "/organize")) {
         if (!mkdir($stor . "/organize", 0777)) {
             return array("code" => 109, "message" => "Failed to create 'organize' directory.");
     if (chmod($audio_file, 0644) === false) {
         Logging::info("Warning: couldn't change permissions of {$audio_file} to 0644");
     // Check if we have enough space before copying
     if (!self::isEnoughDiskSpaceToCopy($stor, $audio_file)) {
         $freeSpace = disk_free_space($stor);
         return array("code" => 107, "message" => "The file was not uploaded, there is\n                " . $freeSpace . "MB of disk space left and the file you are\n                uploading has a size of  " . $fileSize . "MB.");
     // Check if liquidsoap can play this file
     if (!self::liquidsoapFilePlayabilityTest($audio_file)) {
         return array("code" => 110, "message" => "This file appears to be corrupted and will not\n                be added to media library.");
     // Did all the checks for real, now trying to copy
     $audio_stor = Application_Common_OsPath::join($stor, "organize", $fileName);
     $user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
     if (is_null($user)) {
         $uid = Application_Model_User::getFirstAdminId();
     } else {
         $uid = $user->getId();
     $id_file = "{$audio_stor}.identifier";
     if (file_put_contents($id_file, $uid) === false) {
         Logging::info("Could not write file to identify user: '******'");
         Logging::info("Id file path: '{$id_file}'");
         Logging::info("Defaulting to admin (no identification file was\n                written)");
     } else {
         Logging::info("Successfully written identification file for\n                uploaded '{$audio_stor}'");
     Logging::info("copyFileToStor: moving file {$audio_file} to {$audio_stor}");
     // Martin K.: changed to rename: Much less load + quicker since this is
     // an atomic operation
     if (@rename($audio_file, $audio_stor) === false) {
         //something went wrong likely there wasn't enough space in .
         //the audio_stor to move the file too warn the user that   .
         //the file wasn't uploaded and they should check if there  .
         //is enough disk space                                     .
         //remove the file after failed rename
         // Also remove the identifier file
         return array("code" => 108, "message" => "\n                The file was not uploaded, this error can occur if the computer\n                hard drive does not have enough disk space or the stor\n                directory does not have correct write permissions.");
     // Now that we successfully added this file, we will add another tag
     // file that will identify the user that owns it
     return null;
Example #2
 public static function GetDiskInfo()
     $partions = array();
     if (isset($_SERVER['AIRTIME_SRV'])) {
         //connect to DB and find how much total space user has allocated.
         $totalSpace = Application_Model_Preference::GetDiskQuota();
         $storPath = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir()->getDirectory();
         list($usedSpace, ) = preg_split("/[\\s]+/", exec("du -bs {$storPath}"));
         $partitions[$totalSpace]->totalSpace = $totalSpace;
         $partitions[$totalSpace]->totalFreeSpace = $totalSpace - $usedSpace;
     } else {
         /* First lets get all the watched directories. Then we can group them
          * into the same partitions by comparing the partition sizes. */
         $musicDirs = Application_Model_MusicDir::getWatchedDirs();
         $musicDirs[] = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir();
         foreach ($musicDirs as $md) {
             $totalSpace = disk_total_space($md->getDirectory());
             if (!isset($partitions[$totalSpace])) {
                 $partitions[$totalSpace] = new StdClass();
                 $partitions[$totalSpace]->totalSpace = $totalSpace;
                 $partitions[$totalSpace]->totalFreeSpace = disk_free_space($md->getDirectory());
             $partitions[$totalSpace]->dirs[] = $md->getDirectory();
     return array_values($partitions);
 public function listAllWatchedDirsAction()
     $result = array();
     $arrWatchedDirs = Application_Model_MusicDir::getWatchedDirs();
     $storDir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir();
     $result[$storDir->getId()] = $storDir->getDirectory();
     foreach ($arrWatchedDirs as $watchedDir) {
         $result[$watchedDir->getId()] = $watchedDir->getDirectory();
     $this->view->dirs = $result;
 public static function GetDiskInfo()
     $partitions = array();
     /* First lets get all the watched directories. Then we can group them
      * into the same partitions by comparing the partition sizes. */
     $musicDirs = Application_Model_MusicDir::getWatchedDirs();
     $musicDirs[] = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir();
     foreach ($musicDirs as $md) {
         $totalSpace = disk_total_space($md->getDirectory());
         if (!isset($partitions[$totalSpace])) {
             $partitions[$totalSpace] = new StdClass();
             $partitions[$totalSpace]->totalSpace = $totalSpace;
             $partitions[$totalSpace]->totalFreeSpace = disk_free_space($md->getDirectory());
         $partitions[$totalSpace]->dirs[] = $md->getDirectory();
     return array_values($partitions);