Example #1
$appDir = $dir . '/app';
// Necessary requires to get things going
require $appDir . '/library/utilities/debugcli/PhpError.php';
require $appDir . '/library/interfaces/IRun.php';
require $appDir . '/library/application/Cli.php';
// Capture runtime errors
register_shutdown_function(['Utilities\\Debugcli\\PhpError', 'runtimeShutdown']);
// Necessary paths to autoload & config files
$configPath = $appDir . '/config/';
$config = $configPath . 'config.php';
$autoLoad = $configPath . 'autoload-cli.php';
try {
    $app = new Application\Cli();
    // Record any php warnings/errors
    set_error_handler(['Utilities\\Debugcli\\PhpError', 'errorHandler']);
    $app->setAutoload($autoLoad, $appDir);
    // Check if only run single instance
    if ($key = array_search('--single', $argv)) {
        // Ensure pid removes even on fatal error
        register_shutdown_function([$app, 'removeProcessInstance']);
    // Check if logging to database
    if ($key = array_search('--record', $argv)) {
    // Check if debug mode
    if ($key = array_search('--debug', $argv)) {
        // Ensure debug display even on fatal error