function getCondition($collegefield, $datefield) { // รับค่า parameter // $collegeId = $_GET['collegeId']; $college = App_Env::getCollege($collegeId); $collegeName = iconv('TIS-620', 'UTF-8', $college->collegeName); $getparams[] = "collegeId={$collegeId}"; $WHERES[] = "{$collegefield}=?"; $dataWhere[] = $collegeId; $dateto = trim($_GET['date-to']); $dateform = trim($_GET['date-from']); $getparams[] = "date-to={$dateto}"; $getparams[] = "date-from={$dateform}"; $titledate = ''; if ($dateto != '' and $dateform != '') { $titledate .= 'จาก ' . App_Formatter::thaidate($dateform) . ' ถึง ' . App_Formatter::thaidate($dateto); //$WHERES[] = "$collegefield=?"; //$dataWhere[] = ""; } elseif ($dateto != '' and $dateform == '') { $titledate .= ' ณ ' . App_Formatter::thaidate($dateto); } elseif ($dateto == '' and $dateform != '') { $titledate .= ' ตั้งแต่ ' . App_Formatter::thaidate($dateform); } // จบช่วงรับค่่า parameter return array('where' => $WHERES, 'param' => $dataWhere, 'collegeName' => $collegeName, 'collegeID' => $collegeId, 'collegeId' => $collegeId, 'titleDate' => $titledate, 'getparam' => join("&", $getparams)); }
public function isAllowed($resource, $action) { list($m, $c) = explode(":", $resource); if (trim($c) == "") { $resource = $m; } elseif ($c == 'index') { $resource = $m; } //echo $resource,"<br/>"; if (App_Env::isAdmin()) { return true; } //echo $resource; if ($resource == 'menu-header') { $resource = 'menu'; } if ($action == 'index' or $action == 'preview') { $action = 'view'; } if (!in_array($action, array('view', 'edit', 'new', 'delete'))) { $action = 'view'; } $permissions = $this->getPermissions(); //echo"[$resource][$action] ". $permissions[$resource][$action]; if (isset($permissions[$resource][$action])) { return $permissions[$resource][$action] == 'Yes' ? true : false; } else { return true; } }
function genMenu($config, $module = '') { //echo $module; //print_r($config->$module); $iconstyle = 'style="width: 40px; height: 40px; vertical-align: middle" '; //global $request; //$module = 'admin'; /** BEGIN GEN MAIN TAB **/ $i = 0; foreach ($config as $module => $nav) { // echo $controller; // print_r($nav); if (count($nav->sub) == 0) { if ($nav->nolink == 'true') { $link = ""; } else { $link = "onclick=location.href='/{$module}/{$controller}'"; } // echo $controller," ",(int)Sam_Acl::getInstance()->isAllowed($controller,'view'),"<br/>"; // echo $resource; if ($link == '' or $this->isAllowAccess($module, $controller, 'view') == true) { $text .= '<li $link class="">'; $text .= '<a href="#"><span ><img $iconstyle src="' . $nav->icon . '" /> ' . $nav->label . '</a>'; $text .= "</li>"; } } else { //print_r($nav); //$text .= "<table class='statistics' width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='welcome-menu'><tr></td>"; if ($module == App_Env::getModuleName()) { $text .= '<li class="expand">'; } else { $text .= '<li class="">'; } $text .= '<a href="#"><img $iconstyle src="' . $nav->icon . '" /> ' . $nav->label . '<span class="num">' . count($nav->sub) . '</span></a>'; $text .= '<ul class="acitem" >'; $text .= $this->genSubMenu($nav, $module); $text .= "</ul>"; $text .= "</li>"; /* $text .="<tr><th><img src='{$nav->icon}' /> {$this->view->translate($nav->label)} </th></tr>"; $text .="<tr><td>"; $text .="<ul class='welcome-menu' >"; $text .= $this->genSubMenu($nav,$module); $text .= "</ul>"; $text .= "</td></tr>";*/ // $text .= "</table>"; } ++$i; } return $text; }
public function getMyDocumentFolder($ownerId) { $folder = new Sys_Model_File_Folder(); $folder = $folder->fetchRow($folder->select()->where("folder_type=?", Sys_Model_File_Folder::FOLDER_TYPE_MY_DOCUMRNT)->where('owner=?', $ownerId)->order('id')->limit(1)); //echo( $folder->select()->where("folder_type=?",Sys_Model_File_Folder::FOLDER_TYPE_MY_DOCUMRNT)->where( 'owner=?',$ownerId )->order('id')->limit(1) ); // echo $folder->id; //die(); if (trim($folder->id) == '') { $folder = new Sys_Model_File_Folder(); $folder->setName("My Documents"); $folder->setFolderType(Sys_Model_File_Folder::FOLDER_TYPE_MY_DOCUMRNT); $folder->setOwner(App_Env::getUserId()); $folder->setIsActive(1); $folder = $folder->save(); } return $folder; }
function init() { parent::init(); $fileid = $this->_fileName; $this->SetFont('freeserif', '', 14); $this->AddPage(); $name = App_Env::getUserFullName(); $wartermark = 'ผู้พิมพ์รายงาน ' . $name . ' ' . date('d/m/Y h i s') . 'เลขที่เอกสาร ' . $fileid . ' '; $this->SetKeywords($wartermark); $this->StartTransform(); $this->SetAlpha(0.1, 'Screen'); $this->Rotate(45, 0, 200); for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { $this->Text(-$i * 10, 88 + $i * 20, $wartermark . $wartermark); //. $wartermark . $wartermark } $this->StopTransform(); }
public function mainNavigation2($beginModule = '') { //$this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/css/express-table/style.css'); $request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest(); $currentModule = $request->getModuleName(); $currentControler = $request->getControllerName(); $currentAction = $request->getActionName(); $beginModule = $request->getModuleName(); $config = new Zend_Config_Xml(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/navigation-admin.xml', 'nav'); $text = ''; foreach ($config as $module => $data) { if ($module == $beginModule) { $navTexe .= ' <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"> ' . $data->label . ' <b class="caret"></b></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu">'; $navTexe .= $this->genMenu($config, $module); $newControllerUrl = $this->view->url('new-controller', 'controller-setting', 'appconfig', array('con' => App_Env::getControllerName(), "mdl" => App_Env::getModuleName(), 'act' => App_Env::getActionName())); $navTexe .= '<li class="divider"></li><li><a class="colorbox-iframe" href="' . $newControllerUrl . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> Add Controler</a></li> ' . '</ul></li>'; } } if ($currentAction != 'index' and $currentAction != '') { $navTexe .= " <li> <a href='/{$currentModule}/{$currentControler}'> {$currentControler} </a> </li>"; $currentAction = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $currentAction)); $navTexe .= " <li class='active'> {$currentAction} </li>"; } else { $navTexe .= " <li class='active'> {$currentControler} </li>"; } /* $id = $request->getParam('id',''); if($id != ''){ $model = $this->view->defaultmodel; if($model Instanceof App_Model_Abstract){ $navTexe .= " of id : $id ($model)"; }else{ $navTexe .= " of id : $id "; } }*/ return ' <ol class="breadcrumb">' . '<li><a href="/"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></i> หนัาหลัก</a></li>' . $navTexe . '</ol>'; }
public function exportSetingPanel($modelName, $template = 'default') { $this->_exportFileName = uniqid(); $this->_modelName = $modelName; $this->_template = $template; $url = $this->view->url('export-preview'); $text .= "<form id='form_moel_setting' action={$url} target='export-preview-iframe'>"; $text .= "<input id='exportFileName' name='exportFileName' type='hidden' value='{$this->_exportFileName}'/> "; $text .= "<div class='listmenu-container left-menu1 hide-on-print' >"; $text .= "Render style : "; $text .= "<input class='export-view-radio' id='export-view-grid' name='export-view' type='radio' value='grid' checked='checked' /> grid "; $text .= "<input class='export-view-radio' id='export-view-detail' name='export-view' type='radio' value='view' />detail "; $text .= "<hr/>"; $text .= "File Type : "; $text .= "<input class='export-output-radio' id='export-output-pdf' name='export-output' type='radio' value='pdf' checked='checked' /> pdf "; $text .= "<input class='export-output-radio' id='export-output-excel' name='export-output' type='radio' value='excel' />excel "; $text .= "<input class='export-output-radio' id='export-output-csv' name='export-output' type='radio' value='csv' /> csv "; $text .= "<hr/>"; $text .= "template : " . $this->randerTemplateSelectInput(); if (App_Env::isAdmin()) { $text .= "<button id='CreateNewTempleteButton' onclick='return false;'>+</button>"; } $text .= "<hr/>"; $text .= "Layout : "; $text .= " <input name='exportlayout' type='radio' value='P' checked='checked' /> Portrait "; $text .= " <input name='exportlayout' type='radio' value='L'/> Landscape "; $text .= "<hr/>"; $text .= "Rows : <input name='rowsperpage' type='text' value='20' style='width:20px'/> /Page"; $text .= "<br/>Pages :<br/> \n <input name='page' type='radio' value='all'checked='checked' /> All "; $text .= "<br/> <input name='page' type='radio' value='custom'/> <input name='startpage' type='text' style='width:50px' /> to <input name='endpage' type='text' style='width:50px' />"; $text .= "<hr/>"; if (App_Env::isAdmin()) { $text .= "<button id='DesignButton' onclick='return false'>Design</button>"; } // $text .= "<button id='ExportButton'>Render</button>"; $text .= "<button id='ExportButton'>Preview</button>"; $text .= "</div>"; $text .= "</form>"; $this->globalScript(); return $text; }
function updateSchemaAction() { try { $apiID = $this->_request->getParam(api); $api = new Api_Model_Profile(); $api->find($apiID); $sql = $api->sql; $conn = App_Env::getDb(); $dbh = $conn->getConnection(); print_r($dbh); $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); $colcount = $sth->columnCount(); $typelist = array("LONG" => 'int', "VAR_STRING" => 'string', 'DATETIME' => 'datetime', 'BLOB' => 'text', 'DATE' => 'date'); $inputlist = array("LONG" => 'text', "VAR_STRING" => 'text', 'DATETIME' => 'text', 'BLOB' => 'textarea', 'DATE' => 'datepicker'); for ($i = 0; $i < $colcount; $i++) { $coll = $sth->getColumnMeta($i); $collName = $coll['name']; $propName = strtolower($collName); $propName = str_replace("_", " ", $propName); $propName = ucwords($propName); $propName = str_replace(" ", "", $propName); $propName = lcfirst($propName); $type = $coll['native_type']; if ($type == '') { $type = 'text'; } $schema = new Api_Model_Service_Schema(); $result = $schema->fetchRow($schema->select()->where('attribute_name=?', $propName)->where('api_id=?', $apiID)); if (trim($result->id) == '') { $schema->setApiId($apiID)->setAttributeName($propName)->setColumnName($collName)->setType($typelist)->save(); } } $this->_helper->redirector('index', null, null, array('api' => $apiID, 'info' => 101)); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_helper->redirector('index', null, null, array('api' => $apiID, 'info' => $e->getMessage())); echo "ERROR" . $e->getMessage(); } }
/** * This method is used to render the page footer. * It is automatically called by AddPage() and could be overwritten in your own inherited class. */ public function Footer() { $cur_y = $this->GetY(); $ormargins = $this->getOriginalMargins(); $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); //set style for cell border $line_width = 0.85 / $this->getScaleFactor(); $this->SetLineStyle(array('width' => $line_width, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); //print document barcode $barcode = $this->getBarcode(); if (!empty($barcode)) { $this->Ln($line_width); $barcode_width = round(($this->getPageWidth() - $ormargins['left'] - $ormargins['right']) / 3); $this->write1DBarcode($barcode, 'C128B', $this->GetX(), $cur_y + $line_width, $barcode_width, $this->getFooterMargin() / 3 - $line_width, 0.3, '', ''); $this->Text($this->GetX(), $cur_y + $line_width + 10, $barcode); $this->StartTransform(); $this->SetFont('freeserif', '', 12); $name = App_Env::getUserFullName(); $date = date('d/m/Y'); $time = date('H:i'); $this->Text($this->GetX(), $cur_y + $line_width + 16, "ผู้พิมพ์ {$name} วันที่ {$date} เวลา {$time}น."); $this->StopTransform(); } if (empty($this->pagegroups)) { $pagenumtxt = $this->l['w_page'] . ' ' . $this->getAliasNumPage() . ' / ' . $this->getAliasNbPages(); } else { $pagenumtxt = $this->l['w_page'] . ' ' . $this->getPageNumGroupAlias() . ' / ' . $this->getPageGroupAlias(); } $this->SetY($cur_y); //Print page number if ($this->getRTL()) { $this->SetX($ormargins['right']); $this->Cell(0, 0, $pagenumtxt, 'T', 0, 'L'); } else { $this->SetX($ormargins['left']); $this->Cell(0, 0, $pagenumtxt, 'T', 0, 'R'); } }
/** * @return null|ControllerConfig * Enter description here ... * @param unknown_type $module * @param unknown_type $controller * @param unknown_type $action */ function getConfig($module = null, $controller = null, $action = null) { $request = App_Env::getRequest(); $controller = null != $controller ? $controller : $request->getControllerName(); $module = null != $module ? $module : $request->getModuleName(); $action = null != $action ? $action : $request->getActionName(); //echo($module.":".$controller.":".$action); if (!isset($this->_cache_config[$module][$controller][$action])) { $config = $this->loadConfig(APPLICATION_ENV); $config = $config->toArray(); // print_r($config); $aConfig = $config["{$module}"]["{$controller}"]["{$action}"]; //print_r($cConfig); if (isset($aConfig)) { //print_r($cConfig); //die(); //$aConfig = $cConfig->toArray(); $controllerConfig = new ControllerConfig(); foreach ($aConfig['actionbutton'] as $key => $value) { if ($value == "on") { $controllerConfig->addButton($key); } } foreach ($aConfig['componance'] as $key => $value) { if ($value == "on") { $controllerConfig->addComponance($key); } } $this->_cache_config[$module][$controller][$action] = $controllerConfig; } else { $emptyConfig = new ControllerConfig(); $emptyConfig->isEmpty = true; $this->_cache_config[$module][$controller][$action] = $emptyConfig; } } return $this->_cache_config[$module][$controller][$action]; }
public function getBodyContent() { try { $this->setIsNullParam('COMPANY_INFO', $this->_info()); $this->setIsNullParam('COMPANY_NAME_TH', $this->_info(false)); $this->setIsNullParam('CUSTOMER_NAME', App_Env::getUserFullName()); if (count($this->_to) == 0) { $this->addTo(App_Env::getUserEmail()); } if (count($this->_bcc) == 0) { $this->addBcc(App_Env::getSystemEmail()); } // $mail = new Zend_Mail('utf-8'); //$mail->setHeaderEncoding(); ob_start(); // ดึง layout ออกมา if ($this->_templete_id != '') { $templtet = new Sys_Model_Template(); $templtet->find($this->_templete_id); $this->_subject = $templtet->name; //หา ค่า posible value $possibleAttributes = $templtet->possibleAttributes; $possibleAttributes_tmp1 = str_replace(array("<ul>", '</ul>', '<li>', '</li>'), ' ', $possibleAttributes); $possibleAttributes_tmp1 = preg_replace(array('/\\s\\s+/'), " ", $possibleAttributes_tmp1); $possibleAttributes_tmp2 = explode(" ", $possibleAttributes_tmp1); $data_key = array(); $data_value = array(); foreach ($possibleAttributes_tmp2 as $attr) { $attr = trim($attr); if ($attr != '') { $value = trim($this->_templete_params[$attr]); if ($value == '') { $value = 'N/A'; } $data_value[] = $value; $data_key[] = $attr; } } //print_r($data_key); //print_r($data_value); echo str_replace($data_key, $data_value, $templtet->getContent()); } else { // กำหนดค่าโดยตรง echo $content = $this->_content; echo $footer = $this->_footer; } $html = ob_get_clean(); $html = str_replace("", WEB_DOMAIN, $html); return $html; // exit(); } catch (Exception $e) { // $this->view->stat = 'error'; // $this->view->msg = $e->getMessage (); echo $e->getMessage(); // throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } }
protected function _getConfig($modelname) { return App_Env::getConfig($modelname); }
function isEditForm() { if (in_array(App_Env::getActionName(), array('edit', 'edit-dialog'))) { return true; } return $this->_iseditform; }
function syncDbAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $modelName = $modelname = $this->_request->getParam("model", ''); $configXml = App_Model_Config::get($modelName)->getConfigXML(); $modelConfig = $configXml->production->classes->{$modelName}; $table = $modelConfig->table; $conn = App_Env::getDb(); $dbh = $conn->getConnection(); // print_r($DB); $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $table); $sth->execute(); $colcount = $sth->columnCount(); $typelist = array("LONG" => 'int', "VAR_STRING" => 'string', 'DATETIME' => 'datetime', 'BLOB' => 'text', 'DATE' => 'date'); $inputlist = array("LONG" => 'text', "VAR_STRING" => 'text', 'DATETIME' => 'text', 'BLOB' => 'textarea', 'DATE' => 'datepicker'); for ($i = 0; $i < $colcount; $i++) { $coll = $sth->getColumnMeta($i); $collName = $coll['name']; $propName = strtolower($collName); $propName = str_replace("_", " ", $propName); $propName = ucwords($propName); $propName = str_replace(" ", "", $propName); $propName = lcfirst($propName); $type = $coll['native_type']; if ($type == '') { $type = 'text'; } // print_r($coll); $propNode = $doc->createElement("prop"); $formNode = $doc->createElement("field"); $gridNode = $doc->createElement("field"); $propNode->setAttribute('name', $propName); $propNode->setAttribute('column', $collName); $propNode->setAttribute('label', $propName); $propNode->setAttribute('sqltype', $type); $propNode->setAttribute('type', isset($typelist[$type]) ? $typelist[$type] : $type); $propNode->setAttribute('input', $inputlist[$type]); if (in_array("not_null", $coll['flags'])) { $propNode->setAttribute('required', 'false'); } if ($coll['len'] < 4 and $typelist[$type] == 'int') { $propNode->setAttribute('input', 'spin'); } if (in_array("primary_key", $coll['flags'])) { $propNode->setAttribute('pk', 'true'); $propNode->setAttribute('pk', 'true'); $propNode->setAttribute('name', 'id'); if ($typelist[$type] == 'int') { $propNode->setAttribute('form', 'false'); $propNode->setAttribute('autoIncrement', 'true'); } else { $propNode->setAttribute('autoIncrement', 'false'); } } } }
function getMsg($infocode) { $this->arrinfo[0] = ""; $this->arrinfo[91] = "Login Id or Email was not found "; $this->arrinfo[1] = "Login Id was not found or Password was not correct"; $this->arrinfo[2] = "Password was not correct"; $this->arrinfo[3] = "Your login has been disabled"; $this->arrinfo[4] = "Session expired , you need to Login"; $this->arrinfo[5] = "Logout was successfull."; $this->arrinfo[6] = "Password was sended to your email successfully."; $this->arrinfo[7] = "New record was inserted."; $this->arrinfo[8] = "Record updated successfully."; $this->arrinfo[9] = "Record deleted successfully."; $this->arrinfo[10] = "Unable to insert new record."; $this->arrinfo[11] = "Unable to update the record."; $this->arrinfo[12] = "Unable to delete record."; $this->arrinfo[13] = "Record was not found."; $this->arrinfo[14] = "Payment has been approved and order was updated."; $this->arrinfo[15] = "Registration completed, Login to countinue."; $this->arrinfo[16] = "Style was updated."; $this->arrinfo[17] = "Style was restored."; $this->arrinfo[18] = "You were not allowed to the page."; $this->arrinfo[19] = "Nothing was transfered"; $this->arrinfo[20] = "Record transfered successfully"; $this->arrinfo[20] = "Record transfered successfully"; $this->arrinfo[21] = "Thank you for Signup."; $this->arrinfo[22] = "Document has been Updated Successfully"; $this->arrinfo[23] = "You have already enter your IN timing"; $this->arrinfo[24] = "No Such entries found"; $this->arrinfo[25] = "Attached File has been Deleted Successfully"; $this->arrinfo[26] = "Your group has been disabled"; $this->arrinfo[27] = "Your are already out!"; $this->arrinfo[28] = "User Information has been Updated Successfully"; $this->arrinfo[29] = "Email sent successfully"; $this->arrinfo[30] = "Record Already exists!"; //------------- new info------------------------ $this->arrinfo[31] = "User Status has been Changed"; $this->arrinfo[32] = "Order Product Details Updated Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[33] = "Order Payment Details Updated Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[33] = "Order Note Updated Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[34] = "Order Qty Updated Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[35] = "Parts Successfully Add in your Order."; $this->arrinfo[36] = "Order Products Update Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[37] = "Order PCS can't be Decrease! Use Delete PC."; $this->arrinfo[38] = "PC was Deleted Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[39] = "Payment Entry was Deleted Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[40] = "Secure e-Payments Card Process Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[41] = "Order Reviewed Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[42] = "Order Note Deleted Successfully."; $this->arrinfo[43] = "Mail has been Successfully Save as Draft."; $this->arrinfo[44] = "Document(s) has been Uploaded Successfully."; //------------- end new info------------------------ $this->arrinfo[44] = "An email was sent to " . App_Env::getUserEmail(); $this->arrinfo[45] = "Error : System cound not send email!!"; //Curr error $this->arrinfo[101] = "Service Schema has been Updated Successfully!!"; $this->arrinfo[102] = "Unable to update Service Schema !!"; //Eorditor $this->arrinfo[103] = "Assessment Approved!!"; $this->arrinfo[104] = "Assessment Reseted!!"; $output = ''; if (isset($this->arrinfo[$infocode])) { $output = $this->arrinfo[$infocode]; } else { $output = $infocode; } return $output; }
function render($RecordSet, $titleArray, $fields, $exportFileName) { /* Data to be inserted into excel in an array of arrays * Each array is the avg monthly temp of a different city */ //$data = $list; //$csvTitle = $this->_filetitle; /* We know the keys of each sub-array are the same, so * extract them from the first sub-array and set them * to be our column titles */ //$titleArray = $this->_headers; /* Set your desired delimiter. You can make this a true * .csv and set $delimiter = ","; but I find that tabs * work better as commas can also be present in your data. * Note that you must use the .tsv or .xls file extension for Excel * to correctly interpret tabs. Otherwise if you are using commas * for your delimiter, use .csv for your file extension. */ $delimiter = ","; //Set target filename - see above comment on file extension. //Send headers ..header("Content-Type: text/plain"); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); //print the title to the first cell //print $csvTitle . "\r\n"; // $fields = array (); //foreach ( $grid->ExtFields as $obt ) { // $titleArray [] = lcfirst ( $obt ['field'] ); //} //Separate each column title name with the delimiter $titleString = implode($delimiter, $titleArray); $preview = "<table border='1' width='100%'>"; $preview .= "<tr>"; foreach ($titleArray as $title) { $preview .= "<td>{$title}</td>"; } $preview .= "</tr>"; ob_start(); echo $titleString . "\r\n"; //Loop through each subarray, which are our data sets //$RecordSet = $grid->query (); $dataRowString = array(); foreach ($RecordSet as $row) { $subArray = array(); $preview .= "<tr>"; foreach ($fields as $filed) { $text = $row->{$filed}; $preview .= "<td>{$text}</td>"; $text = iconv("UTF-8", "TIS-620", $text); $subArray[] = "\"{$text}\""; } $preview .= "</tr>"; $dataRowString = implode($delimiter, $subArray); echo $dataRowString . "\r\n"; } $preview .= "</table>"; $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); if ('' == $exportFileName) { $exportFileName = uniqid(); } $filePath = App_Env::getPathOfUserTemporaryFolder() . "/" . $exportFileName . '.csv'; $objFopen = fopen($filePath, 'w'); fwrite($objFopen, $contents); fclose($objFopen); echo $preview; }
function render($RecordSet, $titleArray, $fields, $fileName) { echo <<<STYLE <style> table.excel { \tborder-style:ridge; \tborder-width:1; \tborder-collapse:collapse; \tfont-family:sans-serif; \tfont-size:12px; } table.excel thead th, table.excel tbody th { \tbackground:#CCCCCC; \tborder-style:ridge; \tborder-width:1; \ttext-align: center; \tvertical-align:bottom; } table.excel tbody th { \ttext-align:center; \twidth:20px; } table.excel tbody td { \tvertical-align:bottom; } table.excel tbody td { padding: 0 3px; \tborder: 1px solid #EEEEEE; } table.excel tr:hover { \tcolor: #09F; \tbackground-color: #D6D6D6; } </style> STYLE; try { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ini_set('display_errors', 0); if ('' == $fileName) { $fileName = uniqid(); } $filePath = App_Env::getPathOfUserTemporaryFolder() . "/" . $fileName . '.xls'; $workbook = new Excel_Writer($filePath); $workbook->setLandscape(); $workbook->setTitle($this->filter()->getCaptionText()); // query $i = 0; $dataSet = array(); foreach ($RecordSet as $rows) { //array_unique ( $row ); $j = 0; foreach ($fields as $filed) { $dataSet[$i][$j++] = $this->filter()->fieldTranform($rows, $filed); } ++$i; } // set data $workbook->setData($dataSet); $lastcol = $j - 1; $columnConfig = $this->_columnConfig; $widths = array(); $tableWidth = $this->filter()->getTableWidth(); if (false != strpos($tableWidth, "%")) { $tableWidth = "100"; } //echo $tableWidth; $counter_blank_cell = 0; $total_cell_width = 0; foreach ($fields as $filed) { $width = $columnConfig->fields[$filed]->width; if (false != strpos($width, "%")) { $width = str_replace("%", "", $width); $w = $width * $tableWidth / 100; } else { $w = str_replace("px", "", $width); } if ($w == '') { $counter_blank_cell += 1; } $total_cell_width += $w; $widths[] = $w; } if ($counter_blank_cell == 0) { $counter_blank_cell = 1; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($widths); $i++) { if ($widths[$i] == '') { $widths[$i] = ($tableWidth - $total_cell_width) / $counter_blank_cell; } } $format = array('right' => 1, 'left' => 1, 'border' => 1); $i = 0; foreach ($fields as $filed) { $align = in_array($columnConfig->fields[$filed]->align, App_Model_Config::$alignList) ? $columnConfig->fields[$filed]->align : 'left'; $workbook->setColumn($i, $i, $widths[$i], array_merge($format, array('align' => $align))); ++$i; } //$workbook->setColumn(0,0,15 ,array_merge($format,array( 'align'=>'center')) ); //$workbook->setColumn(1,1,35,array_merge($format,array('align'=>'left'))); //$workbook->setColumn(2,4,20,array_merge($format,array('align'=>'center','NumFormat'=>'_-* #,##0.00_-'))); //$workbook->setColumn(5,$lastcol,10,array_merge($format,array('align'=>'right','NumFormat'=>'_-* #,##0.00_-'))); //set header for ($i = 0; $i < count($titleArray); $i++) { $titleArray[$i] = ucfirst(App_Util::splitByCaps($this->_translate($titleArray[$i]))); } $header[0] = $titleArray; //$header[0] = array('เธฃเธซเธฑเธชเธงเธดเธ—เธขเธฒเธฅเธฑเธข','เธงเธดเธ—เธขเธฒเธฅเธฑเธขเธ�เธธเธกเธ�เธ�',"เธงเธ�เน€เธ�เธดเธ�เธ—เธตเน�เน�เธ”เน�เธฃเธฑเธ� \n เธ�เธฑเธ”เธชเธฃเธฃ","เธฃเธงเธกเน€เธ�เธดเธ� \nเธ�เธ�เธ�เธฃเธฐเธกเธฒเธ“เธ—เธตเน� \nเน�เธ”เน�เธฃเธฑเธ�เน�เธญเธ�","เธฃเน�เธญเธขเธฅเธฐ\n เธ•เน�เธญ \nเธงเธ�เน€เธ�เธดเธ�เธ—เธตเน� เน�เธ”เน�เธฃเธฑเธ�เธ�เธฑเธ”เธชเธฃเธฃ",'เธ�เธณเธ�เธงเธ�เน€เธ�เธดเธ�เธ—เธตเน�เน�เธ”เน�เธฃเธฑเธ�เน�เธญเธ�'); //$header[1] = array('','','','',''); //for($i=1;$i<=$lastcol-4;$i++){ /// $header[0][] =''; // $header[1][] = 'เธ�เธฃเธฑเน�เธ�เธ—เธตเน� '.$i ; //} //array_pop( $header[0]); $workbook->setHeader($header); //$first_row , $first_col , $last_row , $last_col $firstRow = $workbook->getFirstRow(); ///echo $lastcol; //$workbook->mergeCells($firstRow,0,$firstRow+1,0); //$workbook->mergeCells($firstRow,1,$firstRow+1,1); //$workbook->mergeCells($firstRow,2,$firstRow+1,2); //$workbook->mergeCells($firstRow,3,$firstRow+1,3); //$workbook->mergeCells($firstRow,4,$firstRow+1,4); //$workbook->mergeCells($firstRow,5,$firstRow,$lastcol); //addLastRow; //$workbook->setFormula ('lastrow',0,0,'' ); //$workbook->setFormula ('lastrow',1,1,'เธฃเธงเธกเธ—เธธเธ�เธงเธดเธ—เธขเธฒเธฅเธฑเธข' ); //$workbook->setFormula ('lastrow',2,3,'SUMCOLUMN'); //$workbook->setFormula ('lastrow',4,4,'=(D[row]/C[row])*100'); //$workbook->setFormula ('lastrow',5,$lastcol,'SUMCOLUMN'); echo $workbook->render(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getCode(), 'error : ', $e->getMessage(); echo $e->getTraceAsString(); } }
public function isExists($propName, $val = null) { if (is_array($propName)) { $select = $this->select(); foreach ($propName as $data) { $col = $this->getMapper()->getDbColumn($data['col']); $val = $data['val']; $operator = trim($data['operator']); if ($val == 'ISNULL') { $select->where("{$col} IS NULL"); } elseif ($operator != '') { $select->where("{$col} {$operator} '{$val}'"); } else { $select->where("{$col}=?", $val); } } $select->limit(1); } elseif ($val != null) { $col = $this->getMapper()->getDbColumn($propName); $select = $this->select()->where("{$col}=?", $val)->limit(1); } else { die($this->_modelName . " {$propName} val is null"); } //die("SELECT count(*) AS Counter FROM (". $select .") ddxx"); $db = App_Env::getDb(); //if($propName == 'questionId') //die ("SELECT count(*) AS Counter FROM (". $select .") ddxx"); $result = $db->fetchOne(" SELECT count(*) AS Counter FROM (" . $select . ") ddxx"); return (int) $result > 0 ? true : false; }
function uploadfileAction() { $this->disableLayout(); //ini_set("display_errors", 1); $arrayErrorCode = array(UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => "UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE", UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => "UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE", UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => "UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL", UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => "UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE", UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => "UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR", UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => "UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE", UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => "UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION", UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => "UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION"); sleep(3); $folder1 = 'eauditor'; //strtolower($_SESSION['CollegeShortName']); $folder2 = str_replace("-", "", strtolower($this->_request->getParam('systemfolder', ''))); $folderid = $this->_request->getParam('folder', ''); // (isset($_REQUEST['folder']))? $_REQUEST['folder'] : ''; if ($folderid == '') { $folderid = $this->_request->getParam('folderid', '1'); isset($_REQUEST['folderid']) ? $_REQUEST['folder'] : ''; } $file_show = $_FILES['fileupload']['name']; // debug($file_show) ; //$fileRealname = $file_show; // echo $file_show; $file = $file_show; //iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$file_show); $real_name_in_db = $file; $url_save_in_db = "/docs/files/" . $folder1 . "/" . $folder2 . "/" . $file; $real_url_save_in_db = $url_save_in_db; $file_replace = $this->clean_filename($file); //$file_replace = iconv("TIS-620","UTF-8", $file_replace) ; // debug($file_replace) ; $conn = App_Env::getDb(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys_files WHERE FILE_REAL_NAME LIKE '{$file_show}' "; //debug($sql); $filecount = (int) $conn->fetchone($sql); //debug( "COUNT = ".$filecount); if ($filecount > 0) { // debug( "line 80 :filename = ".$filename); $fileNextIndex = $filecount + 1; $fileRename = $this->clean_filename($file_show, $filecount); $file_show = $fileRename; // debug( "line 90 :fileRename = ".$fileRename); } else { $fileRename = $this->clean_filename($file_show); $file_show = $fileRename; } $typefile = $_FILES['fileupload']['type']; $sizefile = $_FILES['fileupload']['size']; //$tempfile = "file/".date("Y-m-d")."-".$file; $url = "/docs/files/" . $folder1 . "/" . $folder2 . "/" . $file_show; $url_save_in_db = "/docs/files/" . $folder1 . "/" . $folder2 . "/" . $fileRename; $structure = str_replace("\\", "/", UPLOAD_PATH . $folder1 . "/" . $folder2); //$structure = $_SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/file/' . $folderName; echo UPLOAD_PATH; if (!is_dir($structure)) { @mkdir($structure, 0777, true); } $tempfile_show = $structure . "/" . urlencode($file_show); $tempfile = $structure . "/" . $fileRename; $errorCode = $_FILES['fileupload']['error']; $this->view->errorCode = $errorCode; $id = uniqid(); if ($errorCode === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { try { // $newdate =date( 'y-m-d H:i:s' ); // $newdatestr = $newdate->format ( 'y-m-d H:i:s' ); $filedata = array('ID' => $id, 'NAME' => $fileRename, 'TYPE' => $typefile, 'SIZE' => $sizefile, 'PATH' => $tempfile, 'URL' => $url_save_in_db, 'IS_PUBLIC' => 1, 'FILE_REAL_URL' => $real_url_save_in_db, 'FILE_REAL_NAME' => $real_name_in_db, 'folder_id' => $folderid); $file = new Sys_Model_File(); $file->setId($id)->setName($fileRename)->setType($typefile)->setSize($sizefile)->setPath($tempfile)->setUrl($url_save_in_db)->setIsPublic(1)->setIsActive(1)->setFileRealName($real_name_in_db)->setFileRealUrl($real_url_save_in_db)->setFolderId($folderid); $this->view->file = $file->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { $error_message = $e->getMessage(); $this->view->error_message = $error_message; } move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileupload']['tmp_name'], $tempfile); //copy($_FILES['fileupload']['tmp_name'],$tempfile); } else { $error_message = $this->file_upload_error_message($errorCode); $this->view->errorCode = $arrayErrorCode[$errorCode]; $this->view->errorCode = errorCode; } }
function __construct($modelname, $formoptions = array()) { try { if (isset($formoptions['modelIdSelected'])) { $this->modelIdSelected = $formoptions['modelIdSelected']; } //echo "__construct App_Form_Default"; $this->_ignoreAuthorize = @($formoptions['ignore_authorize'] == true) ? true : false; parent::__construct(); //echo "__construct App_Form_Default"; $this->setModel($modelname); $config = $this->_getConfig($modelname); $req = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest(); $action = $req->getActionName(); // echo $action; foreach ($config->prop as $prop) { if ($prop->disabledOnForm == 'true' or $prop->form == 'false') { continue; } elseif ($action == 'new') { if ($prop->disabledOnInsert == 'true') { continue; } elseif ($prop->autoIncrement == "true") { continue; } } elseif ($action != 'new') { if ($prop->disabledOnEdit == 'true') { continue; } } $elementType = ''; $options = array(); $options['id'] = $prop->name; $elementType = $options['type'] = isset($prop->input) ? $prop->input : "text"; $fieldtype = isset($prop->type) ? $prop->type : "text"; $input = isset($prop->input) ? $prop->input : "text"; $options['filters'] = isset($prop->filters) ? explode(",", $prop->filters) : array('StringTrim'); $options['required'] = (isset($prop->required) and $prop->required == 'true') ? true : false; $options['alt'] = isset($prop->suffix) ? $prop->suffix : $prop->sufix; $options['label'] = isset($prop->label) ? $prop->label : ucfirst($prop->name); $options['label'] = $this->getView()->translate($options['label']); $options['class'] = isset($prop->class) ? $prop->class : ""; $options['style'] = isset($prop->style) ? $prop->style : "width:80%"; $options['value'] = isset($prop->default) ? $prop->default : ""; $options['decorators'] = $this->{"elementDecorators"}; if (isset($prop->minlength)) { $options['minlength'] = (int) $prop->minlength; } if (isset($prop->maxlength)) { $options['maxlength'] = (int) $prop->maxlength; } if (isset($prop->min)) { $options['min'] = (int) $prop->min; } if (isset($prop->max)) { $options['max'] = (int) $prop->max; } if ('readonly' == $prop->modification and $this->isEditForm()) { $input = "text"; $options['type'] = "text"; } if (0) { switch (strtolower($fieldtype)) { case 'int': $options['validators'] = array('Digits'); $options['class'] = 'valid-number'; $options['style'] = isset($prop->style) ? $prop->style : "width:100px"; break; case 'float': case 'decimal': $options['type'] = 'text'; $options['input'] = 'text'; $options['class'] .= ' currency '; $options['validators'] = array('Float'); $options['style'] = isset($prop->style) ? $prop->style : "width:100px"; break; case 'date': case 'datepicker': case 'datetime': $options['input'] = 'text'; if (!in_array($options['class'], array('datepicker-from', 'datepicker-to'))) { $options['class'] = 'datepicker'; } $options['type'] = 'text'; $options['validators'] = array(array('Date', array('format' => 'dd/mm/yyyy'))); break; case 'bool': case 'boolean': $options['style'] = isset($prop->style) ? $prop->style : "width:100px"; $options['type'] = 'select'; $options['input'] = 'select'; break; } } switch ($input) { case 'date': case 'datepicker': case 'datetime': $options['input'] = 'text'; if (!in_array($options['class'], array('datepicker-from', 'datepicker-to'))) { $options['class'] = 'datepicker'; } $options['type'] = 'text'; $options['validators'] = array(array('Date', array('format' => 'dd/mm/yyyy'))); break; case 'editor': $options['type'] = 'textarea'; $options['class'] = 'editor-full'; $options['style'] = "width:600px;height:100px;"; break; case 'money': $options['type'] = 'text'; $options['input'] = 'text'; $options['class'] = 'valid-number'; $options['validators'] = array('Digits'); break; break; case 'spin': $options['type'] = 'text'; $options['input'] = 'text'; $options['class'] = 'valid-number'; $options['validators'] = array('Digits'); break; case 'currency': $options['type'] = 'text'; $options['input'] = 'text'; $options['class'] .= ' currency '; //$options['validators']= array('Digits' ); break; case 'filepicker': $options['type'] = 'filepicker'; $options['input'] = 'filepicker'; $options['class'] .= ' filepicker '; $options['PrefixPath'] .= 'App_Form_Element '; break; case 'acccodepicker': $options['type'] = 'text'; $options['input'] = 'text'; $options['class'] .= ' acccodepicker '; //$options['validators']= array('Digits' ); break; case 'email': $options['input'] = 'email'; $options['type'] = 'email'; $options['class'] .= ' validemail '; break; case 'textarea': //$options['type']='text'; if ($options['style'] == '') { $options['style'] = "width:70%;height:40px;"; } break; case 'autocomplete': $options['class'] = 'autocomplete'; $options['readonly'] = 'readonly'; $elementName = $elementId = $options['id']; @($options['callBackAffterSelect'] = $prop->autocompleteOptions->callBackSelectedFunction); @($options['resource'] = $prop->autocompleteOptions->resource); break; case 'reference': $options['type'] = 'select'; list($RefmodelName, $fk) = explode(".", $prop->reference); $model = new $RefmodelName(); $condition = $prop->multiOptions->condition; $paramsString = $prop->multiOptions->conditionParams; $where = ''; if ('' != trim($condition)) { $select = str_replace(array_keys($model->PROPS_TO_COLUMS_LIST), array_keys($model->COLUMS_TO_PROPS_LIST), $condition); $selectParams = array(); $paramsAr = explode(",", $paramsString); $formModel = clone $this->_model; if ($formModel instanceof Eau_Model_Client_Assessment) { $clientId = App_Env::getRequest()->getParam("clientId"); $formModel->setClientId($clientId); } if (!empty($paramsAr)) { foreach ($paramsAr as $attr) { $attr = str_replace("()", "", $attr); $selectParams[] = $formModel->{$attr}(); } $where = App_Util::bindSqlParam($select, $selectParams); } } elseif ($model instanceof Sam_Model_User_Group) { if (false == App_Env::isAdmin()) { $where = " id != '3' "; } } if ($where != '') { $result = $model->fetchAll($where); } else { $result = $model->fetchAll(); } foreach ($result as $item) { $pk = $item->{$fk}; $options['multiOptions'][$pk] = "" . $item; } break; } if ($options['type'] == 'radio') { $options['decorators'] = $this->redioDecorators; } if ($input != 'reference' and ($options['type'] == 'select' or $options['type'] == 'radio')) { $options['Separator'] = ""; if (!is_string($prop->multiOptions->model)) { // var_dump($prop->multiOptions); $multiOptions = $prop->multiOptions->toArray(); if (isset($multiOptions['option'])) { foreach ($multiOptions['option'] as $option) { $value = $option['id']; $label = $option['label']; $options['multiOptions'][$value] = $label; } } } else { // สร้าง model จาก ตาราง $modelName = $prop->multiOptions->model; $pkCol = $prop->multiOptions->pk; $labelCol = $prop->multiOptions->label; $model = new $modelName(); // $cacheId = $modelName; //$cache = Zend_Registry::get('cache'); //if( ($result = $cache->load($cacheId)) === false ) { //echo "noCach"; $result = $model->fetchAll(); // $cache->save($result, $cacheId); //} foreach ($result as $item) { $pk = $item->{$pkCol}; $label = $item->{$labelCol}; $options['multiOptions'][$pk] = $label; } } } if ($options['class'] == 'acccodepicker') { $elementName = $elementId = $options['id']; $selectedId = $this->getElement($elementId)->getValue(); @($options['callBackAffterSelect'] = $prop->datapickerOptions->callBackSelectedFunction); @($options['value'] = $prop->datapickerOptions->value); @($options['display'] = $prop->datapickerOptions->display); $resource = $prop->datapickerOptions->resource; $this->getView()->formAutocomplete($elementId, $elementName, $selectedId, $resource, $options); } elseif ($prop->proptype == 'view' and $options['class'] != 'datapicker') { $options['readonly'] = 'readonly'; //$options['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $options['required'] = false; $options['class'] .= " element-readonly "; } elseif ($prop->readonly == 'true') { $options['readonly'] = 'readonly'; //$options['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $options['required'] = false; if ($options['class'] == 'datepicker') { $options['class'] = ''; } $options['class'] .= " element-readonly "; } if ($prop->disabled == 'true') { $options['readonly'] = 'readonly'; //$options['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $options['required'] = false; if ($options['class'] == 'datepicker') { $options['class'] = ''; } $options['class'] .= " element-readonly "; } if ($action == 'edit') { if ($prop->pk == "true") { $options['readonly'] = 'readonly'; $options['class'] .= " element-readonly "; } } if ($options['required'] == true and $elementType != 'filepicker') { $options['class'] .= " required "; } //if($options['type']=='')$options['type']='text'; try { $element = $this->_setElement($options); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } if ($options['class'] == 'datapicker') { $elementName = $elementId = $options['id']; $selectedId = $this->getElement($elementId)->getValue(); @($options['callBackAffterSelect'] = $prop->datapickerOptions->callBackSelectedFunction); @($options['value'] = $prop->datapickerOptions->value); @($options['display'] = $prop->datapickerOptions->display); $resource = $prop->datapickerOptions->resource; $this->getView()->formAutocomplete($elementId, $elementName, $selectedId, $resource, $options); } elseif ($elementType == 'spin') { $elementName = $elementId = $options['id']; $selectedId = $this->getElement($elementId)->getValue(); $this->getView()->formSpin($elementId, $elementName, $selectedId); } elseif ($options['class'] == 'joint-renters-picker') { $req = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest(); $elementName = $elementId = $options['id']; $selectedId = $req->getParam('id', ''); if ($selectedId == '') { $selectedId = $this->modelIdSelected; } //echo $this->getModel()->id; $this->getView()->formRenterPicker($elementId, $elementName, $selectedId); } elseif (trim($options['class']) == 'filepicker') { //echo 'filepicker'; //$this->getView()->formFilePicker($options['id'],$options['id']); } elseif (trim($options['class']) == 'acccodepicker') { $this->getView()->formAcccodepickerPicker($options['id'], $options['id']); } } $this->_addSaveButton(); $this->_addDecorators(); } catch (Exception $e) { //echo $e->getMessage(); // echo $e->getLine(); // echo str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $e->getTraceAsString()); } }
$userFolderPath = self::getSession("pathOfUserTemporaryFolder", ""); if (!is_dir($userFolderPath)) { self::createUserTemporaryFolder(); } return self::getSession("pathOfUserTemporaryFolder", ""); } static function createUserTemporaryFolder() { $userFolderName = strtolower(App_Formatter::cleanFileNames(App_Env::getUser()->getLoginid())); $userFolderPath = TEM_DOCUMENTS . "/" . $userFolderName; if (!is_dir($userFolderPath)) { @mkdir($userFolderPath, 0777, true);
function _isMenuLeftPaneStateShow() { $moduleName = $this->_request->getModuleName(); $controllerName = $this->_request->getControllerName(); return App_Env::getSession("LEFT_PLAN_STATE" . $moduleName . $controllerName, 'SHOW') == 'SHOW'; }
public function setModelConfigXml() { //static $x; //echo $x++; //echo "[".CONFIG_PATH . "$config","]"; $model = $this->_modelName; $this->_config = App_Env::getConfig($model); return $this; }
protected function _submitForm(App_Form $form, $request, $id = '') { //print_r($_POST); //$form = new App_Form_Table($this->_modelName); //$this->_setForm ( $form,$this->_model ); $id = trim($id); if ($request->getPost()) { if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) { $isValid = true; if ($isValid) { try { if ($id == null) { $info = 7; } else { $info = 8; } $lastId = $form->save($id); $data['id'] = $lastId; if ($form->isInsearted()) { //echo "isInsearted"; //$this->_callBackAffterInsert ( $form, $data ); } elseif ($form->isUpdated()) { //$this->_callBackAffterUpdate ( $form, $data ); } if (trim($id) == '') { $id = $lastId; } return true; //$this->view->alert("กรุณากรอกข้อมูลในแบบฟอร์มให้ถูกต้อง และ บันทึกข้อมูลอีกครั้ง"); // $this->view->infocode = $info; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->view->alert("เกิดปัญหาในการบันทึกข้อมูล ลองบันทึกข้อมูลอีกครั้ง"); $this->view->infocode = App_Env::sqlerror($e->getMessage()); return false; } } } else { $errors = $form->getMessages(); $messages = array(); foreach ($errors as $element_name => $error) { $element_messages = array(); foreach ($error as $elmessages) { $element_messages[] = "{$elmessages}"; } $messages[] = "{$element_name}:" . join(",", $element_messages); } $form_alert_message = join("<br/>", $messages); $this->view->alert("กรุณากรอกข้อมูลในแบบฟอร์มให้ถูกต้อง และ บันทึกข้อมูลอีกครั้ง <br/>" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $form_alert_message)); return false; } } else { return false; // $this->view->infocode = "no post data"; } return false; }
function redertable(App_Grid_Filter $filter, array $list = null) { if ($this->_processController == '') { $req = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest(); $this->_processController = $req->getControllerName(); } //if(trim($this->_gridid) ==''){ //} //print_r($this->_columnConfig); $widths = $filter->getRowWidths(); $titles = $filter->getheaderTitles(); $tWidth = $filter->getTableWidth(); $view = $this->view; if (!$filter->isDisableHeader()) { // $view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/scripts/jq-ingrid/css/ingrid.css'); // $view->headScript()->appendFile('/scripts/jq-ingrid/js/jquery.ingrid.js'); // $view->headScript()->appendFile('/scripts/jq-ingrid/js/jquery.cookie.js'); //$view->headScript()->appendScript($this->_getScript()); } $gridwidth = $filter->getGridWidth(); // SETTING $this->_enabledScollbar = false; $table = "<div class='table-actionbar-container hide-on-print' align='right' id='tablePane_{$this->getGridId()}' ><div class='table-actionbar-inner'>"; foreach ($this->_butonOnActionBarList as $id => $options) { $table .= $this->renderButtonOnActionBar($id, $options); } $appconfigurl = $this->view->url(array('action' => 'grid-config', 'module' => 'appconfig', 'controller' => 'model-setting', 'model' => $this->_modelName, 'uiName' => $this->filter()->getUiName()), true); if (App_Env::isAdmin() and APPLICATION_ENV == 'development') { $table .= "<a id='ModelConfigButton' name='ModelConfigButton' onclick=\"openWindows('{$appconfigurl}','appconfig')\" title='click to config page' class='btn btn-default btn-xs config-page-button'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-wrench'></i></a>"; } $table .= '</div></div>'; $innerTableVisibirity = 'display'; //$table .= '<div id="issues-preview-table" align="left" >'; if ($this->_enabledScollbar == true) { $table .= "<div class='table-header-container hide-on-print ' > "; //if($this->_enabledScollbar ==true){ // $table.="<div id='tableHeadContianer' style='height: 20%; overflow-y: scroll;overflow-x: hidden;padding-right:2px;'>"; $table .= "<table border='0' style='width:{$gridwidth}' class=' extensions listing table-head default' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' >"; $table .= $this->_getHeader($widths, $titles); $table .= "</table>"; $table .= '</div>'; $tableBobyContainerStyleClass = 'table-body-scoll-container'; } //$table.='<form id="'.$this->_formid.'" >'; if (1) { if (!isset($tableBobyContainerStyleClass)) { $tableBobyContainerStyleClass = 'table-container'; } $table .= "<div class='{$tableBobyContainerStyleClass} div-table-body ' >"; // $innerTableVisibirity = 'display'; //}else{ //$table.='<form id="'.$this->_formid.'" >'; //$innerTableVisibirity = 'display'; //} $table .= '<form id="' . $this->_formid . '" class="webgridform" >'; $table .= "<table id='{$this->_gridid}' style='width:{$gridwidth}' class='table table-bordered table-hover tableBodyContianer listing {$this->_tablebodyClass}'>"; if ($this->_enabledScollbar != true) { $table .= $this->_getHeader($widths, $titles); } if (is_array($list)) { $table .= $this->_getRows($list, $widths); } else { $table .= $this->_getBlankRows(count($titles)); } if ($this->_enabledScollbar == true) { $table .= $this->_getHeaderAtFooter($widths, $titles); } //if( !$filter->isDisableHeader() ){ // $table .= $this->_getFooter(count($titles)); //} $table .= '</table>'; $table .= '</form>'; //if($this->_enabledScollbar ==true){ //$table .= '</div>'; //} $table .= '</div>'; } //$table .= '</form>'; //echo $this->_enabledPagination ; if ($this->_enabledPagination == true) { $table .= "<div class='table-pagination-container hide-on-print'>"; $table .= $this->_genPagination(); $table .= "</div>"; } //$table .= '</div>'; //if (! $filter->isDisableScript ()) { //$table .='<script type="text/javascript">'; $this->addDefaultScript(); //$table .= '</script> '; //} return $table; }
/** * @param string $label * @param string $onclick * @param string $additionalClass * @param string $id * @param bool $disabled * @param string $title * @return string */ public function Zbutton($action, $controller = '', $label = '', $id = '', $disabled = false, $title = '', $additionalClass = '', $userParams = null, array $windowOptions = null) { $module = ''; if (is_array($action)) { $iconclass = isset($action['icon']) ? $action['icon'] : 'ui-icon-bullet'; $controller = isset($action['controller']) ? $action['controller'] : null; $module = isset($action['module']) ? $action['module'] : null; $width = isset($action['width']) ? $action['width'] : null; $title = isset($action['tooltip']) ? $action['tooltip'] : null; $onClickFunction = isset($action['onClickFunction']) ? $action['onClickFunction'] : null; $label = isset($action['label']) ? $action['label'] : null; $id = isset($action['id']) ? $action['id'] : null; $disabled = isset($action['disabled']) ? $action['disabled'] : null; $additionalClass = isset($action['class']) ? $action['class'] : null; $userParams = isset($action['params']) ? $action['params'] : null; $windowOptions = isset($action['windowOptions']) ? $action['windowOptions'] : null; $url = isset($action['url']) ? $action['url'] : null; $class = isset($action['class']) ? $action['class'] : "{$action}-button"; $action = isset($action['action']) ? $action['action'] : null; //if($label=='')$label=$title; //echo $iconclass; //return $iconclass; } //if(strtolower($label) == 'new')$label = ucfirst($action); $req = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest(); if (trim($controller) == '') { $controller = $req->getControllerName(); } if ($module == '') { $module = $req->getModuleName(); } //$class = "$action-button"; $disabledClass = $disabled ? ' button-disabled ' : ''; $onclick = ''; if ($label == '') { $label = ucfirst($action); } //if($action =='reload')$label = 'reload'; if ($title == '') { $title = "Click to " . ucfirst($action) . " {$controller}."; } if ($id == '') { $id = 'btn_' . $action; } //echo $action; $resource = strtolower("{$module}:{$controller}"); $isAllowed = Sam_Acl::getInstance()->isAllowed($resource, $action); $resourceName = "{$resource}#{$action}"; if ($id == "SaveButton") { if (in_array(App_Env::getActionName(), array('new', 'new-dialog'))) { $isAllowed = Sam_Acl::getInstance()->isAllowed($resource, "new"); } else { $isAllowed = Sam_Acl::getInstance()->isAllowed($resource, "edit"); } } else { } // echo (int)$isAllowed,"<br/>"; $is_refresh = false; if ($action == 'reload') { $action = null; $is_refresh = true; } if ($isAllowed and $disabled == false) { if ($url != '') { $link = $url; $onclick = " onclick=\"location.href='{$link}'\" "; } else { if ($onClickFunction != '') { $onclick = $onClickFunction; } else { if ($windowOptions != null) { //if(!isset($userParams["print"])){ // $userParams["print"]='html'; //} $userParams["mode"] = 'window'; if ($url == '') { $link = $this->view->url($action, $controller, $module, $userParams); } else { $link = $url; } $wwidth = isset($windowOptions['width']) ? $windowOptions['width'] : ''; $wheight = isset($windowOptions['height']) ? $windowOptions['height'] : ''; if ($windowOptions['type'] == 'print') { $id = 'PrintButton'; $onclick = "onclick=\"window.print();\""; } else { $onclick = "onclick=\"openWindows('{$link}','{$id}','{$wwidth}','{$wheight}')\""; } } elseif ($id == 'PrintButton') { $userParams["mode"] = 'window'; $userParams["print"] = 'html'; if ($url == '') { $link = $this->view->url($action, $controller, $module, $userParams); } else { $link = $url; } $onclick = "onclick=\"window.print();\""; } else { if ($is_refresh) { //$link = $this->view->url('SSSSS',$controller,null,$userParams,true); $x = uniqid(); $onclick = "onclick=\"location.href='?x={$x}&filter=reset'\""; } elseif ($action != '') { $link = $this->view->url($action, $controller, null, $userParams, true); $onclick = "onclick=\"location.href='{$link}'\""; } else { $onclick = ''; } } } } } else { $disabled = true; } if ($disabled == true) { $disabledClass = ' button-disabled '; $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; } if ($action == 'index' or $action == 'back') { //$iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"; } if ($action == 'close' or $action == 'back') { //$iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"; } if ($is_refresh) { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"; } elseif ($id == "SaveButton" or $id == "DownloadButton" or $id == "SaveTransaction") { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk"; } elseif ($id == "ResetButton" or $class == 'reset' or $Id == "ReStart" or $id == 'forn-search-button-refresh') { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"; } elseif ($id == "CancelButton") { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"; } elseif ($id == "EditButton" or $id == "edit") { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"; } elseif ($id == "CloseButton") { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle"; } elseif ($id == "ExportButton") { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-download"; } elseif ($id == "PrintButton") { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-print"; $label = 'Print'; } elseif ($class == 'apply' or $id == 'forn-search-button-submit') { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-search"; $title = 'search'; $label = 'search'; } elseif ($id == 'CloseToIIndexButton' or $id == 'CloseToIndexButton') { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"; $link = App_View_Helper_Table::getToIndexLink($this->view, null, null, null, array('action' => $action)); $onclick = "onclick=\"location.href='{$link}'\""; } elseif ($id == "DeleteButton") { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-trash"; } elseif ($id == "NewButton") { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-plus"; } if (trim($iconclass) == '') { $iconclass = "glyphicon glyphicon-plus"; } if ($width == '') { $width = '300'; } $style = " style='width: {$width} ;' "; /* $output =<<<button <input type='button' value='{$label}' id='{$id}' name='$id' $onclick $disabled $width title='{$this->view->escape($title)}' class='btn {$class} {$disabledClass} {$additionalClass}' /> button; $output2 =<<<buttonImg <img type="button" value="{$label}" id='{$id}' name='$id' $onclick $disabled title='{$this->view->escape($title)}' class=' {$class} {$disabledClass} {$additionalClass}' /> buttonImg; */ $output3 = <<<buttonImg \t\t<a resource='{$resourceName}' id='{$id}' name='{$id}' {$onclick} {$disabled} {$style} title='{$this->view->escape($title)}' class='btn btn-default btn-xs ' > \t\t<i class="{$iconclass}"></i> {$label} \t\t</a> \t\t\t\t buttonImg; return $output3; }
function render(App_Grid_Filter $filter, $exportLayout, $page, $fileName) { $pdf = new mypdf(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false); $pdf->caption = $this->caption; // set document information $pdf->SetCreator(PDF_CREATOR); $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni'); $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 048'); $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial'); $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide'); // set default header data //$pdf->SetHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, PDF_HEADER_TITLE.' 048', PDF_HEADER_STRING); // set header and footer fonts //$pdf->setHeaderFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN)); //$pdf->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA)); // set default monospaced font $pdf->SetDefaultMonospacedFont(PDF_FONT_MONOSPACED); //set margins $pdf->SetMargins(2, 0, 5); //$pdf->SetHeaderMargin(2); //$pdf->SetFooterMargin(PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER); //set auto page breaks $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM); //set image scale factor $pdf->setImageScale(PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO); //set some language-dependent strings //$pdf->setLanguageArray($l); // --------------------------------------------------------- // set font $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 20); // add a page // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $totalpage = $this->filter()->getTotalPage(); if ($page == 'all') { $startPage = 1; $endPage = $totalpage; } elseif (is_array($page)) { $startPage = (int) $page['0']; $endPage = (int) $page['1']; } elseif (is_numeric($page)) { $startPage = $endPage = (int) $page; } if ($startPage < 0) { $startPage = 1; } if ($endPage == '') { $endPage = $startPage; } if ($endPage > $totalpage) { $endPage = $totalpage; } for ($i = $startPage; $i <= $endPage; $i++) { $pdf->AddPage($exportLayout); $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 7); $pdf->SetX(5); $pdf->SetY(10); $filter->setPage($i); $list = $filter->getList(); $tbl = $this->renderSimpleTable($filter, $list); $pdf->writeHTML($tbl, true, true, false, false, ''); } //Close and output PDF document if ('' == $fileName) { $fileName = uniqid(); } $filePath = App_Env::getPathOfUserTemporaryFolder() . "/" . $fileName . '.pdf'; $pdf->Output($filePath, 'F'); $pdf->Output(null, 'I'); //============================================================+ // END OF FILE //============================================================+ }
/** * Fetch all guestbook entries * * @return array */ public function fetchAll($where = null, $order = null, $count = null, $offset = null) { //$time = microtime_float(); //exit(); /* if(is_string($where)){ $where = explode("WHERE", $where); //Zend_Db_Select:: }else{ echo $where->getPart( Zend_Db_Select::ORDER ); } if($where ){ print_r($where); echo $where->getPart( Zend_Db_Select::WHERE ); } */ $model = $this->getModel(); //die( "xx".get_class($model) ); $config = $this->getModelConfig(); $modelName = get_class($model); //$this->getModel()->getModelName(); // die($modelName); if ($model->getBaseSQL() != '') { $sql = $model->getBaseSQL(); $sqlselect = " SELECT * FROM ( {$sql} ) tttt "; if ($where instanceof Zend_Db_Select) { $dbselect = $where; $where = $dbselect->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::WHERE); $orders = $dbselect->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::ORDER); $count = $dbselect->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::LIMIT_COUNT); $offet = $dbselect->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::LIMIT_OFFSET); if (count($where) > 0) { $sqlselect .= " WHERE " . join(" ", $where); } if (count($orders) > 0) { $orderby = array(); foreach ($orders as $order) { $orderby[] = $order[0] . ' ' . $order[1]; } $sqlselect .= " ORDER BY " . join(",", $orderby); } if ($count != 0) { $sqlselect .= " LIMIT {$offet},{$count} "; } } else { if ($where != '') { $sqlselect .= " where " . $where; } if ($order != null) { $sqlselect .= " ORDER BY {$order} "; } if ($offset != null) { $sqlselect .= " LIMIT {$offset},99999999 "; } if ($count != null) { if ($offset == null) { $offset = 0; } $sqlselect .= " LIMIT {$offset},{$count} "; } // echo $sqlselect; } $querytype = 'basesql'; $cacheId = md5($sqlselect); } elseif ($where instanceof Zend_Db_Select) { $querytype = 'dbselect'; $cacheId = md5($where); } elseif ($model->isIgnoreDbTable()) { $querytype = 'db'; $cacheId = md5($where); // echo "isIgnoreDbTable".$where; } else { $sqlwhere = $this->_getSQLOfPart($where, $order, $count, $offset); $cacheId = md5($modelName . $sqlwhere); } //die("[".$sqlwhere."]"); $entries = false; if (CACHE_DB_ENABLED) { $cache_dir = PRIVATE_PATH . '/data/cache/' . $model->getModelName(); if (!is_dir($cache_dir)) { @mkdir($cache_dir, 0777, true); } $backendOptions = array('cache_dir' => $cache_dir); $frontendOptions = array('lifetime' => 7200, 'automatic_serialization' => true); $cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions); $entries = $cache->load($cacheId); } if ($entries === false) { switch ($querytype) { case 'basesql': //die('basesql'); $db = App_Env::getDb(); $resultSet = $db->fetchAll($sqlselect); break; case 'dbselect': //die('dbselect'); $resultSet = $this->getDbTable()->fetchAll($where); break; case 'db': //die('db'); $db = App_Env::getDb(); $db->setFetchMode(Zend_Db::FETCH_BOTH); $resultSet = $db->fetchAll($where); break; default: //echo $where ,"<hr/>"; //echo $count,"<hr/>"; //echo $order,"<hr/>"; //echo $offset,"<hr/>"; $resultSet = $this->getDbTable()->fetchAll($where, $order, $count, $offset); // die('default'); break; } // print_r($resultSet); $entries = array(); $configProp = $config->prop; foreach ($resultSet as $row) { $entries[] = $this->bindEntry($modelName, $row); } //print_r($entries); // echo '<br/>fetchall_time:',round(microtime_float() - $time,3,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP); if (CACHE_DB_ENABLED) { $cache->save($entries, $cacheId); } } return $entries; }
/** * * @return Sam_Auth */ static function getInstance() { $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('samSession'); if (isset($session->sesSamXAuth2) and App_Env::getSession("userType") == 'customer') { $objSam = $session->sesSamXAuth2; // true ; //$_SESSION ['ses_SamX_obj']; } else { $objSam = new Sam_AuthCustomer(); $session->sesSamXAuth2 = $objSam; } App_Env::setSession("userType", 'customer'); $objSam->setUserType('customer'); return $objSam; }
static function getInstance() { //session_start(); //if(APPLICATION_ENV == 'development'){ $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('sam_session' . uniqid(), true); //} if (isset($_SESSION['ses_SamX_obj'])) { $objSam = $_SESSION['ses_SamX_obj']; // true ; //$_SESSION ['ses_SamX_obj']; //die("isset"); } else { //die("not isset"); $objSam = new Sam_Auth(); $_SESSION['ses_SamX_obj'] = $objSam; } App_Env::setSession("userType", 'admin'); $objSam->setUserType('admin'); return $objSam; }