Example #1
 * get a router to handle and generate URLs.
require_once APPDIR . '/router.class.php';
$router = new AppRouter();
 * Find the controller that registered for the requested URI. Note that here
 * $_REQUEST['controller'] stand for an alias and not a controller class, hence
 * the need of the router's logic.
$controller = $router->find_route(isset($_REQUEST['controller']) ? $_REQUEST['controller'] : NULL, isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : NULL, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
if (is_null($controller)) {
    require_once APPDIR . '/controllers/error.class.php';
    $controller = new ErrorController(No2_HTTP::NOT_FOUND);
 * Execute the requested action in order to be able to render the ressource.
if (No2_Logger::$level >= No2_Logger::DEBUG) {
} else {
    try {
    } catch (Exception $_) {
        // Something Badâ„¢ happened. This exception wasn't expected, so we