public function outputArray(array $data, $singular_object_name = 'entity', $plural_object_name = 'entities')
     $app = App::i();
     $hook_data = ['data' => $data, 'singular_object_name' => $singular_object_name, 'plural_object_name' => $plural_object_name];
     $app->applyHookBoundTo($this, "api.response({$this->hookClassName}).array({$plural_object_name}):before", $hook_data);
     $this->_outputArray($data, $singular_object_name, $plural_object_name);
     $output = ob_get_clean();
     $hook_data['output'] = $output;
     $app->applyHookBoundTo($this, "api.response({$this->hookClassName}).array({$plural_object_name}):after", $hook_data);
     echo $output;
Example #2
  * Returns the full path to the file.
  * @param \MapasCulturais\Entities\File $file The file to get the path
  * @param bool $relative Returns the relative path?
  * @hook **storage.path ($file, &$path)**
  * @hook **storage.path({$owner_entity}) ($file, &$path)**
  * @hook **storage.path({$owner_entity}:{$file_group}) ($file, &$path)**
 public function getPath(\MapasCulturais\Entities\File $file, $relative = false)
     $app = App::i();
     $owner = $file->getOwner();
     $result = $this->_getPath($file, $relative);
     $app->applyHookBoundTo($this, 'storage.path', ['file' => $file, 'path' => &$result]);
     if ($owner) {
         $app->applyHookBoundTo($this, 'storage.path(' . $owner->getHookClassPath() . ':' . $file->group . ')', ['file' => $file, 'path' => &$result]);
     return $result;
Example #3
 /** @ORM\PostUpdate */
 public function _postUpdate($args = null)
     $_hook_class = $this->getHookClassPath($this->objectType);
     App::i()->applyHookBoundTo($this, 'entity(' . $_hook_class . ').meta(' . $this->key . ').update:after', $args);
Example #4
 function GET_single()
Example #5

namespace MapasCulturais;

$app = App::i();
$em = $app->em;
$conn = $em->getConnection();
return array('alter table space add column public' => function () use($conn) {
    $conn->executeQuery('ALTER TABLE space ADD COLUMN public BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false;');
}, 'alter table agent add column parent_id' => function () use($conn) {
    $conn->executeQuery('ALTER TABLE agent ADD COLUMN parent_id INTEGER;');
    $conn->executeQuery('ALTER TABLE ONLY agent ADD CONSTRAINT agent_agent_fk FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES agent(id);');
}, 'alter occurrence fk' => function () use($conn) {
    $conn->executeQuery("\n            ALTER TABLE public.event_occurrence_cancellation\n                DROP CONSTRAINT event_occurrence_fk,\n                ADD CONSTRAINT event_occurrence_fk\n                   FOREIGN KEY (event_occurrence_id)\n                   REFERENCES event_occurrence(id)\n                   ON DELETE CASCADE");
    $conn->executeQuery("\n            ALTER TABLE public.event_occurrence_recurrence\n                DROP CONSTRAINT event_occurrence_fk,\n                ADD CONSTRAINT event_occurrence_fk\n                   FOREIGN KEY (event_occurrence_id)\n                   REFERENCES event_occurrence(id)\n                   ON DELETE CASCADE");
}, 'alter tables to change CHAR to VARCHAR' => function () use($conn) {
    $conn->executeQuery('ALTER TABLE ONLY agent_meta ALTER COLUMN key TYPE character varying(32);');
    $conn->executeQuery('ALTER TABLE ONLY event_meta ALTER COLUMN key TYPE character varying(32);');
    $conn->executeQuery('ALTER TABLE ONLY space_meta ALTER COLUMN key TYPE character varying(32);');
    $conn->executeQuery('ALTER TABLE ONLY project_meta ALTER COLUMN key TYPE character varying(32);');
    $conn->executeQuery('ALTER TABLE ONLY metadata ALTER COLUMN key TYPE character varying(32);');
    $conn->executeQuery('ALTER TABLE ONLY file ALTER COLUMN grp TYPE character varying(32);');
}, 'change owner of verified spaces of type Biblioteca Publica to agent SMB (id 592)' => function () use($app) {
    $smb = $app->repo('Agent')->find(592);
    $spaces = $app->controller('space')->apiQuery(['@select' => 'id,name,singleUrl', 'owner' => 'IN(@Agent:425)', 'type' => 'EQ(20)']);
    foreach ($spaces as $i => $space) {
        echo $i + 1 . ' - ' . $space['name'] . "... ";
        $b = $app->repo('Space')->find($space['id']);
        $b->owner = $smb;
        echo "OK\n";
        list($auid, $old_email, $new_email) = $e;
        $sql = "UPDATE usr SET email='{$new_email}' WHERE auth_uid = '{$auid}' AND email = '{$old_email}'\n";
        echo $sql;
    $users = explode("\n", $data);
    foreach ($users as $u) {
        if (!$u) {
        $d = explode("\t", $u);
        list($username, $email, $openid) = $d;
        if (count($d) != 3) {
        $auid = App::i()->config['auth.config']['login_url'] . str_replace('/openid/', '', $openid) . '/';
        $sql = "UPDATE usr SET auth_uid = '{$auid}' WHERE email = '{$email}'\n";
        echo $sql;
    return true;
}, 'replace "relacioanr" in notification messages asd' => function () use($conn) {
    $count = $conn->fetchAssoc("SELECT count(*) AS total FROM notification WHERE message LIKE '%relacioanr%'");
    if ($count['total'] > 0) {
        echo 'Atualizando ' . $count['total'] . ' notificações com o erro de grafia "relacioanr"' . "\n";
        $sql = "UPDATE notification SET message = replace(message, 'relacioanr', 'relacionar') WHERE message LIKE '%relacioanr%'";
        echo $sql;
    return true;
}, 'fix select values' => function () use($conn) {
 public function createUrl($controller_id, $action_name = '', array $args = array())
     if ($action_name == '') {
         $action_name = $this->config['default_action_name'];
     $route = '';
     if ($args && in_array(array($controller_id, $action_name, $args), $this->config['shortcuts'])) {
         $route = array_search(array($controller_id, $action_name, $args), $this->config['shortcuts']) . '/';
         $args = array();
     } elseif (in_array(array($controller_id, $action_name), $this->config['shortcuts'])) {
         $route = array_search(array($controller_id, $action_name), $this->config['shortcuts']) . '/';
     } else {
         if (in_array($controller_id, $this->config['controllers'])) {
             $route = array_search($controller_id, $this->config['controllers']) . '/';
         } else {
             $route = $controller_id . '/';
         if ($action_name != $this->config['default_action_name']) {
             if (in_array($action_name, $this->config['actions'])) {
                 $route .= array_search($action_name, $this->config['actions']) . '/';
             } else {
                 $route .= $action_name . '/';
     foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
         if (is_numeric($key)) {
             $route .= $val . '/';
         } else {
             $route .= $key . ':' . $val . '/';
     return App::i()->baseUrl . $route;
Example #8
  * Verify that there is no other metadata with the same value and key for the same entity class.
  * @param \MapasCulturais\Entity $owner the owner of the metadata value
  * @param type $value the value to check.
  * @return bool true if there is no metadata with the same value, false otherwise.
 protected function validateUniqueValue(\MapasCulturais\Entity $owner, $value)
     $app = App::i();
     $owner_class = $owner->className;
     if (class_exists($owner_class . 'Meta')) {
         $q = $app->em->createQuery("SELECT COUNT(m) FROM {$owner_class}Meta m WHERE m.key = :key AND m.value = :value AND m.owner != :owner");
         $q->setParameters(['key' => $this->key, 'value' => $value, 'owner' => $owner]);
     } else {
         $q = $app->em->createQuery("SELECT COUNT(m) FROM \\MapasCulturais\\Entities\\Metadata m WHERE m.key = :key AND m.value = :value AND m.ownerType :ownerType AND m.ownerId != :ownerId");
         $q->setParameters(['key' => $this->key, 'value' => $value, 'ownerType' => $owner_class, 'ownerId' => $owner->id]);
     return !$q->getSingleScalarResult();
Example #9

namespace MapasCulturais;

define('BASE_PATH', realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../') . '/');
define('PROTECTED_PATH', realpath(__DIR__ . '/../') . '/');
define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(__DIR__) . '/');
define('THEMES_PATH', APPLICATION_PATH . 'themes/');
define('ACTIVE_THEME_PATH', THEMES_PATH . 'active/');
define('PLUGINS_PATH', APPLICATION_PATH . '/plugins/');
define('AUTOLOAD_TTL', 60 * 5);
require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";
$config = (include __DIR__ . '/conf/config.php');
// create the App instance
$app = App::i()->init($config);
Example #10
 function publishAsset($asset_filename, $destination = null)
     $app = App::i();
     if (preg_match('#^(\\/\\/|https?)#', $asset_filename)) {
         return $asset_filename;
     $asset_filename = $app->view->getAssetFilename($asset_filename);
     if (!$asset_filename) {
         return '';
     $info = pathinfo($asset_filename);
     $extension = strtolower($info['extension']);
     if (!$destination) {
         $destination_file = $this->_getPublishedAssetFilename($asset_filename);
         if (in_array($extension, ['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'ico'])) {
             $destination = "img/{$destination_file}";
         } else {
             $destination = "{$extension}/{$destination_file}";
     $cache_id = __METHOD__ . '::' . $asset_filename . '->' . $destination;
     if ($app->config['app.useAssetsUrlCache'] && $app->cache->contains($cache_id)) {
         return $app->cache->fetch($cache_id);
     } else {
         $asset_url = $this->_publishAsset($asset_filename, $destination);
         if ($app->config['app.useAssetsUrlCache']) {
             $app->cache->save($cache_id, $asset_url);
         return $asset_url;
 protected final function _setAuthenticatedUser(Entities\User $user = null)
     App::i()->applyHookBoundTo($this, 'auth.login', [$user]);
     $this->_authenticatedUser = $user;
Example #12
 function POST_single()