Example #1
 private function exportData($aaExportPageGroups)
     $oDoc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
     //put information as comment
     $sComment = "";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_info") . "\n";
     $sComment .= ANWIKI_WEBSITE . "\n\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_time", array("time" => Anwi18n::dateTime(time()))) . "\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_version", array("version" => ANWIKI_VERSION_NAME)) . "\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_user", array("user" => AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->getLogin())) . "\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_from", array("url" => self::globalCfgUrlRoot())) . "\n\n";
     $sComment .= $this->t_("xmlcomment_contents") . "\n";
     //list exported contents as comment
     foreach ($aaExportPageGroups as $amPageGroup) {
         foreach ($amPageGroup['PAGES'] as $oPage) {
             $sPageTime = Anwi18n::dateTime($oPage->getTime());
             $sComment .= ' * ' . $oPage->getName() . " (" . $oPage->getLang() . ") (" . $sPageTime . ")\n";
     $sCommentSeparator = "\n**************************************************\n";
     $sComment = " " . $sCommentSeparator . $sComment . $sCommentSeparator . " ";
     $oCommentNode = $oDoc->createComment($sComment);
     //end comment
     //<anwexport time="" origin="">
     $oRootNode = $oDoc->createElement(self::XMLTAG_ROOT);
     $oRootNode->setAttribute("time", time());
     $oRootNode->setAttribute("from", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode(self::globalCfgUrlRoot()));
     $oRootNode->setAttribute("version_id", ANWIKI_VERSION_ID);
     $oRootNode->setAttribute("version_name", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode(ANWIKI_VERSION_NAME));
     foreach ($aaExportPageGroups as $amPageGroup) {
         $oPageGroup = $amPageGroup['GROUP'];
         $sContentClassName = $oPageGroup->getContentClass()->getName();
         $oPageGroupNode = $oDoc->createElement(self::XMLTAG_PAGEGROUP);
         $oPageGroupNode->setAttribute("contentclass", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode($sContentClassName));
         foreach ($amPageGroup['PAGES'] as $oPage) {
             //add comment
             $sPageTime = Anwi18n::dateTime($oPage->getTime());
             $sComment = $oPage->getName() . " (" . $oPage->getLang() . ") (" . $sPageTime . ") (" . $oPageGroup->getContentClass()->getLabel() . "/" . $sContentClassName . ")";
             //$sComment = " \n*\n* ".$sComment."\n*\n ";
             $sCommentSeparator = "\n**************************************************\n";
             $sComment = " \n\n" . $sCommentSeparator . $sComment . $sCommentSeparator . " ";
             $oCommentNode = $oDoc->createComment($sComment);
             //end comment
             //using a CDATA node to preserve source breaklines :-)
             //$sPageContent = $oPage->getContent()->toXml();
             //$oPageContentNode = $oDoc->createCDATASection($sPageContent);
             $oContentNodeDoc = $oPage->getContent()->toXml()->documentElement;
             //here we got a <doc> node
             $oPageContentNodeDoc = $oDoc->importNode($oContentNodeDoc, true);
             //<anwpage name="" lang="" time="">
             $oPageNode = $oDoc->createElement(self::XMLTAG_PAGE);
             $oPageNode->setAttribute("name", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode($oPage->getName()));
             $oPageNode->setAttribute("lang", AnwXml::xmlFileAttributeEncode($oPage->getLang()));
             $oPageNode->setAttribute("time", $oPage->getTime());
             //we need to do this to squeeze the unwanted <doc> node in
             //WARNING - special loop ! childs are getting modified...
             while ($oChildNode = $oPageContentNodeDoc->childNodes->item(0)) {
     $sReturn = AnwUtils::xmlDumpNode($oRootNode);
     // even if final XML structure may be broken due to undeclared namespaces used in content,
     // we let raw content as it is for better compatibility in later versions.
     // $sReturn = AnwXml::prepareXmlValueToXml($sReturn);
     return $sReturn;