  * @since       3
 protected function _getValueFromRow($sColumnName, array $aRow, $mDefault = null, $aScheduleTask = array('locale' => '', 'asin' => '', 'associate_id' => ''))
     $_mValue = $this->getElement($aRow, array($sColumnName), null);
     $_bIsSet = !is_null($_mValue);
     $_mValue = $_bIsSet ? maybe_unserialize($_mValue) : $mDefault;
     // Now schedule a background task to retrieve product info.
     $_bScheduleTask = !$this->isEmpty(array_filter($aScheduleTask));
     $_sModifiedTime = $this->getElement($aRow, array('modified_time'), '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
     $_iCacheDuration = (int) $this->oUnitOption->get('cache_duration');
     $_iExpirationTime = strtotime($_sModifiedTime) + $_iCacheDuration;
     $_bIsExpired = $this->isExpired($_iExpirationTime);
     if ($_bScheduleTask && $_bIsExpired) {
         AmazonAutoLinks_Event_Scheduler::getProductInfo($aScheduleTask['associate_id'], $aScheduleTask['asin'], $aScheduleTask['locale'], $_iCacheDuration);
     // Now schedule a debug info to be inserted at the bottom of the product output.
     if (!$_bIsSet && $this->oOption->isDebug()) {
         $this->_setColumnItemDebugInfo($sColumnName, $aScheduleTask['asin'] . '_' . $aScheduleTask['locale'], array('column_name' => $sColumnName, 'value' => 'NULL', 'cache_duration' => $_iCacheDuration, 'expiry_time' => $_iExpirationTime, 'now' => time(), 'is_expired' => $_bIsExpired) + $aScheduleTask);
     return $_mValue;
  * @since       3
  * @return      string
 public function formatUserRating($sASIN, $sLocale, $sAssociateID, array $aRow = array())
     $_sEncodedHTML = $this->_getValueFromRow('rating_html', $aRow, null, array('asin' => $sASIN, 'locale' => $sLocale, 'associate_id' => $sAssociateID));
     // If the value is null, it means the value does not exist in the database table.
     if (null === $_sEncodedHTML) {
         AmazonAutoLinks_Event_Scheduler::getProductInfo($sAssociateID, $sASIN, $sLocale, (int) $this->oUnitOption->get('cache_duration'));
         return $this->oUnitOption->get('show_now_retrieving_message') ? '<p>' . __('Now retrieving the rating.', 'amazon-auto-links') . '</p>' : '';
     if ('' === $_sEncodedHTML) {
         return '';
     // Now modify the raw output.
     $_oScraper = new AmazonAutoLinks_ScraperDOM_UserRating($_sEncodedHTML, true);
     return "<div class='amazon-customer-rating-stars'>" . $_oScraper->get() . "</div>";