public function onGlobalIncludes(Am_Event_GlobalIncludes $e) { if ($this->isConfigured() && ($this->getConfig('use_wordpress_theme') || $this->getConfig('network'))) { // Disable autoload; //Save superglobals to avoid modification in wordpress. $this->saveGlobalVars(); foreach (spl_autoload_functions() as $f) { $this->_autoload_backup[] = $f; spl_autoload_unregister($f); } $this->_include_path = get_include_path(); // Add theme folder to include path; define("WP_CACHE", false); define("WP_USE_THEMES", false); // Save headers that was sent by aMember; $this->_headers_backup = headers_list(); $this->_timezone_backup = date_default_timezone_get(); $this->_error_reporting_backup = error_reporting(); $e->add($this->config['folder'] . "/wp-blog-header.php"); } }
public function onGlobalIncludes(Am_Event_GlobalIncludes $e) { if ($this->isConfigured() && $this->getConfig('use_wordpress_theme')) { // Disable autoload; //Save superglobals to avoid modification in wordpress. $this->saveGlobalVars(); foreach (spl_autoload_functions() as $f) { $this->_autoload_backup[] = $f; spl_autoload_unregister($f); } // Add theme folder to include path; define("WP_CACHE", false); define("WP_USE_THEMES", false); $e->add($this->config['folder'] . "/wp-blog-header.php"); } }