function onAuthCheckUser(Am_Event $event) { /* @var $user User */ $user = $event->getUser(); $recs = $this->getDi()->loginSessionTable->findBy(array('user_id' => $user->pk(), 'session_id' => '<>' . Zend_Session::getId(), 'modified' => '>' . sqlTime(sprintf('-%d minutes', $this->getConfig('timeout', 5))), 'need_logout' => 0)); if ($recs) { switch ($this->getConfig('action', self::ACTION_LOGIN_REJECT)) { case self::ACTION_LOGIN_REJECT: $event->setReturn(new Am_Auth_Result(-100, $this->getConfig('error', 'There is already exits active login session for your account. Simultaneous login from different computers is not allowed.'))); $event->stop(); break; case self::ACTION_LOGOUT_OTHER: foreach ($recs as $rec) { $rec->updateQuick('need_logout', 1); } break; case self::ACTION_NOTHING: break; } if ($this->getConfig('notify_admin') && !$this->getDi()->store->get('single-login-session-detected-' . $user->pk())) { $this->getDi()->store->set('single-login-session-detected-' . $user->pk(), 1, '+20 minutes'); if ($et = Am_Mail_Template::load('misc.single-login-session.notify_admin')) { $et->setUser($user); $et->sendAdmin(); } } } }
public function onAdminWarnings(\Am_Event $event) { if (!$this->_api_loaded) { $event->setReturn(array(___('Facebook SDK was not loaded. Got an error: %s', $this->_api_error))); } else { parent::onAdminWarnings($event); } }
/** * * Set Invoice ID wich will be displayed in pdf invoice */ protected function setDisplayInvoiceId() { $e = new Am_Event(Am_Event::SET_DISPLAY_INVOICE_REFUND_ID, array('record' => $this)); $e->setReturn($this->getInvoice()->public_id . '/' . $this->receipt_id); $this->getDi()->hook->call($e); $this->display_invoice_id = $e->getReturn(); $this->updateSelectedFields('display_invoice_id'); }
function indexAction() { $this->form = new Am_Form_Profile(); $this->form->addCsrf(); if ($c = $this->getFiltered('c')) { $record = $this->getDi()->savedFormTable->findFirstBy(array('code' => $c, 'type' => SavedForm::T_PROFILE)); } else { $record = $this->getDi()->savedFormTable->getDefault(SavedForm::D_PROFILE); } $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::LOAD_PROFILE_FORM, array('request' => $this->_request, 'user' => $this->getDi()->auth->getUser())); $event->setReturn($record); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); $record = $event->getReturn(); if (!$record) { throw new Am_Exception_Configuration("No profile form configured"); } if ($record->meta_title) { $this->view->meta_title = $record->meta_title; } if ($record->meta_keywords) { $this->view->headMeta()->setName('keywords', $record->meta_keywords); } if ($record->meta_description) { $this->view->headMeta()->setName('description', $record->meta_description); } $this->form->initFromSavedForm($record); $this->form->setUser($this->user); $u = $this->user->toArray(); unset($u['pass']); $dataSources = array(new HTML_QuickForm2_DataSource_Array($u)); if ($this->form->isSubmitted()) { array_unshift($dataSources, $this->_request); } $this->form->setDataSources($dataSources); if ($this->form->isSubmitted() && $this->form->validate()) { $oldUser = clone $this->user; $oldUser->toggleFrozen(true); $vars = $this->form->getValue(); unset($vars['user_id']); if (!empty($vars['pass'])) { $this->user->setPass($vars['pass']); } unset($vars['pass']); $ve = $this->handleEmail($record, $vars) ? 1 : 0; $u = $this->user->setForUpdate($vars); $this->emailChangesToAdmin(); $u->update(); $this->getDi()->hook->call(Am_Event::PROFILE_USER_UPDATED, array('vars' => $vars, 'oldUser' => $oldUser, 'user' => $u, 'form' => $this->form)); $this->getDi()->auth->setUser($u, ''); $msg = $ve ? ___('Verification email has been sent to your address. E-mail will be changed in your account after confirmation') : ___('Your profile has been updated successfully'); return $this->redirectLocation($this->getFullUrl() . '?a=saved&_msg=' . urlencode($msg)); } $this->view->title = $record->title; $this->view->form = $this->form; $this->view->display('member/profile.phtml'); }
function onLoadProfileForm(Am_Event $event) { if (!$this->getDi()->config->get('subusers_different_profile_form')) { return; } /* @var $user User */ $user = $event->getUser(); if ($user->subusers_parent_id && !$event->getRequest()->getParam('c')) { $event->setReturn($this->getDi()->savedFormTable->findFirstByType(self::SAVED_FORM_TYPE)); } }
static function getAvailableOptions() { $ret = array(); foreach (get_declared_classes() as $className) { if (strpos($className, __CLASS__ . '_') === 0) { $o = new $className(); $ret[$o->getId()] = $o->getTitle(); } } $event = new Am_Event(Bootstrap_Aff::AFF_GET_PAYOUT_OPTIONS); $event->setReturn($ret); Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->call($event); return $event->getReturn(); }
function loadForm() { if ($c = $this->getFiltered('c')) { if ($c == 'cart') { if ($this->_request->getParam('amember_redirect_url')) { $this->getSession()->redirectUrl = $this->_request->getParam('amember_redirect_url'); } if ($this->getDi()->auth->getUser() != null) { $url = $this->getSession()->redirectUrl; $this->getSession()->redirectUrl = ''; $this->_redirect('cart/' . urldecode($url)); } else { $this->record = $this->getDi()->savedFormTable->getByType(SavedForm::T_CART); } } else { $this->record = $this->getDi()->savedFormTable->findFirstBy(array('code' => $c, 'type' => SavedForm::T_SIGNUP)); } } else { $this->record = $this->getDi()->savedFormTable->getDefault($this->getDi()->auth->getUserId() ? SavedForm::D_MEMBER : SavedForm::D_SIGNUP); } // call a hook to allow load another form $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::LOAD_SIGNUP_FORM, array('request' => $this->_request, 'user' => $this->getDi()->auth->getUser())); $event->setReturn($this->record); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); $this->record = $event->getReturn(); if (!$this->record) { $this->getDi()->errorLogTable->log("Wrong signup form code - the form does not exists. Redirect Customer to default form. Referrer: " . $this->getRequest()->getHeader('REFERER')); $this->redirect('/signup', array('code' => 302)); } /* @var $this->record SavedForm */ if (!$this->record->isSignup()) { throw new Am_Exception_InputError("Wrong signup form loaded [{$this->record}->saved_form_id] - it is not a signup form!"); } if ($this->record->meta_title) { $this->view->meta_title = $this->record->meta_title; } if ($this->record->meta_keywords) { $this->view->headMeta()->setName('keywords', $this->record->meta_keywords); } if ($this->record->meta_description) { $this->view->headMeta()->setName('description', $this->record->meta_description); } $this->view->code = $this->record->code; }
/** * Return array - key => value of available options for template with given $id * @param type $id * @return array */ public function getTagsOptions($id) { $record = @$this[$id]; $ret = array('%site_title%' => 'Site Title', '%root_url%' => 'aMember Root URL', '%admin_email%' => 'Admin E-Mail Address'); if (!$record || empty($record['vars'])) { return $ret; } foreach ($record['vars'] as $k => $v) { if (is_int($k)) { // tag set $ret = array_merge($ret, $this->tagSets[$v]); } else { // single variable $ret['%' . $k . '%'] = $v; } } $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TAG_OPTIONS, array('templateName' => $id)); $event->setReturn($ret); Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->call($event); $ret = $event->getReturn(); return $ret; }
public function getOkUrl() { $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::AUTH_GET_OK_REDIRECT, array('user' => $this->getDi()->user)); $event->setReturn($this->getConfiguredRedirect()); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); return get_first($this->redirect_url, $event->getReturn()); }
/** @return array of Am_Form_Brick */ function getBricks() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->getFields() as $brickConfig) { if (strpos($brickConfig['id'], 'PageSeparator') === 0) { continue; } $b = Am_Form_Brick::createFromRecord($brickConfig); if (!$b) { continue; } $ret[] = $b; } $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::SAVED_FORM_GET_BRICKS, array('type' => $this->type, 'code' => $this->code, 'savedForm' => $this)); $event->setReturn($ret); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); $ret = $event->getReturn(); foreach ($ret as $brick) { $brick->init(); } return $ret; }
public function getPaysystems() { $psList = Am_Di::getInstance()->paysystemList->getAllPublic(); $_psList = array(); foreach ($psList as $k => $ps) { $_psList[$ps->getId()] = $ps; } $psEnabled = $this->getConfig('paysystems', array_keys($_psList)); $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::SIGNUP_FORM_GET_PAYSYSTEMS); $event->setReturn($psEnabled); Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->call($event); $psEnabled = $event->getReturn(); //we want same order of paysystems as in $psEnabled $ret = array(); foreach ($psEnabled as $psId) { if (isset($_psList[$psId])) { $ret[] = $_psList[$psId]; } } return $ret; }
/** run additional checks on authenticated user */ public function checkUser($user, $ip) { /* @var $user User */ if (!$user->isLocked()) { // now log access and check for account sharing $accessLog = $this->getDi()->accessLogTable; $accessLog->logOnce($user->user_id, $ip); if ($user->is_locked >= 0 && $accessLog->isIpCountExceeded($user->user_id, $ip)) { $this->onIpCountExceeded($user); $this->setUser(null, $ip); return new Am_Auth_Result(Am_Auth_Result::LOCKED); } } else { // if locked $this->setUser(null, $ip); return new Am_Auth_Result(Am_Auth_Result::LOCKED); } if (!$user->isApproved()) { return new Am_Auth_Result(Am_Auth_Result::NOT_APPROVED); } $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::AUTH_CHECK_USER, array('user' => $user)); $event->setReturn(null); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); return $event->getReturn(); }
/** * @return array of instantiated Am_Billing_Calc_* objects */ function getCalculators() { $ret = array(new Am_Billing_Calc_Zero(), new Am_Billing_Calc_Coupon(), new Am_Billing_Calc_Tax(), new Am_Billing_Calc_Shipping(), new Am_Billing_Calc_Total()); $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::INVOICE_GET_CALCULATORS); $event->setReturn($ret); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); return $event->getReturn(); }
public function onEmailTemplateTagSets(Am_Event $event) { $tagSets = $event->getReturn(); $tagSets['user']['%user.aff_link%'] = ___('User Affiliate Link'); $tagSets['affiliate'] = array('%affiliate.name_f%' => 'Affiliate First Name', '%affiliate.name_l%' => 'Affiliate Last Name', '%affiliate.login%' => 'Affiliate Username', '' => 'Affiliate E-Mail', '%affiliate.user_id%' => 'Affiliate Internal ID#', '%affiliate.street%' => 'Affiliate Street', '%affiliate.street2%' => 'Affiliate Street (Second Line)', '' => 'Affiliate City', '%affiliate.state%' => 'Affiliate State', '' => 'Affiliate ZIP', '' => 'Affiliate Country'); foreach ($this->getDi()->userTable->customFields()->getAll() as $field) { if (@$field->sql && @$field->from_config) { $tagSets['affiliate']['%affiliate.' . $field->name . '%'] = 'Affiliate ' . $field->title; } } $tagSets['affiliate']['%affiliate.aff_link%'] = ___('Affiliate Affiliate Link'); $event->setReturn($tagSets); }
/** * Process invoice and insert necessary commissions for it * * External code should guarantee that this method with $payment = null will be called * only once for each user for First user invoice */ public function processPayment(Invoice $invoice, InvoicePayment $payment = null) { $aff_id = $invoice->aff_id; /* @var $coupon Coupon */ try { if (!$aff_id && ($coupon = $invoice->getCoupon())) { // try to find affiliate by coupon $aff_id = $coupon->aff_id ? $coupon->aff_id : $coupon->getBatch()->aff_id; } } catch (Am_Exception_Db_NotFound $e) { //coupon not found } if (empty($aff_id)) { $aff_id = $invoice->getUser()->aff_id; } if ($aff_id && empty($invoice->aff_id)) { // set aff_id to invoice for quick access next time $invoice->updateQuick('aff_id', $aff_id); } // run event to get plugins chance choose another affiliate $event = new Am_Event(Bootstrap_Aff::AFF_FIND_AFFILIATE, array('invoice' => $invoice, 'payment' => $payment)); $event->setReturn($aff_id); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); $aff_id = $event->getReturn(); if (empty($aff_id)) { return; } // no affiliate id registered if ($aff_id == $invoice->getUser()->pk()) { return; } //strange situation // load affiliate and continue $aff = $this->getDi()->userTable->load($aff_id, false); if (!$aff || !$aff->is_affiliate) { return; } // affiliate not found $user = $invoice->getUser(); if (!$user->aff_id) { $user->aff_id = $aff->pk(); $user->aff_added = sqlTime('now'); $user->data()->set('aff-source', 'invoice-' . $invoice->pk()); $user->save(); } // try to load other tier affiliate $aff_tier = $aff; $aff_tiers = array(); $aff_tiers_exists = array($aff->pk()); for ($tier = 1; $tier <= $this->getMaxTier(); $tier++) { if (!$aff_tier->aff_id || $aff_tier->pk() == $invoice->getUser()->pk()) { break; } $aff_tier = $this->getDi()->userTable->load($aff_tier->aff_id, false); if (!$aff_tier || !$aff_tier->is_affiliate || $aff_tier->pk() == $invoice->getUser()->pk() || in_array($aff_tier->pk(), $aff_tiers_exists)) { //already in chain break; } $aff_tiers[$tier] = $aff_tier; $aff_tiers_exists[] = $aff_tier->pk(); } $isFirst = !$payment || $payment->isFirst(); //to define price field $paymentNumber = is_null($payment) ? 0 : $invoice->getPaymentsCount(); if (!$payment) { $tax = 0; } else { $tax = $this->getDi()->config->get('aff.commission_include_tax', false) ? 0 : doubleval($payment->tax); } $amount = $payment ? $payment->amount - $tax : 0; $date = $payment ? $payment->dattm : 'now'; // now calculate commissions $items = is_null($payment) ? array_slice($invoice->getItems(), 0, 1) : $invoice->getItems(); foreach ($items as $item) { //we do not calculate commission for free items in invoice $prefix = $isFirst ? 'first' : 'second'; if (!is_null($payment) && !(double) $item->get("{$prefix}_total")) { continue; } $comm = $this->getDi()->affCommissionRecord; $comm->date = sqlDate($date); $comm->record_type = AffCommission::COMMISSION; $comm->invoice_id = $invoice->invoice_id; $comm->invoice_item_id = $item->invoice_item_id; $comm->invoice_payment_id = $payment ? $payment->pk() : null; $comm->receipt_id = $payment ? $payment->receipt_id : null; $comm->product_id = $item->item_id; $comm->is_first = $paymentNumber <= 1; $comm->_setPayment($payment); $comm->_setInvoice($invoice); $comm_tier = clone $comm; $rules = array(); $topay_this = $topay = $this->calculate($invoice, $item, $aff, $paymentNumber, 0, $amount, $date, $rules); if ($topay > 0) { $comm->aff_id = $aff->pk(); $comm->amount = $topay; $comm->tier = 0; $comm->_setAff($aff); $comm->insert(); $comm->setCommissionRules(array_map(create_function('$el', 'return $el->pk();'), $rules)); } foreach ($aff_tiers as $tier => $aff_tier) { $rules = array(); $topay_this = $this->calculate($invoice, $item, $aff_tier, $paymentNumber, $tier, $topay_this, $date, $rules); if ($topay_this > 0) { $comm_this = clone $comm_tier; $comm_this->aff_id = $aff_tier->pk(); $comm_this->amount = $topay_this; $comm_this->tier = $tier; $comm_this->_setAff($aff_tier); $comm_this->insert(); $comm_this->setCommissionRules(array_map(create_function('$el', 'return $el->pk();'), $rules)); } } } }
/** * Expand types constant to list of resource types * * @param string|array|null|enum(ResourceAccess::USER_VISIBLE_TYPES, ResourceAccess::USER_VISIBLE_PAGES) $types * @return array|null * @see Am_Event::GET_RESOURCE_TYPES */ protected function getResourceTypes($types) { if (is_null($types) || is_array($types) || !in_array($types, array(ResourceAccess::USER_VISIBLE_TYPES, ResourceAccess::USER_VISIBLE_PAGES))) { return $types; } if (isset($this->_types[$types])) { return $this->_types[$types]; } $res = array(); if ($types === ResourceAccess::USER_VISIBLE_TYPES) { $res = array(ResourceAccess::FOLDER, ResourceAccess::FILE, ResourceAccess::PAGE, ResourceAccess::LINK, ResourceAccess::VIDEO); } elseif ($types === ResourceAccess::USER_VISIBLE_PAGES) { $res = array(ResourceAccess::FOLDER, ResourceAccess::PAGE, ResourceAccess::LINK); } $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::GET_RESOURCE_TYPES, array('type' => $types)); $event->setReturn($res); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); $res = $event->getReturn(); $this->_types[$types] = $res; return $res; }
function setSequentialNumber(Am_Event $e, $prefix, $default) { $numbers = $this->getDi()->store->getBlob('invoice_sequential_numbers'); if (empty($numbers)) { $numbers = array(); } else { $numbers = @unserialize($numbers); } if (empty($numbers[$prefix])) { $numbers[$prefix] = $default; } else { $numbers[$prefix]++; } $this->getDi()->store->setBlob('invoice_sequential_numbers', serialize($numbers)); $e->setReturn($prefix . $numbers[$prefix]); }
function am3goAction() { $this->aff = $this->findAm3Aff(); $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::GET_AFF_REDIRECT_LINK, array('aff' => $this->aff)); $event->setReturn($this->findAm3Url()); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); $this->link = $event->getReturn(); /// log click if ($this->aff) { $aff_click_id = $this->getDi()->affClickTable->log($this->aff, $this->banner, null, $this->getModule()->findKeywordId($this->aff->pk())); $this->getModule()->setCookie($this->aff, $this->banner ? $this->banner : null, $aff_click_id); } $this->_redirect($this->link ? $this->link : '/', array('prependBase' => false)); }
public function render() { $invoice = $this->invoice; $payment = $this->payment; $user = $invoice->getUser(); $pdf = $this->createPdfTemplate(); $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::PDF_INVOICE_BEFORE_RENDER, array('amPdfInvoice' => $this, 'pdf' => $pdf, 'invoice' => $invoice, 'payment' => $payment, 'user' => $user)); $event->setReturn(false); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); // If event processing already rendered the Pdf. if ($event->getReturn() === true) { return $pdf->render(); } $width_num = 30; $width_qty = 40; $width_price = 80; $width_total = 120; $padd = 20; $left = $padd; $right = $this->getPaperWidth() - $padd; $fontH = $this->getFontRegular(); $fontHB = $this->getFontBold(); $styleBold = array('font' => array('face' => $fontHB, 'size' => 10)); $page = new Am_Pdf_Page_Decorator($pdf->pages[0]); $page->setFont($fontH, 10); $pointer = $this->getPointer(); $pointerL = $pointerR = $pointer; $leftCol = new stdClass(); $leftCol->invoiceNumber = ___('Corrective Invoice Number: ') . $payment->getDisplayInvoiceId(); $leftCol->recInvoiceNumber = ___('Rectifies Invoice Number: ') . $this->getOrigPayment()->getDisplayInvoiceId(); $leftCol->date = ___('Date: ') . amDate($payment->dattm); if ($user->tax_id) { $leftCol->taxId = ___('EU VAT ID: ') . $user->tax_id; } $this->getDi()->hook->call(Am_Event::PDF_INVOICE_COL_LEFT, array('col' => $leftCol, 'invoice' => $invoice, 'payment' => $payment, 'user' => $user)); foreach ($leftCol as $line) { $page->drawText($line, $left, $pointerL); $page->nl($pointerL); } $rightCol = new stdClass(); $rightCol->name = $invoice->getName(); $rightCol->email = $invoice->getEmail(); $rightCol->address = implode(', ', array_filter(array($invoice->getStreet(), $invoice->getCity()))); $rightCol->country = implode(', ', array_filter(array($this->getState($invoice), $invoice->getZip(), $this->getCountry($invoice)))); $this->getDi()->hook->call(Am_Event::PDF_INVOICE_COL_RIGHT, array('col' => $rightCol, 'invoice' => $invoice, 'payment' => $payment, 'user' => $user)); foreach ($rightCol as $line) { $page->drawText($line, $right, $pointerR, 'UTF-8', Am_Pdf_Page_Decorator::ALIGN_RIGHT); $page->nl($pointerR); } $pointer = min($pointerR, $pointerL); $p = new stdClass(); $p->value =& $pointer; $this->getDi()->hook->call(Am_Event::PDF_INVOICE_BEFORE_TABLE, array('page' => $page, 'pointer' => $p, 'invoice' => $invoice, 'payment' => $payment, 'user' => $user)); $table = new Am_Pdf_Table(); $table->setMargin($padd, $padd, $padd, $padd); $table->setStyleForRow(1, array('shape' => array('type' => Zend_Pdf_Page::SHAPE_DRAW_STROKE, 'color' => new Zend_Pdf_Color_Html("#cccccc")), 'font' => array('face' => $fontHB, 'size' => 10))); $table->setStyleForColumn(1, array('align' => 'right', 'width' => $width_num)); $table->setStyleForColumn(3, array('align' => 'right', 'width' => $width_qty)); $table->setStyleForColumn(4, array('align' => 'right', 'width' => $width_price)); $table->setStyleForColumn(5, array('align' => 'right', 'width' => $width_total)); $table->addRow(array(___('#'), ___('Subscription/Product Title'), ___('Qty'), ___('Unit Price'), ___('Total Price'))); $num = 0; foreach ($invoice->getItems() as $p) { /* @var $p InvoiceItem */ $table->addRow(array(++$num . '.', $p->item_title, $p->qty, $invoice->getCurrency($this->isFirstPayment() ? $p->first_price : $p->second_price), $invoice->getCurrency($this->isFirstPayment() ? $p->getFirstSubtotal() : $p->getSecondSubtotal()))); } $pointer = $page->drawTable($table, 0, $pointer); $table = new Am_Pdf_Table(); $table->setMargin($padd, $padd, $padd, $padd); $table->setStyleForColumn(2, array('align' => 'right', 'width' => $width_total)); $subtotal = $this->isFirstPayment() ? $invoice->first_subtotal : $invoice->second_subtotal; $total = $this->isFirstPayment() ? $invoice->first_total : $invoice->second_total; if ($subtotal != $total) { $table->addRow(array(___('Subtotal'), $invoice->getCurrency($subtotal)))->addStyle($styleBold); } if ($this->isFirstPayment() && $invoice->first_discount > 0 || !$this->isFirstPayment() && $invoice->second_discount > 0) { $table->addRow(array(___('Coupon Discount'), $invoice->getCurrency($this->isFirstPayment() ? $invoice->first_discount : $invoice->second_discount))); } $table->addRow(array(___('Total'), $invoice->getCurrency($total)))->addStyle($styleBold); $table->addRow(array(___('Taxable Income'), "-" . $invoice->getCurrency($this->getOrigPayment()->amount - $this->getOrigPayment()->tax)))->addStyle($styleBold); if ($this->getOrigPayment()->tax > 0) { $table->addRow(array(___('Tax') . " " . $invoice->tax_rate . "%", "-" . $invoice->getCurrency($this->getOrigPayment()->tax)))->addStyle($styleBold); } $table->addRow(array(___('Amount Paid'), $invoice->getCurrency(sprintf("%.2f", $this->getOrigPayment()->amount - $this->payment->amount))))->addStyle(array('font' => array('face' => $fontHB, 'size' => 10))); $x = $this->getPaperWidth() - ($width_qty + $width_price + $width_total) - 2 * $padd; $pointer = $page->drawTable($table, $x, $pointer); $page->nl($pointer); $page->nl($pointer); if (!$this->getDi()->config->get('invoice_do_not_include_terms')) { $termsText = new Am_TermsText($invoice); $page->drawTextWithFixedWidth(___('Subscription Terms') . ': ' . $termsText, $left, $pointer, $this->getPaperWidth() - 2 * $padd); $page->nl($pointer); } $p = new stdClass(); $p->value =& $pointer; $this->getDi()->hook->call(Am_Event::PDF_INVOICE_AFTER_TABLE, array('page' => $page, 'pointer' => $p, 'invoice' => $invoice, 'payment' => $payment, 'user' => $user)); if (!$this->getDi()->config->get('invoice_custom_template') || !$this->getDi()->uploadTable->load($this->getDi()->config->get('invoice_custom_template'))) { if ($ifn = $this->getDi()->config->get('invoice_footer_note')) { $tmpl = new Am_SimpleTemplate(); $tmpl->assignStdVars(); $tmpl->assign('user', $user); $tmpl->assign('invoice', $invoice); $ifn = $tmpl->render($ifn); $page->nl($pointer); $page->drawTextWithFixedWidth($ifn, $left, $pointer, $this->getPaperWidth() - 2 * $padd); } } return $pdf->render(); }
public function initFilter(Am_Grid_ReadOnly $grid) { parent::initFilter($grid); $query = $grid->getDataSource(); $query->setPrefix('_u_search'); /* @var $query Am_Query_User */ if ($id = $grid->getCompleteRequest()->getInt('_search_del')) { $query->deleteSaved($id); Am_Controller::redirectLocation(REL_ROOT_URL . '/admin-users'); exit; } elseif ($id = $grid->getRequest()->getInt('search_load')) { $query->load($id); } elseif (is_string($this->vars['filter']) && $this->vars['filter']) { $cond = new Am_Query_User_Condition_Filter(); $cond->setFromRequest(array('filter' => array('val' => $this->vars['filter']))); $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::ADMIN_USERS_FILTER_INIT, array('query' => $query, 'filter' => $this->vars['filter'])); $event->setReturn($cond); Am_Di::getInstance()->hook->call($event); $query->add($event->getReturn()); } else { $query->setFromRequest($grid->getCompleteRequest()); } }
function getStrongPasswordRegex() { $regexp = '/^(?=.*[0-9].*[0-9])(?=.*[-!@#$%^&*().,=+`~].*[-!@#$%^&*().,=+`~])(?=.*[A-Z].*[A-Z])/'; $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::GET_STRONG_PASSWORD_REGEX); $event->setReturn($regexp); $this->getDi()->hook->call($event); return $event->getReturn(); }
function indexAction() { $products_cancel = array(); $recurringInvoices = $this->getDi()->invoiceTable->selectObjects("SELECT * FROM ?_invoice i\n WHERE status=? AND user_id=?", Invoice::RECURRING_ACTIVE, $this->user_id); foreach ($recurringInvoices as $invoice) { $cancelUrl = null; try { $ps = $this->getDi()->plugins_payment->loadGet($invoice->paysys_id, false); if ($ps) { $cancelUrl = $ps->getUserCancelUrl($invoice); } } catch (Exception $e) { } if ($cancelUrl) { /* @var $invoice Invoice */ foreach ($invoice->getItems() as $item) { if ($item->item_type == 'product') { $products_cancel[$item->item_id] = $cancelUrl; } } } } $products_upgrade = array(); $activeInvoices = $this->getDi()->invoiceTable->selectObjects("SELECT * FROM ?_invoice i\n WHERE status IN (?a) AND user_id=?\n ORDER BY tm_started DESC", array(Invoice::RECURRING_ACTIVE, Invoice::PAID, Invoice::RECURRING_CANCELLED), $this->user_id); foreach ($activeInvoices as $invoice) { foreach ($invoice->getItems() as $item) { if ($product = $item->tryLoadProduct()) { if ($upgrades = $this->getDi()->productUpgradeTable->findUpgrades($invoice, $item)) { $item->_upgrades = $upgrades; $products_upgrade[$product->pk()] = $item; } } } } $this->view->assign('member_products', $this->getDi()->user->getActiveProducts()); $this->view->assign('member_future_products', $this->getDi()->user->getFutureProducts()); $member_links = array(ROOT_URL . '/logout' => ___('Logout'), ROOT_URL . '/profile' => ___('Change Password/Edit Profile')); $event = new Am_Event(Am_Event::GET_MEMBER_LINKS, array('user' => $this->user)); $event->setReturn($member_links); $this->view->assign('member_links', $this->getDi()->hook->call($event)->getReturn()); $left_member_links = $this->getDi()->hook->call(Am_Event::GET_LEFT_MEMBER_LINKS, array('user' => $this->user))->getReturn(); $this->view->assign('left_member_links', $left_member_links); $resources = $this->getDi()->resourceAccessTable->getAllowedResources($this->getDi()->user, ResourceAccess::USER_VISIBLE_TYPES); $this->view->assign('resources', $resources); foreach ($resources as $k => $r) { if (!$r->renderLink()) { unset($resources[$k]); } } if (!$resources && !$left_member_links) { $this->getDi()->blocks->remove('member-main-resources'); } $this->view->assign('products_expire', $this->getDi()->user->getActiveProductsExpiration()); $this->view->assign('products_rebill', $this->getDi()->user->getActiveProductsRebill()); $this->view->assign('products_begin', $this->getDi()->user->getFutureProductsBeginning()); $this->view->assign('products_cancel', $products_cancel); $this->view->assign('products_upgrade', $products_upgrade); $this->view->display('member/main.phtml'); }