Example #1
 static function file_put_contents($file_name, $content, $options = array())
     $default_options = array('ftp' => defined('AK_UPLOAD_FILES_USING_FTP') && AK_UPLOAD_FILES_USING_FTP, 'base_path' => self::getDefaultBasePath($file_name));
     $options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
     $file_name = self::getRestrictedPath($file_name, $options);
     if ($options['ftp']) {
         if (!AkFtp::is_dir(dirname($file_name))) {
         return AkFtp::put_contents($file_name, $content);
     } else {
         $base_path = self::getNormalizedBasePath($options);
         if (!is_dir(dirname($base_path . $file_name))) {
             self::make_dir(dirname($base_path . $file_name), $options);
         if (!($result = file_put_contents($base_path . $file_name, $content))) {
             if (!empty($content)) {
                 trigger_error(Ak::t("Could not write to file: %file_name. Please change file/dir permissions or enable FTP file handling on your Akelos application.", array('%file_name' => '"' . $base_path . $file_name . '"')), E_USER_ERROR);
         return $result;
Example #2
File: Ak.php Project: joeymetal/v1
 function file_put_contents($file_name, $content, $options = array())
     $default_options = array('ftp' => defined('AK_UPLOAD_FILES_USING_FTP') && AK_UPLOAD_FILES_USING_FTP, 'base_path' => AK_BASE_DIR);
     $options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
     if (!function_exists('file_put_contents')) {
         include_once AK_CONTRIB_DIR . DS . 'pear' . DS . 'PHP' . DS . 'Compat.php';
     $file_name = trim(str_replace($options['base_path'], '', $file_name), DS);
     if ($options['ftp']) {
         require_once AK_LIB_DIR . DS . 'AkFtp.php';
         $file_name = trim(str_replace(array(DS, '//'), array('/', '/'), $file_name), '/');
         if (!AkFtp::is_dir(dirname($file_name))) {
         return AkFtp::put_contents($file_name, $content);
     } else {
         if (!is_dir(dirname($options['base_path'] . DS . $file_name))) {
             Ak::make_dir(dirname($options['base_path'] . DS . $file_name), $options);
         if (!($result = file_put_contents($options['base_path'] . DS . $file_name, $content))) {
             if (!empty($content)) {
                 Ak::trace("Could not write to file: \"" . $options['base_path'] . DS . "{$file_name}\". Please change file/dir permissions or enable FTP file handling by" . " setting the following on your config/" . AK_ENVIRONMENT . ".php file \n<pre>define('AK_UPLOAD_FILES_USING_FTP', true);\n" . "define('AK_READ_FILES_USING_FTP', false);\n" . "define('AK_DELETE_FILES_USING_FTP', true);\n" . "define('AK_FTP_PATH', 'ftp://*****:*****@example.com/path_to_the_framework');\n" . "define('AK_FTP_AUTO_DISCONNECT', true);\n</pre>");
         return $result;
Example #3
 static function file_put_contents($file_name, $content, $options = array())
     $default_options = array('ftp' => defined('AK_UPLOAD_FILES_USING_FTP') && AK_UPLOAD_FILES_USING_FTP, 'base_path' => strstr($file_name, AK_TMP_DIR) ? AK_TMP_DIR : AK_BASE_DIR);
     $options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
     $file_name = trim(str_replace($options['base_path'], '', $file_name), DS);
     if ($options['ftp']) {
         $file_name = trim(str_replace(array(DS, '//'), array('/', '/'), $file_name), '/');
         if (!AkFtp::is_dir(dirname($file_name))) {
         return AkFtp::put_contents($file_name, $content);
     } else {
         $base_path = AK_WIN && empty($options['base_path']) ? '' : $options['base_path'] . DS;
         if (!is_dir(dirname($base_path . $file_name))) {
             Ak::make_dir(dirname($base_path . $file_name), $options);
         if (!($result = file_put_contents($base_path . $file_name, $content))) {
             if (!empty($content)) {
                 trigger_error(Ak::t("Could not write to file: %file_name. Please change file/dir permissions or enable FTP file handling on your Akelos application.", array('%file_name' => '"' . $base_path . $file_name . '"')), E_USER_ERROR);
         return $result;