protected function _getHtmlAttributes() { $attributes = []; $attributes['type'] = 'hidden'; $attributes['value'] = Ajde_Component_String::escape($this->getValue()); return $attributes; }
protected function _getHtmlAttributes() { $attributes = ''; $attributes .= ' type="hidden" '; $attributes .= ' value="' . Ajde_Component_String::escape($this->getValue()) . '" '; return $attributes; }
public function process() { switch ($this->_attributeParse()) { case 'base64': $image = new Ajde_Resource_Image($this->attributes['filename']); $image->setWidth(issetor($this->attributes['width'])); $image->setHeight(issetor($this->attributes['height'])); $image->setCrop(Ajde_Component_String::toBoolean(issetor($this->attributes['crop'], true))); $controller = Ajde_Controller::fromRoute(new Ajde_Core_Route('_core/component:imageBase64')); $controller->setImage($image); $controller->setWidth(issetor($this->attributes['width'], null)); $controller->setHeight(issetor($this->attributes['height'], null)); $controller->setExtraClass(issetor($this->attributes['class'], '')); return $controller->invoke(); break; case 'html': return self::getImageTag($this->attributes['filename'], issetor($this->attributes['width']), issetor($this->attributes['height']), Ajde_Component_String::toBoolean(issetor($this->attributes['crop'], true)), issetor($this->attributes['class'], ''), issetor($this->attributes['lazy'], false), issetor($this->attributes['absoluteUrl'], false)); break; case 'image': return false; break; } // TODO: throw new Ajde_Component_Exception('Missing required attributes for component call'); }
protected function writer() { if ($this->_secure) { return Ajde_Component_String::encrypt(serialize($this->values())); } else { return serialize($this->values()); } }
protected function _getHtmlAttributes() { $attributes = ''; $attributes .= ' type="text" '; $attributes .= ' value="' . Ajde_Component_String::escape($this->getValue()) . '" '; if ($this->hasReadonly() && $this->getReadonly() === true) { $attributes .= ' readonly="readonly" '; } return $attributes; }
protected function _getHtmlAttributes() { $attributes = []; $attributes['type'] = 'hidden'; $attributes['value'] = Ajde_Component_String::escape($this->getValue()); if ($this->hasReadonly() && $this->getReadonly() === true) { $attributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } return $attributes; }
protected function _getHtmlAttributes() { $attributes = []; $attributes['type'] = 'hidden'; if ($this->getMode() === self::MODE_NEW) { $attributes['value'] = $this->getDefault(); } else { $attributes['value'] = Ajde_Component_String::escape($this->getValue()); } return $attributes; }
public function getRedirectParams($description = null) { $transaction = $this->getTransaction(); // NOOOO.. THE UGLY HACKING $return = config('app.rootUrl') . 'presale/transaction:complete'; $method = $transaction->shipment_method; if ($method == 'presale-remainder') { $return = config('app.rootUrl') . 'presale/transaction:confirm_complete'; } return ['cmd' => '_xclick', 'business' => config('shop.transaction.paypal.account'), 'notify_url' => config('app.rootUrl') . $this->returnRoute . 'paypal' . $this->getMethod() . '.html', 'bn' => config('') . '_BuyNow_WPS_' . strtoupper(Ajde_Lang::getInstance()->getShortLang()), 'amount' => $transaction->payment_amount, 'item_name' => issetor($description, config('app.title') . ': ' . Ajde_Component_String::makePlural($transaction->shipment_itemsqty, 'item')), 'quantity' => 1, 'address_ override' => 1, 'address1' => $transaction->shipment_address, 'zip' => $transaction->shipment_zipcode, 'city' => $transaction->shipment_city, 'state' => $transaction->shipment_region, 'country' => $transaction->shipment_country, 'email' => $transaction->email, 'first_name' => $transaction->name, 'currency_code' => config('shop.currency.code'), 'custom' => $transaction->secret, 'no_shipping' => 1, 'no_note' => 1, 'return' => $return, 'rm' => 1]; }
protected function _getHtmlAttributes() { $attributes = []; $attributes['type'] = 'number'; $attributes['step'] = 'any'; $attributes['value'] = Ajde_Component_String::escape($this->getValue()); $attributes['maxlength'] = $this->getLength(); if ($this->getIsAutoIncrement() === true || $this->hasReadonly() && $this->getReadonly() === true) { $attributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } return $attributes; }
protected function _getHtmlAttributes() { $attributes = ''; $attributes .= ' type="number" '; $attributes .= ' step="any" '; $attributes .= ' value="' . Ajde_Component_String::escape($this->getValue()) . '" '; $attributes .= ' maxlength="' . $this->getLength() . '" '; if ($this->getIsAutoIncrement() === true) { $attributes .= ' readonly="readonly" '; } return $attributes; }
protected function _getHtmlAttributes() { $attributes = []; $attributes['type'] = 'time'; if ($this->getValue()) { $attributes['value'] = Ajde_Component_String::escape(date('H:i', strtotime($this->getValue()))); } else { $attributes['value'] = ''; } if ($this->hasReadonly() && $this->getReadonly() === true) { $attributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } return $attributes; }
public function getRedirectUrl($description = null) { $transaction = $this->getTransaction(); $mollie = new Mollie_API_Client(); $mollie->setApiKey($this->getApiKey()); $order_id = $transaction->secret; $data = ['amount' => $transaction->payment_amount, 'description' => isset($description) ? $description : config('app.title') . ': ' . Ajde_Component_String::makePlural($transaction->shipment_itemsqty, 'item'), 'redirectUrl' => config('app.rootUrl') . $this->returnRoute . 'mollie_' . $this->getMethod() . '.html?order_id=' . $order_id, 'method' => $this->getMethod(), 'metadata' => ['order_id' => $order_id]]; $payment = $mollie->payments->create($data); // save details $transaction->payment_providerid = $payment->id; $transaction->save(); $url = $payment->getPaymentUrl(); return $this->ping($url) ? $url : false; }
protected function _getHtmlAttributes() { $attributes = []; $attributes['type'] = 'text'; $attributes['value'] = Ajde_Component_String::escape($this->getValue()); $attributes['maxlength'] = Ajde_Component_String::escape($this->getLength()); if ($this->hasReadonly() && $this->getReadonly() === true) { $attributes['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } if ($this->hasEmphasis() && $this->getEmphasis() === true) { $attributes['class'] = 'emphasis'; } if ($this->hasPlaceholder()) { $attributes['placeholder'] = $this->getPlaceholder(); } return $attributes; }
public function getModule($module = null) { if (!$module) { foreach (debug_backtrace() as $item) { if (!empty($item['class'])) { if (is_subclass_of($item['class'], 'Ajde_Controller')) { $module = current(explode('_', Ajde_Component_String::toSnakeCase($item['class']))); break; } } } } if (!$module) { $module = 'main'; } return $module; }
public function item() { // we want to display published nodes only if (!(UserModel::getLoggedIn() && UserModel::getLoggedIn()->isAdmin())) { Ajde::app()->getRequest()->set('filterPublished', true); } // get the current slug $slug = $this->getSlug(); /* @var $product ProductModel */ $product = new ProductModel(); $product->loadBySlug($slug); $this->product = $product; if ($product->getPublished() === false) { Ajde_Dump::warn('Previewing unpublished product'); } // check if we have a hit if (!$product->hasLoaded()) { Ajde::app()->getResponse()->redirectNotFound(); } Ajde_Event::trigger($this, 'onAfterProductLoaded', [$product]); // update cache Ajde_Cache::getInstance()->updateHash($product->hash()); Ajde_Cache::getInstance()->addLastModified(strtotime($product->updated)); // set title if (!Ajde::app()->getDocument()->hasNotEmpty('title')) { Ajde::app()->getDocument()->setTitle($product->getTitle()); } // set summary if ($product->content) { Ajde::app()->getDocument()->setDescription(Ajde_Component_String::trim(strip_tags($product->content), '100')); } // set author $product->loadParent('user'); /** @var UserModel $owner */ $owner = $product->getUser(); Ajde::app()->getDocument()->setAuthor($owner->getFullname()); // featured image if ($image = $product->featuredImage()) { Ajde::app()->getDocument()->setFeaturedImage($image); } // pass node to view $this->setAction('item'); $this->getView()->assign('product', $product); // render the template return $this->render(); }
public function markPaidJson() { $id = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('id', false); $transaction = new TransactionModel(); if (!is_array($id)) { $id = [$id]; } $c = 0; foreach ($id as $elm) { $transaction->loadByPK($elm); if ($transaction->payment_status !== 'completed') { $transaction->paid(); $c++; } } return ['success' => true, 'message' => Ajde_Component_String::makePlural($c, 'transaction') . ' marked as paid']; }
public function getRedirectUrl($description = null) { $transaction = $this->getTransaction(); $request = ['type' => 'transaction', 'transactionreq' => ['username' => config('shop.transaction.wedeal.username'), 'password' => config('shop.transaction.wedeal.password'), 'reference' => $transaction->secret, 'description' => config('') . ': ' . Ajde_Component_String::makePlural($transaction->shipment_itemsqty, 'item'), 'amount' => str_replace('.', ',', (string) $transaction->payment_amount), 'methodcode' => '0101', 'maxcount' => '1', 'test' => $this->isSandbox() ? 'true' : 'false', 'successurl' => config('app.rootUrl') . 'shop/transaction:callback/wedeal.html', 'failurl' => config('app.rootUrl') . 'shop/transaction:callback/wedeal.html']]; $res = $this->sendRequest($request, true); if ($res['success'] === true) { $url = $res['response']; if (substr($url, 0, 7) === 'http://' || substr($url, 0, 8) === 'https://') { return $this->ping($url) ? $res['response'] : false; } else { Ajde_Log::log('Wedeal::getRedirectUrl() returned no URL but: ' . $res['response']); return false; } } else { Ajde_Log::log('Wedeal::getRedirectUrl() returned no URL but: ' . $res['response']); return false; } }
public function process() { switch ($this->_attributeParse()) { case 'render': $image = new Ajde_Resource_Image($this->attributes['filename']); $image->setWidth($this->attributes['width']); $image->setHeight($this->attributes['height']); $image->setCrop(Ajde_Component_String::toBoolean($this->attributes['crop'])); $controller = Ajde_Controller::fromRoute(new Ajde_Core_Route('_core/component:imageBase64')); $controller->setImage($image); $controller->setWidth(issetor($this->attributes['width'], null)); $controller->setHeight(issetor($this->attributes['height'], null)); $controller->setExtraClass(issetor($this->attributes['class'], '')); return $controller->invoke(); break; } // TODO: throw new Ajde_Component_Exception('Missing required attributes for component call'); }
public function getRedirectUrl() { $transaction = $this->getTransaction(); $total = (string) $total; $total = str_replace(".", ",", $total); $request = array("type" => "transaction", "transactionreq" => array("username" => Config::get('shopWedealUsername'), "password" => Config::get('shopWedealPassword'), "reference" => $transaction->secret, "description" => Config::get('ident') . ': ' . Ajde_Component_String::makePlural($transaction->shipment_itemsqty, 'item'), "amount" => str_replace(".", ",", (string) $transaction->payment_amount), "methodcode" => "0101", "maxcount" => "1", "test" => $this->isSandbox() ? "true" : "false", "successurl" => 'http://' . Config::get('site_root') . 'shop/transaction:callback/wedeal.html', "failurl" => 'http://' . Config::get('site_root') . 'shop/transaction:callback/wedeal.html')); $res = $this->sendRequest($request, true); if ($res['success'] === true) { $url = $res['response']; if (substr($url, 0, 7) === 'http://' || substr($url, 0, 8) === 'https://') { return $this->ping($url) ? $res['response'] : false; } else { Ajde_Log::log("Wedeal::getRedirectUrl() returned no URL but: " . $res['response']); return false; } } else { Ajde_Log::log("Wedeal::getRedirectUrl() returned no URL but: " . $res['response']); return false; } }
private function delete($crudId, $id) { $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Crud'); $crud = $session->getModel($crudId); $model = $crud->getModel(); if (!is_array($id)) { $id = [$id]; } $success = true; $deleted = 0; foreach ($id as $elm) { $model->loadByPK($elm); if ($result = $model->delete()) { $deleted++; } $success = $success * $result; } return ['operation' => 'delete', 'success' => (bool) $success, 'message' => Ajde_Component_String::makePlural($deleted, 'record') . ' deleted']; }
public function clean($var) { return Ajde_Component_String::processStatic($this->getParser(), array('clean' => true, 'var' => $var)); }
public function getParam($key, $default = null, $type = self::TYPE_STRING, $post = false) { $data = $this->_data; if ($post === true) { $data = $this->getPostData(); } if (isset($data[$key])) { switch ($type) { case self::TYPE_HTML: if ($this->autoCleanHtml() === true) { return Ajde_Component_String::clean($data[$key]); } else { return $data[$key]; } break; case self::TYPE_INTEGER: return (int) $data[$key]; break; case self::TYPE_FLOAT: return (double) $data[$key]; break; case self::TYPE_RAW: return $data[$key]; break; case self::TYPE_STRING: default: if ($this->autoEscapeString() === true) { if (is_array($data[$key])) { array_walk($data[$key], ['Ajde_Component_String', 'escape']); return $data[$key]; } else { return Ajde_Component_String::escape($data[$key]); } } else { return $data[$key]; } } } else { if (isset($default)) { return $default; } else { // TODO: throw new Ajde_Exception("Parameter '{$key}' not present in request and no default value given"); } } }
function _c($var) { return Ajde_Component_String::clean($var); }
public function getRedirectParams() { $transaction = $this->getTransaction(); return array('cmd' => '_xclick', 'business' => Config::get('shopPaypalAccount'), 'notify_url' => 'http://' . Config::get('site_root') . 'shop/transaction:callback/paypal.html', 'bn' => Config::get('ident') . '_BuyNow_WPS_' . strtoupper(Ajde_Lang::getInstance()->getShortLang()), 'amount' => $transaction->payment_amount, 'item_name' => Config::get('ident') . ': ' . Ajde_Component_String::makePlural($transaction->shipment_itemsqty, 'item'), 'quantity' => 1, 'address_ override' => 1, 'address1' => $transaction->shipment_address, 'zip' => $transaction->shipment_zipcode, 'city' => $transaction->shipment_city, 'state' => $transaction->shipment_region, 'country' => $transaction->shipment_country, 'email' => $transaction->email, 'first_name' => $transaction->name, 'currency_code' => Config::get('currencyCode'), 'custom' => $transaction->secret, 'no_shipping' => 1, 'no_note' => 1, 'return' => 'http://' . Config::get('site_root') . 'shop/transaction:complete', 'rm' => 1); }
public function displayAgo() { $timestamp = new DateTime($this->get('added')); $timestamp = $timestamp->format('U'); return Ajde_Component_String::time2str($timestamp); }
public function registerJson() { $user = new UserModel(); $returnto = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('returnto', false); $username = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam($user->usernameField); $password = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('password'); $passwordCheck = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('passwordCheck'); $email = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('email', false); $fullname = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('fullname', false); $return = array(false); $shadowUser = new UserModel(); if (empty($username) || empty($password)) { $return = array('success' => false, 'message' => __("Please provide " . $user->usernameField . " and password")); } else { if ($shadowUser->loadByField($shadowUser->usernameField, $username)) { $return = array('success' => false, 'message' => __(ucfirst($user->usernameField) . " already exist")); } else { if ($password !== $passwordCheck) { $return = array('success' => false, 'message' => __("Passwords do not match")); } else { if (empty($email)) { $return = array('success' => false, 'message' => __("Please provide an e-mail address")); } else { if (Ajde_Component_String::validEmail($email) === false) { $return = array('success' => false, 'message' => __('Please provide a valid e-mail address')); } else { if ($shadowUser->loadByField('email', $email)) { $return = array('success' => false, 'message' => __("A user with this e-mail address already exist")); } else { if (empty($fullname)) { $return = array('success' => false, 'message' => __("Please provide a full name")); } else { $user->set('email', $email); $user->set('fullname', $fullname); if ($user->add($username, $password)) { $user->login(); Ajde_Session_Flash::alert(sprintf(__('Welcome %s, you are now logged in.'), $fullname)); $return = array('success' => true, 'returnto' => $returnto); } else { $return = array('success' => false, 'message' => __("Something went wrong")); } } } } } } } } return $return; }
public function setupJson($source = false) { $request = Ajde::app()->getRequest(); // Init vars $name = null; $email = null; $address = null; $zipcode = null; $city = null; $region = null; $country = null; $shipmentMethod = null; $comment = null; if ($source === false) { // Read request $name = $request->getPostParam('name', false); $email = $request->getPostParam('email', false); $address = $request->getPostParam('shipment_address', false); $zipcode = $request->getPostParam('shipment_zipcode', false); $city = $request->getPostParam('shipment_city', false); $region = $request->getPostParam('shipment_region', false); $country = $request->getPostParam('shipment_country', false); $shipmentMethod = $request->getPostParam('shipment_method', false); $comment = $request->getPostParam('comment', false); } else { if ($source instanceof Ajde_User) { // Read user $name = $source->fullname; $email = $source->email; $address = $source->address; $zipcode = $source->zipcode; $city = $source->city; $region = $source->region; $country = $source->country; $shipmentMethod = false; $comment = false; } } // Return when fields are not complete if ($source === false) { if (empty($name) || empty($email) || empty($address) || empty($zipcode) || empty($city) || empty($country)) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Not all your details are filled out')]; } if (Ajde_Component_String::validEmail($email) === false) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Please provide a valid e-mail address')]; } if (empty($shipmentMethod)) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Please choose a shipment method')]; } } // Check for current transaction $transaction = new TransactionModel(); $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Shop'); if ($session->has('currentTransaction') && $transaction->loadByPK($session->get('currentTransaction'))) { // Edit existing transaction $method = 'save'; } else { // Insert new transaction $method = 'insert'; } // Update transaction info $transaction->name = $name; $transaction->email = $email; $transaction->shipment_address = $address; $transaction->shipment_zipcode = $zipcode; $transaction->shipment_city = $city; $transaction->shipment_region = $region; $transaction->shipment_country = $country; $transaction->shipment_method = $shipmentMethod; $transaction->comment = $comment; // Save info to user if ($user = $this->getLoggedInUser()) { if ($request->hasPostParam('save_details', false)) { $user->address = $address; $user->zipcode = $zipcode; $user->city = $city; $user->region = $region; $user->country = $country; $user->save(); $user->login(); } $transaction->user = $user->getPK(); } // Update shipping total $shipping = new ShippingModel($transaction); $transaction->shipment_cost = 0; if (!empty($shipmentMethod) && $shipping->isAvailable($shipmentMethod)) { $transaction->shipment_cost = $shipping->getMethod($shipmentMethod)->getTotal(); } // Insert new transaction if ($method === 'insert') { if ($transaction->insert()) { $this->updateFromCart($transaction); $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Shop'); $session->set('currentTransaction', $transaction->getPK()); if (!$transaction->shipment_itemsqty > 0) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('No items added to current order')]; } return ['success' => true]; } return ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Something went wrong')]; } $transaction->payment_amount = $transaction->shipment_itemstotal + $transaction->shipment_cost; // Update current transaction if ($transaction->save()) { if (!$transaction->shipment_itemsqty > 0) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('No items added to current transaction')]; } return ['success' => true]; } // Everything else failed return ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Something went wrong')]; }
public function typeBtnJson() { $value = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('type'); $id = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('id', false); $model = new MediaModel(); if (!is_array($id)) { $id = [$id]; } foreach ($id as $elm) { $model->loadByPK($elm); $model->set('mediatype', $value); $model->save(); } return ['success' => true, 'message' => Ajde_Component_String::makePlural(count($id), 'media') . ' changed']; }
public function delete($crudId, $id) { $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Crud'); $crud = $session->getModel($crudId); $model = $crud->getModel(); if (!is_array($id)) { $id = array($id); } $success = true; foreach ($id as $elm) { $model->loadByPK($elm); $success = $success * $model->delete(); } return array('operation' => 'delete', 'success' => (bool) $success, 'message' => Ajde_Component_String::makePlural(count($id), 'record') . ' deleted'); }
public function registerJson() { $user = new UserModel(); $returnto = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('returnto', false); $username = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam($user->usernameField); $password = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('password', ''); $passwordCheck = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('passwordCheck', ''); $providername = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('provider', false); $email = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('email', false); $fullname = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('fullname', false); $return = [false]; $shadowUser = new UserModel(); $provider = false; if ($providername) { $sso = config('user.sso.providers'); if (!in_array($providername, $sso)) { Ajde_Http_Response::redirectNotFound(); } $classname = 'Ajde_User_Sso_' . ucfirst($providername); /* @var $provider Ajde_User_SSO_Interface */ $provider = new $classname(); } if (empty($username)) { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Please provide a ' . $user->usernameField . '')]; } else { if (!$provider && empty($password)) { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Please provide a password')]; } else { if ($shadowUser->loadByField($shadowUser->usernameField, $username)) { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans(ucfirst($user->usernameField) . ' already exist')]; } else { if (!$provider && $password !== $passwordCheck) { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Passwords do not match')]; } else { if (empty($email)) { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Please provide an e-mail address')]; } else { if (Ajde_Component_String::validEmail($email) === false) { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Please provide a valid e-mail address')]; } else { if ($shadowUser->loadByField('email', $email)) { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('A user with this e-mail address already exist')]; } else { if (empty($fullname)) { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Please provide a full name')]; } else { if ($provider && !$provider->getData()) { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Something went wrong with fetching your credentials from an external service')]; } else { $user->set('email', $email); $user->set('fullname', $fullname); if ($user->add($username, $password)) { if ($provider) { $sso = new SsoModel(); $sso->populate(['user' => $user->getPK(), 'provider' => $providername, 'username' => $provider->getUsernameSuggestion(), 'avatar' => $provider->getAvatarSuggestion(), 'profile' => $provider->getProfileSuggestion(), 'uid' => $provider->getUidHash(), 'data' => serialize($provider->getData())]); $sso->insert(); $user->copyAvatarFromSso($sso); } $user->login(); $user->storeCookie($this->includeDomain); Ajde_Session_Flash::alert(sprintf(trans('Welcome %s, you are now logged in'), $fullname)); $return = ['success' => true, 'returnto' => $returnto]; } else { $return = ['success' => false, 'message' => trans('Something went wrong')]; } } } } } } } } } } return $return; }