private function build_ajax_request(AjaxRequest $request, array $fields, $condition) { if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $request->add_param($field->get_id(), '$FF(\'' . $field->get_id() . '\').getValue()'); } } if (!empty($condition)) { return 'if (' . $condition . '){' . $request->render() . '}'; } return $request->render(); }
function ListAction() { $request = Project::getRequest(); $request_user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getShowedUser()->id; $user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id; $this->BaseSiteData(); $info = array(); $this->BaseSubscribeData($info); $filter = (int) $request->getKeyByNumber(0); $blog_catalog_page = (int) $request->getKeyByNumber(1); if ($filter === 1) { $info['only_subscribed'] = true; $info['all_tree'] = false; } else { $info['only_subscribed'] = false; $info['all_tree'] = true; } $info['only_subscribed_link'] = $request->createUrl('Subscribe', 'List', array(1, $blog_catalog_page)); $info['all_link'] = $request->createUrl('Subscribe', 'List', array(0, $blog_catalog_page)); $blog_catalog_model = new BlogCatalogModel(); $pager = new DbPager($blog_catalog_page, $this->getParam('blog_catalog_per_page', 10)); $blog_catalog_model->setPager($pager); if ($filter === 1) { $info['blog_catalog'] = $blog_catalog_model->loadSubscribedPage($user_id); } else { $info['blog_catalog'] = $blog_catalog_model->loadAll(); } $info['level'] = 0; foreach ($info['blog_catalog'] as &$item) { $item['ajax_param'] = AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('Subscribe', 'AjaxBlogCatalogTree', array($item['id'], $info['level'], $filter, 1)); } $info['direction'] = 1; $this->_view->SubscribeList($info); $this->_view->parse(); }
function AjaxActionList($info) { $response = Project::getAjaxResponse(); $response->save(); $response->hide('action_list_' . $info['controller_id']); //$response -> enable('list_block'); $info['cancel_param'] = $response->getResponse(); $response->restore(); $number = 1; foreach ($info['actions_list'] as &$item) { $item['number'] = $number; $item['change_access_link'] = AjaxRequest::getJsonParam($info['change_access_controller'], $info['change_access_action'], array('id' => $item['id'], 'gid' => $info['user_type_id'], 'cid' => $info['controller_id'])); $number++; } $this->set($info); $this->setTemplate($this->_dir, 'action_list.tpl.php'); $response->block('action_list_' . $info['controller_id'], true, $this->parse()); //$response -> disable('list_block'); }
function AjaxBlogTree($info) { $response = Project::getAjaxResponse(); if ($info['direction'] === 1) { foreach ($info['blog_catalog'] as $key => &$item) { if ($info['id'] == $item['id']) { unset($info['blog_catalog'][$key]); } else { $item['ajax_param'] = AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('Subscribe', 'AjaxBlogTree', array($item['id'], $info['level'], $info['filter'], 1)); $item['subscribe_param'] = AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('Subscribe', 'Change', array($item['id'])); } } $ajax_param = AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('Subscribe', 'AjaxBlogTree', array($info['id'], $info['level'], $info['filter'], 0)); $response->block('bti_' . $info['id'] . '_' . ($info['level'] - 1), true, '<a href="#" onClick=\'ajax(' . $ajax_param . ');\'><img src="' . $this->image_url . 'icons/minus.gif" /></a>'); $this->set($info); $this->setTemplate($this->_dir, 'blog_tree.tpl.php'); $response->block('btl_' . $info['id'] . '_' . ($info['level'] - 1), true, $this->parse()); } else { $response->hide('btl_' . $info['id'] . '_' . ($info['level'] - 1)); $ajax_param = AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('Subscribe', 'AjaxBlogTree', array($info['id'], $info['level'] - 1, $info['filter'], 1)); $response->block('bti_' . $info['id'] . '_' . ($info['level'] - 1), true, '<a href="#" onClick=\'ajax(' . $ajax_param . ');\'><img src="' . $this->image_url . 'icons/plus.gif" /></a>'); } }
$query = '>'; } /* * -------------------------- * Require/Include Files * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']); $response = $obj->getMessages($_SESSION['authenticated'], ' && id ' . $query . ' ' . $offset . '', null); ?> <?php $countPosts = count($response); if ($countPosts != 0) { foreach ($response as $key) { if ($key['from'] == $_SESSION['authenticated'] && $key['username'] == $infoUser->username) { $key['name'] = $key['name2']; $key['username'] = $key['username2']; $key['avatar'] = $key['avatar2']; $key['type_account'] = $key['type_account2']; $ID = $key['id_2']; $sendTo = '<i class="icon-undo2"></i> '; } else {
echo $gpxWriter->writeGpx($sitesArray); } } return; } include_once 'lib/AjaxRequest.php'; if (UrlVar('task') == 'list_sites') { AjaxRequest::ListSites(); return; } if (UrlVar('task') == 'count_sites') { AjaxRequest::CountSites(); return; } if (UrlVar('task') == 'site_articles') { AjaxRequest::ArticlesForSites(); return; } if (UrlVar('task') == 'unit_test') { if (Core::Client()->isAdmin()) { // TODO: make a phpunit.xml and better unit tests // then phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml print_r(htmlspecialchars(shell_exec('/usr/local/bin/phpunit ' . escapeshellarg(__DIR__ . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'UtilTest') . ' 2>&1'))); } return; } /* * could implement other ajax commands ie: * list number of results actively while user changes selection */ echo 'Ajax Command List: [export]';
echo $n['name']; ?> <br> </td> <td> <a href="#" onclick='ajax(<?php echo AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('AdminArticle', 'EditSection', array($n['id'])); ?> )'>[Редактировать]</a> <a href="#" onclick='ajax(<?php echo AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('AdminArticle', 'DeleteSection', array($n['id'])); ?> )'>[Удалить]</a> <a href="#" onclick='ajax(<?php echo AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('AdminArticle', 'SetActive', array($n['id'])); ?> )'>[Активировать]</a> <a href="#" onclick='ajax(<?php echo AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('AdminArticle', 'UpSection', array($n['id'])); ?> )'>[Поднять категорию]</a> <a href="#" onclick='ajax(<?php echo AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('AdminArticle', 'DownSection', array($n['id'])); ?> )'>[Опустить категорию]</a> </td> </tr> <? endforeach;?> </table> </div>
error_reporting(0); if (isset($_POST['name']) && !empty($_POST['name'])) { /* * -------------------------- * Require/Include Files * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $_POST['name'] = _Function::spaces(trim($_POST['name'])); $_POST['location'] = _Function::spaces(trim(strip_tags($_POST['location']))); $_POST['website'] = _Function::spaces(trim($_POST['website'])); $url = $_POST['website']; $_POST['website'] = trim($_POST['website'], '/'); $_POST['bio'] = _Function::checkTextDb2(trim($_POST['bio'])); $admin = $obj->getSettings(); //<-------- * Cutting chain if greater than post_length * ---------> if (strlen(utf8_decode($_POST['bio'])) > $admin->post_length) { $_POST['bio'] = _Function::cropStringLimit($_POST['bio'], $admin->post_length); } if ($_POST['name'] == '' || strlen(utf8_decode($_POST['name'])) < 2 || strlen(utf8_decode($_POST['name'])) > 20) { echo json_encode(array('response' => $_SESSION['LANG']['full_name_error'])); } else { if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) && $url != '') {
Изменить статус</a>'; } echo ' </td> <td>' . $newsTreeFeeds['url'] . '</td> <td>' . $newsTreeFeeds['category_tag'] . '</td> <td>'; if ($newsTreeFeeds['news_banner_id']) { // we have a banner echo ' <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="show_banner">Показать код баннера</a><div class="banner_code"><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($newsTreeFeeds['code']) . '</pre></div><div class="list_status" id="news_banners' . $newsTreeFeeds['news_banner_id'] . '">' . $news_banners_state . '</div>'; if ($this->isAdmin) { echo '<a onclick=\' document.getElementById("news_banners' . $newsTreeFeeds['news_banner_id'] . '").innerHTML="<img src=' . $this->image_url . 'loader2.gif >"; ajax (' . AjaxRequest::getJsonParam("News", "ChangeState", array("id" => $newsTreeFeeds['news_banner_id'], "element" => "news_banners"), "POST") . ', true ); \' href="javascript: void(0);"> Изменить статус</a>'; } } else { // no banners in this RSS echo 'нет кода баннера'; } echo ' </td> <td>' . $this->ShowNewsTreeBreadCrumbByNewsTreeId($newsTreeFeeds['news_tree_id']) . '<div class="list_status" id="news_tree' . $newsTreeFeeds['news_tree_id'] . '">' . $news_tree_state . '</div>'; echo ' </td> <td>' . $text_parse_type . '</td> <td><a href="' . $this->createUrl('User', 'Profile', null, $newsTreeFeeds['user_login']) . '">' . $newsTreeFeeds['user_login'] . '</a> [' . $is_partner . ']</td>
<?php session_start(); error_reporting(0); if (isset($_GET['_bgPosition']) && !empty($_GET['_bgPosition'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { /* * -------------------------- * Require File * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $query = $obj->editBgPosition(); if ($query == 1) { echo json_encode(array('action' => 1, 'result' => $_SESSION['LANG']['saved_successfully'])); } else { echo json_encode(array('action' => 0, 'result' => $_SESSION['LANG']['no_changes'])); } } //<-- SESSION } //<-- if token id
<?php /** * This handles all Ajax requests for the Data Generator Core. Note that we only include the library.php * here, we don't Core::init(). Depending on the context (e.g. installation), that may not be desired. */ require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/library.php"); // sessions needed here AFTER installation, to get access to $user [or should it be passed & // validated with all requests?] header("Cache-Control: private, no-cache, must-revalidate"); $ajaxRequest = new AjaxRequest(@$_POST["action"], $_POST); $encoded = json_encode($ajaxRequest->getResponse()); $errorCode = json_last_error(); if ($errorCode) { switch ($errorCode) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: echo ' - No errors'; break; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: echo ' - Maximum stack depth exceeded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: echo ' - Underflow or the modes mismatch'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: echo ' - Unexpected control character found'; break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: echo ' - Syntax error, malformed JSON'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8:
session_start(); error_reporting(0); if (isset($_POST['current']) && isset($_POST['new']) && isset($_POST['confirm'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { /* * -------------------------- * Require File * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; /* * -------------------------- * Instance Class * ------------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $passCurrent = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']); include '../../application/functions.php'; include '../../application/DataConfig.php'; if (!empty($passCurrent->password) && sha1($_POST['current']) != $passCurrent->password) { echo json_encode(array('response' => $_SESSION['LANG']['pass_incorrect'], 'focus' => 'current')); } else { if (mb_strlen($_POST['new'], 'utf8') < 5 || mb_strlen($_POST['new'], 'utf8') > 20) { echo json_encode(array('response' => $_SESSION['LANG']['pass_length'], 'focus' => 'new')); } else { if (mb_strlen($_POST['confirm'], 'utf8') < 5 || mb_strlen($_POST['confirm'], 'utf8') > 20) { echo json_encode(array('response' => $_SESSION['LANG']['pass_confirm_length'], 'focus' => 'confirm')); } else { if ($_POST['confirm'] !== $_POST['new']) { echo json_encode(array('response' => $_SESSION['LANG']['pass_match'], 'focus' => 'confirm')); } else {
session_start(); error_reporting(0); if (isset($_POST['token']) && !empty($_POST['token']) && isset($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['id'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { /* * -------------------------- * Require File * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $_POST['token'] = trim($_POST['token']); $_POST['id'] = (int) trim($_POST['id']); $query = $obj->favorites(); if ($query == 1) { echo '1'; } else { if ($query == 2) { echo '2'; } else { if ($query == 3) { echo '3'; } else { return false; } }
</option> <?endforeach;?> </select> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </form> <!-- --> </td> <td class="c_right"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="b_left"> </td> <td class="b_cen"><div class="b_delim"> <div class="button bbig" style="float: right;"><a href="#" onclick='cancel(<?php echo $this->cancel_param; ?> );'>Отмена</a></div> <div class="button bbig" style="float: right;"><a href="#" onclick='save(<?php echo AjaxRequest::getJsonParam('AdminArticle', 'SaveSection', array($this->cat['id'], 'form_id' => 'edit_form'), "POST"); ?> )'>Сохранить</a></div> </td> <td class="b_right"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
$id_user_favs = $_SESSION['authenticated']; } /* * -------------------------- * Require/Include Files * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($id_user); $infoSessioUsr = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']); $response = $obj->getAllPosts('WHERE P.user = '******' && P.status = "1" && P.status_general = "1" && U.status = "active" && ' . $query . ' ' . $offset . ' GROUP BY DESC ', 'LIMIT ' . $postnumbers, $id_user_favs); $checkFollow = $obj->checkFollow($_SESSION['authenticated'], $id_user); $_countPosts = count($response); if ($_countPosts == 0) { $nofound = '<span class="notfound">No posts to display</span>'; } $user = $id_user; if ($infoUser->mode == 0 && $checkFollow[0]['status'] == 0 && $_SESSION['authenticated'] != $user) {
<?php session_start(); error_reporting(0); /* * -------------------------- * Require/Include Files * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $settings = $obj->getSettings(); if ($settings->email_verification == '1') { require_once '../../phpmailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php'; include_once '../../public/ajax/sign_up_verify.php'; } else { if ($settings->email_verification == '0') { include_once '../../public/ajax/sign_up_no_verify.php'; } }
<?php ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); session_start(); error_reporting(0); require '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include '../../application/functions.php'; include '../../application/DataConfig.php'; $session_id = $_SESSION['authenticated']; //$session id $path = "../../tmp/"; $path_bg = "../backgrounds/"; $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']); $bg_old = $path_bg . $infoUser->bg; $defaults = array('0.jpg', '1.jpg', '2.jpg', '3.jpg', '4.jpg', '5.jpg', '6.jpg', '7.jpg', '8.jpg', '9.jpg', '10.jpg', '11.jpg', '12.jpg', '13.jpg', '14.jpg', '15.jpg'); if (isset($session_id)) { $valid_formats = array("jpg", "JPG", "jpeg", "png", "x-png", "gif", "pjpeg"); if (isset($_POST) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { $name = $_FILES['photo']['name']; $size = $_FILES['photo']['size']; if (strlen($name)) { $ext = pathinfo($name); if (in_array($ext['extension'], $valid_formats)) { if ($size < 1500 * 1500) { $photo_post = 'bg_' . strtolower($infoUser->username) . "_" . $session_id . "" . _Function::randomString(5, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) . "." . strtolower($ext['extension']); $tmp = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']; if (move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path . $photo_post)) { //=============== 440 px =================// $width = _Function::getWidth($path . $photo_post); $height = _Function::getHeight($path . $photo_post);
$query = '>'; } /* * -------------------------- * Require/Include Files * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $response = $obj->searchUsers($_POST['_userId'], ' && U.status = "active" && ' . $query . ' ' . $offset, 'LIMIT ' . $postnumbers, $_SESSION['authenticated']); $countPosts = count($response); if ($countPosts != 0) { foreach ($response as $key) { $_idUser = $key['id']; $countryUser = $obj->getCountryUser($_idUser); //============ VERIFIED if ($key['type_account'] == '1') { $verified = ' <i class="fa fa-check-circle verified verified-min showTooltip" title="' . $_SESSION["LANG"]["verified"] . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right"></i>'; } else { $verified = null; } $checkBlock = $obj->checkUserBlock($_SESSION['authenticated'], $key['id']); ?> <!-- POSTS -->
<?php } else { echo ' <a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick=\'ajax(' . AjaxRequest::getJsonParam($this->current_controller, $this->current_action, is_array($this->pager_params) ? array_merge($this->pager_params, array("current_page" => $i)) : array("current_page" => $i), "POST") . ', true);\' > ' . ($i + 1) . '</a>'; ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->current_page_number < $this->pages_number - 1) { echo ' <a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick=\'ajax(' . AjaxRequest::getJsonParam($this->current_controller, $this->current_action, is_array($this->pager_params) ? array_merge($this->pager_params, array("current_page" => $this->current_page_number + 1)) : array("current_page" => $this->current_page_number + 1), "POST") . ', true);\' title="Следующая страница" > »</a>'; ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <!-- /Листинг -->
if (isset($_POST['add_post']) && !empty($_POST['add_post']) || isset($_POST['photoId']) && !empty($_POST['photoId'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { /* * -------------------------- * Require/Include Files * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; /* * ---------------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']); $admin = $obj->getSettings(); /* * --------------------------------------------------------- * Photo Data and Root * -------------------------------------------------------- */ $path = "../../tmp/"; $rootUpload = '../../upload/'; $photoID = $_POST['photoId']; $_POST['_geolocation'] = trim(strip_tags($_POST['_geolocation'])); $_POST['url'] = ''; $_POST['url_thumbnail'] = ''; $_POST['url_title'] = ''; $_POST['url_description'] = '';
session_start(); error_reporting(0); if (isset($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { /* * -------------------------- * Require File * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; $_POST['email'] = trim($_POST['email']); $_POST['mode'] = _Function::spaces(trim($_POST['mode'])); $_POST['username'] = _Function::spaces(trim($_POST['username'])); $_POST['country'] = _Function::spaces(trim($_POST['country'])); $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']); $emailAddress = $_POST['email']; //<<<--- Defaults Languages foreach (_Function::arrayLang() as $key => $value) { $defaultsLanguages[] = $value; } //<<<<--- Languages if (!in_array($_POST['lang'], $defaultsLanguages)) { $_POST['lang'] = 'en';
* -------------------------- * Require File * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; if (isset($_GET) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET" && isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { $since_id = is_numeric($_GET['since_id']) ? $_GET['since_id'] : die; $_array = array(); /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']); $getPosts = $obj->getAllPosts('WHERE P.user = '******'authenticated'] . ' && P.status = "1" && U.status = "active" && > ' . $since_id . ' && P.`repost_of_id` = 0 || P.user IN ( SELECT following FROM followers WHERE follower = ' . $_SESSION['authenticated'] . ' && status = "1" ) && P.`repost_of_id` = 0 && P.status = "1" && U.status = "active" && > ' . $since_id . '
session_start(); error_reporting(0); if (isset($_POST['token']) && !empty($_POST['token']) && isset($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['id'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { /* * -------------------------- * Require File * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $_POST['token'] = trim($_POST['token']); $_POST['id'] = (int) trim($_POST['id']); $query = $obj->reposted(); if ($query == 1) { echo '1'; } else { if ($query == 2) { echo '2'; } else { if ($query == 3) { echo '3'; } else { return false; } }
case 'videos': $query_sql_sort = ' && P.video_url != ""'; break; case 'links': $query_sql_sort = ' && P.url_host != ""'; break; } } else { $query_sql_sort = null; } /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $infoSessioUsr = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']); $response = $obj->discover('WHERE P.user != ' . $_SESSION['authenticated'] . ' && U.status = "active" && P.status = "1" && IS NULL && U.mode = "1" && ' . $query . ' ' . $offset . ' && P.repost_of_id = "0" && IS NULL ' . $query_sql_sort . ' GROUP BY ORDER BY DESC', 'LIMIT ' . $postnumbers, $_SESSION['authenticated']); ?> <?php $countPosts = count($response); if ($countPosts != 0) { foreach ($response as $key) {
if (isset($_POST['id_reply']) && !empty($_POST['id_reply']) && isset($_POST['token_reply']) && !empty($_POST['token_reply']) && isset($_POST['reply_post'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { /* * -------------------------- * Require/Include Files * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $_POST['id_reply'] = is_numeric($_POST['id_reply']) ? $_POST['id_reply'] : die; $_POST['token_reply'] = trim($_POST['token_reply']); $_POST['reply_post'] = trim(_Function::checkTextDb($_POST['reply_post'])); $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']); $admin = $obj->getSettings(); //<-------- * * ---------> if (strlen(utf8_decode($_POST['reply_post'])) > $admin->post_length) { $_POST['reply_post'] = _Function::cropStringLimit($_POST['reply_post'], $admin->post_length); } if (strlen(utf8_decode($_POST['reply_post'])) == 0) { return false; } if ($infoUser->type_account == 1) { $verified = ' <i class="fa fa-check-circle verified verified-min showTooltip" title="' . $_SESSION["LANG"]["verified"] . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right"></i>'; } else {
public function ChangeCountryAction() { $request = Project::getRequest(); $country_id = $request->getKeyByNumber(0); if ($country_id) { $info = array(); $state_model = new StateModel(); $info['state_list'] = $state_model->loadByCountry($country_id); $info['change_state_param'] = AjaxRequest::getJsonParam("Social", "ChangeStates", array('#id#')); $this->_view->ChangeCountry($info); $this->_view->ajax(); } else { $response = Project::getAjaxResponse(); $response->block('state_div', true, ''); $response->block('city_div', true, ''); $this->_view->ajax(); } }
$_id = is_numeric($_POST['_id']) ? $_POST['_id'] : die; $_number = is_numeric($_POST['_number']) ? $_POST['_number'] : die; /* * -------------------------- * Require/Include Files * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $response = $obj->loadMoreMessageId($id_user, $_SESSION['authenticated'], $_id, $_number); $countMessagesID = $obj->countMessagesID($id_user, $_SESSION['authenticated']); //print_r( $response ); //<<<<<----- Verified User $verified = $obj->checkUser($id_user) ? 1 : 0; if ($verified == 0) { return false; } $countPosts = count($response); if ($countPosts != 0) { //<---------********** FOREACH -----********> foreach ($response as $key) { //============ VERIFIED if ($key['type_account'] == '1') { $verified = ' <i class="fa fa-check-circle verified verified-min showTooltip" title="' . $_SESSION["LANG"]["verified"] . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right"></i>';
$id_user_favs = $_SESSION['authenticated']; } /* * -------------------------- * Require/Include Files * ------------------------- */ require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; include_once '../../application/functions.php'; include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($id_user); $response = $obj->getFollowing('WHERE F.follower = ' . $id_user . ' && ' . $query . ' ' . $offset . '', 'LIMIT ' . $postnumbers, $id_user_favs); $checkFollow = $obj->checkFollow($_SESSION['authenticated'], $id_user); $_countTotal = count($response); $user = $id_user; if ($_countTotal == 0) { $nofound = '<span class="notfound">No result</span>'; } if ($infoUser->mode == 0 && $checkFollow[0]['status'] == 0 && $_SESSION['authenticated'] != $user) { $response = null; $nofound = null; $mode = '<div class="panel-footer text-center" style="padding: 25px 0; background: url(' . URL_BASE . 'public/img/private.png) right bottom no-repeat;" class="notfound"> ' . $_SESSION['LANG']['profile_private'] . '</div>'; } else { $response = $response;
{ parent::__construct(); define('BE_USER_LOGGED_IN', $this->getLoginStatus('BE_USER_AUTH')); define('FE_USER_LOGGED_IN', $this->getLoginStatus('FE_USER_AUTH')); \Controller::setStaticUrls('TL_FILES_URL', $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['staticFiles']); \Controller::setStaticUrls('TL_SCRIPT_URL', $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['staticSystem']); \Controller::setStaticUrls('TL_PLUGINS_URL', $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['staticPlugins']); } public function run() { $objModule = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_module WHERE id=?")->execute(\Input::get('id')); $strClass = $this->findFrontendModule($objModule->type); if ($this->classFileExists($strClass)) { $objModule->typePrefix = 'mod_'; $objModule = new $strClass($objModule, $strColumn); $objModule->generateAjax(); } else { } # if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['simpleAjaxFrontend']) && count($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['simpleAjaxFrontend']) > 0) { # // execute every registered callback # foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['simpleAjaxFrontend'] as $callback) { # $this->import($callback[0]); # $this->$callback[0]->$callback[1](); # } # } # header('HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed'); # die('Invalid AJAX Request.'); } } $AjaxRequest = new AjaxRequest(); $AjaxRequest->run();
session_start(); error_reporting(0); if (isset($_POST['_userId']) && !empty($_POST['_userId'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { /* * -------------------------- * Require File * ------------------------- */ require '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php'; /* * ---------------------- * Instance Class * ---------------------- */ $obj = new AjaxRequest(); $_POST['_userId'] = is_numeric($_POST['_userId']) ? $_POST['_userId'] : die; $query = $obj->reportUser(); if ($query == 1) { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'ok', 'res' => $_SESSION['LANG']['successfully_reported'])); } else { if ($query == 2) { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'ok', 'res' => $_SESSION['LANG']['error'])); } else { if ($query == 3) { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'ok', 'res' => $_SESSION['LANG']['already_report'])); } else { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'res' => $_SESSION['LANG']['error'])); } } }