  * Method for getting the right symbol(s)
  * @see PluginPanel::getRightSymbol()
 protected function getRightSymbol()
     $Links = '';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.sportler.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Add data'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$ADD . '</a>') . '</li>';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.sportler.table.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Show table'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$TABLE . '</a>') . '</li>';
     return '<ul>' . $Links . '</ul>';
  * Get own links for toolbar navigation
  * @return array
 protected function getToolbarNavigationLinks()
     $LinkList = array();
     if ($this->Configuration()->value('for_weather')) {
         $LinkList[] = '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.php">' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$LINE_CHART, __('Show temperature plots')) . '</a>') . '</li>';
     return $LinkList;
Example #3
  * Add field
  * @param \Runalyze\Configuration\Handle $Handle
  * @param array $options
  * @return \FormularField
 public function FieldFor(Handle $Handle, array $options = array())
     $options = array_merge(array('label' => $Handle->key(), 'tooltip' => '', 'unit' => '', 'size' => '', 'css' => '', 'layout' => ''), $options);
     $label = !empty($options['tooltip']) ? \Ajax::tooltip($options['label'], $options['tooltip']) : $options['label'];
     $Field = $this->createFieldFor($Handle, $label);
     $this->setAttributesToField($Field, $options);
     return $Field;
Example #4
  * Init toolbar links
 private function initToolbarLinks()
     $Linker = new Linker($this->Context->activity());
     if (!Request::isOnSharedPage()) {
     $this->ToolbarLinks[] = Ajax::tooltip($Linker->weekLink(), '<em>' . __('Show week') . '</em><br>' . $this->Context->dataview()->weekday() . ', ' . $this->Context->dataview()->dateAndDaytime());
Example #5
  * Get link to shared list for current user
  * @param string $text [optional]
  * @return string 
 public static function getListLinkForCurrentUser($text = null)
     if (!Configuration::Privacy()->listIsPublic()) {
         return '';
     if (is_null($text)) {
         $text = Icon::$ATTACH;
     return '<a href="shared/' . SessionAccountHandler::getUsername() . '/" target="_blank" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Public list'), false, true) . '>' . $text . '</a>';
  * Get own links for toolbar navigation
  * @return array
 protected function getToolbarNavigationLinks()
     $LinkList = array();
     $LinkList[] = '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.php">' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$LINE_CHART, __('Show temperature plots')) . '</a>') . '</li>';
     $LinkList[] = '<li class="with-submenu"><span class="link">' . __('Equipment types') . '</span><ul class="submenu">';
     foreach ($this->EquipmentTypes as $EqType) {
         $LinkList[] = '<li>' . $this->getInnerLink($EqType->name(), false, false, $EqType->id()) . '</li>';
     $LinkList[] = '</ul></li>';
     return $LinkList;
  * Init toolbar links
 private function initToolbarLinks()
     $Linker = new Linker($this->Context->activity());
     if ($this->Context->activity()->isPublic()) {
         $this->ToolbarLinks[] = '<a href="' . $Linker->publicUrl() . '" target="_blank">' . Icon::$ATTACH . ' ' . __('Public link') . '</a>';
     if (!Request::isOnSharedPage()) {
         $this->ToolbarLinks[] = Ajax::window('<a href="' . ExporterWindow::$URL . '?id=' . $this->Context->activity()->id() . '">' . Icon::$DOWNLOAD . ' ' . __('Export') . '</a> ', 'small');
         $this->ToolbarLinks[] = Ajax::window('<a href="' . $Linker->editUrl() . '">' . Icon::$EDIT . ' ' . __('Edit') . '</a> ', 'small');
     $this->ToolbarLinks[] = Ajax::tooltip($Linker->weekLink(), '<em>' . __('Show week') . '</em><br>' . $this->Context->dataview()->weekday() . ', ' . $this->Context->dataview()->dateAndDaytime());
  * Method for getting the right symbol(s)
 protected function getRightSymbol()
     $Links = '';
     $Links .= '<li class="with-submenu">' . Ajax::link(__('Type'), 'panel-' . $this->id(), Plugin::$DISPLAY_URL . '?id=' . $this->id());
     $Links .= '<ul class="submenu">';
     foreach ($this->AllTypes as $Type) {
         $active = $Type['id'] == (int) $this->Configuration()->value('type');
         $Links .= '<li' . ($active ? ' class="active"' : '') . '>' . Ajax::link($Type['name'], 'panel-' . $this->id(), Plugin::$DISPLAY_URL . '?id=' . $this->id() . '&type=' . $Type['id']) . '</li>';
     $Links .= '</ul>';
     $Links .= '</li>';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="' . ConfigTabs::$CONFIG_URL . '?key=config_tab_equipment" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Add/Edit equipment'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$ADD . '</a>') . '</li>';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.equipment.table.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Show all equipment'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$TABLE . '</a>') . '</li>';
     return '<ul>' . $Links . '</ul>';
     * Get code
     * @return string 
    private function getCode()
        $Code = '
			<table class="c fullwidth zebra-style" id="conf-tab-dataset">
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Display'), __('The information will be shown directly in the row.')) . '</th>
						<th colspan="2">' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Summary'), __('The value will be summarized for the sport.')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Order'), __('Indicates the order of appearance.')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('CSS-Class'), __('\'c\': centered<br>\'l\': left-aligned<br>\'small\': small<br>\'b\': bold')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('CSS-Style'), __('any CSS-Code')) . '</th>
						<th>' . __('Example') . '</th>
        $Labels = new DatasetLabels();
        $DatasetObject = new Dataset();
        $Dataset = DB::getInstance()->query('SELECT *, (`position` = 0) as `hidden` FROM `' . PREFIX . 'dataset` WHERE accountid = ' . SessionAccountHandler::getId() . ' ORDER BY (`position` > 0) DESC, `position` ASC')->fetchAll();
        foreach ($Dataset as $pos => $Data) {
            $disabled = $Data['modus'] == 3 ? ' disabled' : '';
            $checked_2 = $Data['modus'] >= 2 ? ' checked' : '';
            $checked = $Data['summary'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '';
            $SummarySign = '';
            switch ($Data['summary_mode']) {
                case 'YES':
                case 'NO':
                    $checked .= ' disabled';
                case 'AVG':
                    $SummarySign = '&Oslash;';
                case 'SUM':
                    $SummarySign = '&sum;';
                case 'MAX':
                    $SummarySign = 'max';
            $Example = $DatasetObject->getDataset($Data['name']);
            $Code .= '
				<tr class="r" id="' . $Data['id'] . '_tr">
					<td class="l b">' . $Labels->get($Data['name']) . '</td>
					<td class="c">
						<input type="hidden" name="' . $Data['id'] . '_modus_3" value="' . $Data['modus'] . '">
						<input type="checkbox" name="' . $Data['id'] . '_modus"' . $checked_2 . $disabled . '>
					<td class="c"><input type="checkbox" name="' . $Data['id'] . '_summary"' . $checked . '></td>
					<td class="c small">' . $SummarySign . '</td>
					<td class="c">
						<input class="dataset-position" type="text" name="' . $Data['id'] . '_position" value="' . ($pos + 1) . '" size="2">
						<span class="link" onclick="datasetMove(' . $Data['id'] . ', \'up\')">' . Icon::$UP . '</span>
						<span class="link" onclick="datasetMove(' . $Data['id'] . ', \'down\')">' . Icon::$DOWN . '</span>
					<td class="c"><input type="text" name="' . $Data['id'] . '_class" value="' . $Data['class'] . '" size="7"></td>
					<td class="c"><input type="text" name="' . $Data['id'] . '_style" value="' . $Data['style'] . '" size="15"></td>
					<td class="' . $Data['class'] . '" style="' . $Data['style'] . '">' . $Example . '</td>
        $Code .= '
        $Code .= Ajax::wrapJS('
			function datasetMove(id, way) {
				var pos = parseInt($("input[name=\'"+id+"_position\']").val()),
					tr = $("#"+id+"_tr");

				if (way == "up" && pos > 1) {
					$("#"+id+"_tr .dataset-position").val(pos-1);
				} else if (way == "down" && tr.next().find(".dataset-position").val() > 0) {
					$("#"+id+"_tr .dataset-position").val(pos+1);

        return $Code;
     * @return string
    protected function getTableHeader()
        return '<table class="c fullwidth zebra-style" id="conf-tab-dataset">
					<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Display'), __('The information will be shown directly in the row.')) . '</th>
					<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Order'), __('Indicates the order of appearance.')) . '</th>
					<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('CSS-Style'), __('any CSS-Code')) . '</th>
					<th>' . __('Example') . '</th>
  * Get link for editing a shoe
  * @param int $id
  * @return string
 private function editLinkFor($id)
     return Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.schuhe.php?id=' . $id . '">' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$EDIT, __('Edit')) . '</a>');
Example #12
  * Get ajax-link for searching
  * @return string
 protected function getNaviSearchLink()
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . SearchLink::$WINDOW_URL . '" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Search for an activity'), false, true) . '>' . Icon::$SEARCH . '</a>', 'big');
  * Show paces
 protected function showPaces()
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<div class="panel-content panel-sub-content">';
     echo '<table class="fullwidth nomargin">';
     $Paces = $this->getArrayForPaces();
     $VDOT = new VDOT(Configuration::Data()->vdot());
     foreach ($Paces as $Pace) {
         $DisplayedString = '<strong>' . $Pace['short'] . '</strong>';
         echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td>' . Ajax::tooltip($DisplayedString, $Pace['description']) . '</td>';
         echo '<td class="r"><em>' . Duration::format($VDOT->paceAt($Pace['limit-high'] / 100)) . '</em> - <em>' . Duration::format($VDOT->paceAt($Pace['limit-low'] / 100)) . '</em>/km</td>';
         echo '</tr>';
     echo '</table>';
Example #14
     * Get code
     * @return string 
    private function getCode()
        $Code = '
			<table class="fullwidth zebra-style c">
					<tr class="b">
						<th>' . __('Name') . '</th>
						<th>' . __('Abbreviation') . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Sport'), __('A type can only belong to one sport.')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip('&Oslash;&nbsp;' . __('HR'), __('Average heart rate (used for calculation of TRIMP)')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Quality?'), __('Quality sessions will be emphasized in your calendar.')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Race'), __('You need to set one type for running as race type.')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Calendar view'), __('Mode for displaying activities in calendar')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$CROSS_SMALL, __('A type can only be deleted if no references exist.')) . '</th>
        $Types = DB::getInstance()->query('
			SELECT ty.id, ty.name, ty.abbr, ty.sportid, ty.short, ty.hr_avg, ty.quality_session, ty.accountid, (
				FROM `' . PREFIX . 'training` tr
				WHERE tr.typeid = ty.id AND
					`accountid`="' . SessionAccountHandler::getId() . '"
			) AS tcount
			FROM `' . PREFIX . 'type` ty
			WHERE `accountid`="' . SessionAccountHandler::getId() . '"
			ORDER BY `sportid` ASC, `tcount` DESC
        //TODO Change all locations where Typeid is used
        $Types[] = array('id' => -1, 'sportid' => -1, 'name' => '', 'abbr' => '', 'short' => 0, 'hr_avg' => 120, 'quality_session' => 0);
        $raceID = Configuration::General()->competitionType();
        $sportid = false;
        foreach ($Types as $Data) {
            $id = $Data['id'];
            if ($id == -1) {
                $delete = '';
            } elseif ($Data['tcount'] == 0) {
                $delete = '<input type="checkbox" name="type[delete][' . $id . ']">';
            } else {
                $delete = SearchLink::to('typeid', $id, '<small>(' . $Data['tcount'] . ')</small>');
            $Sports = SportFactory::AllSports();
            $ShortOptions = array(0 => __('complete row'), 1 => __('only icon'));
            $Code .= '
				<tr class="' . ($sportid !== false && $sportid != $Data['sportid'] ? 'top-separated-light' : '') . ($id == -1 ? ' unimportant' : '') . '">
					<td><input type="text" size="20" name="type[name][' . $id . ']" value="' . $Data['name'] . '"></td>
					<td><input type="text" size="3" name="type[abbr][' . $id . ']" value="' . $Data['abbr'] . '"></td>
					<td><select name="type[sportid][' . $id . ']">';
            foreach ($Sports as $SData) {
                $Code .= '<option value="' . $SData['id'] . '"' . HTML::Selected($SData['id'] == $Data['sportid']) . '>' . $SData['name'] . '</option>';
            $Code .= '</select></td>
						<span class="input-with-unit">
							<input type="text" name="type[hr_avg][' . $id . ']" value="' . $Data['hr_avg'] . '" id="type_hr_avg_' . $id . '" class="small-size">
							<label for="type_hr_avg_' . $id . '" class="input-unit">bpm</label>
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="type[quality_session][' . $id . ']"' . ($Data['quality_session'] ? ' checked' : '') . '></td>
					<td>' . ($id == -1 ? '' : '<input type="radio" name="racetype" value="' . $id . '"' . ($id == $raceID ? ' checked' : '') . '>') . '</td>
					<td>' . HTML::selectBox('type[short][' . $id . ']', $ShortOptions, $Data['short']) . '</td>
					<td>' . $delete . '</td>
            $sportid = $Data['sportid'];
        $Code .= '
        return $Code;
     * Display standard values
    protected function displayStandardValues()
        if ($this->manualElevation != $this->calculatedElevation) {
            $Linker = new Runalyze\View\Activity\Linker($this->Context->activity());
            $useCalculatedValueLink = Ajax::window('<a class="small as-input" href="' . $Linker->urlToElevationInfo('use-calculated-value=true') . '">&raquo; ' . __('apply data') . '</a>', 'small');
        } else {
            $useCalculatedValueLink = '';
        $Fieldset = new FormularFieldset(__('General data'));
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('manual value'), __('If you did not insert a value by hand, this value has been calculated.')) . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->manualElevation . '&nbsp;m</span>
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . __('Lowest point') . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->lowestPoint . '&nbsp;m</span>
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('calculated value'), __('This value is calculated with your current configuration. The saved value may be outdated.')) . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->calculatedElevation . '&nbsp;m</span> ' . $useCalculatedValueLink . '
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . __('Highest point') . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->highestPoint . '&nbsp;m</span>
			<div class="w50">
				<label>&oslash; ' . __('Gradient') . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->Context->dataview()->gradientInPercent() . '</span>
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . __('Up/Down') . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">+' . $this->Context->route()->elevationUp() . 'm / -' . $this->Context->route()->elevationDown() . 'm</span>
  * Get link for create window
 public static function link()
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . self::$URL . '" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Add workout'), false, true) . '>' . Icon::$ADD . '</a>', 'small');
Example #17
  * Get fieldset for settings
  * @return \FormularFieldset
 private function getSettingsFieldset()
     $Fieldset = new FormularFieldset(__('Settings'));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularCheckbox('RUNALYZE_DEBUG', __('Debug mode')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularCheckbox('USER_CANT_LOGIN', __('Maintenance mode')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularCheckbox('USER_CAN_REGISTER', __('Users can register')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('GARMIN_API_KEY', Ajax::tooltip(__('Garmin API-key'), __('Needed for any online-version of the Garmin Communicator<br>see http://developer.garmin.com/web-device/garmin-communicator-plugin/get-your-site-key/'))));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('PERL_PATH', __('Perl Path')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('TTBIN_PATH', __('TTBIN Converter Path')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('MAIL_SENDER', __('Sender e-mail')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('MAIL_NAME', __('Sender e-mail name')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('SMTP_HOST', __('SMTP: host')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('SMTP_PORT', __('SMTP: port')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('SMTP_SECURITY', __('SMTP: encryption')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('SMTP_USERNAME', __('SMTP: username')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInputPassword('SMTP_PASSWORD', __('SMTP: password')));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY', Ajax::tooltip(__('OpenWeatherMap API-Key'), __('Loading weather data requires an api key, see openweathermap.org/appid'))));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('NOKIA_HERE_APPID', Ajax::tooltip(__('Nokia/Here App-ID'), __('Nokia maps require an app-id/-token, see developer.here.com'))));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('NOKIA_HERE_TOKEN', Ajax::tooltip(__('Nokia/Here Token'), __('Nokia maps require an app-id/-token, see developer.here.com'))));
     $Fieldset->addField(new FormularSubmit(__('Save'), ''));
     if (!is_writable(FRONTEND_PATH . '../data/config.php')) {
         $Fieldset->addError(__('<strong>data/config.php</strong> is not writable') . ', <em>(chmod = ' . substr(decoct(fileperms(FRONTEND_PATH . '../data/config.php')), 1) . ')</em> ' . __('Changes can\'t be saved.'));
     return $Fieldset;
Example #18
  * Cut a string if it is longer than $cut (default CUT_LENGTH)
  * @param string $text
  * @param int $cut [optional]
 public static function Cut($text, $cut = 0)
     if ($cut == 0) {
         $cut = CUT_LENGTH;
     if (mb_strlen($text) >= $cut) {
         return Ajax::tooltip(mb_substr($text, 0, $cut - 3) . '...', $text);
     return $text;
Example #19
  * Display a single dataset
  * @param array $set
 private function displayDataset($set)
     if ($this->isSummary && $set['summary'] == 0) {
         echo HTML::emptyTD();
     } else {
         $Labels = new DatasetLabels();
         echo HTML::td('<span ' . Ajax::tooltip('', $Labels->get($set['name']), false, true) . '>' . $this->getDataset($set['name']) . '</span>', $set['class'], $set['style']);
  * Show paces
 protected function showPaces()
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<div class="panel-content panel-sub-content">';
     echo '<table class="fullwidth nomargin">';
     $Paces = $this->getArrayForPaces();
     $VDOT = new VDOT(Configuration::Data()->vdot());
     $PaceObject = new Runalyze\Activity\Pace(0, 1, SportFactory::getSpeedUnitFor(Configuration::General()->runningSport()));
     foreach ($Paces as $Pace) {
         $DisplayedString = '<strong>' . $Pace['short'] . '</strong>';
         echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td>' . Ajax::tooltip($DisplayedString, $Pace['description']) . '</td>';
         echo '<td class="r"><em>' . $PaceObject->setTime($VDOT->paceAt($Pace['limit-high'] / 100))->value() . '</em> - <em>' . $PaceObject->setTime($VDOT->paceAt($Pace['limit-low'] / 100))->value() . '</em>' . $PaceObject->appendix() . '</td>';
         echo '</tr>';
     echo '</table>';
Example #21
  * Display labels
 public function displayTableLabels()
     if (Configuration::DataBrowser()->showEditLink()) {
         echo HTML::emptyTD();
     $Labels = new DatasetLabels();
     foreach ($this->data as $set) {
         echo '<td><span ' . Ajax::tooltip('', $Labels->get($set['name']), false, true) . '>' . $Labels->get($set['name']) . '</span></td>';
Example #22
  * As icon with tooltip
  * @return string
 public function asIconWithTooltip()
     if (!$this->areEmpty()) {
         return Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$CLOCK, $this->asReadableString());
     return '';
  * Method for getting the right symbol(s)
  * @see PluginPanel::getRightSymbol()
 protected function getRightSymbol()
     $Links = '';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.plot.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Show prognosis trend'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$LINE_CHART . '</a>') . '</li>';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Prognosis calculator'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$CALCULATOR . '</a>') . '</li>';
     return '<ul>' . $Links . '</ul>';
  * Get uninstall link
  * @param string $name [optional] default: delete-icon
  * @return string
 public static function uninstallLink($key, $name = '')
     if ($name == '') {
         $name = Icon::$DELETE;
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . self::UNINSTALL_URL . '?key=' . $key . '">' . Ajax::tooltip($name, __('Uninstall plugin')) . '</a>');
Example #25
  * Add field: send to multi editor
 private function addFieldSendToMultiEditor()
     $Label = Ajax::tooltip(__('Send to multi editor'), sprintf(__('Our multi editor is limited to a maximum of %d activities.'), SearchResults::MAX_LIMIT_FOR_MULTI_EDITOR), 'atRight');
     $Field = new FormularCheckbox('send-to-multi-editor', $Label);
     * Get code
     * @return string
    private function getCode()
        $Code = '
			<table class="fullwidth zebra-style c">
					<tr class="b">
						<th>' . __('Icon') . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Name'), __('Name of the sport')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('kcal/h'), __('Average energy turnover in kilocalories per hour')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip('&Oslash;&nbsp;' . __('HR'), __('Average heart rate (used for calculation of TRIMP)')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('km'), __('Has a distance')) . '</th>   
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Unit'), __('Unit for speed')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Power'), __('Power is recorded or calculated.')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Outside'), __('Sport is performed outdoor: activate route, weather, ...')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Main equipment'), __('Objects of main equipment type can be shown in the activity overview.')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('Calendar view'), __('Mode for displaying activities in calendar')) . '</th>
						<th>' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$CROSS_SMALL, __('A sport can only be deleted if no references exist.')) . '</th>
        $Sports = SportFactory::AllSports();
        $SportCount = SportFactory::CountArray();
        foreach ($SportCount as $is => $SC) {
            if (isset($Sports[$is])) {
                $Sports[$is]['counts'] = $SC;
        usort($Sports, function ($a, $b) {
            return !isset($b['counts']) || isset($a['counts']) && (int) $a['counts'] > (int) $b['counts'] ? -1 : 1;
        $Sports[] = array('id' => -1, 'new' => true, 'name' => '', 'img' => 'unknown.gif', 'short' => 0, 'kcal' => '', 'HFavg' => '', 'distances' => 0, 'speed' => Pace::STANDARD, 'power' => 0, 'outside' => '', 'main_equipmenttypeid' => 0);
        $IconOptions = SportFactory::getIconOptions();
        $PaceOptions = Pace::options();
        $ShortOptions = array(0 => __('complete row'), 1 => __('only icon'));
        foreach ($Sports as $Data) {
            $id = $Data['id'];
            $isRunning = $id == Runalyze\Configuration::General()->runningSport();
            $iconSelect = HTML::selectBox('sport[img][' . $id . ']', $IconOptions, $Data['img'], '', 'fip-select');
            $EquipmentTypeOptions = $this->getEquipmentTypeOptions($id);
            if ($id == -1) {
                $delete = '';
            } elseif (!isset($SportCount[$id]) || $SportCount[$id] == 0) {
                $delete = '<input type="checkbox" name="sport[delete][' . $id . ']">';
            } else {
                $delete = SearchLink::to('sportid', $id, '<small>(' . $SportCount[$id] . ')</small>');
            $Code .= '
					<tr class="' . (isset($Data['new']) ? ' unimportant' : '') . '">
						<td>' . $iconSelect . '</td>
						<td>' . ($isRunning ? '<input type="hidden" name="sport[name][' . $id . ']" value="' . $Data['name'] . '">' . $Data['name'] : '<input type="text" name="sport[name][' . $id . ']" value="' . $Data['name'] . '">') . '</td>
						<td><input type="text" size="3" name="sport[kcal][' . $id . ']" value="' . $Data['kcal'] . '"></td>
						<td><input type="text" size="3" name="sport[HFavg][' . $id . ']" value="' . $Data['HFavg'] . '"></td>
						<td><input type="checkbox" name="sport[distances][' . $id . ']"' . ($Data['distances'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . '></td>
						<td>' . HTML::selectBox('sport[speed][' . $id . ']', $PaceOptions, $Data['speed']) . '</td>
						<td><input type="checkbox" name="sport[power][' . $id . ']"' . ($Data['power'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . '></td>
						<td><input type="checkbox" name="sport[outside][' . $id . ']"' . ($Data['outside'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . '></td>
						<td>' . HTML::selectBox('sport[main_equipmenttypeid][' . $id . ']', $EquipmentTypeOptions, $Data['main_equipmenttypeid']) . '</td>
						<td>' . ($isRunning ? '<input type="hidden" name="sport[short][' . $id . ']" value="0">-' : HTML::selectBox('sport[short][' . $id . ']', $ShortOptions, $Data['short'])) . '</td>
						<td>' . ($isRunning ? '-' : $delete) . '</td>
        $Code .= '
        return $Code;
Example #27
  * As string with tooltip
  * @return string
 public final function unitAsStringWithTooltip()
     return Ajax::tooltip($this->unitAsString(), $this->unitExplanation());
Example #28
  * Get sport icon
  * @param string $gif filename.gif
  * @param string tooltip
  * @return string
 public static function getSportIconForGif($gif, $tooltip = '')
     return Ajax::tooltip('<i class="' . $gif . '""></i>', $tooltip);
  * Get ajax-link for showing week-kilometer
  * @return string
 protected function getWeekKmLink()
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . self::getUrlForWeekKm() . '">' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$BARS_SMALL, __('Activity per week')) . '</a>');
Example #30
  * Get additional stuff for tooltip
  * @return string
 protected function getTooltip()
     if (!empty($this->Tooltip)) {
         return ' ' . Ajax::tooltip('', $this->Tooltip, false, true);
     return '';