Example #1
 public function FinalRenewals()
     $CustomersProjectID = $this->_POST['CustoProID'];
     $Year = $this->_POST['ryear'];
     $LogsFunction = new LogsFunction();
     $CustProModule = new CustProModule();
     $CustProInfo = $CustProModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($CustomersProjectID);
     $vesion = $this->GetGBaoPenVesion($CustProInfo['GongNeng']);
     $CustomersModule = new CustomersModule();
     $CustomersInfo = $CustomersModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($CustProInfo['CustomersID']);
     if ($CustProInfo['AgentID'] == $_SESSION['AgentID']) {
         $data = $this->GetRenewals($CustomersProjectID, $Year);
         $AgentAccountModule = new AgentAccountModule();
         $ProjectId = TONGYI_ID;
         $sqlwhere = "where Agentid={$_SESSION['AgentID']} and ProjectID={$ProjectId}";
         $AgentAccountInfo = $AgentAccountModule->GetLists($sqlwhere);
         if ($AgentAccountInfo[0]['Balance'] < $data['StandardCost']) {
             $LogsFunction->logsinfile('115', 4, $CustomersID);
             JsMessage('账户余额不足,请充值!', UrlRewriteSimple($this->MyModule, 'Customer', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
         } else {
             $update['EndTime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("{$CustProInfo['EndTime']}+{$Year} years"));
             $LogOldEndTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($CustProInfo['EndTime']));
             $LogEndTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($update['EndTime']));
             $update['UpdateTime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $filter['CustomersProjectID'] = $CustomersProjectID;
             $filter['ProjectID'] = intval($ProjectId);
             $filter['AgentID'] = intval($_SESSION['AgentID']);
             $a = $CustProModule->UpdateArray($update, $filter);
             $sql = "update {$AgentAccountModule->TableName} set Balance=Balance-{$data['StandardCost']} where Agentid={$_SESSION['AgentID']} and ProjectID={$ProjectId}";
             $b = $AgentAccountModule->Update($sql);
             if ($a) {
                 $OrderModule = new OrderModule();
                 $OrderDescriptionModule = new OrderDescriptionModule();
                 $Description['Description'] = $CustomersInfo['CompanyName'] . $vesion . 'G宝盆项目续费成功:原定到期时间' . $LogOldEndTime . '+' . $Year . '年=' . $LogEndTime . ',消费金额¥' . $data['StandardCost'] . '(' . $data['AgenDiscount'] . '折)';
                 $DescriptionID = mysql_insert_id();
                 $Order['OrderNO'] = GetOrderNO();
                 $Order['AgentID'] = $filter['AgentID'];
                 $Order['CustomersID'] = $CustProInfo['CustomersID'];
                 $Order['AddTime'] = $update['UpdateTime'];
                 $Order['FromIP'] = GetIP();
                 $Order['ProjectID'] = $filter['ProjectID'];
                 $Order['DescriptionID'] = $DescriptionID;
                 $Order['Type'] = 0;
                 $Order['Amount'] = $data['StandardCost'];
                 $LogsFunction->logsinfile('115', 1, $CustomersID, '', $Order['OrderNO']);
                 $Sync = $this->ToGbaoPenEditInfo($CustomersProjectID);
                 if ($Sync) {
                     $LogsFunction->logsinfile('115', 5, $CustomersID, $Description['Description'], $Order['OrderNO']);
                 } else {
                     $LogsFunction->logsinfile('115', 6, $CustomersID, $Description['Description'], $Order['OrderNO']);
                 JsMessage('续费成功!', UrlRewriteSimple($this->MyModule, 'Customer', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
             } else {
                 $LogsFunction->logsinfile('115', 0, $CustomersID);
                 JsMessage('续费失败!', UrlRewriteSimple($this->MyModule, 'Customer', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
     } else {
         $LogsFunction->logsinfile('115', 3, $CustomersID);
         JsMessage('警告!非法操作...', UrlRewriteSimple($this->MyModule, 'Customer', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
Example #2
 public function FinalRenewals()
     $CustomersProjectID = intval($this->_POST['CustoProID']);
     $Year = $this->_POST['ryear'];
     $Across = $this->_POST['across'];
     $Page = _intval($this->_GET['Page']);
     $LogsFunction = new LogsFunction();
     $CustProModule = new CustProModule();
     $where = "where CustomersProjectID={$CustomersProjectID} and AgentID={$_SESSION['AgentID']}";
     $CustProInfo = $CustProModule->GetInfoByWhere($where);
     $time = date('H:i:s');
     $NewEndTime = $Year . ' ' . $time;
     if (empty($CustProInfo)) {
         JsMessage('数据错误或者非法操作!', UrlRewriteSimple('FengXin', 'Customer', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
     } else {
         $Version = $CustProInfo['GongNeng'];
         $PropertyModule = new PropertyModule();
         $PropertyInfo = $PropertyModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($Version);
         $MarketPrice = $PropertyInfo['MarketPrice'];
         $AgentModule = new AgentModule();
         $Agentinfo = $AgentModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($_SESSION['AgentID']);
         $LevelID['AgentPriceID'] = $Agentinfo['FengXinAgentPriceID'];
         $AgentPriceModule = new AgentPriceModule();
         $AgentPriceinfo = $AgentPriceModule->GetOneInfoByArrayKeys($LevelID);
         $AgenDiscount = $AgentPriceinfo['AgenDiscount'];
         $CustomersModule = new CustomersModule();
         $CustomersInfo = $CustomersModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($CustProInfo['CustomersID']);
         $CustomersID = $CustomersInfo['CustomersID'];
         $OldEndTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($CustProInfo['EndTime']));
         $cost = 0;
         $description = '';
         $sql_version = '';
         if (strtotime($Year) > strtotime($OldEndTime)) {
             $sql_version = "update tb_customers_project set EndTime ='{$NewEndTime}' where CustomersProjectID={$CustomersProjectID}";
             $update1 = $CustProModule->UpdateArrayByKeyID($update1, $CustomersProjectID);
             $versioncost = (strtotime($Year) - strtotime($OldEndTime)) / (3600 * 24) * $MarketPrice * $AgenDiscount / 365;
             $cost += $versioncost;
             $description .= '版本约消费¥' . round($versioncost);
         $CustFuwuModule = new CustFuwuModule();
         $mysqlwhere = "where CustomersProjectID={$CustomersProjectID}";
         $CustFuwuInfo = $CustFuwuModule->GetAll($mysqlwhere);
         $FuwuModule = new FuwuModule();
         foreach ($CustFuwuInfo as $v) {
             $FuwuEndTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($v['EndTime']));
             $FuwuInfo = $FuwuModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($v['FuWuID']);
             $FuWuPrice = $FuwuInfo['FuWuPrice'];
             $FuWuName = $FuwuInfo['FuWuName'];
             $filter['FuWuID'] = intval($v['FuWuID']);
             $filter['CustomersProjectID'] = $CustomersProjectID;
             if (strtotime($FuwuEndTime) < strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) {
                 $FuwuEndTime = date('Y-m-d');
             if (in_array($v['FuWuID'], $Across)) {
                 if (strtotime($Year) > strtotime($FuwuEndTime)) {
                     $sqlfuwu[$FuWuName] = "update tbl_customers_fuwu set EndTime ='{$NewEndTime}' where  FuWuID={$v['FuWuID']} and CustomersProjectID={$CustomersProjectID}";
                     $fuwucost = (strtotime($Year) - strtotime($FuwuEndTime)) / (3600 * 24) * $FuWuPrice * $AgenDiscount / 365;
                     $cost += $fuwucost;
                     $description .= ',' . $FuWuName . '约消费¥' . round($fuwucost);
             } else {
                 $array_search = array($FuWuName => $FuwuInfo['EndTime']);
                 $seletname = 'upselect' . $v['FuWuID'];
                 $selectEndTime = $this->_POST["{$seletname}"];
                 if (strtotime($selectEndTime) > strtotime($FuwuEndTime)) {
                     $update3['EndTime'] = $selectEndTime . ' ' . $time;
                     $sqlfuwu[$FuWuName] = "update tbl_customers_fuwu set EndTime ='{$update3['EndTime']}' where  FuWuID={$v['FuWuID']} and CustomersProjectID={$CustomersProjectID}";
                     $fuwucost = (strtotime($selectEndTime) - strtotime($FuwuEndTime)) / (3600 * 24) * $FuWuPrice * $AgenDiscount / 365;
                     $cost += $fuwucost;
                     $description .= ',' . $FuWuName . '约消费¥' . round($fuwucost);
         $cost = round($cost);
         $description .= ',合计消费¥' . $cost;
         $AgentAccountModule = new AgentAccountModule();
         $ProjectId = FENGXIN_ID;
         $sqlwhere = "where Agentid={$_SESSION['AgentID']} and ProjectID={$ProjectId}";
         $AgentAccountInfo = $AgentAccountModule->GetLists($sqlwhere);
         if ($AgentAccountInfo[0]['Balance'] < $cost) {
             JsMessage('余额不足!', UrlRewriteSimple('FengXin', 'Customer', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
         } else {
             $sql = "update {$AgentAccountModule->TableName} set Balance=Balance-{$cost} where Agentid={$_SESSION['AgentID']} and ProjectID={$ProjectId}";
             $b = $AgentAccountModule->Update($sql);
             if ($b) {
                 if ($sql_version == '' || mysql_query($sql_version)) {
                 } else {
                     $description .= '(版本已扣款未延期到' . $Year . ',此次续费需手动操作!)';
                 foreach ($sqlfuwu as $k => $s) {
                     if (mysql_query($s)) {
                     } else {
                         $description .= '(' . $array_search[$k] . '已扣款未延期到,此次续费需手动操作!)';
                 $OrderModule = new OrderModule();
                 $OrderDescriptionModule = new OrderDescriptionModule();
                 $Description['Description'] = $CustomersInfo['CompanyName'] . '本次续费' . $description;
                 $DescriptionID = mysql_insert_id();
                 $Order['OrderNO'] = GetOrderNO();
                 $Order['AgentID'] = $_SESSION['AgentID'];
                 $Order['CustomersID'] = $CustomersID;
                 $Order['AddTime'] = date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $time;
                 $Order['FromIP'] = GetIP();
                 $Order['ProjectID'] = $ProjectId;
                 $Order['DescriptionID'] = $DescriptionID;
                 $Order['Type'] = 0;
                 $Order['Amount'] = $cost;
                 $LogsFunction->logsinfile('109', 1, $CustomersID, '', $Order['OrderNO']);
                 $Sync = $this->ToFengXinEditInfo($CustomersProjectID);
                 if ($Sync) {
                     $LogsFunction->logsinfile('109', 5, $CustomersID, $Description['Description'], $Order['OrderNO']);
                 } else {
                     $LogsFunction->logsinfile('109', 6, $CustomersID, $Description['Description'], $Order['OrderNO']);
                 JsMessage('续费成功!', UrlRewriteSimple('FengXin', 'Customer', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
             } else {
                 JsMessage('续费异常!', UrlRewriteSimple('FengXin', 'Customer', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
Example #3
 public function Seach()
     $MysqlWhere = ' where 1';
     $WhereGet = '';
     $this->seachValue = trim($this->_GET['seachValue']);
     $OrderNO = trim($this->_GET['OrderNO']);
     if ($OrderNO != 0) {
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and OrderNO=\'' . $OrderNO . '\'';
         $WhereGet .= '&OrderNO=' . $OrderNO;
         $this->OrderNO = $OrderNO;
     $Type = $this->_GET['Type'];
     if ($Type == '入账') {
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and Type=1';
         $WhereGet .= '&Type=' . $Type;
         $this->Type = $Type;
     if ($Type == '消费') {
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and Type=0';
         $WhereGet .= '&Type=' . $Type;
         $this->Type = $Type;
     $AgentIDValue = trim($this->_GET['AgentIDValue']);
     if ($AgentIDValue != '') {
         $AgentModule = new AgentModule();
         $AgentInfo = $AgentModule->GetOneInfoByArrayKeys(array('UserName' => $AgentIDValue));
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and AgentID=' . $AgentInfo['AgentID'];
         $WhereGet .= '&AgentIDValue=' . $AgentIDValue;
         $this->AgentIDValue = $AgentIDValue;
     $ProjectIDValue = trim($this->_GET['ProjectIDValue']);
     if ($ProjectIDValue != '') {
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and ProjectID=' . $ProjectIDValue;
         $WhereGet .= '&ProjectIDValue=' . $ProjectIDValue;
         $this->ProjectIDValue = $ProjectIDValue;
     $CustomersIDValue = trim($this->_GET['CustomersIDValue']);
     if ($CustomersIDValue != '') {
         $CustomersModule = new CustomersModule();
         $CustomersInfo = $CustomersModule->GetOneInfoByArrayKeys(array('CompanyName' => $CustomersIDValue));
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and CustomersID=' . $CustomersInfo['CustomersID'];
         $WhereGet .= '&CustomersIDValue=' . $CustomersIDValue;
         $this->CustomersIDValue = $CustomersIDValue;
     $StartTime = trim($this->_GET['StartTime']);
     $this->StartTime = $StartTime;
     if ($StartTime != '') {
         $StartTime = $StartTime . ' 00:00:00';
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and AddTime>\'' . $StartTime . '\'';
         $WhereGet .= '&StartTime=' . $StartTime;
     $EndTime = trim($this->_GET['EndTime']);
     $this->EndTime = $EndTime;
     if ($EndTime != '') {
         $EndTime = $EndTime . ' 23:59:59';
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and AddTime<\'' . $EndTime . '\'';
         $WhereGet .= '&EndTime=' . $EndTime;
     $MinAmount = trim($this->_GET['MinAmount']);
     if ($MinAmount != '') {
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and Amount>' . $MinAmount;
         $WhereGet .= '&MinAmount=' . $MinAmount;
         $this->MinAmount = $MinAmount;
     $MaxAmount = trim($this->_GET['MaxAmount']);
     if ($MaxAmount != '') {
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and Amount<' . $MaxAmount;
         $WhereGet .= '&MaxAmount=' . $MaxAmount;
         $this->MaxAmount = $MaxAmount;
     $FromIP = trim($this->_GET['FromIP']);
     if ($FromIP != '') {
         $MysqlWhere .= ' and FromIP=\'' . $FromIP . '\'';
         $WhereGet .= '&FromIP=' . $FromIP;
         $this->FromIP = $FromIP;
     $Page = intval($this->_GET['Page']);
     $Page = $Page ? $Page : 1;
     $OrderModule = new OrderModule();
     $ListsNum = $OrderModule->GetListsNum($MysqlWhere);
     $Rscount = $ListsNum['Num'];
     $PageSize = 5000;
     if ($WhereGet == '') {
         $PageSize = 10;
     if ($Rscount) {
         $Data['RecordCount'] = $Rscount;
         $Data['PageSize'] = $PageSize ? $PageSize : $Data['RecordCount'];
         $Data['PageCount'] = ceil($Data['RecordCount'] / $PageSize);
         $Data['Page'] = min($Page, $Data['PageCount']);
         $Offset = ($Page - 1) * $Data['PageSize'];
         if ($Page > $Data['PageCount']) {
             $Page = $Data['PageCount'];
         $Data['Data'] = $OrderModule->GetLists($MysqlWhere, $Offset, $Data['PageSize']);
         $AgentModule = new AgentModule();
         $AgentAccountModule = new AgentAccountModule();
         $ProjectModule = new ProjectModule();
         $OrderDescriptionModule = new OrderDescriptionModule();
         $RuZhangNum = 0;
         $RuZhang = 0;
         $XiaoFei = 0;
         $XiaoFeiNum = 0;
         foreach ($Data['Data'] as $Key => $Value) {
             $Array['AgentID'] = $Value['AgentID'];
             $AgentInfo = $AgentModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($Array['AgentID']);
             $Data['Data'][$Key]['UserName'] = $AgentInfo['UserName'];
             $ProjectInfo = $ProjectModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($Value['ProjectID']);
             $Data['Data'][$Key]['ProjectName'] = $ProjectInfo['ProjectName'];
             $AgentAccountInfo = $AgentAccountModule->GetLists('where AgentID=' . $Array['AgentID']);
             $Num = count($AgentAccountInfo);
             if ($Num == 0) {
                 $Data['Data'][$Key]['Total'] = '0';
                 $Data['Data'][$Key]['Balance'] = '0';
             } else {
                 foreach ($AgentAccountInfo as $V) {
                     $Data['Data'][$Key]['Total'] += $V['Total'];
                     $Data['Data'][$Key]['Balance'] += $V['Balance'];
             $OrderDescriptionInfo = $OrderDescriptionModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($Value['DescriptionID']);
             $Data['Data'][$Key]['Description'] = $OrderDescriptionInfo['Description'];
             if ($Value['Type'] == 1) {
                 $Data['Data'][$Key]['TypeName'] = '入账';
                 $RuZhang += $Value['Amount'];
             } else {
                 $Data['Data'][$Key]['TypeName'] = '消费';
                 $XiaoFei += $Value['Amount'];
         $this->RuZhangNum = $RuZhangNum;
         $this->RuZhang = $RuZhang;
         $this->XiaoFei = $XiaoFei;
         $this->XiaoFeiNum = $XiaoFeiNum;
         MultiPage($Data, 10);
         $this->Data = $Data;
         $this->WhereGet = $WhereGet;
Example #4
 public function AddAccount()
     if ($this->_POST) {
         $Post['ProjectID'] = _intval($this->_POST['ProjectID']);
         $Post['AgentID'] = _intval($this->_POST['AgentID']);
         $Remarks = trim($this->_POST['Remarks']);
         $JinE = trim($this->_POST['JinE']);
         $Page = _intval($this->_POST['Page']);
         if ($JinE < 1 || $Post['ProjectID'] == 0 || $Post['AgentID'] == 0) {
         $AgentAccountModule = new AgentAccountModule();
         $AgentAccountInfo = $AgentAccountModule->GetOneInfoByArrayKeys($Post);
         if (empty($AgentAccountInfo)) {
             $Post['Remarks'] = $Remarks;
             $Post['Total'] = $JinE;
             $Post['Balance'] = $JinE;
             $IsOk = $AgentAccountModule->InsertArray($Post);
         } else {
             $UpdateInfo['Remarks'] = $Remarks;
             $UpdateInfo['Total'] = $AgentAccountInfo['Total'] + $JinE;
             $UpdateInfo['Balance'] = $AgentAccountInfo['Balance'] + $JinE;
             $IsOk = $AgentAccountModule->UpdateArrayByArrayKeys($UpdateInfo, $Post);
         if ($IsOk) {
             $AddOrderIsOk = $this->AddOrder($Post['AgentID'], $Post['ProjectID'], $JinE + $AgentAccountInfo['Balance'], $JinE);
             if ($AddOrderIsOk == 0) {
                 $this->__Message('入账成功,记录操作失败!', UrlRewriteSimple($this->MyModule, 'Lists', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
             $this->__Message('入账成功!', UrlRewriteSimple($this->MyModule, 'Lists', true) . '&Page=' . $Page, '继续操作');
         } else {
     } else {
         $AgentID = trim($this->_GET['AgentID']);
         $AgentModule = new AgentModule();
         $this->AgentInfo = $AgentModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($AgentID);
         include 'Include/LevelArray.php';
         $ProjectModule = new ProjectModule();
         $this->ProjectLists = $ProjectModule->GetProjectLists();
Example #5
 public function Main()
     $this->MyAction = 'Main';
     $ArrayKeys['AgentID'] = intval($_SESSION['AgentID']);
     $FengxinID = FENGXIN_ID;
     $GBaoPenID = GBAOPEN_ID;
     $CustProModule = new CustProModule();
     $CustomersModule = new CustomersModule();
     $AgentAccountModule = new AgentAccountModule();
     $SumBalance = $AgentAccountModule->GetSumBalanceByArrayKeys($ArrayKeys);
     $Data['Balance']['SUM'] = $SumBalance['sum'] ? $SumBalance['sum'] : 0;
     $GBaoPenBalance = $AgentAccountModule->GetLists("where ProjectID={$GBaoPenID} and AgentID={$ArrayKeys['AgentID']}");
     $Data['Balance']['GBaoPen'] = $GBaoPenBalance[0]['Balance'] ? $GBaoPenBalance[0]['Balance'] : 0;
     $GBaoPenBalance = $AgentAccountModule->GetLists("where ProjectID={$FengxinID} and AgentID={$ArrayKeys['AgentID']}");
     $Data['Balance']['FengXin'] = $GBaoPenBalance[0]['Balance'] ? $GBaoPenBalance[0]['Balance'] : 0;
     $CustProFengXin = $CustProModule->GetAll("where ProjectID={$FengxinID} and AgentID={$ArrayKeys['AgentID']}");
     $Fcount = count($CustProFengXin);
     $Finvalid = 0;
     $Foverdue = 0;
     $Fbeoverdue = 0;
     $Fstandard = 0;
     $Fgongneng = 0;
     foreach ($CustProFengXin as $FengXin) {
         if ($FengXin['status'] == 0) {
         if (strtotime($FengXin['EndTime']) < strtotime("now")) {
         if (strtotime($FengXin['EndTime']) > strtotime("now") && strtotime($FengXin['EndTime']) <= strtotime("next month")) {
         if ($FengXin['GongNeng'] == '' || $FengXin['GongNeng'] == null) {
     $Fgongneng = $Fcount - $Fstandard;
     $CustProGBaoPen = $CustProModule->GetAll("where ProjectID={$GBaoPenID} and AgentID={$ArrayKeys['AgentID']}");
     $Gcount = count($CustProGBaoPen);
     $Ginvalid = 0;
     $Goverdue = 0;
     $Gbeoverdue = 0;
     foreach ($CustProGBaoPen as $GBaoPen) {
         if ($GBaoPen['status'] == 0) {
         if (strtotime($GBaoPen['EndTime']) < strtotime("now")) {
         if (strtotime($GBaoPen['EndTime']) > strtotime("now") && strtotime($GBaoPen['EndTime']) <= strtotime("next month")) {
     $Data['Info']['FengXin'] = array('Fcount' => $Fcount, 'Finvalid' => $Finvalid, 'Foverdue' => $Foverdue, 'Fbeoverdue' => $Fbeoverdue, 'Fstandard' => $Fstandard, 'Fgongneng' => $Fgongneng);
     $Data['Info']['GBaoPen'] = array('Gcount' => $Gcount, 'Ginvalid' => $Ginvalid, 'Goverdue' => $Goverdue, 'Gbeoverdue' => $Gbeoverdue);
     $this->Data = $Data;