public function __construct()
     if (file_exists($this->icingaWebDir . '/app/config.php')) {
         require $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/agavi/src/agavi.php';
         require $this->icingaWebDir . '/app/config.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Exception.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Locator/Injectable.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Access.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Record.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Record/Iterator.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Null.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Core.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Manager/Exception.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Manager.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/app/modules/AppKit/lib/database/models/generated/BaseNsmUser.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/app/modules/AppKit/lib/database/models/NsmUser.php';
         AgaviConfig::set('core.default_context', 'web');
         AgaviConfig::set('core.context_implementation', 'AppKitAgaviContext');
         $icingWebUser = new NsmUser('nsm_user');
         //                $icingWebUser->
Example #2
  * Handles autoloading of classes
  * @param      string A class name.
  * @author     David Zülke <*****@*****.**>
  * @since      0.11.0
 public static function __autoload($class)
     if (self::$autoloads === null) {
         self::$autoloads = array();
         // catch parse errors of autoload.xml
         try {
             $cfg = AgaviConfig::get('core.config_dir') . '/autoload.xml';
             if (!is_readable($cfg)) {
                 $cfg = AgaviConfig::get('core.system_config_dir') . '/autoload.xml';
                 if (!is_readable($cfg)) {
             self::$autoloads = (include AgaviConfigCache::checkConfig($cfg));
             // if(class_exists($class, false)) {
             // 	return;
             // }
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
     if (isset(self::$autoloads[$class])) {
         // class exists, let's include it
         require self::$autoloads[$class];
     	If the class doesn't exist in autoload.xml there's not a lot we can do. Because
     	PHP's class_exists resorts to __autoload we cannot throw exceptions
     	for this might break some 3rd party lib autoloading mechanism.
 public function main()
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../app/config.php';
     AgaviConfig::set('core.default_context', 'console');
     AgaviConfig::set('core.context_implementation', 'AppKitAgaviContext');
Example #4
 public function init()
     // include doctrine
     require_once $this->icingaPath . "lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine.php";
     // include agavi (needed for configuration)
     require $this->icingaPath . 'lib/agavi/src/agavi.php';
     require $this->icingaPath . 'app/config.php';
  * Loads the agavi and appkit bootstrap
  * TODO:   the appkit bootstrap is not really needed, the console context
  * 		   uses it's factories. Perhaps a "cron" context can be created to minimize
  * 		   memory usage and optimize performance
 private function bootstrap()
     require_once $this->agaviPath;
     require_once $this->configPath;
     // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
     // Setting the running context to web ...
     AgaviConfig::set('core.default_context', 'console');
     AgaviConfig::set('core.context_implementation', 'AppKitAgaviContext');
  * Startup the Agavi core
  * @param      string environment the environment to use for this session.
  * @author     Felix Gilcher <*****@*****.**>
  * @since      1.0.0
 public static function bootstrap($environment = null)
     if ($environment === null) {
         // no env given? let's read one from testing.environment
         $environment = AgaviConfig::get('testing.environment');
     } elseif (AgaviConfig::has('testing.environment') && AgaviConfig::isReadonly('testing.environment')) {
         // env given, but testing.environment is read-only? then we must use that instead and ignore the given setting
         $environment = AgaviConfig::get('testing.environment');
     if ($environment === null) {
         // still no env? oh man...
         throw new Exception('You must supply an environment name to AgaviTesting::bootstrap() or set the name of the default environment to be used for testing in the configuration directive "testing.environment".');
     // finally set the env to what we're really using now.
     AgaviConfig::set('testing.environment', $environment, true, true);
     // bootstrap the framework for autoload, config handlers etc.
     ini_set('include_path', get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
     $GLOBALS['AGAVI_CONFIG'] = AgaviConfig::toArray();
Example #7
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | An absolute filesystem path to the agavi/agavi.php script.                |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/agavi/src/agavi.php';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | An absolute filesystem path to our app/config.php script.                 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../app/config.php';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Initialize the framework. You may pass an environment name to this method.|
// | By default the 'development' environment sets Agavi into a debug mode.    |
// | In debug mode among other things the cache is cleaned on every request.   |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Setting the running context to web ...
AgaviConfig::set('core.default_context', 'console');
AgaviConfig::set('core.context_implementation', 'AppKitAgaviContext');
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Call the controller's dispatch method on the default context              |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Example #8
// check for xsl BEFORE loading agavi, otherwise an obsucure error will be thrown
if (!extension_loaded('xsl')) {
    die("Please install the php xsl extension, as this is required for icinga-web");
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | An absolute filesystem path to the agavi/agavi.php script.                |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib/agavi/src/agavi.php';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | An absolute filesystem path to our app/config.php script.                 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Not needed, we work with bootstrap events
require '../app/config.php';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Initialize the framework. You may pass an environment name to this method.|
// | By default the 'development' environment sets Agavi into a debug mode.    |
// | In debug mode among other things the cache is cleaned on every request.   |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Setting the running context to web ...
AgaviConfig::set('core.default_context', 'web');
// Main module
// Some kind of agavi like bootstrap
// hook in
AgaviConfig::set('core.context_implementation', 'AppKitAgaviContext');
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Call the controller's dispatch method on the default context              |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Example #9
  * Utility method to bootstrap Agavi.
 protected function tryBootstrapAgavi()
     if (!self::$agaviBootstrapped) {
         /* Something might f**k up. We always use the template that you can
          * actually read. */
         AgaviConfig::set('exception.default_template', sprintf('%s/templates/plaintext.php', (string) $this->project->getProperty('')), $overwrite = true, $readonly = true);
         /* To further prevent f*****g up, we force it into debug mode. */
         AgaviConfig::set('core.debug', true, $overwrite = true, $readonly = true);
         require_once sprintf('%s/%s/config.php', (string) $this->project->getProperty(''), (string) $this->project->getProperty(''));
         self::$agaviBootstrapped = true;
Example #10
  * Starts an agavi context for testing purposes. This was bundled into the
  * test bootstrap method to call this only once
  * @param string $env	Name of the context
  * @return AgaviContext	The created context
 public function bootstrapAgavi($env = 'testing', array $modules = array())
     require IcingaWebTestTool::getRootPath() . '/lib/agavi/src/agavi.php';
     AgaviConfig::set('core.testing_dir', IcingaWebTestTool::getTestPath());
     AgaviConfig::set('core.app_dir', IcingaWebTestTool::getRootPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'app');
     AgaviConfig::set('core.root_dir', IcingaWebTestTool::getRootPath());
     AgaviConfig::set('core.default_context', $env);
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
     AgaviConfig::set('core.context_implementation', 'AppKitAgaviContext');
     return AgaviContext::getInstance($env);
// store application environment name
if (!putenv('APP_ENV=' . $environment)) {
    throw new Exception('Could not set APP_ENV environment variable.');
// environment modifier (suffix)
$environment_modifier = @$environment_modifier ?: getenv('APP_ENV_MODIFIER');
if (empty($environment_modifier)) {
    $environment_modifier = '';
// load regular composer autoload
require $application_dir . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// load default config from this folder
require __DIR__ . '/config.php';
// load application specific config from application that uses this as-vendor-application
if (is_readable($application_dir . '/app/config.php')) {
    require $application_dir . '/app/config.php';
// load autoload registry for module namespaces
$autoloads_include = $application_dir . '/app/config/includes/autoload.php';
if (is_readable($autoloads_include)) {
    require $autoloads_include;
// make sure that we are always shown errors within dev environments
if (preg_match('/^development.*/', AgaviConfig::get('core.clean_environment'))) {
    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
// bootstrap the app
// load local settings (from APP_LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR)
require AgaviConfigCache::checkConfig($application_dir . '/app/config/local_configuration.xml');
Example #12

This is an example cli-config.php for Doctrine 2 that can be used in applications.
Adjust paths and other details in this file as necessary, and put it into a folder somewhere in your project (e.g. dev/doctrine)
From this folder, you may then run the "doctrine" command line tool.
As always with files that require modifications for each developer (like index.php), it is advisable to only have a template file and ask each developer to copy this file to "cli-config.php" and insert their respective environment name so the correct database configuration is used.
factories.xml needs a configuration section similar to this:
<ae:configuration context="doctrine-cli">
	<request class="AgaviConsoleRequest">
		<!-- the important bit: don't clear argc and argv -->
		<ae:parameter name="unset_input">false</ae:parameter>
	<response class="AgaviConsoleResponse" />
	<routing class="AgaviConsoleRouting" />
	<storage class="AgaviNullStorage" />
	<user class="AgaviSecurityUser" />
output_types.xml also needs an output type declared for this context, of course ("text" with no further settings will do).
require 'path/to/src/agavi.php';
require 'path/to/app/config.php';
$em = AgaviContext::getInstance('doctrine-cli')->getDatabaseConnection();
// fetches default connection; pass a connection name if necessary
$helperSet = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet(array('db' => new \Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\Helper\ConnectionHelper($em->getConnection()), 'em' => new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Helper\EntityManagerHelper($em)));
Example #13
    public function main()
        require_once 'src/agavi.php';
        $this->olsonDir = realpath($this->olsonDir);
        $this->outputDir = realpath($this->outputDir);
        AgaviConfig::set('olson.dir', $this->olsonDir);
        AgaviConfig::set('core.app_dir', getcwd() . '/etc/olson/agavi/app');
        $context = AgaviContext::getInstance('');
        if (!$this->olsonDir || !file_exists($this->olsonDir)) {
            throw new BuildException('Olson data directory is not defined or does not exist.');
        if (!$this->outputDir || !file_exists($this->outputDir)) {
            throw new BuildException('Timezone data output directory is not defined or does not exist.');
        $this->log("Building compiling olson files in {$this->olsonDir} to {$this->outputDir}", PROJECT_MSG_INFO);
        $links = array();
        $zones = array();
        $di = new DirectoryIterator($this->olsonDir);
        foreach ($di as $file) {
            if ($file->isFile()) {
                // the file doesn't contain an extension so we parse it
                // and we don't want the factory time zone
                if (strpos($file->getFilename(), '.') === false && $file->getFilename() != 'factory') {
                    $this->log(sprintf('compiling %s', $file->getPathname()), PROJECT_MSG_INFO);
                    $parser = new AgaviTimeZoneDataParser();
                    $rules = $parser->parse($file->getPathname());
                    $zones = $rules['zones'] + $zones;
                    $links = $rules['links'] + $links;
        $baseCode = '<?php

 * %s
 * %s
 * @package    agavi
 * @subpackage translation
 * @copyright  Authors
 * @copyright  The Agavi Project
 * @since      0.11.0
 * @version    $Id' . '$

return %s;

        $zoneList = array();
        foreach ($zones as $name => $zone) {
            $fname = preg_replace('#([^a-z0-9_])#ie', "'_'.ord('\\1').'_'", $name) . '.php';
            $pathname = $this->outputDir . '/' . $fname;
            $zone['name'] = $name;
            $zoneList[$name] = array('type' => 'zone', 'filename' => $fname);
            $this->log('Writing zone ' . $name . ' to: ' . $pathname);
            file_put_contents($pathname, sprintf($baseCode, sprintf('Data file for timezone "%s".', $name), sprintf('Compiled from olson file "%s", version %s.', $zone['source'], $zone['version']), var_export($zone, true)));
        foreach ($links as $from => $to) {
            $zoneList[$from] = array('type' => 'link', 'to' => $to);
        $this->log('Writing zone listing to: ' . $this->outputDir . '/zonelist.php');
        file_put_contents($this->outputDir . '/zonelist.php', sprintf($baseCode, 'Zone list file.', sprintf('Generated on %s.', gmdate('c')), var_export($zoneList, true)));
  * Initialize a module and load its autoload, module config etc.
  * @param      string The name of the module to initialize.
  * @author     Felix Gilcher <*****@*****.**>
  * @since      1.0.0
 public function initializeModule($moduleName)
     $lowerModuleName = strtolower($moduleName);
     if (null === AgaviConfig::get('modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '.enabled')) {
         // set some defaults first
         AgaviConfig::fromArray(array('modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '.agavi.action.path' => '%core.module_dir%/${moduleName}/actions/${actionName}Action.class.php', 'modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '.agavi.cache.path' => '%core.module_dir%/${moduleName}/cache/${actionName}.xml', 'modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '' => '%core.module_dir%/${module}/templates', 'modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '.agavi.validate.path' => '%core.module_dir%/${moduleName}/validate/${actionName}.xml', 'modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '.agavi.view.path' => '%core.module_dir%/${moduleName}/views/${viewName}View.class.php', 'modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '' => '${actionName}${viewName}'));
         // include the module configuration
         // loaded only once due to the way load() (former import()) works
         if (is_readable(AgaviConfig::get('core.module_dir') . '/' . $moduleName . '/config/module.xml')) {
             include_once AgaviConfigCache::checkConfig(AgaviConfig::get('core.module_dir') . '/' . $moduleName . '/config/module.xml');
         } else {
             AgaviConfig::set('modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '.enabled', true);
         $moduleAutoload = AgaviConfig::get('core.module_dir') . '/' . $moduleName . '/config/autoload.xml';
         if (is_readable($moduleAutoload)) {
             Agavi::$autoloads = array_merge(Agavi::$autoloads, include AgaviConfigCache::checkConfig($moduleAutoload));
         if (AgaviConfig::get('modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '.enabled')) {
             $moduleConfigHandlers = AgaviConfig::get('core.module_dir') . '/' . $moduleName . '/config/config_handlers.xml';
             if (is_readable($moduleConfigHandlers)) {
     if (!AgaviConfig::get('modules.' . $lowerModuleName . '.enabled')) {
         throw new AgaviDisabledModuleException(sprintf('The module "%1$s" is disabled.', $moduleName));
     // check for a module config.php
     $moduleConfig = AgaviConfig::get('core.module_dir') . '/' . $moduleName . '/config.php';
     if (is_readable($moduleConfig)) {
         require_once $moduleConfig;