?> disabled="disabled" <?php } ?> name="pilot_aircraft_mail[]" /> </div> <div class="leglabel">Email: </div> <div class="leg_filed"> <?php echo $pilot_aircraft_id->getMember()->getPerson()->getEmail(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } $afa_org = AfaOrgPeer::retrieveByPK($miss_leg->getShareAfaOrgId()); if ($afa_org) { ?> <div class="legemail_box"> <div class="heading">Afa Org: <?php echo $afa_org->getName(); ?> </div> <div class="chbox"> <input type="checkbox" <?php if ($afa_org && $afa_org->getRefContactEmail()) { ?> value="<?php echo $afa_org->getRefContactEmail(); ?> " class="mailable" <?php
/** * Populates the object using an array. * * This is particularly useful when populating an object from one of the * request arrays (e.g. $_POST). This method goes through the column * names, checking to see whether a matching key exists in populated * array. If so the setByName() method is called for that column. * * You can specify the key type of the array by additionally passing one * of the class type constants BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME, * BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_NUM. * The default key type is the column's phpname (e.g. 'AuthorId') * * @param array $arr An array to populate the object from. * @param string $keyType The type of keys the array uses. * @return void */ public function fromArray($arr, $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME) { $keys = AfaOrgPeer::getFieldNames($keyType); if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) { $this->setId($arr[$keys[0]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) { $this->setName($arr[$keys[1]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) { $this->setOrgPhone($arr[$keys[2]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[3], $arr)) { $this->setHomePageUrl($arr[$keys[3]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[4], $arr)) { $this->setOrgFax($arr[$keys[4]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[5], $arr)) { $this->setRefContactName($arr[$keys[5]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[6], $arr)) { $this->setRefContactEmail($arr[$keys[6]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[7], $arr)) { $this->setVpoSoapServerUrl($arr[$keys[7]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[8], $arr)) { $this->setVpoRequestPostEmail($arr[$keys[8]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[9], $arr)) { $this->setVpoUserId($arr[$keys[9]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[10], $arr)) { $this->setVpoUserPassword($arr[$keys[10]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[11], $arr)) { $this->setVpoOrgId($arr[$keys[11]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[12], $arr)) { $this->setAfidsRequesterUserName($arr[$keys[12]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[13], $arr)) { $this->setAfidsRequesterPassword($arr[$keys[13]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[14], $arr)) { $this->setAfidsSoapServerUrl($arr[$keys[14]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[15], $arr)) { $this->setAfidsRequestPostEmail($arr[$keys[15]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[16], $arr)) { $this->setPhoneNumber1($arr[$keys[16]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[17], $arr)) { $this->setPhoneNumber2($arr[$keys[17]]); } }
/** * Retrieve multiple objects by pkey. * * @param array $pks List of primary keys * @param PropelPDO $con the connection to use * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, PropelPDO $con = null) { if ($con === null) { $con = Propel::getConnection(AfaOrgPeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_READ); } $objs = null; if (empty($pks)) { $objs = array(); } else { $criteria = new Criteria(AfaOrgPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $criteria->add(AfaOrgPeer::ID, $pks, Criteria::IN); $objs = AfaOrgPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con); } return $objs; }
/** * TODO: Check related records. * CODE: afaorg_delete */ public function executeDelete(sfWebRequest $request) { # security if (!$this->getUser()->hasCredential(array('Administrator'), false)) { $this->getUser()->setFlash("warning", 'You don\'t have permission to access this url ' . $request->getReferer()); $this->redirect('dashboard/index'); } if ($request->isMethod('delete')) { $request->checkCSRFProtection(); $afa = AfaOrgPeer::retrieveByPK($request->getParameter('id')); $this->forward404Unless($afa); $this->getUser()->setFlash('success', 'Linking Organization information has been successfully deleted!'); $afa->delete(); } return $this->redirect('@afaOrg'); }
public static function getEmailAddressesOfPersonsRelatedToMissionLeg(MissionLeg $mission_leg) { $receivers = array(); // Get Coordinator email address $coordinator = CoordinatorPeer::retrieveByPK($mission_leg->getCoordinatorId()); if ($coordinator && ($coordinator = $coordinator->getMember())) { $coordinator = $coordinator->getPerson()->getEmail(); if (!empty($coordinator)) { // $receivers['coordinator_'.$mission_leg->getId()] = $coordinator; if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})$/', $coordinator)) { $receivers[] = $coordinator; } } } unset($coordinator); // Get Pilot email address $pilot = PilotPeer::retrieveByPK($mission_leg->getPilotId()); if ($pilot && ($pilot = $pilot->getMember())) { $pilot = $pilot->getPerson()->getEmail(); if (!empty($pilot)) { // $receivers['pilot_'.$mission_leg->getId()] = $pilot; if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})$/', $pilot)) { $receivers[] = $pilot; } } } unset($pilot); // Get Backup Pilot email address $backup_pilot = PilotPeer::retrieveByPK($mission_leg->getBackupPilotId()); if ($backup_pilot && ($backup_pilot = $backup_pilot->getMember())) { $backup_pilot = $backup_pilot->getPerson()->getEmail(); if (!empty($backup_pilot)) { // $receivers['backup_pilot_'.$mission_leg->getId()] = $backup_pilot; if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})$/', $backup_pilot)) { $receivers[] = $backup_pilot; } } } unset($backup_pilot); // Get Co-Pilot which is relate to Member $co_pilot = MemberPeer::retrieveByPK($mission_leg->getCopilotId()); if ($co_pilot) { $co_pilot = $co_pilot->getPerson()->getEmail(); if (!empty($co_pilot)) { // $receivers['co_pilot_'.$mission_leg->getId()] = $co_pilot; if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})$/', $co_pilot)) { $receivers[] = $co_pilot; } } } unset($co_pilot); // Get Backup Co-pilot email address $backup_co_pilot = MemberPeer::retrieveByPK($mission_leg->getBackupCopilotId()); if ($backup_co_pilot) { $backup_co_pilot = $backup_co_pilot->getPerson()->getEmail(); if (!empty($backup_co_pilot)) { // $receivers['backup_co_pilot_'.$mission_leg->getId()] = $backup_co_pilot; if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})$/', $backup_co_pilot)) { $receivers[] = $backup_co_pilot; } } } unset($backup_co_pilot); // Get mission assist email address $mission_assist = MemberPeer::retrieveByPK($mission_leg->getMissAssisId()); if ($mission_assist) { $mission_assist = $mission_assist->getPerson()->getEmail(); if (!empty($mission_assist)) { // $receivers['mission_assist_'.$mission_leg->getId()] = $mission_assist; if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})$/', $mission_assist)) { $receivers[] = $mission_assist; } } } unset($mission_assist); // Get Backup mission assist email address $backup_mission_assist = MemberPeer::retrieveByPK($mission_leg->getBackupMissAssisId()); if ($backup_mission_assist) { $backup_mission_assist = $backup_mission_assist->getPerson()->getEmail(); if (!empty($backup_mission_assist)) { // $receivers['backup_mission_assist_'.$mission_leg->getId()] = $backup_mission_assist; if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})$/', $backup_mission_assist)) { $receivers[] = $backup_mission_assist; } } } unset($backup_mission_assist); // Get Pilot Aircraft email address $pilot_aircraft = PilotAircraftPeer::retrieveByPK($mission_leg->getPilotAircraftId()); if ($pilot_aircraft && ($pilot_aircraft = $pilot_aircraft->getMember())) { $pilot_aircraft = $pilot_aircraft->getPerson()->getEmail(); if (!empty($pilot_aircraft)) { // $receivers['pilot_aircraft_'.$mission_leg->getId()] = $pilot_aircraft; if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})$/', $pilot_aircraft)) { $receivers[] = $pilot_aircraft; } } } unset($pilot_aircraft); // Get Share AFA ORG email address $afa_org = AfaOrgPeer::retrieveByPK($mission_leg->getShareAfaOrgId()); if ($afa_org) { $afa_org = $afa_org->getRefContactEmail(); if (!empty($afa_org)) { // $receivers['afa_org_'.$mission_leg->getId()] = $afa_org; if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})$/', $afa_org)) { $receivers[] = $afa_org; } } } unset($afa_org); return $receivers; }
/** * Selects a collection of AfaLeg objects pre-filled with all related objects except Aircraft. * * @param Criteria $c * @param PropelPDO $con * @param String $join_behavior the type of joins to use, defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN * @return array Array of AfaLeg objects. * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function doSelectJoinAllExceptAircraft(Criteria $c, $con = null, $join_behavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) { $c = clone $c; // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden // $c->getDbName() will return the same object if not set to another value // so == check is okay and faster if ($c->getDbName() == Propel::getDefaultDB()) { $c->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME); } AfaLegPeer::addSelectColumns($c); $startcol2 = AfaLegPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - AfaLegPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS; MissionLegPeer::addSelectColumns($c); $startcol3 = $startcol2 + (MissionLegPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - MissionLegPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS); AfaOrgPeer::addSelectColumns($c); $startcol4 = $startcol3 + (AfaOrgPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - AfaOrgPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS); $c->addJoin(array(AfaLegPeer::ID), array(MissionLegPeer::ID), $join_behavior); $c->addJoin(array(AfaLegPeer::AFA_ORG_ID), array(AfaOrgPeer::ID), $join_behavior); $stmt = BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con); $results = array(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $key1 = AfaLegPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, 0); if (null !== ($obj1 = AfaLegPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key1))) { // We no longer rehydrate the object, since this can cause data loss. // See http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/ticket/509 // $obj1->hydrate($row, 0, true); // rehydrate } else { $omClass = AfaLegPeer::getOMClass(); $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1); $obj1 = new $cls(); $obj1->hydrate($row); AfaLegPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj1, $key1); } // if obj1 already loaded // Add objects for joined MissionLeg rows $key2 = MissionLegPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol2); if ($key2 !== null) { $obj2 = MissionLegPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key2); if (!$obj2) { $omClass = MissionLegPeer::getOMClass(); $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1); $obj2 = new $cls(); $obj2->hydrate($row, $startcol2); MissionLegPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj2, $key2); } // if $obj2 already loaded // Add the $obj1 (AfaLeg) to the collection in $obj2 (MissionLeg) $obj2->setAfaLeg($obj1); } // if joined row is not null // Add objects for joined AfaOrg rows $key3 = AfaOrgPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol3); if ($key3 !== null) { $obj3 = AfaOrgPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key3); if (!$obj3) { $omClass = AfaOrgPeer::getOMClass(); $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1); $obj3 = new $cls(); $obj3->hydrate($row, $startcol3); AfaOrgPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj3, $key3); } // if $obj3 already loaded // Add the $obj1 (AfaLeg) to the collection in $obj3 (AfaOrg) $obj3->addAfaLeg($obj1); } // if joined row is not null $results[] = $obj1; } $stmt->closeCursor(); return $results; }
/** * Get the associated AfaOrg object * * @param PropelPDO Optional Connection object. * @return AfaOrg The associated AfaOrg object. * @throws PropelException */ public function getAfaOrg(PropelPDO $con = null) { if ($this->aAfaOrg === null && $this->afa_org_id !== null) { $c = new Criteria(AfaOrgPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $c->add(AfaOrgPeer::ID, $this->afa_org_id); $this->aAfaOrg = AfaOrgPeer::doSelectOne($c, $con); /* The following can be used additionally to guarantee the related object contains a reference to this object. This level of coupling may, however, be undesirable since it could result in an only partially populated collection in the referenced object. $this->aAfaOrg->addAfaLegs($this); */ } return $this->aAfaOrg; }