Example #1
 public function testGetTemplateObject()
     $sl = new AetherServiceLocator();
     $sl->set('projectRoot', AETHER_PATH . 'tests/templating/');
     $config = new AetherConfig('./aether.config.xml');
     $sl->set('aetherConfig', $config);
     $tpl = $sl->getTemplate();
     $this->assertTrue($tpl instanceof AetherTemplateSmarty);
Example #2
 public function testGetTemplateObject()
     $sl = new AetherServiceLocator();
     $sl->set('projectRoot', AETHER_PATH . 'tests/templating/');
     $tpl = AetherTemplate::get('smarty', $sl);
     $this->assertTrue($tpl instanceof AetherTemplateSmarty);
 public function testCustomObjectStorage()
     // Create a small class for testing
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->foo = 'bar';
     $asl = new AetherServiceLocator();
     $asl->set('tester', $obj);
     $tester = $asl->get('tester');
     $this->assertSame($tester, $obj);
Example #4
 public function testGetSmartyEngine()
     // Go through SL
     $sl = new AetherServiceLocator();
     $sl->set('projectRoot', AETHER_PATH . 'tests/templating/');
     // Fetch smarty
     $tpl = $sl->getTemplate();
     $tpl->set('foo', array('a' => 'hello', 'b' => 'world'));
     $out = $tpl->fetch('test.tpl');
     $this->assertTrue(substr_count($out, 'hello world') > 0);
Example #5
 public function testSectionCan404()
     $sl = new AetherServiceLocator();
     $config = $this->getLoadedConfig('http://raw.no/unittest/goodtimes/nay');
     $sl->set('aetherConfig', $config);
     AetherSectionFactory::$strict = true;
     AetherSectionFactory::$path = __DIR__ . '/fixtures';
     $section = AetherSectionFactory::create('Testsection', $sl);
     $response = $section->response();
     $this->assertTrue($response instanceof AetherTextResponse);
     $this->assertEquals('404 Eg fant han ikkje', $response->get(), 'Response should be NotFoundSection\'s output');
     $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('id', $response->options, 'Options should be cleared when reloading config');
Example #6
  * Start Aether.
  * On start it will parse the projects configuration file,
  * it will try to match the presented http request to a rule
  * in the project configuration and create some overview
  * over which modules it will need to render once
  * a request to render them comes
  * @access public
  * @return Aether
  * @param string $configPath Optional path to the configuration file for the project
 public function __construct($configPath = false)
     self::$aetherPath = pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_DIRNAME) . "/";
     spl_autoload_register(array('Aether', 'autoLoad'));
     $this->sl = new AetherServiceLocator();
     $this->sl->set('aetherPath', self::$aetherPath);
     // Initiate all required helper objects
     $parsedUrl = new AetherUrlParser();
     $this->sl->set('parsedUrl', $parsedUrl);
     // Set autoloader
     // TODO Make this more uesable
      * Find config folder for project
      * By convention the config folder is always placed at
      * $project/config, while using getcwd() MUST return the
      * $project/www/ folder
     $projectPath = preg_replace("/www\\/?\$/", "", getcwd());
     $this->sl->set("projectRoot", $projectPath);
     if (!defined("PROJECT_PATH")) {
         define("PROJECT_PATH", $projectPath);
     $paths = array($configPath, $projectPath . 'config/autogenerated.config.xml', $projectPath . 'config/aether.config.xml');
     foreach ($paths as $configPath) {
         if (file_exists($configPath)) {
     try {
         $config = new AetherConfig($configPath);
         $this->sl->set('aetherConfig', $config);
     } catch (AetherMissingFileException $e) {
          * This means that someone forgot to ensure the config
          * file actually exists
         $msg = "No configuration file for project found: " . $e->getMessage();
         throw new Exception($msg);
     } catch (AetherNoUrlRuleMatchException $e) {
          * This means parsing of configuration file failed
          * by the simple fact that no rules matches
          * the url. This is due to a bad developer
         $msg = "No rule matched url in config file: " . $e->getMessage();
         throw new Exception($msg);
     $options = $config->getOptions(array('AetherRunningMode' => 'prod', 'cache' => 'off'));
     if ($options['cache'] == 'on') {
         $cacheClass = isset($options['cacheClass']) ? $options['cacheClass'] : 'AetherCache';
         $cacheOptions = isset($options['cacheOptions']) ? $options['cacheOptions'] : [];
         $cache = $this->getCacheObject($cacheClass, $cacheOptions);
         $this->sl->set("cache", $cache);
      * Make sure base and root for this request is stored
      * in the service locator so it can be made available
      * to the magical $aether array in templates
     $magic = $this->sl->getVector('templateGlobals');
     $magic['base'] = $config->getBase();
     $magic['root'] = $config->getRoot();
     $magic['urlVars'] = $config->getUrlVars();
     $magic['runningMode'] = $options['AetherRunningMode'];
     $magic['requestUri'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $magic['domain'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
         $magic['referer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     $magic['options'] = $options;
      * If we are in TEST mode we should prepare a timer object
      * and time everything that happens
     if ($options['AetherRunningMode'] == 'test') {
         // Prepare timer
         $timer = new AetherTimer();
         $this->sl->set('timer', $timer);
     // Initiate section
     try {
         $searchPath = isset($options['searchpath']) ? $options['searchpath'] : $projectPath;
         AetherSectionFactory::$path = $searchPath;
         $this->section = AetherSectionFactory::create($config->getSection(), $this->sl);
         $this->sl->set('section', $this->section);
         if (isset($timer)) {
             $timer->tick('aether_main', 'section_initiate');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Failed to load section, what to do?
         throw new Exception('Failed horribly: ' . $e->getMessage());