/** * Resizes image to fit into a square container * * Manual: http://code.google.com/p/zend-image/wiki/Quick_Start * * @param int $imagePath Original image path * @param int $newPath Transformed image path * @param int $fitInDimension Container size (square) the transformed image should fit in * @return boolean True on save success, false on failure */ public static function resizeImage($imagePath, $newPath, $fitInDimensionX, $fitInDimensionY = 0) { if (substr($imagePath, 0, 1) != '/') { $imagePath = '/' . $imagePath; } if (substr($newPath, 0, 1) != '/') { $newPath = '/' . $newPath; } if ($fitInDimensionY == 0) { $fitInDimensionY = $fitInDimensionX; } $img = new Zend_Image(Admin_View_Helper_ImageControls::_getPublicPath() . $imagePath, new Zend_Image_Driver_Gd()); $transformed = new Zend_Image_Transform($img); $resized = $transformed->fitIn($fitInDimensionX, $fitInDimensionY); $resized->save(Admin_View_Helper_ImageControls::_getPublicPath() . $newPath); return file_exists(Admin_View_Helper_ImageControls::_getPublicPath() . $newPath); }
public function whatIDoAction() { $form = new Admin_Form_WhatIDoForm(); $whatIDo = $this->_contacts->getWhatIDoByID(); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $formData = $this->_request->getPost(); if ($form->isValid($formData)) { // update if ($form->Image->isUploaded()) { $form->Image->receive(); $path = "img/profile/WhatIDo.jpg"; Admin_View_Helper_ImageControls::resizeImage($path, $path, 200, 300); $formData['ImageUpdateTime'] = Site_View_Helper_Date::formatDate(); $whatIDo->ImageUpdateTime = Site_View_Helper_Date::formatDate(); } $this->_contacts->updateWhatIDo($formData); } else { $form->populate($formData); } } else { $data = $whatIDo->toArray(); $form->populate($data); } $this->view->whatIDo = $whatIDo; $this->view->form = $form; }