/** * @param int * @return string|NULL */ public function filterOut($id) { $row = $this->addons->find($id); if (!$row) { return NULL; } return $row->composerVendor . '/' . $row->composerName; }
public function checkNewTarget() { $url = "https://www.sidatz.com/"; require 'addons/library/phpQuery/QueryList.class.php'; $reg = array("content" => array("ul.news:eq(0)", "text")); $hj = new QueryList($url, $reg); $arr_content = $hj->jsonArr; //dump($arr_content); if (stripos($arr_content[0]["content"], "暂无新标") > 0) { $this->ajaxReturn(null, "无新标", 0); } $arr['content'] = $arr_content[0]['content']; //echo $hj->getJSON(); //$arr['content']=iconv("gb2312","utf-8",$arr_content[0]['content']); //dump($arr_content); //exit(urldecode(json_encode(array('status'=>1,'info'=>'教务通知详情','data'=>$arr)))); $push_user_alias = "*"; $_POST['n_title'] = "有新标了,来看看吧0.0"; $_POST['n_content'] = "四达投资有新标了,快去用抢标助手抢标吧!"; $_POST['n_extras'] = ""; $_POST['push_user_alias'] = $push_user_alias; //推送所有人 $_POST['getPushResult'] = 0; Addons::addonsHook("JPush", "doAddPush", array(), true); $this->ajaxReturn($arr, "新标情况", 1); }
private function getCallback($type = '', $callbackurl = '') { if (!$callbackurl) { $callbackurl = Addons::createAddonShow('Login', 'no_register_display', array('type' => $type)); } return urlencode($callbackurl); }
var $id; var $data; private $_module_white_list = null; // 白名单模块 /** * 架构函数 * @param boolean $location 是否本机调用,本机调用不需要认证 * @return void */ public function __construct($location = false) { $this->_module_white_list = array('Oauth', 'Sitelist'); //$this->mid = $_SESSION['mid']; //外部接口调用 if ($location == false) { if (!$this->mid && !in_array(MODULE_NAME, $this->_module_white_list)) { $this->verifyUser(); } //本机调用 } else { $this->mid = $_SESSION['mid']; } $GLOBALS['ts']['mid'] = $this->mid; //默认参数处理 $this->since_id = $_REQUEST['since_id'] ? intval($_REQUEST['since_id']) : ''; $this->max_id = $_REQUEST['max_id'] ? intval($_REQUEST['max_id']) : ''; $this->page = $_REQUEST['page'] ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1; $this->count = $_REQUEST['count'] ? intval($_REQUEST['count']) : 20; $this->user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id'] ? intval($_REQUEST['user_id']) : 0; $this->user_name = $_REQUEST['user_name'] ? h($_REQUEST['user_name']) : '';
function checkUser() { if ($_REQUEST['code']) { $redirect_uri = Addons::createAddonShow('Login', 'no_register_display', array('type' => 'taobao', 'do' => "bind")); $url = 'https://oauth.taobao.com/token'; $field = 'grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=' . TAOBAO_KEY . '&code=' . $_REQUEST['code'] . '&client_secret=' . TAOBAO_SECRET . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($redirect_uri); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $field); $result = curl_exec($ch); $res = json_decode($result, TRUE); if ($res['taobao_user_id']) { $_SESSION['taobao']['access_token']['oauth_token'] = $res['access_token']; $_SESSION['taobao']['access_token']['oauth_token_secret'] = $res['refresh_token']; $_SESSION['taobao']['isSync'] = 1; $_SESSION['taobao']['uid'] = $res['taobao_user_id']; $_SESSION['taobao']['uname'] = $res['taobao_user_nick']; $_SESSION['taobao']['userface'] = ''; $_SESSION['open_platform_type'] = 'taobao'; return $res; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
/** * 架构函数,处理核心变量 * 使用字符串返回 不能有任何输出 */ public function __construct() { //当前登录者uid $GLOBALS['ts']['mid'] = $this->mid = intval($_SESSION['mid']); //当前访问对象的uid $GLOBALS['ts']['uid'] = $this->uid = intval($_REQUEST['uid'] == 0 ? $this->mid : $_REQUEST['uid']); // 赋值当前访问者用户 $GLOBALS['ts']['user'] = $this->user = model('User')->getUserInfo($this->mid); if ($this->mid != $this->uid) { $GLOBALS['ts']['_user'] = model('User')->getUserInfo($this->uid); } else { $GLOBALS['ts']['_user'] = $GLOBALS['ts']['user']; } //当前用户的所有已添加的应用 $GLOBALS['ts']['_userApp'] = $userApp = model('UserApp')->getUserApp($this->uid); //当前用户的统计数据 $GLOBALS['ts']['_userData'] = $userData = model('UserData')->getUserData($this->uid); $this->site = D('Xdata')->get('admin_Config:site'); $this->site['logo'] = getSiteLogo($this->site['site_logo']); $GLOBALS['ts']['site'] = $this->site; //语言包判断 if (TRUE_APPNAME != 'public' && APP_NAME != TRUE_APPNAME) { addLang(TRUE_APPNAME); } Addons::hook('core_filter_init_widget'); }
/** * 架构函数 * @param boolean $location 是否本机调用,本机调用不需要认证 * @return void */ public function __construct($location = false) { //$this->mid = $_SESSION['mid']; //外部接口调用 if ($location == false && !defined('DEBUG')) { $this->verifyUser(); //本机调用 } else { $this->mid = @intval($_SESSION['mid']); } $GLOBALS['ts']['mid'] = $this->mid; //默认参数处理 $this->since_id = isset($_REQUEST['since_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['since_id']) : ''; $this->max_id = isset($_REQUEST['max_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['max_id']) : ''; $this->page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1; $this->count = isset($_REQUEST['count']) ? intval($_REQUEST['count']) : 20; $this->user_id = isset($_REQUEST['user_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['user_id']) : 0; $this->user_name = isset($_REQUEST['user_name']) ? h($_REQUEST['user_name']) : ''; $this->uid = isset($_REQUEST['uid']) ? intval($_REQUEST['uid']) : 0; $this->uname = isset($_REQUEST['uname']) ? h($_REQUEST['uname']) : ''; $this->id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0; $this->data = $_REQUEST; // findPage $_REQUEST[C('VAR_PAGE')] = $this->page; //接口初始化钩子 Addons::hook('core_filter_init_api'); //控制器初始化 if (method_exists($this, '_initialize')) { $this->_initialize(); } }
/** * 执行App控制器 * @access public * @return void */ public static function execApp() { // 加载所有插件 if (C('APP_PLUGIN_ON')) { tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/Hooks.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/AbstractAddons.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/NormalAddons.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/SimpleAddons.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/TagsAbstract.class.php'); Addons::loadAllValidAddons(); } //创建Action控制器实例 $className = MODULE_NAME . 'Action'; tsload(APP_ACTION_PATH . '/' . $className . '.class.php'); if (!class_exists($className)) { $className = 'EmptyAction'; tsload(APP_ACTION_PATH . '/EmptyAction.class.php'); if (!class_exists($className)) { throw_exception(L('_MODULE_NOT_EXIST_') . MODULE_NAME); } } $module = new $className(); //异常处理 if (!$module) { // 模块不存在 抛出异常 throw_exception(L('_MODULE_NOT_EXIST_') . MODULE_NAME); } //获取当前操作名 $action = ACTION_NAME; //执行当前操作 call_user_func(array(&$module, $action)); return; }
private function getCallback($site = '', $type = 'bind', $callbackurl = '') { if (!$callbackurl) { if ($type == 'bind') { $callbackurl = Addons::createAddonShow('Login', 'no_register_display', array('type' => $site, 'do' => "bind")); } else { $callbackurl = Addons::createAddonShow('Login', 'no_register_display', array('type' => $site)); } } return urlencode($callbackurl); }
public function getUrl($call_back = null) { if (empty($this->_sina_akey) || empty($this->_sina_skey)) { return false; } if (is_null($call_back)) { $call_back = Addons::createAddonShow('Login', 'no_register_display', array('type' => 'sina', 'do' => 'bind')); } $this->loginUrl = $this->_oauth->getAuthorizeURL($call_back); return $this->loginUrl; }
public function saveBeautifyLoginConfig() { $data = array(); $data['template'] = $_POST['template'] ? intval($_POST['template']) : 1; $data['color'] = $_POST['color'] ? $_POST['color'] : "FFFFFF"; $res = model('AddonData')->lput('beautifyLogin', $data); if ($res) { $this->assign('jumpUrl', Addons::adminPage('beautifyLoginConfig')); } else { $this->error(); } }
public function doAdmin() { $addonInfo = model('Addons')->getAddon($_GET['pluginid']); $result = array('status' => true, 'info' => ""); Addons::addonsHook($addonInfo['name'], $_GET['page'], array('result' => &$result)); //dump($result); if ($result['status']) { $this->success($result['info']); } else { $this->error($result['info']); } }
function install($addonid) { if ($addonid > 2) { $addon = Addons::find($addonid); Event::fire('backend.addons.install', array($addon)); $addon->installed = 1; $addon->save(); return Redirect::to('addons/manage')->withMessage($this->notifyView(Lang::get('messages.addon_installed'))); } else { return Redirect::to('addons/manage')->withMessage($this->notifyView(Lang::get('messages.no_access'), 'error')); } }
public function profile() { $pUserProfile = D('UserProfile'); $pUserProfile->uid = $this->uid; $data['userInfo'] = $pUserProfile->getUserInfo(true); // 个人情况-钩子 Addons::hook('home_space_profile_intro', array('uid' => $this->uid, 'intro' => &$data['userInfo']['intro']['list'])); // 联系方式-钩子 Addons::hook('home_space_profile_contact', array('uid' => $this->uid, 'contact' => &$data['userInfo']['contact']['list'])); $this->assign($data); $this->setTitle('Thông tin chi tiết của ' . getUserName($this->uid)); $this->display(); }
public function saveBeautifyCardConfig() { $data = array(); $data['showMedals'] = $_REQUEST['showMedals'] ? 1 : 0; $data['isSync'] = $_REQUEST['isSync'] ? 1 : 0; $data['color'] = $_REQUEST['color'] ? $_REQUEST['color'] : 2; $_POST && ($res = model('AddonData')->lput('beautifyCard', $data)); if ($res) { $this->assign('jumpUrl', Addons::adminPage('beautifyCardConfig')); } else { $this->error(); } }
/** * App初始化 */ public static function init() { // 设定错误和异常处理 set_error_handler(array('App', 'appError')); set_exception_handler(array('App', 'appException')); // Session初始化 if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } // 加载所有插件 if (C('APP_PLUGIN_ON')) { Addons::loadAllValidAddons(); } }
public function saveBeautifyCenterConfig() { $data = array(); $data['position'] = $_POST['position'] ? $_POST['position'] : 2; $data['template'] = $_POST['template'] ? $_POST['template'] : 1; $data['sync_bg'] = $_POST['sync_bg'] ? 1 : 0; $data['consume_credit'] = $_POST['consume_credit'] == "on" ? 1 : 0; $data['consume_quantity'] = $_POST['consume_quantity'] ? $_POST['consume_quantity'] : 50; $_POST && ($res = model('AddonData')->lput('beautifyCenter', $data)); if ($res) { $this->assign('jumpUrl', Addons::adminPage('beautifyCenterConfig')); } else { $this->error(); } }
function bind() { $user = M('user')->where('uid=' . $this->mid)->field('email')->find(); $replace = substr($user['email'], 2, -3); for ($i = 1; $i <= strlen($replace); $i++) { $replacestring .= '*'; } $data['email'] = str_replace($replace, $replacestring, $user['email']); $bindData = array(); Addons::hook('account_bind_after', array('bindInfo' => &$bindData)); $data['bind'] = $bindData; $this->assign($data); $this->setTitle(L('setting') . ' - ' . L('outer_bind')); $this->display(); }
public function displayAddons() { $result = array(); $param['res'] =& $result; $param['type'] = $_REQUEST['type']; Addons::addonsHook(t($_GET['addon']), t($_GET['hook']), $param); isset($result['url']) && $this->assign("jumpUrl", $result['url']); isset($result['title']) && $this->setTitle($result['title']); isset($result['jumpUrl']) && $this->assign('jumpUrl', $result['jumpUrl']); if (isset($result['status']) && !$result['status']) { $this->error($result['info']); } if (isset($result['status']) && $result['status']) { $this->success($result['info']); } }
public function getUrl($call_back = null) { if (empty($this->_douban_key) || empty($this->_douban_secret)) { return false; } if (is_null($call_back)) { $call_back = Addons::createAddonShow('Login', 'no_register_display', array('type' => 'douban', 'do' => "bind")); } if (empty($this->_authorize_url)) { $client = new DoubanOAuth($this->_douban_key, $this->_douban_secret); $request_token = $client->getRequestToken(); $this->_authorize_url = $client->getAuthorizeURL($request_token) . '&oauth_callback=' . urlencode($call_back); } $_SESSION['douban']['request_token'] = $request_token; return $this->_authorize_url; }
function checkUser() { $redirect_uri = Addons::createAddonShow('Login', 'no_register_display', array('type' => 'facebook', 'do' => "bind")); $facebook = new FacebookAPI(array('appId' => FACEBOOK_KEY, 'secret' => FACEBOOK_SECRET)); $token = $facebook->getAccessTokenFromCode($_GET['code'], $redirect_uri); //dump($token); //exit; // if($user){ // $_SESSION['baidu']['access_token']['oauth_token'] = $access_token; // $_SESSION['baidu']['access_token']['oauth_token_secret'] = $refresh_token; // $_SESSION['baidu']['isSync'] = 0; // $_SESSION['baidu']['uid'] = $user['uid']; // $_SESSION['open_platform_type'] = 'baidu'; // return $user; // }else{ // return false; // } }
public function displayAddons() { $result = array(); $param['res'] =& $result; $param['type'] = $_REQUEST['type']; $config = model('AddonData')->lget('login'); if (!in_array($param['type'], $config['open'])) { $this->error("该同步操作管理员已关闭"); } Addons::addonsHook($_GET['addon'], $_GET['hook'], $param); isset($result['url']) && $this->assign("jumpUrl", $result['url']); isset($result['title']) && $this->setTitle($result['title']); isset($result['jumpUrl']) && $this->assign('jumpUrl', $result['jumpUrl']); if (isset($result['status']) && !$result['status']) { $this->error($result['info']); } if (isset($result['status']) && $result['status']) { $this->success($result['info']); } }
/** * App初始化 * @access public * @return void */ public static function init() { // 设定错误和异常处理 set_error_handler(array('App', 'appError')); set_exception_handler(array('App', 'appException')); // Session初始化 if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } // 加载所有插件 if (C('APP_PLUGIN_ON')) { tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/Hooks.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/AbstractAddons.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/NormalAddons.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/SimpleAddons.class.php'); tsload(CORE_LIB_PATH . '/addons/TagsAbstract.class.php'); Addons::loadAllValidAddons(); } }
/** * 操作成功跳转的快捷方 * @param string $message 提示信息 * @param Boolean $ajax 是否为Ajax方 * @return voi */ protected function success($message = '', $ajax = false) { Addons::hook('core_filter_success_message', $message); $this->_dispatch_jump($message, 1, $ajax); }
public function saveAdminConfig() { $data = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value[$k] = h($v); } $data[$key] = $value; } else { $data[$key] = h($value); } } if (!$_POST['open']) { $data['open'] = array(); } if ($_POST['bindemail'] == 1) { $data['bindemail'] = 1; } else { $data['bindemail'] = 0; } $_POST && ($res = model('AddonData')->lput('login', $data)); if ($res) { $this->assign('jumpUrl', Addons::adminPage('login_plugin_login')); } else { $this->error(); } }
echo $GLOBALS["ts"]["site"]["site_footer_des"]; ?> </p> <p class="f8">Powered by <a href="http://www.thinksns.com">ThinkSNS</a> <?php echo $GLOBALS["ts"]["site"]["site_footer"]; ?> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!--footer end--> </div> <!--page end--> <?php echo Addons::hook('public_footer'); ?> <!-- 统计代码--> <div id="site_analytics_code" style="display:none;"> <?php echo base64_decode($site["site_analytics_code"]); ?> </div> <?php if ($site["site_online_count"] == "1") { ?> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?> /online_check.php?uid=<?php echo $mid;
/** * 注销本地登录 * @return void */ public function logoutLocal() { unset($_SESSION['mid'], $_SESSION['SITE_KEY']); // 注销session cookie('TSV3_LOGGED_USER', NULL); // 注销cookie Addons::hook('passport_logout_local', array('login' => $login, 'password' => $password)); //UC同步退出 if (UC_SYNC) { echo $this->ucLogout(); } }
public function index() { $cacheTime = 3600; // 今日看点 $data = S('S_square_xdata'); if (empty($data)) { $res = model('Xdata')->lget('weibo'); $data['aboutkey'] = $res['todaytopic']; $data['aboutkey_id'] = M('weibo_topic')->getField('topic_id', "name='{$data['aboutkey']}'"); $data['aboutkey_follow'] = getFollowState($this->mid, array('name' => $data['aboutkey']), 1); S('S_square_xdata', $data, $cacheTime); } $user_model = D('User', 'home'); $user_count_model = model('UserCount'); // 今日看点相关的用户 $data['userlist'] = S('S_square_userlist'); if (empty($data['userlist'])) { $data['userlist'] = M('weibo')->where("transpond_id=0 AND isdel=0 AND content LIKE '%" . $data['aboutkey'] . "%'")->limit(10)->order('ctime DESC')->findAll(); $uids = getSubByKey($data['userlist'], 'uid'); if (!in_array($this->mid, $uids)) { $uid = array_merge($this->mid); } $user_model->setUserObjectCache($uids); $user_count_model->setUserFollowingCount($uids); $user_count_model->setUserFollowerCount($uids); unset($uids); foreach ($data['userlist'] as $key => $value) { $data['userlist'][$key]['userinfo'] = $user_model->getUserByIdentifier($value['uid']); $data['userlist'][$key]['following'] = $user_count_model->getUserFollowingCount($value['uid']); $data['userlist'][$key]['follower'] = $user_count_model->getUserFollowerCount($value['uid']); //$data['userlist'][$key]['followState'] = getFollowState( $this->mid , $value['uid'] ); } S('S_square_userlist', $data['userlist'], $cacheTime); } // 关注的话题 $data['followTopic'] = D('Follow', 'weibo')->getTopicList($this->mid); // 搜索热词 if (count($data['hotTopic']) > 3) { $data['hotkeys'] = $this->_getRandomSubArray($data['hotTopic'], 3); } else { $data['hotkeys'] = $data['hotTopic']; } // 活跃用户 $data['hotUser'] = S('S_square_hotUser'); if (empty($data['hotUser'])) { global $ts; $huNumPerRow = $ts['site']['site_theme'] == 'weibo' ? 4 : 4; $hotUserNum = $huNumPerRow * 10; $time_range = model('Xdata')->get('square:hotuser'); if (!is_numeric($time_range) || $time_range < 1) { $time_range = 1; } $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")); $yesterday = $today - $time_range * 24 * 3600; $db_prefix = C('DB_PREFIX'); $hotUser = M()->query("SELECT uid,count(weibo_id) as weibo_num FROM {$db_prefix}weibo where ctime>{$yesterday} AND ctime<{$today} AND isdel=0 GROUP BY uid ORDER BY weibo_num DESC LIMIT {$hotUserNum}"); if ($hotUser) { $data['hotUserSlide'] = count($hotUser) > $huNumPerRow ? 1 : 0; $uids = getSubByKey($hotUser, 'uid'); $user_model->setUserObjectCache($uids); $user_count_model->setUserFollowerCount($uids); unset($uids); foreach ($hotUser as $key => $value) { $hotUserRow = ceil(($key + 1) / $huNumPerRow); $data['hotUser'][$hotUserRow][$key] = $user_model->getUserByIdentifier($value['uid']); $data['hotUser'][$hotUserRow][$key]['follower'] = $user_count_model->getUserFollowerCount($value['uid']); } } else { $data['hotUser'] = ''; } S('S_square_hotUser', $data['hotUser'], $cacheTime); } //名人推荐:是否具有名人 $data['star_list'] = S('S_square_star_list'); if (empty($data['star_list'])) { $star = D('weibo_star')->find(); if ($star) { $data['star_list'] = 1; } S('S_square_star_list', $data['star_list'], $cacheTime); } //粉丝与关注情况 $data['followInfo'] = S('S_square_followInfo'); if (empty($data['followInfo'])) { $data['followInfo'] = array('following' => $user_count_model->getUserFollowingCount($this->mid), 'follower' => $user_count_model->getUserFollowerCount($this->mid)); S('S_square_followInfo', $data['followInfo'], $cacheTime); } // 粉丝榜 $data['topfollow'] = D('Follow', 'weibo')->getTopFollowerUser(); $uids = getSubByKey($data['topfollow'], 'uid'); $user_model->setUserObjectCache($uids); // 底部微博Tab $data['square_list_menu'] = array('' => L('other_say'), 'transpond' => L('hot_transmit'), 'comment' => L('hot_reply')); Addons::hook('home_square_index_list_tab', array(&$data['square_list_menu'])); $this->assign($data); $this->setTitle(L('square') . date('Y' . L('year') . 'm' . L('month') . 'd' . L('day')) . L('hot_weibo')); $this->display(); }
public function doAdmin() { $addonInfo = model('Addon')->getAddon(intval($_GET['pluginid'])); $result = array('status' => true, 'info' => ""); F('Cache_App', null); Addons::addonsHook($addonInfo['name'], t($_GET['page']), array('result' => &$result), true); //dump($result); if ($result['status']) { $_POST['jumpUrl'] && $this->assign('jumpUrl', $_POST['jumpUrl']); $this->success($result['info']); } else { $this->error($result['info']); } }
public function render($data) { if (empty($data['feed_id']) || empty($data['feed_uid'])) { return ''; } // 获取分享ID $feedId = intval($data['feed_id']); // 获取分享发布者UID $feedUid = intval($data['feed_uid']); // 管理员删除分享权限 $adminfeeddel = CheckPermission('core_admin', 'feed_del'); // 推荐到频道权限 $feed = model('Feed')->get($data['feed_id']); if ($feed['is_repost'] == 1) { $adminchannelrecom = false; } else { $adminchannelrecom = CheckPermission('channel_admin', 'channel_recommend'); } // 推荐到事务权限 $admintaskrecom = CheckPermission('vtask_admin', 'vtask_recommend'); // 插件显示 - 个人空间分享置顶权限 Addons::hook('check_feed_manage', array('feed_id' => $data['feed_id'], 'uid' => $data['feed_uid'], 'plugin_list' => &$pluginList)); $checkShowBtn = array(); $checkShowBtn[] = $adminfeeddel; $checkShowBtn[] = $adminchannelrecom; $checkShowBtn[] = $admintaskrecom; !empty($pluginList) && ($checkShowBtn = array_merge($checkShowBtn, getSubByKey($pluginList, 'status'))); // 判断是否显示管理权限 $showBtn = true; if (!in_array(true, $checkShowBtn)) { $showBtn = false; } if (!$showBtn) { return ''; } // 管理参数组合 $args = array(); $args['feed_id'] = $feedId; $args['uid'] = $feedUid; $args['is_recommend'] = $data['is_recommend']; $args['feed_del'] = $adminfeeddel; $args['feed_recommend'] = CheckPermission('core_admin', 'feed_recommend'); $args['channel_recommend'] = $adminchannelrecom; $args['vtask_recommend'] = $admintaskrecom; foreach ($pluginList as $value) { $args[$value['plugin']] = $value['status']; } isset($data['channel_id']) && ($args['channel_id'] = intval($data['channel_id'])); isset($data['clear']) && ($args['clear'] = intval($data['clear'])); isset($data['isrefresh']) && ($args['isrefresh'] = intval($data['isrefresh'])); $var['feed_id'] = $feedId; // 获取列表页面HTML $var['listHtml'] = $this->renderFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/list.html', $args); $tmp = array(); foreach ($args as $key => $val) { $tmp[] = $key . '=' . intval($val); } $eventArgs = implode('&', $tmp); $var['eventArgs'] = $eventArgs; $manageClass = isset($data['manage_class']) ? $data['manage_class'] : 'right hover dp-cs'; $var['manageClass'] = $manageClass; $content = $this->renderFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/manage.html', $var); return $content; }