public function findallAction() { $role = new Acl_Model_Role(); $roles = $role->findAll(); $default_role = $role->findDefaultRoleId(); $data = array(); foreach ($roles as $role) { $is_default_role = false; if ($role->getId() == $default_role) { $is_default_role = true; } $data[] = array("id" => $role->getId(), "code" => $role->getCode(), "label" => $role->getLabel(), "default" => $is_default_role); } $this->_sendHtml($data); }
public function findAction() { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($this->getRequest()->getParam("admin_id")); $data = array(); if ($admin->getId()) { $data["admin"] = $admin->getData(); $data["section_title"] = $this->_("Edit the user %s", $admin->getFirstname() . " " . $admin->getLastname()); } else { $data["section_title"] = $this->_("Create a new user"); } $data["applications_section_title"] = $this->_("Manage access"); $countries = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Locale')->getTranslationList('Territory', null, 2); asort($countries, SORT_LOCALE_STRING); $data["country_codes"] = $countries; $roles = $admin->getAvailableRole(); $data["roles"] = $roles; $role = new Acl_Model_Role(); $default_role_id = $role->findDefaultRoleId(); $data["default_role_id"] = $default_role_id; $this->_sendHtml($data); }
public function signuppostAction() { if ($data = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) { try { // Check l'email et le mot de passe if (empty($data['email']) or !Zend_Validate::is($data['email'], 'emailAddress')) { throw new Exception($this->_('Please enter a valid email address.')); } if (empty($data['password']) or strlen($data['password']) < 6) { throw new Exception($this->_('The password must be at least 6 characters.')); } if (empty($data['confirm_password']) or $data['password'] != $data['confirm_password']) { throw new Exception($this->_('The password and the confirmation does not match.')); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->findByEmail($data['email']); if ($admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_('We are sorry but this email address is already used.')); } $role = new Acl_Model_Role(); if ($default_role = $role->findDefaultRoleId()) { $admin->setRoleId($default_role); } // Créé le user $admin->setEmail($data['email'])->setPassword($data['password'])->save(); // Met le user en session $this->getSession()->setAdmin($admin); $admin->sendAccountCreationEmail($data["password"]); $redirect_to = 'admin/application/list'; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->getSession()->isLoggedIn()) { $redirect_to = 'admin/application/list'; } else { $this->getSession()->addError($e->getMessage()); $redirect_to = "/"; } } $this->redirect($redirect_to); } }