public function actionMotion() { $company_id = Yii::app()->getUser()->getProfile()->company_id; $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->order = 'id DESC'; $criteria->addCondition(':company_id = t.company_id'); $criteria->params = [':company_id' => $company_id]; $AccountMotion = AccountMotion::model()->findAll($criteria); $this->render('motion', ['AccountMotion' => $AccountMotion]); }
protected static function updateDBByData(&$arrData) { $arrLog = []; Yii::log("updateDBByData start", "info"); foreach ($arrData as $k => $v) { // найти запись в {{company}} // блокировка её FOR UPDATE $Company = Company::model()->findByAttributes(['INN' => $v['inn']]); if (!is_null($Company)) { $transaction = Yii::app()->getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { C2goActiveRecord::logStart(); $sqlCompanyBlock = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $Company->tableName() . ' WHERE `id`=:id FOR UPDATE'; $CompanyById = Company::model()->findBySql($sqlCompanyBlock, ['id' => $Company->id]); //$sqlCheckStatementExist = 'SELECT * FROM {{statement}} WHERE `tnd`=:tnd AND `sum`=:sum AND `inn`=:inn AND `date`=:date'; $arrParams = ['tnd' => $v['tnd'], 'sum' => $v['sum'], 'date' => static::convertXMLDate($v['date']), 'inn' => $v['inn']]; $StatementCheck = Statement::model()->findByAttributes($arrParams); if (is_null($StatementCheck)) { // добавить $Statement = new Statement(); $Statement->tnd = $v['tnd']; $Statement->sum = $v['sum']; $Statement->date = static::convertXMLDate($v['date']); $Statement->inn = $v['inn']; $Statement->name = $v['name']; if (!$Statement->save()) { throw new CException(Yii::t('StatementModule.default', 'Не могу сохранить запись в Statement,errors', ['errors' => print_r($Statement->getErrors(), true)])); } Yii::log("updateDBByData p3 ", "info"); //@todo: log.processed static::addToStatementLog($Statement, StatementLog::PROCESSED, $CompanyById); Yii::log("updateDBByData p4 ", "info"); // verify if (!$CompanyById->verify || !$CompanyById->validate) { $CompanyById->verify = 1; $CompanyById->validate = 1; if ($CompanyById->save()) { //@todo: log.verified static::addToStatementLog($Statement, StatementLog::VERIFIED, $CompanyById); } else { throw new CException(Yii::t('StatementModule.default', 'Не могу в Company сделать verify=1,validate=1 ,errors', ['errors' => print_r($CompanyById->getErrors(), true)])); } } // company.balance $CompanyById->balance += $v['sum']; if ($CompanyById->save()) { $AccountMotion = new AccountMotion(); $AccountMotion->company_id = $CompanyById->id; $AccountMotion->price = $v['sum']; $AccountMotion->notice = "import statement[{$Statement->id}]"; if ($AccountMotion->save()) { //@todo: log.enrolled static::addToStatementLog($Statement, StatementLog::ENROLLED, $CompanyById); //sleep(5); $transaction->commit(); $arrLog[] = ['success']; C2goActiveRecord::logEndAndWrite(); } else { throw new CException(Yii::t('StatementModule.default', 'Не могу добавить в AccountMotion ,errors', ['errors' => print_r($AccountMotion->getErrors(), true)])); } } else { throw new CException(Yii::t('StatementModule.default', 'Не могу в Company изменить balance ,errors', ['errors' => print_r($CompanyById->getErrors(), true)])); } } else { throw new CException(Yii::t('StatementModule.default', 'Statement запись уже есть')); } } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollback(); $strException = $e->__toString(); Yii::log("updateDBByData exception [{$strException}]", "error"); $arrLog[] = ['error', $e->getMessage()]; C2goActiveRecord::logEmptyMessages(); } finally { C2goActiveRecord::logEnd(); } } else { $arrLog[] = ['error', Yii::t('StatementModule.default', 'Не найдена компания по INN, inn_value', ['inn_value' => $v['inn']])]; } //@todo: delete //break; } Yii::log("updateDBByData end", "info"); return $arrLog; }