  * @depends installJoomla
 public function installWeblinks(\AcceptanceTester $I)
     $I->comment('get Weblinks repository folder from acceptance.suite.yml (see _support/AcceptanceHelper.php)');
     $path = $I->getConfiguration('repo_folder');
     $I->installExtensionFromFolder($path . 'src/com_weblinks/');
Example #2
  * @depends installJoomla
 public function installWeblinks(\AcceptanceTester $I)
     $I->comment('get Weblinks repository folder from acceptance.suite.yml (see _support/AcceptanceHelper.php)');
     // URL where the package file to install is located (mostly the same as joomla-cms)
     $url = $I->getConfiguration('url');
     $I->installExtensionFromUrl($url . "/pkg-weblinks-current.zip");
Example #3
  * @depends installCmc
 public function initializeCmcSettings(\AcceptanceTester $I)
     $I->comment('Mailchimp API Key from acceptance.suite.yml (see _support/AcceptanceHelper.php)');
     $key = $I->getConfiguration('api_key');
     $I->amGoingTo('Navigate to CMC page in /administrator/');
     // Wait for text dashboard - wait for text not working
     // Options
     $I->waitForText('Configuration', '30', ['css' => 'h1']);
     $I->fillField(['id' => 'jform_api_key'], $key);
     $I->click('Save & Close');
     // Basck in the dashboard

 * @package     redCORE
 * @subpackage  Cept
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2008 - 2015 redCOMPONENT.com. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// Load the Step Object Page
$I = new \AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantToTest('Activate the default webservices available in redCORE');
$I->comment('I enable basic authentication');
$I->waitForText('Plugins', 30, ['css' => 'H1']);
$I->fillField(['id' => 'filter_search'], 'redcore - system plugin');
$I->click(['xpath' => "//div[@id='filter-bar']/div[2]/button"]);
// search button
$I->click(['link' => 'redCORE - System plugin']);
$I->waitForText('Plugins: redCORE - System plugin', 30, ['css' => 'h1']);
$I->click(['link' => 'Webservice options']);
$I->selectOptionInRadioField('Enable webservices', 'Yes');
$I->selectOptionInRadioField('Enable SOAP Server', 'Yes');
$I->selectOptionInChosen('Check user permission against', 'Joomla - Use already defined authorization checks in Joomla');
$I->click(['xpath' => "//div[@id='toolbar-apply']/button"]);
$I->waitForText('Plugin successfully saved.', 30, ['id' => 'system-message-container']);
$I->waitForText('Webservice Manager', 30, ['css' => 'H1']);
$I->click(['class' => 'lc-not_installed_webservices']);
$I->click(['class' => 'lc-install_all_webservices']);
$I->waitForElement(['id' => 'oauthClientsList'], 30);
 function loginWrongEmail(AcceptanceTester $I, \Page\Login $loginPage)
     $loginPage->login('*****@*****.**', '123456');
     $I->see('Invalid login or password.', 'li.error-msg');
     $I->comment('Expected result: Please enter a valid email address.');
 function registerEmptySecondPass(AcceptanceTester $I, \Page\Registration $registerPage)
     $registerPage->registerInvalid('alex', 'sereda', '*****@*****.**', '123456', '');
     $I->see('This is a required field.', '#advice-required-entry-confirmation');
     $I->comment('Expected result: This is a required second field.');
Example #7
  * Check Paymement
  * Checks that passed method present at "payment list" page ,
  * then checks the passed parameters and return his row, 
  * or fail test if something wrong
  * @param AcceptanceTester  $I                  controller
  * @param string            $name               Name of Payment method
  * @param string            $CurrencyName       checks currency name if isset
  * @param string            $CurrencySymbol     checks currency symbol if isset
  * @param bool              $active             checks that method: true - active || false unactive if isset
  * @return int              return row of passed payment
 protected function CheckInPaymentList(AcceptanceTester $I, $name, $CurrencyName = null, $CurrencySymbol = null, $active = null)
     isset($name) ? $I->comment("I search method {$name} in list") : $I->fail("name of payment method must be passed");
     $I->waitForText("Список способов оплаты", NULL, ".title");
     $present = false;
     $rows = $I->grabClassCount($I, 'niceCheck') - 1;
     if ($rows > 0) {
         for ($row = 1; $row <= $rows; ++$row) {
             $PaymentMethod = $I->grabTextFrom(PaymentListPage::MethodNameLine($row));
             if ($PaymentMethod == $name) {
                 $I->assertEquals($PaymentMethod, $name, "Method {$PaymentMethod} present in row {$row}");
                 $present = true;
     } else {
         $I->fail("Couldn't find {$name}, there are no created payments");
     if (!$present) {
         $I->fail("There is no payment {$name} in list");
     if (isset($CurrencyName)) {
         $grabbedCurrencyName = $I->grabTextFrom(PaymentListPage::CurrencyNameLine($row));
         $I->assertEquals($grabbedCurrencyName, $CurrencyName);
     if (isset($CurrencySymbol)) {
         $grabbedCurrencySymbol = $I->grabTextFrom(PaymentListPage::CurrencySymbolLine($row));
         $I->assertEquals($grabbedCurrencySymbol, $CurrencySymbol);
     if (isset($active)) {
         $grabbedActiveClass = $I->grabAttributeFrom(PaymentListPage::ActiveLine($row), 'class');
         $active ? $I->assertEquals($grabbedActiveClass, 'prod-on_off ') : $I->assertEquals($grabbedActiveClass, 'prod-on_off disable_tovar');
     return $row;
 function loginInvalidEmail(AcceptanceTester $I, \Page\Login $loginPage)
     $loginPage->loginInvalid('testemail.com', '123456');
     $I->see('Please enter a valid email address. For example johndoe@domain.com.', '#advice-validate-email-email');
     $I->comment('Expected result: Please enter a valid email address.');