/** * Destructor. */ public function __destruct() { parent::__destruct(); }
* if it is a feasible solution and if the value of its objective function * is less than the current "best" solution. * This method is called by the search method * for every complete solution it generates. * * @param object ISolution $solution The specified complete solution. */ public function updateBest(ISolution $solution) { if ($solution->isComplete() && $solution->isFeasible() && $solution->getObjective() < $this->bestObjective) { $this->bestSolution = $solution; $this->bestObjective = $solution->getObjective(); } } //}>a /** * Main program. * * @param array $args Command-line arguments. * @return integer Zero on success; non-zero on failure. */ public static function main($args) { printf("AbstractSolver main program.\n"); $status = 0; return $status; } } if (realpath($argv[0]) == realpath(__FILE__)) { exit(AbstractSolver::main(array_slice($argv, 1))); }