  * @param Captcha $captcha The captcha to use. If not given, a default captcha will be used.
 public function __construct($id = 'captcha')
     global $LANG;
     $this->captcha = AppContext::get_captcha_service()->get_default_factory();
     $field_options = $this->is_enabled() ? array('required' => true) : array();
     parent::__construct($id, LangLoader::get_message('form.captcha', 'common'), false, $field_options);
  * @desc Constructs a FormFieldCheckbox.
  * @param string $id Field identifier
  * @param string $label Field label
  * @param FormFieldMultipleCheckboxOption[] $selected_options The selected options (can also be an array of string where strings are identifiers of selected options)
  * @param FormFieldMultipleCheckboxOption[] $available_options All the options managed by the field
  * @param string[] $field_options Map containing the options
  * @param FormFieldConstraint[] $constraints The constraints checked during the validation
 public function __construct($id, $label, array $selected_options, array $available_options, array $field_options = array(), array $constraints = array())
     parent::__construct($id, $label, null, $field_options, $constraints);
     $this->available_options = $available_options;
  * @desc Constructs a FormFieldChoice.
  * @param string $id Field id
  * @param string $label Field label
  * @param FormFieldEnumOption Default value
  * @param FormFieldEnumOption[] $options Enumeration of the possible values
  * @param string[] $field_options Map of the field options (this field has no specific option, there are only the inherited ones)
  * @param FormFieldConstraint List of the constraints
 public function __construct($id, $label, $value, array $options, array $field_options = array(), array $constraints = array())
     foreach ($options as $option) {
     parent::__construct($id, $label, $value, $field_options, $constraints);
  * @desc Constructs a FormFieldMultipleSelectChoice.
  * @param string $id Field id
  * @param string $label Field label
  * @param mixed $value Default value (either a FormFieldEnumOption object or a string corresponding to the FormFieldEnumOption's raw value)
  * @param FormFieldEnumOption[] $options Enumeration of the possible values
  * @param string[] $field_options Map of the field options (this field has no specific option, there are only the inherited ones)
  * @param FormFieldConstraint List of the constraints
 public function __construct($id, $label, array $selected_options, array $available_options, array $field_options = array(), array $constraints = array())
     parent::__construct($id, $label, $selected_options, $field_options, $constraints);
     foreach ($available_options as $option) {
  * @desc Constructs a FormFieldUploadFile.
  * @param string $id Field identifier
  * @param string $label Field label
  * @param string $value Default value
  * @param string[] $field_options Map containing the options
  * @param FormFieldConstraint[] $constraints The constraints checked during the validation
 public function __construct($id, $label, $value, $field_options = array(), array $constraints = array())
     $constraints[] = new FormFieldConstraintUrlExists(LangLoader::get_message('form.unexisting_file', 'status-messages-common'));
     parent::__construct($id, $label, $value, $field_options, $constraints);
  * @desc Constructs a FormFieldCheckbox.
  * @param string $id Field identifier
  * @param string $label Field label
  * @param bool $checked FormFieldCheckbox::CHECKED if it's checked by default or FormFieldCheckbox::UNCHECKED if not checked.
  * @param string[] $field_options Map containing the options
  * @param FormFieldConstraint[] $constraints The constraints checked during the validation
 public function __construct($id, $label, $checked = self::UNCHECKED, array $field_options = array(), array $constraints = array())
     parent::__construct($id, $label, $checked, $field_options, $constraints);
 public function __construct($id, $label, array $value = array(), array $field_options = array(), array $constraints = array())
     parent::__construct($id, $label, $value, $field_options, $constraints);
  * @param string $id
  * @param FormFieldActionLinkElement[] $actions
 public function __construct($id, array $actions)
     $this->actions = $actions;
     parent::__construct($id, '', '');
  * @param string $id the form field id
  * @param string $title the action title
  * @param Url $url the action url
  * @param Url $img the action icon url
 public function __construct($id, $title, $url, $img)
     $this->action = new FormFieldActionLinkElement($title, $url, $img);
     parent::__construct($id, '', '');
 public function __construct($id, AuthorizationsSettings $value, array $field_options = array())
     parent::__construct($id, '', $value, $field_options);
 public function __construct($value, array $properties = array())
     parent::__construct('', '', $value, $properties);
  * @desc Constructs a FormFieldTextEditor.
  * It has these options in addition to the AbstractFormField ones:
  * <ul>
  * 	<li>size: The size (width) of the HTML field</li>
  * 	<li>maxlength: The maximum length for the field</li>
  * </ul>
  * @param string $id Field identifier
  * @param string $label Field label
  * @param string $value Default value
  * @param string[] $field_options Map containing the options
  * @param FormFieldConstraint[] $constraints The constraints checked during the validation
 public function __construct($id, $label, $value, $field_options = array(), array $constraints = array())
     parent::__construct($id, $label, $value, $field_options, $constraints);
 public function __construct($id, $label, $value, array $properties = array())
     parent::__construct($id, $label, $value, $properties);
     $this->set_css_form_field_class(empty($label) ? 'form-field-free-large' : 'form-field-free');
 public function __construct($id, $value)
     parent::__construct($id, '', $value);
 public function __construct($id, $value)
     parent::__construct($id, '', $value, array(), array());
 public function __construct($id, $label, Date $value = null, $field_options = array(), array $constraints = array())
     $constraints[] = new FormFieldConstraintDate();
     parent::__construct($id, $label, $value, $field_options, $constraints);