  * Display the widget
  * @param unknown_type $args
  * @param unknown_type $instance
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     global $post, $wp_query;
     $catgrp =& AVH_EC_Singleton::getInstance('AVH_EC_Category_Group');
     $options = $this->core->getOptions();
     $row = array();
     if (is_home()) {
         $special_page = 'home_group';
     } elseif (is_category()) {
         $special_page = 'category_group';
     } elseif (is_day()) {
         $special_page = 'day_group';
     } elseif (is_month()) {
         $special_page = 'month_group';
     } elseif (is_year()) {
         $special_page = 'year_group';
     } elseif (is_author()) {
         $special_page = 'author_group';
     } elseif (is_search()) {
         $special_page = 'search_group';
     } else {
         $special_page = 'none';
     $toDisplay = false;
     if ('none' == $special_page) {
         $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, $catgrp->taxonomy_name);
         if (!empty($terms)) {
             $selected_catgroups = unserialize($instance['post_group_category']);
             foreach ($terms as $key => $value) {
                 if ($selected_catgroups === false || array_key_exists($value->term_id, $selected_catgroups)) {
                     if (!$this->getWidgetDoneCatGroup($value->term_id)) {
                         $row = $value;
                         $group_found = true;
         } else {
             $options = $this->core->options;
             $no_cat_group = $options['cat_group']['no_group'];
             $row = get_term_by('id', $no_cat_group, $catgrp->taxonomy_name);
             $group_found = true;
     } else {
         if ('category_group' == $special_page) {
             $tax_meta = get_option($this->core->db_options_tax_meta);
             $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
             if (isset($tax_meta[$term->taxonomy][$term->term_id]['category_group_term_id'])) {
                 $sp_category_group_id = $tax_meta[$term->taxonomy][$term->term_id]['category_group_term_id'];
             } else {
                 $sp_category_group = $this->catgrp->getGroupByCategoryID($term->term_id);
                 $sp_category_group_id = $sp_category_group->term_id;
         } else {
             $sp_category_group_id = $options['sp_cat_group'][$special_page];
         $row = get_term_by('id', $sp_category_group_id, $catgrp->taxonomy_name);
         // Returns false when non-existance. (empty(false)=true)
         $group_found = true;
     if ($group_found) {
         $toDisplay = true;
         $category_group_id_none = $this->catgrp->getTermIDBy('slug', 'none');
         $selected_catgroups = unserialize($instance['post_group_category']);
         if ($category_group_id_none == $row->term_id) {
             $toDisplay = false;
         } elseif (!(false == $selected_catgroups || array_key_exists($row->term_id, $selected_catgroups))) {
             $toDisplay = false;
         } elseif ($special_page != 'none' && $this->getWidgetDoneCatGroup($sp_category_group_id)) {
             $toDisplay = false;
     if ($toDisplay) {
         $c = $instance['count'];
         $e = $instance['hide_empty'];
         $h = $instance['hierarchical'];
         $use_desc_for_title = $instance['use_desc_for_title'];
         $s = isset($instance['sort_column']) ? $instance['sort_column'] : 'name';
         $o = isset($instance['sort_order']) ? $instance['sort_order'] : 'asc';
         $r = $instance['rssfeed'] ? 'RSS' : '';
         $i = $instance['rssimage'] ? $instance['rssimage'] : '';
         if (empty($r)) {
             $i = '';
         $style = empty($instance['style']) ? 'list' : $instance['style'];
         $group_id = $row->term_id;
         $cats = $catgrp->getCategoriesFromGroup($group_id);
         if (empty($instance['title'])) {
             $title = $catgrp->getWidgetTitleForGroup($group_id);
             if (!$title) {
                 $title = __('Categories', 'avh-ec');
         } else {
             $title = $instance['title'];
         $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $title);
         $included_cats = implode(',', $cats);
         $show_option_none = __('Select Category', 'avh-ec');
         if ($options['general']['alternative_name_select_category']) {
             $show_option_none = $options['general']['alternative_name_select_category'];
         $cat_args = array('include' => $included_cats, 'orderby' => $s, 'order' => $o, 'show_count' => $c, 'use_desc_for_title' => $use_desc_for_title, 'hide_empty' => $e, 'hierarchical' => $h, 'title_li' => '', 'show_option_none' => $show_option_none, 'feed' => $r, 'feed_image' => $i, 'name' => 'extended-categories-select-group-' . $this->number);
         echo $before_widget;
         echo $this->core->comment;
         echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
         if ($style == 'list') {
             echo '<ul>';
             $this->core->avh_wp_list_categories($cat_args, true);
             echo '</ul>';
         } else {
             $this->core->avh_wp_dropdown_categories($cat_args, true);
             echo '<script type=\'text/javascript\'>' . "\n";
             echo '/* <![CDATA[ */' . "\n";
             echo '            var ec_dropdown_' . $this->number . ' = document.getElementById("extended-categories-select-group-' . $this->number . '");' . "\n";
             echo '            function ec_onCatChange_' . $this->number . '() {' . "\n";
             echo '                if (ec_dropdown_' . $this->number . '.options[ec_dropdown_' . $this->number . '.selectedIndex].value > 0) {' . "\n";
             echo '                    location.href = "' . get_option('home') . '/?cat="+ec_dropdown_' . $this->number . '.options[ec_dropdown_' . $this->number . '.selectedIndex].value;' . "\n";
             echo '                }' . "\n";
             echo '            }' . "\n";
             echo '            ec_dropdown_' . $this->number . '.onchange = ec_onCatChange_' . $this->number . ';' . "\n";
             echo '/* ]]> */' . "\n";
             echo '</script>' . "\n";
         echo $after_widget;
 /** Echo the widget content.
  * Subclasses should over-ride this function to generate their widget code.
  * @param array $args     Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('Categories', 'avh-ec') : $instance['title']);
     $style = empty($instance['style']) ? 'list' : $instance['style'];
     if (!($a = (int) $instance['amount'])) {
         $a = 5;
     } elseif ($a < 1) {
         $a = 1;
     $c = $instance['count'] ? true : false;
     $use_desc_for_title = $instance['use_desc_for_title'] ? true : false;
     $s = $instance['sort_column'] ? $instance['sort_column'] : 'name';
     $o = $instance['sort_order'] ? $instance['sort_order'] : 'asc';
     $r = $instance['rssfeed'] ? 'RSS' : '';
     $i = $instance['rssimage'] ? $instance['rssimage'] : '';
     if (empty($r)) {
         $i = '';
     if (!empty($i)) {
         if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . '/' . $i)) {
             $i = '';
     $options = $this->core->getOptions();
     $show_option_none = __('Select Category', 'avh-ec');
     if ($options['general']['alternative_name_select_category']) {
         $show_option_none = $options['general']['alternative_name_select_category'];
     $top_cats = get_terms('category', array('fields' => 'ids', 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => $a, 'hierarchical' => false));
     $included_cats = implode(",", $top_cats);
     $cat_args = array('include' => $included_cats, 'orderby' => $s, 'order' => $o, 'show_count' => $c, 'use_desc_for_title' => $use_desc_for_title, 'hide_empty' => false, 'hierarchical' => false, 'depth' => -1, 'title_li' => '', 'show_option_none' => $show_option_none, 'feed' => $r, 'feed_image' => $i, 'name' => 'extended-categories-top-select-' . $this->number);
     echo $before_widget;
     echo $this->core->comment;
     echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
     echo '<ul>';
     if ($style == 'list') {
     } else {
         echo '<script type=\'text/javascript\'>' . "\n";
         echo '/* <![CDATA[ */' . "\n";
         echo '            var ec_dropdown_top_' . $this->number . ' = document.getElementById("extended-categories-top-select-' . $this->number . '");' . "\n";
         echo '            function ec_top_onCatChange_' . $this->number . '() {' . "\n";
         echo '                if ( ec_dropdown_top_' . $this->number . '.options[ec_dropdown_top_' . $this->number . '.selectedIndex].value > 0 ) {' . "\n";
         echo '                    location.href = "' . get_option('home') . '/?cat="+ec_dropdown_top_' . $this->number . '.options[ec_dropdown_top_' . $this->number . '.selectedIndex].value;' . "\n";
         echo '                }' . "\n";
         echo '            }' . "\n";
         echo '            ec_dropdown_top_' . $this->number . '.onchange = ec_top_onCatChange_' . $this->number . ';' . "\n";
         echo '/* ]]> */' . "\n";
         echo '</script>' . "\n";
     echo '</ul>';
     echo $after_widget;
Example #3
  * Menu Page Category Group
  * @return none
 function doMenuCategoryGroup()
     global $screen_layout_columns;
     $data_add_group_default = array('name' => '', 'slug' => '', 'widget_title' => '', 'description' => '');
     $data_add_group_new = $data_add_group_default;
     $options_add_group[] = array('avhec_add_group[add][name]', __('Group Name', 'avh-ec'), 'text', 20, __('The name is used to identify the group.', 'avh-ec'));
     $options_add_group[] = array('avhec_add_group[add][slug]', __('Slug Group', 'avh-ec'), 'text', 20, __('The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.', 'avh-ec'));
     $options_add_group[] = array('avhec_add_group[add][widget_title]', __('Widget Title', 'avh-ec'), 'text', 20, __('When no title is given in the widget options, this will used as the title of the widget when this group is shown.', 'avh-ec'));
     $options_add_group[] = array('avhec_add_group[add][description]', __('Description', 'avh-ec'), 'textarea', 40, __('Description is not prominent by default.', 'avh-ec'), 5);
     $options_edit_group[] = array('avhec_edit_group[edit][name]', __('Group Name', 'avh-ec'), 'text', 20, __('The name is used to identify the group.', 'avh-ec'));
     $options_edit_group[] = array('avhec_edit_group[edit][slug]', __('Slug Group', 'avh-ec'), 'text', 20, __('The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.', 'avh-ec'));
     $options_edit_group[] = array('avhec_edit_group[edit][widget_title]', __('Widget Title', 'avh-ec'), 'text', 20, __('When no title is given in the widget options, this will used as the title of the widget when this group is shown.', 'avh-ec'));
     $options_edit_group[] = array('avhec_edit_group[edit][description]', __('Description', 'avh-ec'), 'textarea', 40, __('Description is not prominent by default.', 'avh-ec'), 5);
     $options_edit_group[] = array('avhec_edit_group[edit][categories]', __('Categories', 'avh-ec'), 'catlist', 0, __('Select categories to be included in the group.', 'avh-ec'));
     if (isset($_POST['addgroup'])) {
         $formoptions = $_POST['avhec_add_group'];
         $data_add_group_new['name'] = $formoptions['add']['name'];
         $data_add_group_new['slug'] = empty($formoptions['add']['slug']) ? sanitize_title($data_add_group_new['name']) : sanitize_title($formoptions['add']['slug']);
         $data_add_group_new['widget_title'] = $formoptions['add']['widget_title'];
         $data_add_group_new['description'] = $formoptions['add']['description'];
         $id = $this->catgrp->getTermIDBy('slug', $data_add_group_new['slug']);
         if (!$id) {
             $group_id = $this->catgrp->doInsertGroup($data_add_group_new['name'], array('description' => $data_add_group_new['description'], 'slug' => $data_add_group_new['slug']), $data_add_group_new['widget_title']);
             $this->message = __('Category group saved', 'avh-ec');
             $this->status = 'updated fade';
             $data_add_group_new = $data_add_group_default;
         } else {
             $group = $this->catgrp->getGroup($id);
             $this->message = __('Category group conflicts with ', 'avh-ec') . $group->name;
             $this->message .= '<br />' . __('Same slug is used. ', 'avh-ec');
             $this->status = 'error';
     $data_add_group['add'] = $data_add_group_new;
     $data['add'] = array('form' => $options_add_group, 'data' => $data_add_group);
     if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
         $action = $_GET['action'];
         switch ($action) {
             case 'edit':
                 $group_id = (int) $_GET['group_ID'];
                 $group = $this->catgrp->getGroup($group_id);
                 $widget_title = $this->catgrp->getWidgetTitleForGroup($group_id);
                 $cats = $this->catgrp->getCategoriesFromGroup($group_id);
                 $data_edit_group['edit'] = array('group_id' => $group_id, 'name' => $group->name, 'slug' => $group->slug, 'widget_title' => $widget_title, 'description' => $group->description, 'categories' => $cats);
                 $data['edit'] = array('form' => $options_edit_group, 'data' => $data_edit_group);
                 add_meta_box('avhecBoxCategoryGroupEdit', __('Edit Group', 'avh-ec') . ': ' . $group->name, array(&$this, 'metaboxCategoryGroupEdit'), $this->hooks['menu_category_groups'], 'normal', 'low');
             case 'delete':
                 if (!isset($_GET['group_ID'])) {
                 $group_id = (int) $_GET['group_ID'];
                 check_admin_referer('delete-avhecgroup_' . $group_id);
                 if (!current_user_can('manage_categories')) {
                     wp_die(__('Cheatin&#8217; uh?'));
     if (isset($_POST['editgroup'])) {
         $formoptions = $_POST['avhec_edit_group'];
         $selected_categories = $_POST['post_category'];
         $group_id = (int) $_POST['avhec-group_id'];
         $result = $this->catgrp->doUpdateGroup($group_id, array('name' => $formoptions['edit']['name'], 'slug' => $formoptions['edit']['slug'], 'description' => $formoptions['edit']['description']), $selected_categories, $formoptions['edit']['widget_title']);
         switch ($result) {
             case 1:
                 $this->message = __('Category group updated', 'avh-ec');
                 $this->status = 'updated fade';
             case 0:
                 $this->message = __('Category group not updated', 'avh-ec');
                 $this->message .= '<br />' . __('Duplicate slug detected', 'avh-ec');
                 $this->status = 'error';
             case -1:
                 $this->message = __('Unknown category group', 'avh-ec');
                 $this->status = 'error';
     $hide2 = '';
     switch ($screen_layout_columns) {
         case 2:
             $width = 'width:49%;';
             $width = 'width:98%;';
             $hide2 = 'display:none;';
     $data_special_pages_old = $this->core->options['sp_cat_group'];
     $data_special_pages_new = $data_special_pages_old;
     if (isset($_POST['avhec_special_pages'])) {
         $formoptions = $_POST['avhec_special_pages'];
         $formdata = $formoptions['sp'];
         foreach ($formdata as $key => $value) {
             $data_special_pages_new[$key] = $value;
         $this->core->options['sp_cat_group'] = $data_special_pages_new;
     $data_special_pages['sp'] = $data_special_pages_new;
     $cat_groups = get_terms($this->catgrp->taxonomy_name, array('hide_empty' => FALSE));
     foreach ($cat_groups as $group) {
         $temp_cat = get_term($group->term_id, $this->catgrp->taxonomy_name, OBJECT, 'edit');
         $dropdown_value[] = $group->term_id;
         $dropdown_text[] = $temp_cat->name;
     $options_special_pages[] = array('avhec_special_pages[sp][home_group]', __('Home page', 'avh-ec'), 'dropdown', $dropdown_value, $dropdown_text, sprintf(__('Select which category to show on the %s page.', 'avh-ec'), __('home', 'avhec')));
     //$options_special_pages[] = array('avhec_special_pages[sp][category_group]', __('Category Archive', 'avh-ec'), 'dropdown', $dropdown_value, $dropdown_text, sprintf(__('Select which category to show on the %s page.','avh-ec'),__('category archive','avhec')));
     $options_special_pages[] = array('avhec_special_pages[sp][day_group]', __('Daily Archive', 'avh-ec'), 'dropdown', $dropdown_value, $dropdown_text, sprintf(__('Select which category to show on the %s page.', 'avh-ec'), __('daily archive', 'avhec')));
     $options_special_pages[] = array('avhec_special_pages[sp][month_group]', __('Monthly Archive', 'avh-ec'), 'dropdown', $dropdown_value, $dropdown_text, sprintf(__('Select which category to show on the %s page.', 'avh-ec'), __('monthly archive', 'avhec')));
     $options_special_pages[] = array('avhec_special_pages[sp][year_group]', __('Yearly Archive', 'avh-ec'), 'dropdown', $dropdown_value, $dropdown_text, sprintf(__('Select which category to show on the %s page.', 'avh-ec'), __('yearly archive', 'avhec')));
     $options_special_pages[] = array('avhec_special_pages[sp][author_group]', __('Author Archive', 'avh-ec'), 'dropdown', $dropdown_value, $dropdown_text, sprintf(__('Select which category to show on the %s page.', 'avh-ec'), __('author archive', 'avhec')));
     $options_special_pages[] = array('avhec_special_pages[sp][search_group]', __('Search Page', 'avh-ec'), 'dropdown', $dropdown_value, $dropdown_text, sprintf(__('Select which category to show on the %s page.', 'avh-ec'), __('search', 'avhec')));
     $data['sp'] = array('form' => $options_special_pages, 'data' => $data_special_pages);
     // This box can't be unselectd in the the Screen Options
     //add_meta_box( 'avhecBoxDonations', __( 'Donations', 'avh-ec' ), array (&$this, 'metaboxDonations' ), $this->hooks['menu_category_groups'], 'side', 'core' );
     echo '<div class="wrap avhec-metabox-wrap">';
     echo $this->displayIcon('index');
     echo '<h2>' . 'AVH Extended Categories - ' . __('Category Groups', 'avh-ec') . '</h2>';
     echo '	<div id="dashboard-widgets-wrap">';
     echo '		<div id="dashboard-widgets" class="metabox-holder">';
     echo '			<div class="postbox-container" style="' . $width . '">' . "\n";
     do_meta_boxes($this->hooks['menu_category_groups'], 'normal', $data);
     echo "\t\t\t</div>";
     echo '			<div class="postbox-container" style="' . $hide2 . $width . '">' . "\n";
     do_meta_boxes($this->hooks['menu_category_groups'], 'side', $data);
     echo '			</div>';
     echo '		</div>';
     // dashboard-widgets
     echo '<br class="clear" />';
     echo '	</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     // wrap
  * Menu Page General Options
  * @return none
 function doMenuGeneral()
     global $screen_layout_columns;
     $groups = get_terms($this->catgrp->taxonomy_name, array('hide_empty' => false));
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         $group_id[] = $group->term_id;
         $groupname[] = $group->name;
     $options_general[] = array('avhec[general][alternative_name_select_category]', __('<em>Select Category</em> Alternative', 'avh-ec'), 'text', 20, __('Alternative text for Select Category.', 'avh-ec'));
     $options_general[] = array('avhec[cat_group][home_group]', 'Home Group', 'dropdown', $group_id, $groupname, __('Select which group to show on the home page.', 'avh-ec') . '<br />' . __('Selecting the group \'none\' will not show the widget on the page.', 'avh-ec'));
     $options_general[] = array('avhec[cat_group][no_group]', 'Nonexistence Group', 'dropdown', $group_id, $groupname, __('Select which group to show when there is no group associated with the post.', 'avh-ec') . '<br />' . __('Selecting the group \'none\' will not show the widget on the page.', 'avh-ec'));
     $options_general[] = array('avhec[cat_group][default_group]', 'Default Group', 'dropdown', $group_id, $groupname, __('Select which group will be the default group when editing a post.', 'avh-ec') . '<br />' . __('Selecting the group \'none\' will not show the widget on the page.', 'avh-ec'));
     if (isset($_POST['updateoptions'])) {
         $formoptions = $_POST['avhec'];
         $options = $this->core->getOptions();
         //$all_data = array_merge( $options_general );
         $all_data = $options_general;
         foreach ($all_data as $option) {
             $section = substr($option[0], strpos($option[0], '[') + 1);
             $section = substr($section, 0, strpos($section, ']['));
             $option_key = rtrim($option[0], ']');
             $option_key = substr($option_key, strpos($option_key, '][') + 2);
             switch ($section) {
                 case 'general':
                 case 'cat_group':
                     $current_value = $options[$section][$option_key];
             // Every field in a form is set except unchecked checkboxes. Set an unchecked checkbox to 0.
             $newval = isset($formoptions[$section][$option_key]) ? esc_attr($formoptions[$section][$option_key]) : 0;
             if ($newval != $current_value) {
                 // Only process changed fields.
                 switch ($section) {
                     case 'general':
                     case 'cat_group':
                         $options[$section][$option_key] = $newval;
         $this->message = __('Options saved', 'avh-ec');
         $this->status = 'updated fade';
     $actual_options = $this->core->getOptions();
     foreach ($actual_options['cat_group'] as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($value, (array) $group_id)) {
             $actual_options['cat_group'][$key] = $this->catgrp->getTermIDBy('slug', 'none');
     $hide2 = '';
     switch ($screen_layout_columns) {
         case 2:
             $width = 'width:49%;';
             $width = 'width:98%;';
             $hide2 = 'display:none;';
     $data['options_general'] = $options_general;
     $data['actual_options'] = $actual_options;
     // This box can't be unselectd in the the Screen Options
     add_meta_box('avhecBoxDonations', __('Donations', 'avh-ec'), array(&$this, 'metaboxDonations'), $this->hooks['menu_general'], 'side', 'core');
     $hide2 = '';
     switch ($screen_layout_columns) {
         case 2:
             $width = 'width:49%;';
             $width = 'width:98%;';
             $hide2 = 'display:none;';
     echo '<div class="wrap avhec-metabox-wrap">';
     echo $this->displayIcon('index');
     echo '<h2>' . 'AVH Extended Categories - ' . __('General Options', 'avh-ec') . '</h2>';
     echo '<form name="avhec-generaloptions" id="avhec-generaloptions" method="POST" action="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=avhec-general') . '" accept-charset="utf-8" >';
     echo '	<div id="dashboard-widgets-wrap">';
     echo '		<div id="dashboard-widgets" class="metabox-holder">';
     echo '		<div class="postbox-container" style="' . $width . '">' . "\n";
     do_meta_boxes($this->hooks['menu_general'], 'normal', $data);
     echo "\t\t\t</div>";
     echo '			<div class="postbox-container" style="' . $hide2 . $width . '">' . "\n";
     do_meta_boxes($this->hooks['menu_general'], 'side', $data);
     echo '			</div>';
     echo '		</div>';
     echo '<br class="clear"/>';
     echo '	</div>';
     echo '<p class="submit"><input	class="button"	type="submit" name="updateoptions" value="' . __('Save Changes', 'avhf-ec') . '" /></p>';
     echo '</form>';
     echo '</div>';
     // wrap