public function testVersionAPI() { $broker = new APIBroker("VersionAPI"); $result = $broker->run(null, null); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $this->assertEquals(PT::VERSION, $result->content->version, "Version check failed"); $this->assertEquals(PT::DB_LEVEL, $result->content->level, "API level check failed"); }
public function getInexistentLabel() { $broker = new APIBroker("CashRegistersAPI"); $result = $broker->run("get", array("label" => "junk")); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertNull($content, "Content is not null"); }
public function testGetAll() { $broker = new APIBroker(AttributesAPITest::API); // Get it through API $result = $broker->run("getAll", array()); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertNotNull($content, "Content is null"); $this->assertTrue(is_array($content), "Content is not an array"); $this->markTestIncomplete("Check content"); }
public function testGetAll() { $broker = new APIBroker(TaxesAPITest::API); $result = $broker->run("getAll", null); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertNotNull($content, "Content is null"); $this->assertTrue(is_array($content), "Content is not an array"); $this->assertEquals(2, count($content), "Content size mismatch"); $this->markTestIncomplete("Check content"); }
public function testGet() { $broker = new APIBroker(ResourcesAPITest::API); $result = $broker->run("get", array("label" => "Window.Logo")); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertNotNull($content, "Content is null"); $this->assertEquals("9", $content->id, "Id mismatch"); $this->assertEquals("Window.Logo", $content->label, "Label mismatch"); $this->assertEquals(1, $content->type, "Type mismatch"); $this->assertNotNull($content->content, "Content is null"); $this->markTestIncomplete("Test content"); }
public function testGetAll() { $prof = new DiscountProfile("Profile", 0.1); $srv = new DiscountProfilesService(); $prof->id = $srv->create($prof); $prof2 = new DiscountProfile("Profile2", 0.5); $prof2->id = $srv->create($prof2); $broker = new APIBroker(DiscountProfilesAPITest::API); $result = $broker->run("getAll", null); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertNotNull($content, "Content is null"); $this->assertTrue(is_array($content), "Content is not an array"); $this->assertEquals(2, count($content), "Content size mismatch"); $toCheck = array($prof, $prof2); $count = 0; foreach ($content as $rprof) { $ref = null; $count++; if ($rprof->id == $prof->id) { $ref = $prof; } else { if ($rprof->id == $prof2->id) { $ref = $prof2; } } $this->assertNotNull($ref, "Unknown profile"); $this->checkEquality($ref, $rprof); for ($i = 0; $i < count($toCheck); $i++) { $t = $toCheck[$i]; if ($t->id == $ref->id) { array_splice($toCheck, $i, 1); break; } } } $this->assertEquals(0, count($toCheck), "Duplicated profiles"); }
public function testGetAll() { $broker = new APIBroker(LocationsAPITest::API); $result = $broker->run("getAll", null); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertNotNull($content, "Content is null"); $this->assertTrue(is_array($content), "Content is not an array"); $this->assertEquals(2, count($content), "Content size mismatch"); foreach ($content as $loc) { if ($loc->id == $this->locations[0]->id) { $ref = $this->locations[0]; } else { if ($loc->id == $this->locations[1]->id) { $ref = $this->locations[1]; } else { $this->assertTrue(false, "Unknown location id returned"); } } $this->assertEquals($loc->id, $ref->id, "Id mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($loc->label, $ref->label, "Label mismatch"); } }
public function testGetAll() { $broker = new APIBroker(CompositionsAPITest::API); $result = $broker->run("getAll", null); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertNotNull($content, "Content is null"); $this->assertTrue(is_array($content), "Content is not an array"); $this->assertEquals(count($this->compositions), count($content), "Content size mismatch"); foreach ($content as $cmp) { $refCmp = null; foreach ($this->compositions as $rcmp) { if ($cmp->id == $rcmp->id) { $refCmp = $cmp; break; } } $this->assertNotNull($refCmp, "Unknown composition"); $this->checkEquality($refCmp, $cmp); } }
public function testDelShared() { $tkt = new SharedTicket("Shared", $this->custId, 1, $this->areaId, $this->discountProfileId, 13.37); $tkt->id = TicketsService::createSharedTicket($tkt, array()); $broker = new APIBroker(TicketsAPITest::API); $result = $broker->run("delShared", array("id" => $tkt->id)); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertTrue($content, "Content is not true"); $this->assertNull(TicketsService::getSharedTicket($tkt->id), "Shared ticket is still there"); }
public function testCreate() { $broker = new APIBroker(CustomersAPITest::API); $srv = new CustomersService(); $cust = new Customer(null, "Cust", "It's me", "card", null, null, 12.0, 10.0, 5.0, stdtimefstr("2012-01-01 00:00:00"), "It's", "me", "*****@*****.**", "012345", "23456", "11111", "Address1", "Address2", "59000", "City", "Region", "France", "Note", true); unset($cust->id); $result = $broker->run("save", array("customer" => json_encode($cust))); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $id = $content['saved'][0]; $cust->id = $id; $this->assertNotNull($content, "Result not found"); $read = $srv->get($id); $this->checkCustEquality($cust, $read); }
if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; } else { $action = null; } } else { if (isset($_POST[PT::URL_ACTION_PARAM])) { if ($config['debug'] === true) { trigger_error(serialize($_POST)); } $api = $_POST[PT::URL_ACTION_PARAM]; $params = $_POST; if (isset($_POST['action'])) { $action = $_POST['action']; } else { $action = null; } } else { $api = null; } } $broker = new APIBroker($api); $result = $broker->run($action, $params); if ($api == "ImagesAPI") { // Special case of images api with binary data header("Cache-Control: max-age=864000"); echo $result; } else { header("Content type: application/json"); echo json_encode($result); }
/** @depends testConstructEmpty * @depends testAPIResult */ public function testDummyFailParam() { $broker = new APIBroker("DummyAPI"); $result = $broker->run("param", array("result" => "fail")); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_ERROR, $result->status, "Fail status failed"); $this->assertEquals("I'm Dummy!", $result->content, "Fail content failed"); }
public function testUpdate() { $broker = new APIBroker("CashesAPI"); $srv = new CashesService(); $cash = $srv->add($this->cashRegisterId); $cash->openDate = stdtimefstr("2002-02-02 02:02:02"); $cash->closeDate = stdtimefstr("2002-02-03 03:03:03"); $cash->openCash = 1.0; $cash->closeCash = 13.0; $cash->expectedCash = 15.0; $result = $broker->run("update", array("cash" => json_encode($cash))); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertNotNull($content, "Content is null"); $this->assertEquals($cash->id, $content->id, "Id mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($cash->cashRegisterId, $content->cashRegisterId, "Cash register id mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($cash->sequence, $content->sequence, "Sequence mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($cash->openDate, $content->openDate, "Open date mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($cash->closeDate, $content->closeDate, "Close date mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($cash->openCash, $content->openCash, "Open cash mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($cash->closeCash, $content->closeCash, "Close cash mismatch"); $this->assertEquals($cash->expectedCash, $content->expectedCash, "Expected cash mismatch"); }
public function testGetAllInexistent() { $broker = new APIBroker(StocksAPITest::API); $result = $broker->run("getAll", array("locationId" => "junk")); $this->assertEquals(APIResult::STATUS_CALL_OK, $result->status, "Result status check failed"); $content = $result->content; $this->assertNull($content, "Content is null with junk id"); }