protected function doAction()
     $sortField = $this->getInput('sort', CProfile::get('web.proxies.php.sort', 'host'));
     $sortOrder = $this->getInput('sortorder', CProfile::get('web.proxies.php.sortorder', ZBX_SORT_UP));
     CProfile::update('web.proxies.php.sort', $sortField, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
     CProfile::update('web.proxies.php.sortorder', $sortOrder, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
     $config = select_config();
     $data = ['uncheck' => $this->hasInput('uncheck'), 'sort' => $sortField, 'sortorder' => $sortOrder, 'config' => ['max_in_table' => $config['max_in_table']]];
     $data['proxies'] = API::Proxy()->get(['output' => ['proxyid', 'host', 'status', 'lastaccess', 'tls_connect', 'tls_accept'], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid', 'name', 'status'], 'sortfield' => $sortField, 'limit' => $config['search_limit'] + 1, 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true]);
     // sorting & paging
     order_result($data['proxies'], $sortField, $sortOrder);
     $url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', 'proxy.list');
     $data['paging'] = getPagingLine($data['proxies'], $sortOrder, $url);
     foreach ($data['proxies'] as &$proxy) {
         order_result($proxy['hosts'], 'name');
     // get proxy IDs for a *selected* page
     $proxyIds = array_keys($data['proxies']);
     if ($proxyIds) {
         // calculate performance
         $dbPerformance = DBselect('SELECT h.proxy_hostid,SUM(1.0/i.delay) AS qps' . ' FROM hosts h,items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND i.delay<>0' . ' AND i.flags<>' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('h.proxy_hostid', $proxyIds) . ' GROUP BY h.proxy_hostid');
         while ($performance = DBfetch($dbPerformance)) {
             $data['proxies'][$performance['proxy_hostid']]['perf'] = round($performance['qps'], 2);
         // get items
         $items = API::Item()->get(['proxyids' => $proxyIds, 'groupCount' => true, 'countOutput' => true, 'webitems' => true, 'monitored' => true]);
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $data['proxies'][$item['proxy_hostid']]['item_count'] = $item['rowscount'];
     $response = new CControllerResponseData($data);
     $response->setTitle(_('Configuration of proxies'));
 protected function doAction()
     $proxy = [];
     $this->getInputs($proxy, ['host', 'status', 'description', 'tls_connect', 'tls_accept', 'tls_issuer', 'tls_subject', 'tls_psk_identity', 'tls_psk']);
     if ($this->getInput('status', HOST_STATUS_PROXY_ACTIVE) == HOST_STATUS_PROXY_PASSIVE) {
         $proxy['interface'] = [];
         $this->getInputs($proxy['interface'], ['dns', 'ip', 'useip', 'port']);
     if ($this->hasInput('proxy_hostids')) {
         // skip discovered hosts
         $proxy['hosts'] = API::Host()->get(['output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => $this->getInput('proxy_hostids'), 'filter' => ['flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]]);
     $result = API::Proxy()->create([$proxy]);
     if ($result) {
         add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_ADD, AUDIT_RESOURCE_PROXY, '[' . $this->getInput('host', '') . '] [' . reset($result['proxyids']) . ']');
     $result = DBend($result);
     if ($result) {
         $response = new CControllerResponseRedirect('zabbix.php?action=proxy.list&uncheck=1');
         $response->setMessageOk(_('Proxy added'));
     } else {
         $response = new CControllerResponseRedirect('zabbix.php?action=proxy.edit');
         $response->setMessageError(_('Cannot add proxy'));
 protected function checkPermissions()
     if ($this->getUserType() != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
         return false;
     $proxies = API::Proxy()->get(['proxyids' => $this->getInput('proxyids'), 'countOutput' => true, 'editable' => true]);
     return $proxies == count($this->getInput('proxyids'));
 protected function doAction()
     // default values
     $data = ['sid' => $this->getUserSID(), 'proxyid' => 0, 'host' => '', 'status' => HOST_STATUS_PROXY_ACTIVE, 'dns' => 'localhost', 'ip' => '', 'useip' => '1', 'port' => '10051', 'proxy_hostids' => [], 'description' => '', 'tls_accept' => HOST_ENCRYPTION_NONE, 'tls_connect' => HOST_ENCRYPTION_NONE, 'tls_issuer' => '', 'tls_psk' => '', 'tls_psk_identity' => '', 'tls_subject' => '', 'form_refresh' => 0];
     // get values from the dabatase
     if ($this->hasInput('proxyid')) {
         $data['proxyid'] = $this->getInput('proxyid');
         $proxies = API::Proxy()->get(['output' => ['host', 'status', 'description', 'tls_connect', 'tls_accept', 'tls_issuer', 'tls_subject', 'tls_psk_identity', 'tls_psk'], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid'], 'selectInterface' => ['interfaceid', 'dns', 'ip', 'useip', 'port'], 'proxyids' => $data['proxyid']]);
         $proxy = $proxies[0];
         $data['host'] = $proxy['host'];
         $data['status'] = $proxy['status'];
         $data['tls_accept'] = $proxy['tls_accept'];
         $data['tls_connect'] = $proxy['tls_connect'];
         $data['tls_issuer'] = $proxy['tls_issuer'];
         $data['tls_psk'] = $proxy['tls_psk'];
         $data['tls_psk_identity'] = $proxy['tls_psk_identity'];
         $data['tls_subject'] = $proxy['tls_subject'];
         if ($data['status'] == HOST_STATUS_PROXY_PASSIVE) {
             $data['interfaceid'] = $proxy['interface']['interfaceid'];
             $data['dns'] = $proxy['interface']['dns'];
             $data['ip'] = $proxy['interface']['ip'];
             $data['useip'] = $proxy['interface']['useip'];
             $data['port'] = $proxy['interface']['port'];
         $data['proxy_hostids'] = zbx_objectValues($proxy['hosts'], 'hostid');
         $data['description'] = $proxy['description'];
     // overwrite with input variables
     $data['host'] = $this->getInput('host', $data['host']);
     $data['status'] = $this->getInput('status', $data['status']);
     $data['dns'] = $this->getInput('dns', $data['dns']);
     $data['ip'] = $this->getInput('ip', $data['ip']);
     $data['useip'] = $this->getInput('useip', $data['useip']);
     $data['port'] = $this->getInput('port', $data['port']);
     $data['proxy_hostids'] = $this->getInput('proxy_hostids', $data['proxy_hostids']);
     $data['description'] = $this->getInput('description', $data['description']);
     $data['tls_accept'] = $this->getInput('tls_accept', $data['tls_accept']);
     $data['tls_connect'] = $this->getInput('tls_connect', $data['tls_connect']);
     $data['tls_issuer'] = $this->getInput('tls_issuer', $data['tls_issuer']);
     $data['tls_psk'] = $this->getInput('tls_psk', $data['tls_psk']);
     $data['tls_psk_identity'] = $this->getInput('tls_psk_identity', $data['tls_psk_identity']);
     $data['tls_subject'] = $this->getInput('tls_subject', $data['tls_subject']);
     $data['form_refresh'] = $this->getInput('form_refresh', $data['form_refresh']);
     if ($data['status'] == HOST_STATUS_PROXY_PASSIVE && $this->hasInput('interfaceid')) {
         $data['interfaceid'] = $this->getInput('interfaceid');
     // fetch available hosts, skip host prototypes
     $data['all_hosts'] = DBfetchArray(DBselect('SELECT h.hostid,h.proxy_hostid,,h.flags' . ' FROM hosts h' . ' WHERE h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ')' . ' AND h.flags<>' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE));
     order_result($data['all_hosts'], 'name');
     $response = new CControllerResponseData($data);
     $response->setTitle(_('Configuration of proxies'));
 protected function doAction()
     $proxyids = $this->getInput('proxyids');
     $result = API::Proxy()->delete($proxyids);
     $deleted = count($proxyids);
     $response = new CControllerResponseRedirect('zabbix.php?action=proxy.list&uncheck=1');
     if ($result) {
         $response->setMessageOk(_n('Proxy deleted', 'Proxies deleted', $deleted));
     } else {
         $response->setMessageError(_n('Cannot delete proxy', 'Cannot delete proxies', $deleted));
Example #6
 public static function parseMain($rules)
     $triggersForDependencies = array();
     if (!empty($rules['hosts']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['hosts']['createMissing']) || !empty($rules['templates']['createMissing']) || !empty($rules['templates']['updateExisting'])) {
         $xpath = new DOMXPath(self::$xml);
         $hosts = $xpath->query('hosts/host');
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             if (!isset($host_db['status'])) {
                 $host_db['status'] = HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             $current_host = $host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE ? API::Template()->exists($host_db) : API::Host()->exists($host_db);
             if (!$current_host && ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && empty($rules['templates']['createMissing']) || $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && empty($rules['hosts']['createMissing']))) {
             if ($current_host && ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && empty($rules['templates']['updateExisting']) || $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && empty($rules['hosts']['updateExisting']))) {
             // there were no host visible names in 1.8
             if (!isset($host_db['name'])) {
                 $host_db['name'] = $host_db['host'];
             // host will have no interfaces - we will be creating them separately
             $host_db['interfaces'] = null;
             // it is possible, that data is imported from 1.8, where there was only one network interface per host
              * @todo when new XML format will be introduced, this check should be changed to XML version check
             $old_version_input = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             if ($old_version_input) {
                 // rearranging host structure, so it would look more like 2.0 host
                 $interfaces = array();
                 // the main interface is always "agent" type
                 if (!is_null($host_db['ip'])) {
                     $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT, 'useip' => $host_db['useip'], 'ip' => $host_db['ip'], 'dns' => $host_db['dns'], 'port' => $host_db['port']);
                 // now we need to check if host had SNMP items. If it had, we need and SNMP interface for every different port.
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 $snmp_interface_ports_created = array();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if (($item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV1 || $item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV2C || $item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV3) && !isset($snmp_interface_ports_created[$item_db['snmp_port']])) {
                         $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP, 'useip' => $host_db['useip'], 'ip' => $host_db['ip'], 'dns' => $host_db['dns'], 'port' => $item_db['snmp_port']);
                         $snmp_interface_ports_created[$item_db['snmp_port']] = 1;
                 // it was a temporary variable
                 // we ned to add ipmi interface if at least one ipmi item exists
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if ($item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_IPMI) {
                         // when saving a host in 1.8, it's possible to set useipmi=1 and not to fill an IP address
                         // we were not really sure what to do with this host,
                         // and decided to take host IP address instead and show info message about this
                         if ($host_db['ipmi_ip'] == '') {
                             $ipmi_ip = $host_db['ip'];
                             info(_s('Host "%s" has "useipmi" parameter checked, but has no "ipmi_ip" parameter! Using host IP address as an address for IPMI interface.', $host_db['host']));
                         } else {
                             $ipmi_ip = $host_db['ipmi_ip'];
                         $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_DNS, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => $ipmi_ip, 'port' => $host_db['ipmi_port']);
                         // we need only one ipmi interface
             if ($current_host) {
                 $options = array('filter' => array('host' => $host_db['host']), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1, 'selectInterfaces' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $current_host = API::Template()->get($options);
                 } else {
                     $current_host = API::Host()->get($options);
                 if (empty($current_host)) {
                     throw new Exception(_s('No permission for host "%1$s".', $host_db['host']));
                 } else {
                     $current_host = reset($current_host);
                 // checking if host already exists - then some of the interfaces may not need to be created
                 if ($host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     // for every interface we got based on XML
                     foreach ($interfaces as $i => $interface_db) {
                         // checking every interface of current host
                         foreach ($current_host['interfaces'] as $interface) {
                             // if all parameters of interface are identical
                             if ($interface['type'] == $interface_db['type'] && $interface['ip'] == $interface_db['ip'] && $interface['dns'] == $interface_db['dns'] && $interface['port'] == $interface_db['port'] && $interface['useip'] == $interface_db['useip']) {
                                 // this interface is the same as existing one!
                                 $interfaces[$i]['interfaceid'] = $interface['interfaceid'];
                 $interfaces_created_with_host = false;
             } else {
                 if ($host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $host_db['interfaces'] = $interfaces;
                     $interfaces_created_with_host = true;
             // HOST GROUPS {{{
             $groups = $xpath->query('groups/group', $host);
             $host_db['groups'] = array();
             $groups_to_parse = array();
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 $groups_to_parse[] = array('name' => $group->nodeValue);
             if (empty($groups_to_parse)) {
                 $groups_to_parse[] = array('name' => ZBX_DEFAULT_IMPORT_HOST_GROUP);
             foreach ($groups_to_parse as $group) {
                 $current_group = API::HostGroup()->exists($group);
                 if ($current_group) {
                     $options = array('filter' => $group, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1);
                     $current_group = API::HostGroup()->get($options);
                     if (empty($current_group)) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No permissions for group "%1$s".', $group['name']));
                     $host_db['groups'][] = reset($current_group);
                 } else {
                     $result = API::HostGroup()->create($group);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $options = array('groupids' => $result['groupids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                     $new_group = API::HostGroup()->get($options);
                     $host_db['groups'][] = reset($new_group);
             // }}} HOST GROUPS
             // MACROS
             $macros = $xpath->query('macros/macro', $host);
             if ($macros->length > 0) {
                 $host_db['macros'] = array();
                 foreach ($macros as $macro) {
                     $host_db['macros'][] = self::mapXML2arr($macro, XML_TAG_MACRO);
             // }}} MACROS
             // host inventory
             if ($old_version_input) {
                 if (!isset($host_db['inventory'])) {
                     $host_db['inventory'] = array();
                 $inventoryNode = $xpath->query('host_profile/*', $host);
                 if ($inventoryNode->length > 0) {
                     foreach ($inventoryNode as $field) {
                         $newInventoryName = self::mapInventoryName($field->nodeName);
                         $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] = $field->nodeValue;
                 $inventoryNodeExt = $xpath->query('host_profiles_ext/*', $host);
                 if ($inventoryNodeExt->length > 0) {
                     foreach ($inventoryNodeExt as $field) {
                         $newInventoryName = self::mapInventoryName($field->nodeName);
                         if (isset($host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName]) && $field->nodeValue !== '') {
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] .= "\r\n\r\n";
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] .= $field->nodeValue;
                         } else {
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] = $field->nodeValue;
                 $host_db['inventory_mode'] = isset($host_db['inventory']) ? HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL : HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED;
             // HOSTS
             if (isset($host_db['proxy_hostid'])) {
                 $proxy_exists = API::Proxy()->get(array('proxyids' => $host_db['proxy_hostid']));
                 if (empty($proxy_exists)) {
                     $host_db['proxy_hostid'] = 0;
             if ($current_host && (!empty($rules['hosts']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['templates']['updateExisting']))) {
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $host_db['templateid'] = $current_host['templateid'];
                     $result = API::Template()->update($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = $current_host['templateid'];
                 } else {
                     $host_db['hostid'] = $current_host['hostid'];
                     $result = API::Host()->update($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = $current_host['hostid'];
                 if (!$result) {
                     throw new Exception();
             if (!$current_host && (!empty($rules['hosts']['createMissing']) || !empty($rules['templates']['createMissing']))) {
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $result = API::Template()->create($host_db);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $current_hostid = reset($result['templateids']);
                 } else {
                     $result = API::Host()->create($host_db);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $current_hostid = reset($result['hostids']);
             $current_hostname = $host_db['host'];
             // TEMPLATES {{{
             if (!empty($rules['templateLinkage']['createMissing'])) {
                 $templates = $xpath->query('templates/template', $host);
                 $templateLinkage = array();
                 foreach ($templates as $template) {
                     $options = array('filter' => array('host' => $template->nodeValue), 'output' => array('templateid'), 'editable' => true);
                     $current_template = API::Template()->get($options);
                     if (empty($current_template)) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No permission for template "%1$s".', $template->nodeValue));
                     $current_template = reset($current_template);
                     $templateLinkage[] = $current_template;
                 if ($templateLinkage) {
                     $result = API::Template()->massAdd(array('hosts' => array('hostid' => $current_hostid), 'templates' => $templateLinkage));
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
             // }}} TEMPLATES
             // ITEMS {{{
             if (!empty($rules['items']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['items']['createMissing'])) {
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 // if this is an export from 1.8, we need to make some adjustments to items
                 if ($old_version_input) {
                     if (!$interfaces_created_with_host) {
                         // if host had another interfaces, we are not touching them: they remain as is
                         foreach ($interfaces as $i => $interface) {
                             // interface was not already created
                             if (!isset($interface['interfaceid'])) {
                                 // creating interface
                                 $interface['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                                 $ids = API::HostInterface()->create($interface);
                                 if ($ids === false) {
                                     throw new Exception();
                                 $interfaces[$i]['interfaceid'] = reset($ids['interfaceids']);
                     } else {
                         $options = array('hostids' => $current_hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                         $interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get($options);
                     // we must know interface ids to assign them to items
                     $agent_interface_id = null;
                     $ipmi_interface_id = null;
                     $snmp_interfaces = array();
                     // hash 'port' => 'iterfaceid'
                     foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
                         switch ($interface['type']) {
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT:
                                 $agent_interface_id = $interface['interfaceid'];
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI:
                                 $ipmi_interface_id = $interface['interfaceid'];
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP:
                                 $snmp_interfaces[$interface['port']] = $interface['interfaceid'];
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     $item_db['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                     // item needs interfaces
                     if ($old_version_input) {
                         // 'snmp_port' column was renamed to 'port'
                         if ($item_db['snmp_port'] != 0) {
                             // zabbix agent items have no ports
                             $item_db['port'] = $item_db['snmp_port'];
                         // assigning appropriate interface depending on item type
                         switch ($item_db['type']) {
                             // zabbix agent interface
                             case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SSH:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_TELNET:
                                 $item_db['interfaceid'] = $agent_interface_id;
                                 // snmp interface
                             // snmp interface
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV1:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV2C:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV3:
                                 // for an item with different port - different interface
                                 $item_db['interfaceid'] = $snmp_interfaces[$item_db['port']];
                             case ITEM_TYPE_IPMI:
                                 $item_db['interfaceid'] = $ipmi_interface_id;
                                 // no interfaces required for these item types
                             // no interfaces required for these item types
                             case ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_AGGREGATE:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER:
                             case ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR:
                                 $item_db['interfaceid'] = null;
                         $item_db['key_'] = self::convertOldSimpleKey($item_db['key_']);
                     $options = array('filter' => array('hostid' => $item_db['hostid'], 'key_' => $item_db['key_']), 'webitems' => 1, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1);
                     $current_item = API::Item()->get($options);
                     $current_item = reset($current_item);
                     if (!$current_item && empty($rules['items']['createMissing'])) {
                         info(_s('Item "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $item_db['key_']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_item && empty($rules['items']['updateExisting'])) {
                         info(_s('Item "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $item_db['key_']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     // ITEM APPLICATIONS {{{
                     $applications = $xpath->query('applications/application', $item);
                     $item_applications = array();
                     $applications_to_add = array();
                     $applicationsIds = array();
                     foreach ($applications as $application) {
                         $application_db = array('name' => $application->nodeValue, 'hostid' => $current_hostid);
                         $current_application = API::Application()->get(array('filter' => $application_db, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
                         $applicationValue = reset($current_application);
                         if ($current_application) {
                             if (empty($item_applications)) {
                                 $item_applications = $current_application;
                                 $applicationsIds[] = $applicationValue['applicationid'];
                             } else {
                                 if (!in_array($applicationValue['applicationid'], $applicationsIds)) {
                                     $item_applications = array_merge($item_applications, $current_application);
                                     $applicationsIds[] = $applicationValue['applicationid'];
                         } else {
                             $applications_to_add[] = $application_db;
                     if (!empty($applications_to_add)) {
                         $result = API::Application()->create($applications_to_add);
                         if (!$result) {
                             throw new Exception();
                         $options = array('applicationids' => $result['applicationids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                         $new_applications = API::Application()->get($options);
                         $item_applications = array_merge($item_applications, $new_applications);
                     // }}} ITEM APPLICATIONS
                     if ($current_item && !empty($rules['items']['updateExisting'])) {
                         $item_db['itemid'] = $current_item['itemid'];
                         $result = API::Item()->update($item_db);
                         if (!$result) {
                             throw new Exception();
                         $options = array('itemids' => $result['itemids'], 'webitems' => 1, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                         $current_item = API::Item()->get($options);
                     if (!$current_item && !empty($rules['items']['createMissing'])) {
                         $result = API::Item()->create($item_db);
                         if (!$result) {
                             throw new Exception();
                         $options = array('itemids' => $result['itemids'], 'webitems' => 1, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                         $current_item = API::Item()->get($options);
                     if (!empty($item_applications)) {
                         $r = API::Application()->massAdd(array('applications' => $item_applications, 'items' => $current_item));
                         if ($r === false) {
                             throw new Exception();
             // }}} ITEMS
             // TRIGGERS {{{
             if (!empty($rules['triggers']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['triggers']['createMissing'])) {
                 $triggers = $xpath->query('triggers/trigger', $host);
                 $triggers_to_add = array();
                 $triggers_to_upd = array();
                 foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                     $trigger_db = self::mapXML2arr($trigger, XML_TAG_TRIGGER);
                     if ($old_version_input) {
                         $expressionPart = explode(':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                         $keyName = explode(',', $expressionPart[1], 2);
                         if (count($keyName) == 2) {
                             $keyValue = explode('.', $keyName[1], 2);
                             $key = $keyName[0] . "," . $keyValue[0];
                             if (in_array($keyName[0], self::$oldKeys) || in_array($keyName[0], self::$oldKeysPref)) {
                                 $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace($key, self::convertOldSimpleKey($key), $trigger_db['expression']);
                     // {HOSTNAME} is here for backward compatibility
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace('{{HOSTNAME}:', '{' . $host_db['host'] . ':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace('{{HOST.HOST}:', '{' . $host_db['host'] . ':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                     $trigger_db['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                     if ($current_trigger = API::Trigger()->exists($trigger_db)) {
                         $ctriggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('filter' => array('description' => $trigger_db['description']), 'hostids' => $current_hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1));
                         $current_trigger = false;
                         foreach ($ctriggers as $ct) {
                             $tmp_exp = explode_exp($ct['expression']);
                             if (strcmp($trigger_db['expression'], $tmp_exp) == 0) {
                                 $current_trigger = $ct;
                         if (!$current_trigger) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('No permission for trigger "%s".', $trigger_db['description']));
                     if (!$current_trigger && empty($rules['triggers']['createMissing'])) {
                         info(_s('Trigger "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $trigger_db['description']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_trigger && empty($rules['triggers']['updateExisting'])) {
                         info(_s('Trigger "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $trigger_db['description']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_trigger && !empty($rules['triggers']['updateExisting'])) {
                         $trigger_db['triggerid'] = $current_trigger['triggerid'];
                         $triggers_to_upd[] = $trigger_db;
                     if (!$current_trigger && !empty($rules['triggers']['createMissing'])) {
                         $triggers_to_add[] = $trigger_db;
                 if (!empty($triggers_to_upd)) {
                     $result = API::Trigger()->update($triggers_to_upd);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $options = array('triggerids' => $result['triggerids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                     $r = API::Trigger()->get($options);
                     $triggersForDependencies = array_merge($triggersForDependencies, $r);
                 if (!empty($triggers_to_add)) {
                     $result = API::Trigger()->create($triggers_to_add);
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
                     $options = array('triggerids' => $result['triggerids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                     $r = API::Trigger()->get($options);
                     $triggersForDependencies = array_merge($triggersForDependencies, $r);
             // }}} TRIGGERS
             // GRAPHS {{{
             if (!empty($rules['graphs']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['graphs']['createMissing'])) {
                 $graphs = $xpath->query('graphs/graph', $host);
                 $graphs_to_add = array();
                 $graphs_to_upd = array();
                 foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
                     // GRAPH ITEMS {{{
                     $gitems = $xpath->query('graph_elements/graph_element', $graph);
                     $graph_hostids = array();
                     $graph_items = array();
                     foreach ($gitems as $gitem) {
                         $gitem_db = self::mapXML2arr($gitem, XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENT);
                         $data = explode(':', $gitem_db['host_key_']);
                         $gitem_host = array_shift($data);
                         // {HOSTNAME} is here for backward compatibility
                         $gitem_db['host'] = $gitem_host == '{HOSTNAME}' ? $host_db['host'] : $gitem_host;
                         $gitem_db['host'] = $gitem_host == '{HOST.HOST}' ? $host_db['host'] : $gitem_host;
                         if ($old_version_input) {
                             $data[0] = self::convertOldSimpleKey($data[0]);
                         $gitem_db['key_'] = implode(':', $data);
                         if ($current_item = API::Item()->exists($gitem_db)) {
                             $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('filter' => array('key_' => $gitem_db['key_']), 'webitems' => 1, 'host' => $gitem_db['host'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1));
                             if (empty($current_item)) {
                                 throw new Exception(_s('No permission for item "%1$s".', $gitem_db['key_']));
                             $current_item = reset($current_item);
                             $graph_hostids[] = $current_item['hostid'];
                             $gitem_db['itemid'] = $current_item['itemid'];
                             $graph_items[] = $gitem_db;
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Item "%1$s" does not exist.', $gitem_db['host_key_']));
                     // }}} GRAPH ITEMS
                     $graph_db = self::mapXML2arr($graph, XML_TAG_GRAPH);
                     $graph_db['hostids'] = $graph_hostids;
                     // do we need to show the graph legend, after it is imported?
                     // in 1.8, this setting was present only for pie and exploded graphs
                     // for other graph types we are always showing the legend
                     if ($graph_db['graphtype'] != GRAPH_TYPE_PIE && $graph_db['graphtype'] != GRAPH_TYPE_EXPLODED) {
                         $graph_db['show_legend'] = 1;
                     $current_graph = API::Graph()->exists($graph_db);
                     if ($current_graph) {
                         $current_graph = API::Graph()->get(array('filter' => array('name' => $graph_db['name']), 'hostids' => $graph_db['hostids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1));
                         if (empty($current_graph)) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('No permission for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         $current_graph = reset($current_graph);
                     if (!$current_graph && empty($rules['graphs']['createMissing'])) {
                         info(_s('Graph "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $graph_db['name']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_graph && empty($rules['graphs']['updateExisting'])) {
                         info(_s('Graph "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $graph_db['name']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if (!isset($graph_db['ymin_type'])) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No "ymin_type" field for graph "%s".', $graph_db['name']));
                     if (!isset($graph_db['ymax_type'])) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No "ymax_type" field for graph "%s".', $graph_db['name']));
                     if ($graph_db['ymin_type'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE) {
                         $item_data = explode(':', $graph_db['ymin_item_key'], 2);
                         if (count($item_data) < 2) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Incorrect y min item for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         if (!($item = get_item_by_key($item_data[1], $item_data[0]))) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Missing item "%1$s" for host "%2$s".', $graph_db['ymin_item_key'], $host_db['host']));
                         $graph_db['ymin_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
                     if ($graph_db['ymax_type'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE) {
                         $item_data = explode(':', $graph_db['ymax_item_key'], 2);
                         if (count($item_data) < 2) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Incorrect y max item for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         if (!($item = get_item_by_key($item_data[1], $item_data[0]))) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Missing item "%1$s" for host "%2$s".', $graph_db['ymax_item_key'], $host_db['host']));
                         $graph_db['ymax_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
                     $graph_db['gitems'] = $graph_items;
                     if ($current_graph) {
                         $graph_db['graphid'] = $current_graph['graphid'];
                         $graphs_to_upd[] = $graph_db;
                     } else {
                         $graphs_to_add[] = $graph_db;
                 if (!empty($graphs_to_add)) {
                     $r = API::Graph()->create($graphs_to_add);
                     if ($r === false) {
                         throw new Exception();
                 if (!empty($graphs_to_upd)) {
                     $r = API::Graph()->update($graphs_to_upd);
                     if ($r === false) {
                         throw new Exception();
             // SCREENS
             if (!empty($rules['screens']['updateExisting']) || !empty($rules['screens']['createMissing'])) {
                 $screens_node = $xpath->query('screens', $host);
                 if ($screens_node->length > 0) {
                     $importScreens = self::XMLtoArray($screens_node->item(0));
                     foreach ($importScreens as $screen) {
                         $current_screen = API::TemplateScreen()->get(array('filter' => array('name' => $screen['name']), 'templateids' => $current_hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => 1));
                         $current_screen = reset($current_screen);
                         if (!$current_screen && empty($rules['screens']['createMissing'])) {
                             info(_s('Screen "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $screen['name']));
                         if ($current_screen && empty($rules['screens']['updateExisting'])) {
                             info(_s('Screen "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $screen['name']));
                         if (isset($screen['screenitems'])) {
                             foreach ($screen['screenitems'] as &$screenitem) {
                                 $nodeCaption = isset($screenitem['resourceid']['node']) ? $screenitem['resourceid']['node'] . ':' : '';
                                 if (!isset($screenitem['resourceid'])) {
                                     $screenitem['resourceid'] = 0;
                                 if (is_array($screenitem['resourceid'])) {
                                     switch ($screenitem['resourcetype']) {
                                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH:
                                             $db_graphs = API::Graph()->getObjects($screenitem['resourceid']);
                                             if (empty($db_graphs)) {
                                                 $error = _s('Cannot find graph "%1$s" used in screen "%2$s".', $nodeCaption . $screenitem['resourceid']['host'] . ':' . $screenitem['resourceid']['name'], $screen['name']);
                                                 throw new Exception($error);
                                             $tmp = reset($db_graphs);
                                             $screenitem['resourceid'] = $tmp['graphid'];
                                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH:
                                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_PLAIN_TEXT:
                                             $db_items = API::Item()->getObjects($screenitem['resourceid']);
                                             if (empty($db_items)) {
                                                 $error = _s('Cannot find item "%1$s" used in screen "%2$s".', $nodeCaption . $screenitem['resourceid']['host'] . ':' . $screenitem['resourceid']['key_'], $screen['name']);
                                                 throw new Exception($error);
                                             $tmp = reset($db_items);
                                             $screenitem['resourceid'] = $tmp['itemid'];
                                             $screenitem['resourceid'] = 0;
                         $screen['templateid'] = $current_hostid;
                         if ($current_screen) {
                             $screen['screenid'] = $current_screen['screenid'];
                             $result = API::TemplateScreen()->update($screen);
                             if (!$result) {
                                 throw new Exception(_('Cannot update screen.'));
                             info('[' . $current_hostname . '] ' . _s('Screen "%1$s" updated.', $screen['name']));
                         } else {
                             $result = API::TemplateScreen()->create($screen);
                             if (!$result) {
                                 throw new Exception(_('Cannot create screen.'));
                             info('[' . $current_hostname . '] ' . _s('Screen "%1$s" added.', $screen['name']));
         // DEPENDENCIES
         $dependencies = $xpath->query('dependencies/dependency');
         if ($dependencies->length > 0) {
             $triggersForDependencies = zbx_objectValues($triggersForDependencies, 'triggerid');
             $triggersForDependencies = array_flip($triggersForDependencies);
             $newDependencies = array();
             foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
                 $triggerDescription = $dependency->getAttribute('description');
                 $currentTrigger = get_trigger_by_description($triggerDescription);
                 if ($currentTrigger && isset($triggersForDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']])) {
                     $dependsOnList = $xpath->query('depends', $dependency);
                     foreach ($dependsOnList as $dependsOn) {
                         $depTrigger = get_trigger_by_description($dependsOn->nodeValue);
                         if ($depTrigger['triggerid']) {
                             $newDependencies[] = array('triggerid' => $currentTrigger['triggerid'], 'dependsOnTriggerid' => $depTrigger['triggerid']);
             if ($newDependencies) {
  * Select proxy ids for previously added proxy names.
 protected function selectProxyes()
     if (!empty($this->proxies)) {
         $this->proxiesRefs = array();
         $dbProxy = API::Proxy()->get(array('filter' => array('host' => $this->proxies), 'output' => array('hostid', 'host'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'editable' => true));
         foreach ($dbProxy as $proxy) {
             $this->proxiesRefs[$proxy['host']] = $proxy['proxyid'];
         $this->proxies = array();
Example #8
  * Check interfaces input.
  * @param array  $interfaces
  * @param string $method
 public function checkInput(array &$interfaces, $method)
     $update = $method == 'update';
     // permissions
     if ($update) {
         $interfaceDBfields = array('interfaceid' => null);
         $dbInterfaces = $this->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'interfaceids' => zbx_objectValues($interfaces, 'interfaceid'), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
     } else {
         $interfaceDBfields = array('hostid' => null, 'ip' => null, 'dns' => null, 'useip' => null, 'port' => null, 'main' => null);
     $dbHosts = API::Host()->get(array('output' => array('host'), 'hostids' => zbx_objectValues($interfaces, 'hostid'), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
     $dbProxies = API::Proxy()->get(array('output' => array('host'), 'proxyids' => zbx_objectValues($interfaces, 'hostid'), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
     foreach ($interfaces as &$interface) {
         if (!check_db_fields($interfaceDBfields, $interface)) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect arguments passed to function.'));
         if ($update) {
             if (!isset($dbInterfaces[$interface['interfaceid']])) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'));
             $dbInterface = $dbInterfaces[$interface['interfaceid']];
             if (isset($interface['hostid']) && bccomp($dbInterface['hostid'], $interface['hostid']) != 0) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Cannot switch host for interface.'));
             $interface['hostid'] = $dbInterface['hostid'];
             // we check all fields on "updated" interface
             $updInterface = $interface;
             $interface = zbx_array_merge($dbInterface, $interface);
         } else {
             if (!isset($dbHosts[$interface['hostid']]) && !isset($dbProxies[$interface['hostid']])) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'));
             if (isset($dbProxies[$interface['hostid']])) {
                 $interface['type'] = INTERFACE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
             } elseif (!isset($interface['type'])) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect arguments passed to method.'));
         if (zbx_empty($interface['ip']) && zbx_empty($interface['dns'])) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('IP and DNS cannot be empty for host interface.'));
         if ($interface['useip'] == INTERFACE_USE_IP && zbx_empty($interface['ip'])) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Interface with DNS "%1$s" cannot have empty IP address.', $interface['dns']));
         if ($interface['useip'] == INTERFACE_USE_DNS && zbx_empty($interface['dns'])) {
             if ($dbHosts && !empty($dbHosts[$interface['hostid']]['host'])) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Interface with IP "%1$s" cannot have empty DNS name while having "Use DNS" property on "%2$s".', $interface['ip'], $dbHosts[$interface['hostid']]['host']));
             } elseif ($dbProxies && !empty($dbProxies[$interface['hostid']]['host'])) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Interface with IP "%1$s" cannot have empty DNS name while having "Use DNS" property on "%2$s".', $interface['ip'], $dbProxies[$interface['hostid']]['host']));
             } else {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Interface with IP "%1$s" cannot have empty DNS name.', $interface['ip']));
         if (isset($interface['dns'])) {
         if (isset($interface['ip'])) {
         if (isset($interface['port']) || $method == 'create') {
         if ($update) {
             $interface = $updInterface;
     // check if any of the affected hosts are discovered
     if ($update) {
         $interfaces = $this->extendObjects('interface', $interfaces, array('hostid'));
     $this->checkValidator(zbx_objectValues($interfaces, 'hostid'), new CHostNormalValidator(array('message' => _('Cannot update interface for discovered host "%1$s".'))));
Example #9
 public static function parseMain($rules)
     $triggerExpressionConverter = new C24TriggerConverter(new CFunctionMacroParser(), new CMacroParser('#'));
     $triggersForDependencies = array();
     if ($rules['hosts']['updateExisting'] || $rules['hosts']['createMissing'] || $rules['templates']['createMissing'] || $rules['templates']['updateExisting']) {
         $xpath = new DOMXPath(self::$xml);
         $hosts = $xpath->query('hosts/host');
         // stores parsed host and template IDs
         $processedHostIds = array();
         // stores converted trigger expressions for each host
         $triggerExpressions = array();
         // stores converted item keys for each host
         $itemKeys = array();
         // process hosts
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             if (!isset($host_db['status'])) {
                 $host_db['status'] = HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                 $current_host = API::Template()->get(array('output' => array('templateid'), 'filter' => array('host' => $host_db['host']), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
             } else {
                 $current_host = API::Host()->get(array('output' => array('hostid'), 'filter' => array('host' => $host_db['host']), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
             if (!$current_host && ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !$rules['templates']['createMissing'] || $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !$rules['hosts']['createMissing'])) {
             if ($current_host && ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !$rules['templates']['updateExisting'] || $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE && !$rules['hosts']['updateExisting'])) {
             // there were no host visible names in 1.8
             if (!isset($host_db['name'])) {
                 $host_db['name'] = $host_db['host'];
             // host will have no interfaces - we will be creating them separately
             $host_db['interfaces'] = null;
             // it is possible, that data is imported from 1.8, where there was only one network interface per host
              * @todo when new XML format will be introduced, this check should be changed to XML version check
             $oldVersionInput = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             $interfaces = array();
             // rearranging host structure, so it would look more like 2.0 host
             if ($oldVersionInput) {
                 // the main interface is always "agent" type
                 if (!is_null($host_db['ip'])) {
                     $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT, 'useip' => $host_db['useip'], 'ip' => $host_db['ip'], 'dns' => $host_db['dns'], 'port' => $host_db['port']);
                 // now we need to check if host had SNMP items. If it had, we need an SNMP interface for every different port.
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 $snmp_interface_ports_created = array();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if (($item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV1 || $item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV2C || $item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV3) && !isset($snmp_interface_ports_created[$item_db['snmp_port']])) {
                         $interfaces[] = array('main' => $snmp_interface_ports_created ? INTERFACE_SECONDARY : INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP, 'useip' => $host_db['useip'], 'ip' => $host_db['ip'], 'dns' => $host_db['dns'], 'port' => $item_db['snmp_port']);
                         $snmp_interface_ports_created[$item_db['snmp_port']] = 1;
                 // it was a temporary variable
                 // we need to add ipmi interface if at least one ipmi item exists
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if ($item_db['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_IPMI) {
                         // when saving a host in 1.8, it's possible to set useipmi=1 and not to fill an IP address
                         // we were not really sure what to do with this host,
                         // and decided to take host IP address instead and show info message about this
                         if ($host_db['ipmi_ip'] === '') {
                             $ipmi_ip = $host_db['ip'];
                             info(_s('Host "%s" has "useipmi" parameter checked, but has no "ipmi_ip" parameter! Using host IP address as an address for IPMI interface.', $host_db['host']));
                         } else {
                             $ipmi_ip = $host_db['ipmi_ip'];
                         $interfaces[] = array('main' => INTERFACE_PRIMARY, 'type' => INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI, 'useip' => INTERFACE_USE_IP, 'ip' => $ipmi_ip, 'dns' => '', 'port' => $host_db['ipmi_port']);
                         // we need only one ipmi interface
             if ($current_host) {
                 $options = array('filter' => array('host' => $host_db['host']), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => true, 'selectInterfaces' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $current_host = API::Template()->get($options);
                 } else {
                     $current_host = API::Host()->get($options);
                 if (empty($current_host)) {
                     throw new Exception(_s('No permission for host "%1$s".', $host_db['host']));
                 } else {
                     $current_host = reset($current_host);
                 // checking if host already exists - then some of the interfaces may not need to be created
                 if ($host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $currentMainInterfaces = array();
                     $currentInterfacesByType = array();
                     // group existing main interfaces by interface type into $currentMainInterfaces
                     // and group interfaces by type into $currentInterfacesByType
                     foreach ($current_host['interfaces'] as $currentInterface) {
                         if ($currentInterface['main'] == INTERFACE_PRIMARY) {
                             $currentMainInterfaces[$currentInterface['type']] = $currentInterface;
                         $currentInterfacesByType[$currentInterface['type']][] = $currentInterface;
                     // loop through all interfaces we got from XML
                     foreach ($interfaces as &$interfaceXml) {
                         $interfaceXmlType = $interfaceXml['type'];
                         // if this is the primary interface of some type and we have default interface of same type
                         // in current (target) host, re-use "interfaceid" of the matching default interface
                         // in current host
                         if ($interfaceXml['main'] == INTERFACE_PRIMARY && isset($currentMainInterfaces[$interfaceXmlType])) {
                             $interfaceXml['interfaceid'] = $currentMainInterfaces[$interfaceXmlType]['interfaceid'];
                         } else {
                             // otherwise, loop through all current (target) host interfaces with type of current
                             // imported interface and re-use "interfaceid" in case if all interface parameters match
                             if (isset($currentInterfacesByType[$interfaceXmlType])) {
                                 foreach ($currentInterfacesByType[$interfaceXmlType] as $currentInterface) {
                                     if ($currentInterface['ip'] == $interfaceXml['ip'] && $currentInterface['dns'] == $interfaceXml['dns'] && $currentInterface['port'] == $interfaceXml['port'] && $currentInterface['useip'] == $interfaceXml['useip']) {
                                         $interfaceXml['interfaceid'] = $currentInterface['interfaceid'];
                     $host_db['interfaces'] = $interfaces;
             } elseif ($host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                 $host_db['interfaces'] = $interfaces;
             // HOST GROUPS {{{
             $groups = $xpath->query('groups/group', $host);
             $host_db['groups'] = array();
             $groups_to_parse = array();
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 $groups_to_parse[] = array('name' => $group->nodeValue);
             if (empty($groups_to_parse)) {
                 $groups_to_parse[] = array('name' => ZBX_DEFAULT_IMPORT_HOST_GROUP);
             foreach ($groups_to_parse as $group) {
                 $hostGroup = API::HostGroup()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'filter' => $group, 'editable' => true, 'limit' => 1));
                 if ($hostGroup) {
                     $host_db['groups'][] = reset($hostGroup);
                 } else {
                     if ($rules['groups']['createMissing']) {
                         $result = API::HostGroup()->create($group);
                         if ($result) {
                             $newHostGroup = API::HostGroup()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'groupids' => $result['groupids'], 'limit' => 1));
                             $host_db['groups'][] = reset($newHostGroup);
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No permissions for host group "%1$s".', $group['name']));
             // }}} HOST GROUPS
             // MACROS
             $macros = $xpath->query('macros/macro', $host);
             if ($macros->length > 0) {
                 $host_db['macros'] = array();
                 foreach ($macros as $macro) {
                     $host_db['macros'][] = self::mapXML2arr($macro, XML_TAG_MACRO);
             // }}} MACROS
             // host inventory
             if ($oldVersionInput) {
                 if (!isset($host_db['inventory'])) {
                     $host_db['inventory'] = array();
                 $inventoryNode = $xpath->query('host_profile/*', $host);
                 if ($inventoryNode->length > 0) {
                     foreach ($inventoryNode as $field) {
                         $newInventoryName = self::mapInventoryName($field->nodeName);
                         $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] = $field->nodeValue;
                 $inventoryNodeExt = $xpath->query('host_profiles_ext/*', $host);
                 if ($inventoryNodeExt->length > 0) {
                     foreach ($inventoryNodeExt as $field) {
                         $newInventoryName = self::mapInventoryName($field->nodeName);
                         if (isset($host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName]) && $field->nodeValue !== '') {
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] .= "\r\n\r\n";
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] .= $field->nodeValue;
                         } else {
                             $host_db['inventory'][$newInventoryName] = $field->nodeValue;
                 $host_db['inventory_mode'] = isset($host_db['inventory']) ? HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL : HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED;
             if (isset($host_db['proxy_hostid'])) {
                 $proxy_exists = API::Proxy()->get(array('output' => array('proxyid'), 'proxyids' => $host_db['proxy_hostid']));
                 if (empty($proxy_exists)) {
                     $host_db['proxy_hostid'] = 0;
             if ($current_host && ($rules['hosts']['updateExisting'] || $rules['templates']['updateExisting'])) {
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $host_db['templateid'] = $current_host['templateid'];
                     $result = API::Template()->update($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = $current_host['templateid'];
                 } else {
                     $host_db['hostid'] = $current_host['hostid'];
                     $result = API::Host()->update($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = $current_host['hostid'];
             if (!$current_host && ($rules['hosts']['createMissing'] || $rules['templates']['createMissing'])) {
                 if ($host_db['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) {
                     $result = API::Template()->create($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = reset($result['templateids']);
                 } else {
                     $result = API::Host()->create($host_db);
                     $current_hostid = reset($result['hostids']);
             // store parsed host IDs
             $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] = $current_hostid;
         // gather triggers and convert old expressions
         $triggersXML = array();
         // cycle each host and gather trigger descriptions and expressions
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
             if ($current_hostid) {
                 $triggersXML[$current_hostid] = array();
                 $triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']] = array();
                 $oldVersionInput = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
                 $triggers = $xpath->query('triggers/trigger', $host);
                 foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                     $trigger_db = self::mapXML2arr($trigger, XML_TAG_TRIGGER);
                     $oldExpression = $trigger_db['expression'];
                     if (!isset($triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']][$trigger_db['description']])) {
                         $triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']][$trigger_db['description']] = array();
                     if ($oldVersionInput) {
                         $expressionPart = explode(':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                         $keyName = explode(',', $expressionPart[1], 2);
                         if (count($keyName) == 2) {
                             $keyValue = explode('.', $keyName[1], 2);
                             $key = $keyName[0] . "," . $keyValue[0];
                             if (in_array($keyName[0], self::$oldKeys) || in_array($keyName[0], self::$oldKeysPref)) {
                                 $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace($key, self::convertOldSimpleKey($key), $trigger_db['expression']);
                     // {HOSTNAME} is here for backward compatibility
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace('{{HOSTNAME}:', '{' . $host_db['host'] . ':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = str_replace('{{HOST.HOST}:', '{' . $host_db['host'] . ':', $trigger_db['expression']);
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = $triggerExpressionConverter->convert($trigger_db['expression']);
                     $triggersXML[$current_hostid][$trigger_db['description']][$trigger_db['expression']] = $trigger_db['expression'];
                     $triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']][$trigger_db['description']][$oldExpression] = $trigger_db['expression'];
         // delete missing triggers
         if ($rules['triggers']['deleteMissing']) {
             // select triggers from parsed hosts
             $dbTriggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => array('triggerid', 'description', 'expression'), 'expandExpression' => true, 'hostids' => $processedHostIds, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'inherited' => false, 'filter' => array('flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL)));
             // find corresponding trigger ID by description and expression
             $triggerIdsXML = array();
             foreach ($dbTriggers as $dbTrigger) {
                 $hostId = reset($dbTrigger['hosts']);
                 if (isset($triggersXML[$hostId['hostid']][$dbTrigger['description']][$dbTrigger['expression']])) {
                     $triggerIdsXML[$dbTrigger['triggerid']] = $dbTrigger['triggerid'];
             $triggersToDelete = array_diff_key($dbTriggers, $triggerIdsXML);
             $triggerIdsToDelete = array();
             // check that potentially deletable trigger belongs to same hosts that are in XML
             // if some triggers belong to more hosts than current XML contains, don't delete them
             foreach ($triggersToDelete as $triggerId => $trigger) {
                 $triggerHostIds = array_flip(zbx_objectValues($trigger['hosts'], 'hostid'));
                 if (!array_diff_key($triggerHostIds, array_flip($processedHostIds))) {
                     $triggerIdsToDelete[] = $triggerId;
             if ($triggerIdsToDelete) {
         // delete missing graphs
         if ($rules['graphs']['deleteMissing']) {
             $graphsXML = array();
             // cycle each host and gather all graph names
             foreach ($hosts as $host) {
                 $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
                 $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
                 if ($current_hostid) {
                     $graphsXML[$current_hostid] = array();
                     $graphs = $xpath->query('graphs/graph', $host);
                     foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
                         $graph_db = self::mapXML2arr($graph, XML_TAG_GRAPH);
                         $graphsXML[$current_hostid][$graph_db['name']] = $graph_db['name'];
             // select graphs from already parsed hosts
             $dbGraphs = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => array('graphid', 'name'), 'hostids' => $processedHostIds, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'inherited' => false, 'filter' => array('flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL)));
             $graphIdsXML = array();
             foreach ($dbGraphs as $dbGraph) {
                 $hostId = reset($dbGraph['hosts']);
                 if (isset($graphsXML[$hostId['hostid']][$dbGraph['name']])) {
                     $graphIdsXML[$dbGraph['graphid']] = $dbGraph['graphid'];
             $graphsToDelete = array_diff_key($dbGraphs, $graphIdsXML);
             $graphsIdsToDelete = array();
             // check that potentially deletable graph belongs to same hosts that are in XML
             // if some graphs belong to more hosts than current XML contains, don't delete them
             foreach ($graphsToDelete as $graphId => $graph) {
                 $graphHostIds = array_flip(zbx_objectValues($graph['hosts'], 'hostid'));
                 if (!array_diff_key($graphHostIds, array_flip($processedHostIds))) {
                     $graphsIdsToDelete[] = $graphId;
             if ($graphsIdsToDelete) {
         // gather items and convert old keys
         $itemsXML = array();
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
             if ($current_hostid) {
                 $itemsXML[$current_hostid] = array();
                 $itemKeys[$host_db['host']] = array();
                 $oldVersionInput = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                     if ($oldVersionInput) {
                         $oldKey = $item_db['key_'];
                         $item_db['key_'] = self::convertOldSimpleKey($item_db['key_']);
                         $itemKeys[$host_db['host']][$oldKey] = $item_db['key_'];
                     $itemsXML[$current_hostid][$item_db['key_']] = $item_db['key_'];
         // delete missing items
         if ($rules['items']['deleteMissing']) {
             $dbItems = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid', 'key_', 'hostid'), 'hostids' => $processedHostIds, 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'inherited' => false, 'filter' => array('flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL)));
             $itemIdsXML = array();
             foreach ($dbItems as $dbItem) {
                 if (isset($itemsXML[$dbItem['hostid']][$dbItem['key_']])) {
                     $itemIdsXML[$dbItem['itemid']] = $dbItem['itemid'];
             $itemsToDelete = array_diff_key($dbItems, $itemIdsXML);
             if ($itemsToDelete) {
         // delete missing applications
         if ($rules['applications']['deleteMissing']) {
             $applicationsXML = array();
             foreach ($hosts as $host) {
                 $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
                 $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
                 if ($current_hostid) {
                     $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                     foreach ($items as $item) {
                         $applications = $xpath->query('applications/application', $item);
                         foreach ($applications as $application) {
                             $applicationsXML[$current_hostid][$application->nodeValue] = $application->nodeValue;
             $dbApplications = API::Application()->get(array('output' => array('applicationid', 'hostid', 'name'), 'hostids' => $processedHostIds, 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'inherited' => false));
             $applicationsIdsXML = array();
             foreach ($dbApplications as $dbApplication) {
                 if (isset($applicationsXML[$dbApplication['hostid']][$dbApplication['name']])) {
                     $applicationsIdsXML[$dbApplication['applicationid']] = $dbApplication['applicationid'];
             $applicationsToDelete = array_diff_key($dbApplications, $applicationsIdsXML);
             if ($applicationsToDelete) {
         // cycle each host again and create/update other objects
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $host_db = self::mapXML2arr($host, XML_TAG_HOST);
             if (!isset($host_db['status'])) {
                 $host_db['status'] = HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             $current_hostid = isset($processedHostIds[$host_db['host']]) ? $processedHostIds[$host_db['host']] : false;
             if (!$current_hostid) {
             $oldVersionInput = $host_db['status'] != HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
             // TEMPLATES {{{
             if (!empty($rules['templateLinkage']['createMissing'])) {
                 $templates = $xpath->query('templates/template', $host);
                 $templateLinkage = array();
                 foreach ($templates as $template) {
                     $options = array('filter' => array('host' => $template->nodeValue), 'output' => array('templateid'), 'editable' => true);
                     $current_template = API::Template()->get($options);
                     if (empty($current_template)) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No permission for template "%1$s".', $template->nodeValue));
                     $current_template = reset($current_template);
                     $templateLinkage[] = $current_template;
                 if ($templateLinkage) {
                     $result = API::Template()->massAdd(array('hosts' => array('hostid' => $current_hostid), 'templates' => $templateLinkage));
                     if (!$result) {
                         throw new Exception();
             // }}} TEMPLATES
             // ITEMS {{{
             if ($rules['items']['updateExisting'] || $rules['items']['createMissing'] || $rules['applications']['createMissing']) {
                 // applications are located under items in version 1.8,
                 // so we need to get item list in any of these cases
                 $items = $xpath->query('items/item', $host);
                 if ($oldVersionInput) {
                     $interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get(array('hostids' => $current_hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
                     // we must know interface ids to assign them to items
                     $agent_interface_id = null;
                     $ipmi_interface_id = null;
                     $snmp_interfaces = array();
                     // hash 'port' => 'interfaceid'
                     foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
                         switch ($interface['type']) {
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT:
                                 $agent_interface_id = $interface['interfaceid'];
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI:
                                 $ipmi_interface_id = $interface['interfaceid'];
                             case INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP:
                                 $snmp_interfaces[$interface['port']] = $interface['interfaceid'];
                 // if this is an export from 1.8, we need to make some adjustments to items
                 // cycle each XML item
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     if ($rules['items']['updateExisting'] || $rules['items']['createMissing']) {
                         $item_db = self::mapXML2arr($item, XML_TAG_ITEM);
                         $item_db['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                         // item needs interfaces
                         if ($oldVersionInput) {
                             // 'snmp_port' column was renamed to 'port'
                             if ($item_db['snmp_port'] != 0) {
                                 // zabbix agent items have no ports
                                 $item_db['port'] = $item_db['snmp_port'];
                             // assigning appropriate interface depending on item type
                             switch ($item_db['type']) {
                                 // zabbix agent interface
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SSH:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_TELNET:
                                     $item_db['interfaceid'] = $agent_interface_id;
                                     // snmp interface
                                 // snmp interface
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV1:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV2C:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_SNMPV3:
                                     // for an item with different port - different interface
                                     $item_db['interfaceid'] = $snmp_interfaces[$item_db['port']];
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_IPMI:
                                     $item_db['interfaceid'] = $ipmi_interface_id;
                                     // no interfaces required for these item types
                                 // no interfaces required for these item types
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_CALCULATED:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_AGGREGATE:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER:
                                 case ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR:
                                     $item_db['interfaceid'] = null;
                             $item_db['key_'] = $itemKeys[$host_db['host']][$item_db['key_']];
                         $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('filter' => array('hostid' => $item_db['hostid'], 'key_' => $item_db['key_']), 'webitems' => true, 'editable' => true, 'output' => array('itemid')));
                         $current_item = reset($current_item);
                     // create applications independently of create or update item options
                     // in case we update items, we need to assign items to applications,
                     // so we also gather application IDs independetly of selected application options
                     $applications = $xpath->query('applications/application', $item);
                     $itemApplications = array();
                     $applicationsToAdd = array();
                     $applicationsIds = array();
                     foreach ($applications as $application) {
                         $application_db = array('name' => $application->nodeValue, 'hostid' => $current_hostid);
                         $current_application = API::Application()->get(array('filter' => $application_db, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
                         $applicationValue = reset($current_application);
                         if ($current_application) {
                             if (!$itemApplications) {
                                 $itemApplications = $current_application;
                             } elseif (!in_array($applicationValue['applicationid'], $applicationsIds)) {
                                 $itemApplications = array_merge($itemApplications, $current_application);
                             $applicationsIds[] = $applicationValue['applicationid'];
                         } else {
                             $applicationsToAdd[] = $application_db;
                     if ($applicationsToAdd && $rules['applications']['createMissing']) {
                         $result = API::Application()->create($applicationsToAdd);
                         $newApplications = API::Application()->get(array('applicationids' => $result['applicationids'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
                         $itemApplications = array_merge($itemApplications, $newApplications);
                     if ($rules['items']['updateExisting'] || $rules['items']['createMissing']) {
                         // if item does not exist and there is no need to create it, skip item creation
                         if (!$current_item && !$rules['items']['createMissing']) {
                             info(_s('Item "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $item_db['key_']));
                         // if item exists, but there there is no need for update, skip item update
                         if ($current_item && !$rules['items']['updateExisting']) {
                             info(_s('Item "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $item_db['key_']));
                         if ($current_item && $rules['items']['updateExisting']) {
                             $item_db['itemid'] = $current_item['itemid'];
                             $result = API::Item()->update($item_db);
                             $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('itemids' => $result['itemids'], 'webitems' => true, 'output' => array('itemid')));
                         if (!$current_item && $rules['items']['createMissing']) {
                             $result = API::Item()->create($item_db);
                             $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('itemids' => $result['itemids'], 'webitems' => true, 'output' => array('itemid')));
                         // after items are created or updated, see to if items need to assigned to applications
                         if (isset($itemApplications) && $itemApplications) {
                             API::Application()->massAdd(array('applications' => $itemApplications, 'items' => $current_item));
             // }}} ITEMS
             // TRIGGERS {{{
             if ($rules['triggers']['updateExisting'] || $rules['triggers']['createMissing']) {
                 $triggers = $xpath->query('triggers/trigger', $host);
                 $triggersToCreate = array();
                 $triggersToUpdate = array();
                 foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                     $trigger_db = self::mapXML2arr($trigger, XML_TAG_TRIGGER);
                     $trigger_db['expression'] = $triggerExpressions[$host_db['host']][$trigger_db['description']][$trigger_db['expression']];
                     $trigger_db['hostid'] = $current_hostid;
                     $currentTrigger = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => array('triggerid'), 'filter' => array('description' => $trigger_db['description']), 'hostids' => array($current_hostid), 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
                     $currentTrigger = reset($currentTrigger);
                     if ($currentTrigger) {
                         $dbTriggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'filter' => array('description' => $trigger_db['description']), 'hostids' => array($current_hostid), 'editable' => true));
                         foreach ($dbTriggers as $dbTrigger) {
                             $expression = explode_exp($dbTrigger['expression']);
                             if (strcmp($trigger_db['expression'], $expression) == 0) {
                                 $currentTrigger = $dbTrigger;
                             if (!$currentTrigger) {
                                 throw new Exception(_s('No permission for trigger "%1$s".', $trigger_db['description']));
                     if (!$currentTrigger && !$rules['triggers']['createMissing']) {
                         info(_s('Trigger "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $trigger_db['description']));
                     if ($currentTrigger && !$rules['triggers']['updateExisting']) {
                         info(_s('Trigger "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $trigger_db['description']));
                     if (!$currentTrigger && $rules['triggers']['createMissing']) {
                         $triggersToCreate[] = $trigger_db;
                     if ($currentTrigger && $rules['triggers']['updateExisting']) {
                         $trigger_db['triggerid'] = $currentTrigger['triggerid'];
                         $triggersToUpdate[] = $trigger_db;
                 if ($triggersToUpdate) {
                     $result = API::Trigger()->update($triggersToUpdate);
                     $triggersUpdated = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'triggerids' => $result['triggerids']));
                     $triggersForDependencies = array_merge($triggersForDependencies, $triggersUpdated);
                 if ($triggersToCreate) {
                     $result = API::Trigger()->create($triggersToCreate);
                     $triggersCreated = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'triggerids' => $result['triggerids']));
                     $triggersForDependencies = array_merge($triggersForDependencies, $triggersCreated);
             // }}} TRIGGERS
             // GRAPHS {{{
             if ($rules['graphs']['updateExisting'] || $rules['graphs']['createMissing']) {
                 $graphs = $xpath->query('graphs/graph', $host);
                 $graphs_to_add = array();
                 $graphs_to_upd = array();
                 foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
                     // GRAPH ITEMS {{{
                     $gitems = $xpath->query('graph_elements/graph_element', $graph);
                     $graph_hostids = array();
                     $graph_items = array();
                     foreach ($gitems as $gitem) {
                         $gitem_db = self::mapXML2arr($gitem, XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENT);
                         $data = explode(':', $gitem_db['host_key_']);
                         $gitem_host = array_shift($data);
                         // {HOSTNAME} is here for backward compatibility
                         $gitem_db['host'] = $gitem_host == '{HOSTNAME}' ? $host_db['host'] : $gitem_host;
                         $gitem_db['host'] = $gitem_host == '{HOST.HOST}' ? $host_db['host'] : $gitem_host;
                         if ($oldVersionInput) {
                             $data[0] = self::convertOldSimpleKey($data[0]);
                         $gitem_db['key_'] = implode(':', $data);
                         $itemExists = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid'), 'filter' => array('key_' => $gitem_db['key_']), 'webitems' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
                         if ($itemExists) {
                             $current_item = API::Item()->get(array('filter' => array('key_' => $gitem_db['key_']), 'webitems' => true, 'editable' => true, 'host' => $gitem_db['host'], 'output' => array('itemid', 'hostid')));
                             if (empty($current_item)) {
                                 throw new Exception(_s('No permission for item "%1$s".', $gitem_db['key_']));
                             $current_item = reset($current_item);
                             $graph_hostids[] = $current_item['hostid'];
                             $gitem_db['itemid'] = $current_item['itemid'];
                             $graph_items[] = $gitem_db;
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Item "%1$s" does not exist.', $gitem_db['host_key_']));
                     // }}} GRAPH ITEMS
                     $graph_db = self::mapXML2arr($graph, XML_TAG_GRAPH);
                     $graph_db['hostids'] = $graph_hostids;
                     // do we need to show the graph legend, after it is imported?
                     // in 1.8, this setting was present only for pie and exploded graphs
                     // for other graph types we are always showing the legend
                     if ($graph_db['graphtype'] != GRAPH_TYPE_PIE && $graph_db['graphtype'] != GRAPH_TYPE_EXPLODED) {
                         $graph_db['show_legend'] = 1;
                     $current_graph = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => array('graphid'), 'selectHosts' => array('hostid', 'host'), 'hostids' => $graph_db['hostids'], 'filter' => array('name' => $graph_db['name']), 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1));
                     if ($current_graph) {
                         $current_graph = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'hostids' => $graph_db['hostids'], 'filter' => array('name' => $graph_db['name']), 'editable' => true));
                         if (empty($current_graph)) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('No permission for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         $current_graph = reset($current_graph);
                     if (!$current_graph && empty($rules['graphs']['createMissing'])) {
                         info(_s('Graph "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $graph_db['name']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if ($current_graph && empty($rules['graphs']['updateExisting'])) {
                         info(_s('Graph "%1$s" skipped - user rule.', $graph_db['name']));
                         // break if not update updateExisting
                     if (!isset($graph_db['ymin_type'])) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No "ymin_type" field for graph "%s".', $graph_db['name']));
                     if (!isset($graph_db['ymax_type'])) {
                         throw new Exception(_s('No "ymax_type" field for graph "%s".', $graph_db['name']));
                     if ($graph_db['ymin_type'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE) {
                         $item_data = explode(':', $graph_db['ymin_item_key'], 2);
                         if (count($item_data) < 2) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Incorrect y min item for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         if (!($item = get_item_by_key($item_data[1], $item_data[0]))) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Missing item "%1$s" for host "%2$s".', $graph_db['ymin_item_key'], $host_db['host']));
                         $graph_db['ymin_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
                     if ($graph_db['ymax_type'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE) {
                         $item_data = explode(':', $graph_db['ymax_item_key'], 2);
                         if (count($item_data) < 2) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Incorrect y max item for graph "%1$s".', $graph_db['name']));
                         if (!($item = get_item_by_key($item_data[1], $item_data[0]))) {
                             throw new Exception(_s('Missing item "%1$s" for host "%2$s".', $graph_db['ymax_item_key'], $host_db['host']));
                         $graph_db['ymax_itemid'] = $item['itemid'];
                     $graph_db['gitems'] = $graph_items;
                     if ($current_graph) {
                         $graph_db['graphid'] = $current_graph['graphid'];
                         $graphs_to_upd[] = $graph_db;
                     } else {
                         $graphs_to_add[] = $graph_db;
                 if (!empty($graphs_to_add)) {
                 if (!empty($graphs_to_upd)) {
         // DEPENDENCIES
         $dependencies = $xpath->query('dependencies/dependency');
         if ($dependencies->length > 0) {
             $triggersForDependencies = zbx_objectValues($triggersForDependencies, 'triggerid');
             $triggersForDependencies = array_flip($triggersForDependencies);
             $triggerDependencies = array();
             foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
                 $triggerDescription = $dependency->getAttribute('description');
                 $currentTrigger = get_trigger_by_description($triggerDescription);
                 if ($currentTrigger && isset($triggersForDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']])) {
                     $dependsOnList = $xpath->query('depends', $dependency);
                     foreach ($dependsOnList as $dependsOn) {
                         $depTrigger = get_trigger_by_description($dependsOn->nodeValue);
                         if ($depTrigger) {
                             if (!isset($triggerDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']])) {
                                 $triggerDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']] = array('triggerid' => $currentTrigger['triggerid'], 'dependencies' => array());
                             $triggerDependencies[$currentTrigger['triggerid']]['dependencies'][] = array('triggerid' => $depTrigger['triggerid']);
             if ($triggerDependencies) {
Example #10
  * Validate conditions.
  * @static
  * @param array $conditions
  * @param int   $conditions['conditiontype']
  * @param array $conditions['value']
  * @return bool
 public static function validateConditions($conditions, $update = false)
     $conditions = zbx_toArray($conditions);
     $hostGroupIdsAll = array();
     $templateIdsAll = array();
     $triggerIdsAll = array();
     $hostIdsAll = array();
     $discoveryRuleIdsAll = array();
     $proxyIdsAll = array();
     $proxyidsAll = array();
     // build validators
     $timePeriodValidator = new CTimePeriodValidator();
     $discoveryCheckTypeValidator = new CSetValidator(array('values' => array_keys(discovery_check_type2str())));
     $discoveryObjectStatusValidator = new CSetValidator(array('values' => array_keys(discovery_object_status2str())));
     $triggerSeverityValidator = new CSetValidator(array('values' => array_keys(getSeverityCaption())));
     $discoveryObjectValidator = new CSetValidator(array('values' => array_keys(discovery_object2str())));
     $triggerValueValidator = new CSetValidator(array('values' => array_keys(trigger_value2str())));
     $eventTypeValidator = new CSetValidator(array('values' => array_keys(eventType())));
     foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
         // on create operator is mandatory and needs validation, but on update it must be validated only if it's set
         if (!$update || $update && isset($condition['operator'])) {
             $operatorValidator = new CSetValidator(array('values' => get_operators_by_conditiontype($condition['conditiontype'])));
             if (!$operatorValidator->validate($condition['operator'])) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition operator.'));
         if (!$update || $update && isset($condition['value'])) {
             // validate condition values depending on condition type
             switch ($condition['conditiontype']) {
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP:
                     if (!$condition['value']) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     $hostGroupIdsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_TEMPLATE:
                     if (!$condition['value']) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     $templateIdsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER:
                     if (!$condition['value']) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     $triggerIdsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST:
                     if (!$condition['value']) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     $hostIdsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_DRULE:
                     if (!$condition['value']) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     $discoveryRuleIdsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_DCHECK:
                     if (!$condition['value']) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     $proxyIdsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_PROXY:
                     if (!$condition['value']) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     $proxyidsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_DOBJECT:
                     if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     } elseif (!$discoveryObjectValidator->validate($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery object.'));
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_TIME_PERIOD:
                     if (!$timePeriodValidator->validate($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $timePeriodValidator->getError());
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_DHOST_IP:
                     if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     } else {
                         if (!validate_ip_range($condition['value'])) {
                             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect action condition ip "%1$s".', $condition['value']));
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_TYPE:
                     if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     } elseif (!$discoveryCheckTypeValidator->validate($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery check.'));
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_PORT:
                     if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     } elseif (!validate_port_list($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect action condition port "%1$s".', $condition['value']));
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_DSTATUS:
                     if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     } elseif (!$discoveryObjectStatusValidator->validate($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery status.'));
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_MAINTENANCE:
                     if (!zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Maintenance action condition value must be empty.'));
                     if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     } elseif (!$triggerSeverityValidator->validate($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition trigger severity.'));
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_VALUE:
                     if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     } elseif (!$triggerValueValidator->validate($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition trigger value.'));
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_TYPE:
                     if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     } elseif (!$eventTypeValidator->validate($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition event type.'));
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_NAME:
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_NODE:
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_DUPTIME:
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_DVALUE:
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_APPLICATION:
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_NAME:
                 case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_METADATA:
                     if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                     self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition type.'));
     if (!API::HostGroup()->isWritable($hostGroupIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition host group. Host group does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Host()->isWritable($hostIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition host. Host does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Template()->isWritable($templateIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition template. Template does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Trigger()->isWritable($triggerIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition trigger. Trigger does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::DRule()->isWritable($discoveryRuleIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery rule. Discovery rule does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::DCheck()->isWritable($proxyIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery check. Discovery check does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Proxy()->isWritable($proxyidsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition proxy. Proxy does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     return true;
Example #11
        $data['drule']['name'] = getRequest('name', '');
        $data['drule']['iprange'] = getRequest('iprange', '');
        $data['drule']['delay'] = getRequest('delay', SEC_PER_HOUR);
        $data['drule']['status'] = getRequest('status', DRULE_STATUS_ACTIVE);
        $data['drule']['dchecks'] = getRequest('dchecks', []);
        $data['drule']['nextcheck'] = getRequest('nextcheck', 0);
        $data['drule']['uniqueness_criteria'] = getRequest('uniqueness_criteria', -1);
    if (!empty($data['drule']['dchecks'])) {
        foreach ($data['drule']['dchecks'] as $id => $dcheck) {
            $data['drule']['dchecks'][$id]['name'] = discovery_check2str($dcheck['type'], isset($dcheck['key_']) ? $dcheck['key_'] : '', isset($dcheck['ports']) ? $dcheck['ports'] : '');
        order_result($data['drule']['dchecks'], 'name');
    // get proxies
    $data['proxies'] = API::Proxy()->get(['output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND]);
    order_result($data['proxies'], 'host');
    // render view
    $discoveryView = new CView('configuration.discovery.edit', $data);
} else {
    $sortField = getRequest('sort', CProfile::get('web.' . $page['file'] . '.sort', 'name'));
    $sortOrder = getRequest('sortorder', CProfile::get('web.' . $page['file'] . '.sortorder', ZBX_SORT_UP));
    CProfile::update('web.' . $page['file'] . '.sort', $sortField, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
    CProfile::update('web.' . $page['file'] . '.sortorder', $sortOrder, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
    $config = select_config();
    $data = ['sort' => $sortField, 'sortorder' => $sortOrder];
    // get drules
    $data['drules'] = API::DRule()->get(['output' => ['proxy_hostid', 'name', 'status', 'iprange', 'delay'], 'selectDChecks' => ['type'], 'editable' => true, 'sortfield' => $sortField, 'limit' => $config['search_limit'] + 1]);
    if ($data['drules']) {
Example #12
 * Create CDiv with host/template information and references to it's elements
 * @param string $currentElement
 * @param int $hostid
 * @param int $lld_ruleid
 * @return object
function get_header_host_table($current_element, $hostid, $lld_ruleid = 0)
    $options = ['output' => ['hostid', 'status', 'proxy_hostid', 'name', 'maintenance_status', 'flags', 'available', 'snmp_available', 'jmx_available', 'ipmi_available', 'error', 'snmp_error', 'jmx_error', 'ipmi_error'], 'selectHostDiscovery' => ['ts_delete'], 'hostids' => [$hostid], 'editable' => true];
    if ($lld_ruleid == 0) {
        $options['selectApplications'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
        $options['selectItems'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
        $options['selectTriggers'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
        $options['selectGraphs'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
        $options['selectDiscoveries'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
        $options['selectHttpTests'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
    // get hosts
    $db_host = API::Host()->get($options);
    if (!$db_host) {
        $options = ['output' => ['templateid', 'name', 'flags'], 'templateids' => [$hostid], 'editable' => true];
        if ($lld_ruleid == 0) {
            $options['selectApplications'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
            $options['selectItems'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
            $options['selectTriggers'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
            $options['selectGraphs'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
            $options['selectScreens'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
            $options['selectDiscoveries'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
            $options['selectHttpTests'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT;
        // get templates
        $db_host = API::Template()->get($options);
        $is_template = true;
    } else {
        $is_template = false;
    if (!$db_host) {
        return null;
    $db_host = reset($db_host);
    // get lld-rules
    if ($lld_ruleid != 0) {
        $db_discovery_rule = API::DiscoveryRule()->get(['output' => ['name'], 'selectItems' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectTriggers' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectGraphs' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectHostPrototypes' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'itemids' => [$lld_ruleid], 'editable' => true]);
        $db_discovery_rule = reset($db_discovery_rule);
     * list and host (template) name
    $list = (new CList())->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_OBJECT_GROUP);
    if ($is_template) {
        $template = new CSpan(new CLink($db_host['name'], 'templates.php?form=update&templateid=' . $db_host['templateid']));
        if ($current_element === '') {
        $list->addItem([new CSpan(new CLink(_('All templates'), 'templates.php?templateid=' . $db_host['templateid'] . url_param('groupid'))), '/', $template]);
        $db_host['hostid'] = $db_host['templateid'];
    } else {
        $proxy_name = '';
        if ($db_host['proxy_hostid'] != 0) {
            $db_proxies = API::Proxy()->get(['output' => ['host'], 'proxyids' => [$db_host['proxy_hostid']]]);
            $proxy_name = CHtml::encode($db_proxies[0]['host']) . NAME_DELIMITER;
        $name = $proxy_name . CHtml::encode($db_host['name']);
        switch ($db_host['status']) {
            case HOST_STATUS_MONITORED:
                if ($db_host['maintenance_status'] == HOST_MAINTENANCE_STATUS_ON) {
                    $status = (new CSpan(_('In maintenance')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_ORANGE);
                } else {
                    $status = (new CSpan(_('Enabled')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREEN);
                $status = (new CSpan(_('Disabled')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_RED);
                $status = _('Unknown');
        $host = new CSpan(new CLink($name, 'hosts.php?form=update&hostid=' . $db_host['hostid']));
        if ($current_element === '') {
        $list->addItem([new CSpan(new CLink(_('All hosts'), 'hosts.php?hostid=' . $db_host['hostid'] . url_param('groupid'))), '/', $host]);
        if ($db_host['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED && $db_host['hostDiscovery']['ts_delete'] != 0) {
            $lifetime_indicator = getHostLifetimeIndicator(time(), $db_host['hostDiscovery']['ts_delete']);
            $list->addItem((new CDiv($lifetime_indicator))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_STATUS_CONTAINER));
     * the count of rows
    if ($lld_ruleid == 0) {
        // applications
        $applications = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Applications'), 'applications.php?hostid=' . $db_host['hostid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_host['applications'])]);
        if ($current_element == 'applications') {
        // items
        $items = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Items'), 'items.php?filter_set=1&hostid=' . $db_host['hostid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_host['items'])]);
        if ($current_element == 'items') {
        // triggers
        $triggers = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Triggers'), 'triggers.php?hostid=' . $db_host['hostid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_host['triggers'])]);
        if ($current_element == 'triggers') {
        // graphs
        $graphs = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Graphs'), 'graphs.php?hostid=' . $db_host['hostid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_host['graphs'])]);
        if ($current_element == 'graphs') {
        // screens
        if ($is_template) {
            $screens = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Screens'), 'screenconf.php?templateid=' . $db_host['hostid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_host['screens'])]);
            if ($current_element == 'screens') {
        // discovery rules
        $lld_rules = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Discovery rules'), 'host_discovery.php?hostid=' . $db_host['hostid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_host['discoveries'])]);
        if ($current_element == 'discoveries') {
        // web scenarios
        $http_tests = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Web scenarios'), 'httpconf.php?hostid=' . $db_host['hostid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_host['httpTests'])]);
        if ($current_element == 'web') {
    } else {
        $discovery_rule = (new CSpan())->addItem(new CLink(CHtml::encode($db_discovery_rule['name']), 'host_discovery.php?form=update&itemid=' . $db_discovery_rule['itemid']));
        if ($current_element == 'discoveries') {
        $list->addItem([(new CSpan())->addItem(new CLink(_('Discovery list'), 'host_discovery.php?hostid=' . $db_host['hostid'] . url_param('groupid'))), '/', $discovery_rule]);
        // item prototypes
        $item_prototypes = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Item prototypes'), 'disc_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=' . $db_discovery_rule['itemid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_discovery_rule['items'])]);
        if ($current_element == 'items') {
        // trigger prototypes
        $trigger_prototypes = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Trigger prototypes'), 'trigger_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=' . $db_discovery_rule['itemid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_discovery_rule['triggers'])]);
        if ($current_element == 'triggers') {
        // graph prototypes
        $graph_prototypes = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Graph prototypes'), 'graphs.php?parent_discoveryid=' . $db_discovery_rule['itemid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_discovery_rule['graphs'])]);
        if ($current_element == 'graphs') {
        // host prototypes
        if ($db_host['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) {
            $host_prototypes = new CSpan([new CLink(_('Host prototypes'), 'host_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=' . $db_discovery_rule['itemid']), CViewHelper::showNum($db_discovery_rule['hostPrototypes'])]);
            if ($current_element == 'hosts') {
    return $list;
Example #13
        $data['drule']['name'] = get_request('name', '');
        $data['drule']['iprange'] = get_request('iprange', '');
        $data['drule']['delay'] = get_request('delay', SEC_PER_HOUR);
        $data['drule']['status'] = get_request('status', DRULE_STATUS_ACTIVE);
        $data['drule']['dchecks'] = get_request('dchecks', array());
        $data['drule']['nextcheck'] = get_request('nextcheck', 0);
        $data['drule']['uniqueness_criteria'] = get_request('uniqueness_criteria', -1);
    if (!empty($data['drule']['dchecks'])) {
        foreach ($data['drule']['dchecks'] as $id => $dcheck) {
            $data['drule']['dchecks'][$id]['name'] = discovery_check2str($dcheck['type'], isset($dcheck['key_']) ? $dcheck['key_'] : '', isset($dcheck['ports']) ? $dcheck['ports'] : '');
        order_result($data['drule']['dchecks'], 'name');
    // get proxies
    $data['proxies'] = API::Proxy()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
    order_result($data['proxies'], 'host');
    // render view
    $discoveryView = new CView('configuration.discovery.edit', $data);
} else {
    $data = array();
    // get drules
    $data['drules'] = API::DRule()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'sortfield' => getPageSortField('name'), 'selectDChecks' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => true));
    if (!empty($data['drules'])) {
        foreach ($data['drules'] as $druleid => $drule) {
            // checks
            $checks = array();
            foreach ($drule['dchecks'] as $check) {
                $checks[$check['type']] = discovery_check_type2str($check['type']);
    $hostList->addRow(_('IPMI interfaces'), new CDiv($ifTab, 'border_dotted objectgroup interface-group'), false, null, 'interface-row interface-row-last');
// Proxy
if (!$isDiscovered) {
    $proxyControl = new CComboBox('proxy_hostid', $proxy_hostid);
    $proxyControl->addItem(0, _('(no proxy)'));
    $db_proxies = API::Proxy()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
    order_result($db_proxies, 'host');
    foreach ($db_proxies as $proxy) {
        $proxyControl->addItem($proxy['proxyid'], $proxy['host']);
} else {
    if ($dbHost['proxy_hostid']) {
        $proxy = API::Proxy()->get(array('output' => array('host', 'proxyid'), 'proxyids' => $dbHost['proxy_hostid'], 'limit' => 1));
        $proxy = reset($proxy);
        $proxyControl = new CTextBox('proxy_host', $proxy['host'], null, true);
    } else {
        $proxyControl = new CTextBox('proxy_host', _('(no proxy)'), null, true);
$hostList->addRow(_('Monitored by proxy'), $proxyControl);
$cmbStatus = new CComboBox('status', $status);
$cmbStatus->addItem(HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, _('Monitored'));
$cmbStatus->addItem(HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED, _('Not monitored'));
$hostList->addRow(_('Status'), $cmbStatus);
if ($_REQUEST['form'] == 'full_clone') {
    // host applications
    $hostApps = API::Application()->get(array('hostids' => $_REQUEST['hostid'], 'inherited' => false, 'output' => array('name'), 'preservekeys' => true));
    if (!empty($hostApps)) {
Example #15
  * Check permissions to DB entities referenced by action conditions.
  * @param array $conditions   conditions for which permissions to referenced DB entities will be checked
 protected function validateConditionsPermissions(array $conditions)
     $hostGroupIdsAll = array();
     $templateIdsAll = array();
     $triggerIdsAll = array();
     $hostIdsAll = array();
     $discoveryRuleIdsAll = array();
     $discoveryCheckIdsAll = array();
     $proxyIdsAll = array();
     foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
         $conditionValue = $condition['value'];
         // validate condition values depending on condition type
         switch ($condition['conditiontype']) {
             case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP:
                 $hostGroupIdsAll[$conditionValue] = $conditionValue;
             case CONDITION_TYPE_TEMPLATE:
                 $templateIdsAll[$conditionValue] = $conditionValue;
             case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER:
                 $triggerIdsAll[$conditionValue] = $conditionValue;
             case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST:
                 $hostIdsAll[$conditionValue] = $conditionValue;
             case CONDITION_TYPE_DRULE:
                 $discoveryRuleIdsAll[$conditionValue] = $conditionValue;
             case CONDITION_TYPE_DCHECK:
                 $discoveryCheckIdsAll[$conditionValue] = $conditionValue;
             case CONDITION_TYPE_PROXY:
                 $proxyIdsAll[$conditionValue] = $conditionValue;
     if (!API::HostGroup()->isWritable($hostGroupIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition host group. Host group does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Host()->isWritable($hostIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition host. Host does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Template()->isWritable($templateIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition template. Template does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Trigger()->isWritable($triggerIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition trigger. Trigger does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::DRule()->isWritable($discoveryRuleIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery rule. Discovery rule does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::DCheck()->isWritable($discoveryCheckIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery check. Discovery check does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Proxy()->isWritable($proxyIdsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition proxy. Proxy does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
 foreach ($hosts as $host) {
     $templateids = array_merge($templateids, zbx_objectValues($host['parentTemplates'], 'templateid'));
 $templateids = array_unique($templateids);
 $templates = API::Template()->get(array('templateids' => $templateids, 'selectParentTemplates' => array('hostid', 'name')));
 $templates = zbx_toHash($templates, 'templateid');
 foreach ($hosts as $host) {
     $interface = reset($host['interfaces']);
     $applications = array(new CLink(_('Applications'), 'applications.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['applications'] . ')');
     $items = array(new CLink(_('Items'), 'items.php?filter_set=1&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['items'] . ')');
     $triggers = array(new CLink(_('Triggers'), 'triggers.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['triggers'] . ')');
     $graphs = array(new CLink(_('Graphs'), 'graphs.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['graphs'] . ')');
     $discoveries = array(new CLink(_('Discovery'), 'host_discovery.php?&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['discoveries'] . ')');
     $description = array();
     if ($host['proxy_hostid']) {
         $proxy = API::Proxy()->get(array('proxyids' => $host['proxy_hostid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
         $proxy = reset($proxy);
         $description[] = $proxy['host'] . ':';
     $description[] = new CLink($host['name'], 'hosts.php?form=update&hostid=' . $host['hostid'] . url_param('groupid'));
     $hostIF = $interface['useip'] == INTERFACE_USE_IP ? $interface['ip'] : $interface['dns'];
     $hostIF .= empty($interface['port']) ? '' : ': ' . $interface['port'];
     $status_script = null;
     switch ($host['status']) {
             if ($host['maintenance_status'] == HOST_MAINTENANCE_STATUS_ON) {
                 $status_caption = _('In maintenance');
                 $status_class = 'orange';
             } else {
                 $status_caption = _('Monitored');
                 $status_class = 'enabled';
$ifTab = new CTable(null, 'formElementTable');
$ifTab->setAttribute('id', 'IPMIInterfaces');
$ifTab->setAttribute('data-type', 'ipmi');
$helpTextWhenDragInterfaceIPMI = new CSpan(_('Drag here to change the type of the interface to "IPMI" type.'));
$buttonCol = new CCol(new CButton('addIPMIInterface', _('Add'), null, 'link_menu'), 'interface-add-control');
$col = new CCol($helpTextWhenDragInterfaceIPMI);
$col->setAttribute('colspan', 6);
$buttonRow = new CRow(array($buttonCol, $col));
$buttonRow->setAttribute('id', 'IPMIIterfacesFooter');
$hostList->addRow(_('IPMI interfaces'), new CDiv($ifTab, 'border_dotted objectgroup interface-group'), false, null, 'interface-row interface-row-last');
// Proxy
$cmbProxy = new CComboBox('proxy_hostid', $proxy_hostid);
$cmbProxy->addItem(0, _('(no proxy)'));
$db_proxies = API::Proxy()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND));
order_result($db_proxies, 'host');
foreach ($db_proxies as $proxy) {
    $cmbProxy->addItem($proxy['proxyid'], $proxy['host']);
$hostList->addRow(_('Monitored by proxy'), $cmbProxy);
$cmbStatus = new CComboBox('status', $status);
$cmbStatus->addItem(HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, _('Monitored'));
$cmbStatus->addItem(HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED, _('Not monitored'));
$hostList->addRow(_('Status'), $cmbStatus);
if ($_REQUEST['form'] == 'full_clone') {
    // host applications
    $hostApps = API::Application()->get(array('hostids' => $_REQUEST['hostid'], 'inherited' => false, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'preservekeys' => true));
    if (!empty($hostApps)) {
        $applicationsList = array();
        foreach ($hostApps as $hostAppId => $hostApp) {
Example #18
 * Display
if (isset($_REQUEST['form'])) {
    $data = ['discovery_rule' => $discoveryRule, 'host_prototype' => ['hostid' => getRequest('hostid'), 'templateid' => getRequest('templateid'), 'host' => getRequest('host'), 'name' => getRequest('name'), 'status' => getRequest('status', HOST_STATUS_MONITORED), 'templates' => [], 'inventory' => ['inventory_mode' => getRequest('inventory_mode', $config['default_inventory_mode'])], 'groupPrototypes' => getRequest('group_prototypes', [])], 'groups' => [], 'show_inherited_macros' => getRequest('show_inherited_macros', 0)];
    // add already linked and new templates
    $data['host_prototype']['templates'] = API::Template()->get(['output' => ['templateid', 'name'], 'templateids' => getRequest('templates', [])]);
    // add parent host
    $parentHost = API::Host()->get(['output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroups' => ['groupid', 'name'], 'selectInterfaces' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectMacros' => ['macro', 'value'], 'hostids' => $discoveryRule['hostid'], 'templated_hosts' => true]);
    $parentHost = reset($parentHost);
    $data['parent_host'] = $parentHost;
    if (getRequest('group_links')) {
        $data['groups'] = API::HostGroup()->get(['output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'groupids' => getRequest('group_links'), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true]);
    if ($parentHost['proxy_hostid']) {
        $proxy = API::Proxy()->get(['output' => ['host', 'proxyid'], 'proxyids' => $parentHost['proxy_hostid'], 'limit' => 1]);
        $data['proxy'] = reset($proxy);
    // host prototype edit form
    if (getRequest('hostid') && !getRequest('form_refresh')) {
        $data['host_prototype'] = array_merge($data['host_prototype'], $hostPrototype);
        if (!array_key_exists('inventory_mode', $data['host_prototype']['inventory'])) {
            $data['host_prototype']['inventory']['inventory_mode'] = HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED;
        $data['groups'] = API::HostGroup()->get(['output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'groupids' => zbx_objectValues($data['host_prototype']['groupLinks'], 'groupid'), 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true]);
        // add parent templates
        if ($hostPrototype['templateid']) {
            $data['parents'] = [];
            $hostPrototypeId = $hostPrototype['templateid'];
            while ($hostPrototypeId) {
                $parentHostPrototype = API::HostPrototype()->get(['output' => ['itemid', 'templateid'], 'selectParentHost' => ['hostid', 'name'], 'selectDiscoveryRule' => ['itemid'], 'hostids' => $hostPrototypeId]);
  * Validate conditions.
  * @static
  * @param $conditions
  * @return bool
 public static function validateConditions($conditions)
     $conditions = zbx_toArray($conditions);
     $hostGroupidsAll = array();
     $templateidsAll = array();
     $triggeridsAll = array();
     $hostidsAll = array();
     $discoveryRuleidsAll = array();
     $discoveryCheckidsAll = array();
     $proxyidsAll = array();
     $discoveryCheckTypes = discovery_check_type2str();
     $discoveryObjectStatuses = discovery_object_status2str();
     $timePeriodValidator = new CTimePeriodValidator();
     foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
         switch ($condition['conditiontype']) {
             case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP:
                 $hostGroupidsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                 $templateidsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
             case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER:
                 $triggeridsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
             case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST:
                 $hostidsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
             case CONDITION_TYPE_DRULE:
                 $discoveryRuleidsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
             case CONDITION_TYPE_DCHECK:
                 $discoveryCheckidsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
             case CONDITION_TYPE_PROXY:
                 $proxyidsAll[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                 if (!$timePeriodValidator->validate($condition['value'])) {
                     self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect action condition period "%s".', $condition['value']));
             case CONDITION_TYPE_DHOST_IP:
                 if (!validate_ip_range($condition['value'])) {
                     self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect action condition ip "%s".', $condition['value']));
                 if (!isset($discoveryCheckTypes[$condition['value']])) {
                     self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery check.'));
                 if (!validate_port_list($condition['value'])) {
                     self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect action condition port "%s".', $condition['value']));
             case CONDITION_TYPE_DSTATUS:
                 if (!isset($discoveryObjectStatuses[$condition['value']])) {
                     self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery status.'));
                 // maintenance condition has no value...
             case CONDITION_TYPE_NODE:
             case CONDITION_TYPE_DOBJECT:
             case CONDITION_TYPE_DUPTIME:
             case CONDITION_TYPE_DVALUE:
             case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_NAME:
                 if (zbx_empty($condition['value'])) {
                     self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty action condition.'));
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition type.'));
     if (!API::HostGroup()->isWritable($hostGroupidsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition host group. Host group does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Host()->isWritable($hostidsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition host. Host does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Template()->isWritable($templateidsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition template. Template does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Trigger()->isWritable($triggeridsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition trigger. Trigger does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::DRule()->isWritable($discoveryRuleidsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery rule. Discovery rule does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::DCheck()->isWritable($discoveryCheckidsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition discovery check. Discovery check does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     if (!API::Proxy()->isWritable($proxyidsAll)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect action condition proxy. Proxy does not exist or you have no access to it.'));
     return true;
 $templateIds = array();
 foreach ($hosts as $host) {
     $templateIds = array_merge($templateIds, zbx_objectValues($host['parentTemplates'], 'templateid'));
 $templateIds = array_unique($templateIds);
 $templates = API::Template()->get(array('templateids' => $templateIds, 'selectParentTemplates' => array('hostid', 'name')));
 $templates = zbx_toHash($templates, 'templateid');
 // get proxy host IDs that that are not 0
 $proxyHostIds = array();
 foreach ($hosts as $host) {
     if ($host['proxy_hostid']) {
         $proxyHostIds[$host['proxy_hostid']] = $host['proxy_hostid'];
 if ($proxyHostIds) {
     $proxies = API::Proxy()->get(array('proxyids' => $proxyHostIds, 'output' => array('host'), 'preservekeys' => true));
 foreach ($hosts as $host) {
     $interface = reset($host['interfaces']);
     $applications = array(new CLink(_('Applications'), 'applications.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['applications'] . ')');
     $items = array(new CLink(_('Items'), 'items.php?filter_set=1&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['items'] . ')');
     $triggers = array(new CLink(_('Triggers'), 'triggers.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['triggers'] . ')');
     $graphs = array(new CLink(_('Graphs'), 'graphs.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['graphs'] . ')');
     $discoveries = array(new CLink(_('Discovery'), 'host_discovery.php?&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['discoveries'] . ')');
     $httpTests = array(new CLink(_('Web'), 'httpconf.php?&hostid=' . $host['hostid']), ' (' . $host['httpTests'] . ')');
     $description = array();
     if (isset($proxies[$host['proxy_hostid']])) {
         $description[] = $proxies[$host['proxy_hostid']]['host'] . NAME_DELIMITER;
     if ($host['discoveryRule']) {
         $description[] = new CLink($host['discoveryRule']['name'], 'host_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=' . $host['discoveryRule']['itemid'], 'parent-discovery');
Example #21
    // interface
    if ($data['status'] == HOST_STATUS_PROXY_PASSIVE && empty($data['interface'])) {
        $data['interface'] = array('dns' => 'localhost', 'ip' => '', 'useip' => 1, 'port' => '10051');
    // fetch available hosts, skip host prototypes
    $data['dbHosts'] = DBfetchArray(DBselect('SELECT h.hostid,h.proxy_hostid,,h.flags' . ' FROM hosts h' . ' WHERE h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ')' . andDbNode('h.hostid') . ' AND h.flags<>' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE));
    order_result($data['dbHosts'], 'name');
    // render view
    $proxyView = new CView('administration.proxy.edit', $data);
} else {
    $data = array('displayNodes' => is_array(get_current_nodeid()), 'config' => select_config());
    $sortfield = getPageSortField('host');
    $data['proxies'] = API::Proxy()->get(array('editable' => true, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid', 'host', 'name', 'status'), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'sortfield' => $sortfield, 'limit' => $config['search_limit'] + 1));
    $data['proxies'] = zbx_toHash($data['proxies'], 'proxyid');
    $proxyIds = array_keys($data['proxies']);
    // sorting & paging
    order_result($data['proxies'], $sortfield, getPageSortOrder());
    $data['paging'] = getPagingLine($data['proxies'], array('proxyid'));
    // nodes
    foreach ($data['proxies'] as &$proxy) {
        $proxy['nodename'] = $data['displayNodes'] ? get_node_name_by_elid($proxy['proxyid'], true) : '';
    // calculate performance
    $dbPerformance = DBselect('SELECT h.proxy_hostid,SUM(1.0/i.delay) AS qps' . ' FROM items i,hosts h' . ' WHERE i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND i.delay<>0' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('h.proxy_hostid', $proxyIds) . ' GROUP BY h.proxy_hostid');
    while ($performance = DBfetch($dbPerformance)) {
        if (isset($data['proxies'][$performance['proxy_hostid']])) {
            $data['proxies'][$performance['proxy_hostid']]['perf'] = round($performance['qps'], 2);
Example #22
 $queueData = zbx_toHash($queueData, 'itemid');
 $items = API::Item()->get(['output' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'name', 'key_'], 'selectHosts' => ['name'], 'itemids' => array_keys($queueData), 'webitems' => true, 'preservekeys' => true]);
 $items = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemNames($items);
 // get hosts for queue items
 $hostIds = zbx_objectValues($items, 'hostid');
 $hostIds = array_keys(array_flip($hostIds));
 $hosts = API::Host()->get(['output' => ['hostid', 'proxy_hostid'], 'hostids' => $hostIds, 'preservekeys' => true]);
 // get proxies for those hosts
 $proxyHostIds = [];
 foreach ($hosts as $host) {
     if ($host['proxy_hostid']) {
         $proxyHostIds[$host['proxy_hostid']] = $host['proxy_hostid'];
 if ($proxyHostIds) {
     $proxies = API::Proxy()->get(['proxyids' => $proxyHostIds, 'output' => ['proxyid', 'host'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
 $table->setHeader([_('Scheduled check'), _('Delayed by'), _('Host'), _('Name')]);
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($queueData as $itemData) {
     if (!isset($items[$itemData['itemid']])) {
     // display only the first 500 items
     if ($i > QUEUE_DETAIL_ITEM_COUNT) {
     $item = $items[$itemData['itemid']];
     $host = reset($item['hosts']);
     $table->addRow([zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS, $itemData['nextcheck']), zbx_date2age($itemData['nextcheck']), isset($proxies[$hosts[$item['hostid']]['proxy_hostid']]) ? $proxies[$hosts[$item['hostid']]['proxy_hostid']]['host'] . NAME_DELIMITER . $host['name'] : $host['name'], $item['name_expanded']]);
Example #23
 * Converts numerical action condition values to their corresponding string values according to action condition type.
 * For action condition types such as: hosts, host groups, templates, proxies, triggers, discovery rules
 * and discovery checks, action condition values contain IDs. All unique IDs are first collected and then queried.
 * For other action condition types values are returned as they are or converted using simple string convertion
 * functions according to action condition type.
 * @param array $actions							array of actions
 * @param array $action['filter']					array containing arrays of action conditions and other data
 * @param array $action['filter']['conditions']		array of action conditions
 * @param array $config								array containing configuration parameters for getting trigger
 *													severity names
 * @return array									returns an array of actions condition string values
function actionConditionValueToString(array $actions, array $config)
    $result = [];
    $groupIds = [];
    $triggerIds = [];
    $hostIds = [];
    $templateIds = [];
    $proxyIds = [];
    $dRuleIds = [];
    $dCheckIds = [];
    foreach ($actions as $i => $action) {
        $result[$i] = [];
        foreach ($action['filter']['conditions'] as $j => $condition) {
            // unknown types and all of the default values for other types are 'Unknown'
            $result[$i][$j] = _('Unknown');
            switch ($condition['conditiontype']) {
                case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP:
                    $groupIds[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER:
                    $triggerIds[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST:
                    $hostIds[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                case CONDITION_TYPE_TEMPLATE:
                    $templateIds[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                case CONDITION_TYPE_PROXY:
                    $proxyIds[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                    // return values as is for following condition types
                // return values as is for following condition types
                case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_NAME:
                case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_METADATA:
                case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_NAME:
                case CONDITION_TYPE_TIME_PERIOD:
                case CONDITION_TYPE_DHOST_IP:
                case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_PORT:
                case CONDITION_TYPE_DUPTIME:
                case CONDITION_TYPE_DVALUE:
                case CONDITION_TYPE_APPLICATION:
                    $result[$i][$j] = $condition['value'];
                    $result[$i][$j] = $condition['value'] ? _('Ack') : _('Not Ack');
                case CONDITION_TYPE_MAINTENANCE:
                    $result[$i][$j] = _('maintenance');
                case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_VALUE:
                    $result[$i][$j] = trigger_value2str($condition['value']);
                    $result[$i][$j] = getSeverityName($condition['value'], $config);
                case CONDITION_TYPE_DRULE:
                    $dRuleIds[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                case CONDITION_TYPE_DCHECK:
                    $dCheckIds[$condition['value']] = $condition['value'];
                case CONDITION_TYPE_DOBJECT:
                    $result[$i][$j] = discovery_object2str($condition['value']);
                case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_TYPE:
                    $result[$i][$j] = discovery_check_type2str($condition['value']);
                case CONDITION_TYPE_DSTATUS:
                    $result[$i][$j] = discovery_object_status2str($condition['value']);
                case CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_TYPE:
                    $result[$i][$j] = eventType($condition['value']);
    $groups = [];
    $triggers = [];
    $hosts = [];
    $templates = [];
    $proxies = [];
    $dRules = [];
    $dChecks = [];
    if ($groupIds) {
        $groups = API::HostGroup()->get(['output' => ['name'], 'groupids' => $groupIds, 'preservekeys' => true]);
    if ($triggerIds) {
        $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(['output' => ['description'], 'triggerids' => $triggerIds, 'expandDescription' => true, 'selectHosts' => ['name'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
    if ($hostIds) {
        $hosts = API::Host()->get(['output' => ['name'], 'hostids' => $hostIds, 'preservekeys' => true]);
    if ($templateIds) {
        $templates = API::Template()->get(['output' => ['name'], 'templateids' => $templateIds, 'preservekeys' => true]);
    if ($proxyIds) {
        $proxies = API::Proxy()->get(['output' => ['host'], 'proxyids' => $proxyIds, 'preservekeys' => true]);
    if ($dRuleIds) {
        $dRules = API::DRule()->get(['output' => ['name'], 'druleids' => $dRuleIds, 'preservekeys' => true]);
    if ($dCheckIds) {
        $dChecks = API::DCheck()->get(['output' => ['type', 'key_', 'ports'], 'dcheckids' => $dCheckIds, 'selectDRules' => ['name'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
    if ($groups || $triggers || $hosts || $templates || $proxies || $dRules || $dChecks) {
        foreach ($actions as $i => $action) {
            foreach ($action['filter']['conditions'] as $j => $condition) {
                $id = $condition['value'];
                switch ($condition['conditiontype']) {
                    case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP:
                        if (isset($groups[$id])) {
                            $result[$i][$j] = $groups[$id]['name'];
                    case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER:
                        if (isset($triggers[$id])) {
                            $host = reset($triggers[$id]['hosts']);
                            $result[$i][$j] = $host['name'] . NAME_DELIMITER . $triggers[$id]['description'];
                    case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST:
                        if (isset($hosts[$id])) {
                            $result[$i][$j] = $hosts[$id]['name'];
                    case CONDITION_TYPE_TEMPLATE:
                        if (isset($templates[$id])) {
                            $result[$i][$j] = $templates[$id]['name'];
                    case CONDITION_TYPE_PROXY:
                        if (isset($proxies[$id])) {
                            $result[$i][$j] = $proxies[$id]['host'];
                    case CONDITION_TYPE_DRULE:
                        if (isset($dRules[$id])) {
                            $result[$i][$j] = $dRules[$id]['name'];
                    case CONDITION_TYPE_DCHECK:
                        if (isset($dChecks[$id])) {
                            $drule = reset($dChecks[$id]['drules']);
                            $type = $dChecks[$id]['type'];
                            $key_ = $dChecks[$id]['key_'];
                            $ports = $dChecks[$id]['ports'];
                            $dCheck = discovery_check2str($type, $key_, $ports);
                            $result[$i][$j] = $drule['name'] . NAME_DELIMITER . $dCheck;
    return $result;