"  /></a>
        <!-- <div class="label_text"><p><?php 
        echo $query->post->post_excerpt;
</p></div> -->
    <!-- </li> -->
  <!--  </ul> -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$options = APF_hw_skin_Selector_hwskin::build_json_options($user_theme_options);
 jQuery(window).load(function () {    //because it render directly so please don't wrapper in jquery event that will make ui crash & any lib (here is nivoSlider) not work
echo $slider_id;
echo $options;


 * Plugin name: perfect scrollbar
//include theme setting
include 'theme-setting.php';
//valid theme options
if (!empty($scrollbar_theme_options['width'])) {
    $width = self::format_unit($scrollbar_theme_options['width']);
if (!empty($scrollbar_theme_options['height'])) {
    $height = self::format_unit($scrollbar_theme_options['height']);
//remove key not belong option
$options = APF_hw_skin_Selector_hwskin::build_json_options($scrollbar_theme_options, 'width,height');
<script type="text/javascript">
echo $hwtpl_wrapper_id;
echo $hwtpl_scrollbar_wrapper_class;
echo $options;
    </li> -->

       <!-- </ul> -->
//remove key not belong jcarousel option
$options = APF_hw_skin_Selector_hwskin::build_json_options($user_theme_options, 'template_file');
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
echo $slider_id;
echo $options;
if (!empty($options['pause_on_hover']) && $options['pause_on_hover']) {
        // Mouse over
  * add shortcode to display slider on website
  * @param array $attsa
 public function _hwml_shortcode_slider($atts = array())
     $default = array('id' => false, 'restrict_to' => false);
     extract(shortcode_atts($default, $atts, 'hwml_slider'));
     if (!$id) {
         return false;
     // handle [hwml_slider id=123 restrict_to=home]
     if ($restrict_to && $restrict_to == 'home' && !is_front_page()) {
         //front page
     if ($restrict_to && $restrict_to != 'home' && !is_page($restrict_to)) {
         //for page
     $id = trim($id, '&quot;');
     $post = get_post($id);
     $slider_id = get_post_meta($id, 'pick_slider', true);
     //meta slider id
     $slider_theme = get_post_meta($id, 'slider_theme', true);
     //slider theme
     $source = get_post_meta($id, 'slideshow_source', true);
     //choose slideshow source
     if (!$slider_id && !$slider_theme) {
         throw new Exception('Lỗi custom field (hwml-shortcode)?');
     //instance HW_SKIN
     $skin = APF_hw_skin_Selector_hwskin::resume_hwskin_instance($slider_theme);
     //current skin file
     $file = $skin->instance->get_skin_file($skin->hash_skin);
     $skin_config = $skin->instance->get_config(false);
     $skin_info = $skin->instance->get_active_skin_info();
     $options_config = $skin->instance->get_file_skin_options($skin->hash_skin);
     //theme options configuration
     $theme_setting = $skin->instance->get_file_skin_setting();
     //(new HW_SKIN)->get_file_skin_setting()
     //theme options
     $user_theme_options = isset($slider_theme['skin_options']) && is_array($slider_theme['skin_options']) ? $slider_theme['skin_options'] : array();
     //load skin resource
     if(file_exists($options_config)) include($options_config);   //include define theme options
     if(file_exists($theme_setting)) include($theme_setting);        //theme setting
     if( isset($theme_options) && isset($theme)){
         $default = isset($theme['options']) ? $theme['options'] : array();
         $result = HW_SKIN::get_skin_options($user_theme_options, $default,$theme_options);
         $user_theme_options = array_merge($user_theme_options, $result);
     //new way
     $user_theme_options = HW_SKIN::merge_skin_options_values($user_theme_options, $theme_setting, $options_config);
     //get default template for this skin base slideshow source
     $default_template = $skin_info[0] . '/' . $skin_info[1] . trim($skin_config['skin_name'], '.php') . '_template_' . $source . '.php';
     //default template
     if (file_exists($default_template) && isset($user_theme_options['template_file']) && $user_theme_options['template_file'] == APF_hw_skin_Selector_hwskin::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE) {
         $file = $default_template;
         //change template file
     } elseif (isset($user_theme_options['template_file']) && $user_theme_options['template_file'] != APF_hw_skin_Selector_hwskin::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE) {
         $file = base64_decode($user_theme_options['template_file']);
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         //get data
         $show_title = get_post_meta($id, 'show_title', true);
         $data = array();
         //valid data
         if (isset($user_theme_options['template_file'])) {
         //get sides from metaslider
         if ($source == 'metaslider') {
             $query = $this->get_mlslider_metaslides($slider_id);
             $data['posts'] = Timber::get_posts($query->query_vars);
         //get sides from posts
         if ($source == 'posttype') {
             //get query post types
             $posttype = get_post_meta($id, 'source_posttype', true);
             //get active post types
             $current_post = get_post_meta($id, 'current_post', true);
             //get active post types
             $only_attachment = get_post_meta($id, 'only_attachments', true);
             //get only attachments
             $args = array('order' => 'ASC', 'posts_per_page' => -1);
             $query = null;
             $images = array();
             if ($current_post) {
                 global $post;
                 if (is_single()) {
                     $images = get_children(array('post_parent' => $post->ID, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image'));
             } else {
                 //get all selected terms assign to post type
                 $pt_terms = get_post_meta($id, 'post_type_terms', true);
                 $tax_query_relation = get_post_meta($id, 'tax_query_relation', true);
                 $terms_tax = array();
                 //prepare tax query
                 $tax_query = array();
                 //tax_query param
                 if ($tax_query_relation) {
                     $tax_query['relation'] = $tax_query_relation;
                 if (is_array($pt_terms)) {
                     foreach ($pt_terms as $t => $enable) {
                         if ($enable) {
                             $tax = base64_decode($t);
                             $tax = explode('|', $tax);
                             if (!isset($terms_tax[$tax[1]])) {
                                 $terms_tax[$tax[1]] = array();
                             $terms_tax[$tax[1]][] = $tax[0];
                 //build tax_query param
                 foreach ($terms_tax as $tax => $terms) {
                     $tax_query[] = array('taxonomy' => $tax, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $terms, 'operator' => 'IN');
                 //$terms = wp_get_post_terms($id,'category',array("fields" => "ids"));
                 $args['post_type'] = $posttype;
                 $args['tax_query'] = $tax_query;
                 $query = new WP_Query($args);
                 $data['posts'] = Timber::get_posts($args);
                 //get only attachments image
                 if ($only_attachment) {
                     //refercence http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/52315/get-attachments-for-all-posts-of-particular-post-type
                     if ($query->have_posts()) {
                         while ($query->have_posts()) {
                             // arguments for get_posts
                             $attachment_args = array('post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'post_status' => null, 'post_parent' => get_the_ID());
                             // get the posts
                             $this_posts_attachments = get_posts($attachment_args);
                             // append those posts onto the array
                             $images[get_the_ID()] = $this_posts_attachments;
                             // make an array with the post_id as the key, just in case that's useful
         //skin data
         $options = APF_hw_skin_Selector_hwskin::build_json_options($user_theme_options, 'template_file');
         $slider_theme = !empty($user_theme_options['theme']) ? $user_theme_options['theme'] : 'default';
         $data = compact('slider_id', 'options', 'slider_theme', 'show_title');
         $data['context'] = $this;
          * parse theme
         $content = $skin->instance->render_skin_template($data, false);
         //implement skin template
         if ($content !== false) {
             echo $content;
         $theme = array();
         if ($skin->instance->allow_skin_file()) {
             include_once $file;
         /*if(!isset($theme['styles'])) $theme['styles'] = array();
                     if(!isset($theme['scripts'])) $theme['scripts'] = array();
                     if(count($theme['styles']) || count($theme['scripts'])) {
                         $skin->instance->enqueue_files_from_skin($theme['styles'], $theme['scripts']);
         //enqueue stuff from skin
         HW_SKIN::enqueue_skin_assets(array('instance' => $skin->instance, 'hash_skin' => $skin->hash_skin, 'skin_file' => $file, 'theme_settings' => $theme, 'theme_options' => $user_theme_options));