public function jumploaderInstallApplet($params)
     if (is_file($this->getBaseDir() . "/jumploader_z.jar")) {
         return "ERROR: The applet is already installed!";
     $fileData = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent("");
     if (!is_writable($this->getBaseDir())) {
         file_put_contents(AJXP_CACHE_DIR . "/jumploader_z.jar", $fileData);
         return "ERROR: The applet was downloaded, but the folder plugins/uploader.jumploader is not writeable. Applet is located in the cache folder, please put it manually in the plugin folder.";
     } else {
         file_put_contents($this->getBaseDir() . "/jumploader_z.jar", $fileData);
         return "SUCCESS: Installed applet successfully!";
 public function postProcess($action, $httpVars, $params)
     $jsonData = json_decode($params["ob_output"], true);
     if ($jsonData != false) {
         $url = $jsonData["publiclet_link"];
         $elementId = $jsonData["element_id"];
     } else {
         $url = $params["ob_output"];
         $elementId = -1;
     $BITLY_USER = $this->getFilteredOption("BITLY_USER");
     $BITLY_APIKEY = $this->getFilteredOption("BITLY_APIKEY");
     if (empty($BITLY_USER) || empty($BITLY_APIKEY)) {
         print $url;
         $this->logError("Config", "Bitly Shortener : you must drop the file inside conf.php and set the login/api key!");
     $bitly_login = $BITLY_USER;
     $bitly_api = $BITLY_APIKEY;
     $format = 'json';
     $version = '2.0.1';
     $bitly = '' . $version . '&longUrl=' . urlencode($url) . '&login='******'&apiKey=' . $bitly_api . '&format=' . $format;
     $response = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent($bitly);
     $json = json_decode($response, true);
     if (isset($json['results'][$url]['shortUrl'])) {
         print $json['results'][$url]['shortUrl'];
         $this->updateMetaShort($httpVars["file"], $elementId, $json['results'][$url]['shortUrl']);
     } else {
         print $url;
 public function postProcess($action, $httpVars, $params)
     $url = $params["ob_output"];
     if (!isset($this->pluginConf["BITLY_USER"]) || !isset($this->pluginConf["BITLY_APIKEY"])) {
         print $url;
         AJXP_Logger::logAction("error", "Bitly Shortener : you must drop the file inside conf.php and set the login/api key!");
     $bitly_login = $this->pluginConf["BITLY_USER"];
     $bitly_api = $this->pluginConf["BITLY_APIKEY"];
     $format = 'json';
     $version = '2.0.1';
     $bitly = '' . $version . '&longUrl=' . urlencode($url) . '&login='******'&apiKey=' . $bitly_api . '&format=' . $format;
     $response = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent($bitly);
     $json = json_decode($response, true);
     if (isset($json['results'][$url]['shortUrl'])) {
         print $json['results'][$url]['shortUrl'];
         $this->updateMetaShort($httpVars["file"], $json['results'][$url]['shortUrl']);
     } else {
         print $url;
 public function downloadArchive()
     $this->archive = $this->workingFolder . "/" . basename($this->archiveURL);
     if ($this->debugMode && is_file($this->archive)) {
         return "Already downloaded";
     if (self::$context) {
         $content = file_get_contents($this->archiveURL, null, self::$context);
     } else {
         $content = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent($this->archiveURL);
     if ($content === false || strlen($content) == 0) {
         throw new Exception("Error while downloading");
     file_put_contents($this->archive, $content);
     return "File saved in " . $this->archive;
 public function postProcess($action, $httpVars, $params)
     $type = $this->getFilteredOption("SHORTEN_TYPE");
     if (empty($type)) {
     $jsonData = json_decode($params["ob_output"], true);
     $elementId = -1;
     if ($jsonData != false) {
         $url = $jsonData["publiclet_link"];
         $elementId = $jsonData["element_id"];
     } else {
         $url = $params["ob_output"];
     switch (intval($type["shorten_type"])) {
         case 0:
             if (!isset($type["ADFLY_TYPE"]) || !isset($type["ADFLY_APIKEY"]) || !isset($type["ADFLY_UID"]) || !isset($type["ADFLY_DOMAIN"])) {
                 print $url;
                 $this->logError("Config", "adFly Shortener : you must set the api key!");
             $adfly_type = $type["ADFLY_TYPE"];
             $adfly_api = $type["ADFLY_APIKEY"];
             $adfly_uid = $type["ADFLY_UID"];
             $adfly_dom = $type["ADFLY_DOMAIN"];
             $adfly = '' . $adfly_api . '&uid=' . $adfly_uid . '&advert_type=' . $adfly_type . '&domain=' . $adfly_dom . '&url=' . urlencode($url);
             $response = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent($adfly);
             $response = strip_tags($response, '<body>');
             $response = strip_tags($response);
             if (isset($response)) {
                 print $response;
                 $this->updateMetaShort($httpVars["file"], $elementId, $response);
             } else {
                 print $url;
         case 1:
             if (!isset($type["BITLY_USER"]) || !isset($type["BITLY_APIKEY"])) {
                 print $url;
                 $this->logError("Config", "Bitly Shortener : you must drop the file inside conf.php and set the login/api key!");
             $bitly_login = $type["BITLY_USER"];
             $bitly_api = $type["BITLY_APIKEY"];
             $format = 'json';
             $version = '2.0.1';
             $bitly = '' . $version . '&longUrl=' . urlencode($url) . '&login='******'&apiKey=' . $bitly_api . '&format=' . $format;
             $response = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent($bitly);
             $json = json_decode($response, true);
             if (isset($json['results'][$url]['shortUrl'])) {
                 print $json['results'][$url]['shortUrl'];
                 $this->updateMetaShort($httpVars["file"], $elementId, $json['results'][$url]['shortUrl']);
             } else {
                 print $url;
         case 2:
             if (!isset($type["GOOGL_APIKEY"])) {
                 print $url;
                 $this->logError("Config", " Shortener : you must set the api key!");
             $data = array('longUrl' => $url, 'key' => $type["GOOGL_APIKEY"]);
             $options = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'content' => json_encode($data), 'header' => "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" . "Accept: application/json\r\n"));
             $goourl = '';
             $context = stream_context_create($options);
             $result = file_get_contents($goourl, false, $context);
             $json = (array) json_decode($result);
             if (isset($json['id'])) {
                 print $json['id'];
                 $this->updateMetaShort($httpVars["file"], $elementId, $json['id']);
             } else {
                 print $url;
         case 3:
             if (!isset($type["POST_APIKEY"])) {
                 print $url;
                 $this->logError("Config", " Shortener : you must set the api key!");
             $post_api = $type["POST_APIKEY"];
             $post = '' . urlencode($url) . '&apiKey=' . $post_api . '&format=txt';
             $response = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent($post);
             if (isset($response)) {
                 print $response;
                 $this->updateMetaShort($httpVars["file"], $elementId, $response);
             } else {
                 print $url;
         case 4:
             if (!isset($type["YOURLS_DOMAIN"])) {
                 print $url;
                 $this->logError("Config", "yourls Shortener : you must set the domain name");
             if (!isset($type["YOURLS_APIKEY"])) {
                 print $url;
                 $this->logError("Config", "yourls Shortener : you must set the api key");
             $useidn = false;
             if (isset($type["YOURLS_USEIDN"])) {
                 $useidn = $type["YOURLS_USEIDN"];
             $yourls_domain = $type["YOURLS_DOMAIN"];
             $yourls_api = $type["YOURLS_APIKEY"];
             $yourls = 'http://' . $yourls_domain . '/yourls-api.php?signature=' . $yourls_api . '&action=shorturl&format=simple&url=' . urlencode($url);
             $response = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent($yourls);
             if (isset($response)) {
                 $shorturl = $response;
                 if ($useidn) {
                     // WARNING: idn_to_utf8 requires php-idn module.
                     // WARNING: http_build_url requires php-pecl-http module.
                     $purl = parse_url($shorturl);
                     $purl['host'] = idn_to_utf8($purl['host']);
                     $shorturl = http_build_url($purl);
                 print $shorturl;
                 $this->updateMetaShort($httpVars["file"], $elementId, $shorturl);
             } else {
                 print $url;
Example #6
 public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $filesVars)
     if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) {
         return false;
     $repository = ConfService::getRepository();
     if (!$repository->detectStreamWrapper(true)) {
         return false;
     $streamData = $repository->streamData;
     $destStreamURL = $streamData["protocol"] . "://" . $repository->getId();
     if ($action == "post_to_zohoserver") {
         $sheetExt = explode(",", "xls,xlsx,ods,sxc,csv,tsv");
         $presExt = explode(",", "ppt,pps,odp,sxi");
         $docExt = explode(",", "doc,docx,rtf,odt,sxw");
         require_once AJXP_BIN_FOLDER . "/http_class/http_class.php";
         $selection = new UserSelection($repository, $httpVars);
         // Backward compat
         if (strpos($httpVars["file"], "base64encoded:") !== 0) {
             $file = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic(base64_decode($httpVars["file"]));
         } else {
             $file = $selection->getUniqueFile();
         $target = base64_decode($httpVars["parent_url"]);
         $tmp = call_user_func(array($streamData["classname"], "getRealFSReference"), $destStreamURL . $file);
         $tmp = SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8($tmp);
         $node = new AJXP_Node($destStreamURL . $file);
         AJXP_Controller::applyHook("", array($node));
         $this->logInfo('Preview', 'Posting content of ' . $file . ' to Zoho server');
         $extension = strtolower(pathinfo(urlencode(basename($file)), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
         $httpClient = new http_class();
         $httpClient->request_method = "POST";
         $secureToken = $httpVars["secure_token"];
         $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_EDITED"] = $destStreamURL . $file;
         $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_UUID"] = md5(rand() . "-" . microtime());
         if ($this->getFilteredOption("USE_ZOHO_AGENT", $repository->getId())) {
             $saveUrl = $this->getFilteredOption("ZOHO_AGENT_URL", $repository->getId());
         } else {
             $saveUrl = $target . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/editor.zoho/agent/save_zoho.php";
         $b64Sig = $this->signID($_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_UUID"]);
         $params = array('id' => $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_UUID"], 'apikey' => $this->getFilteredOption("ZOHO_API_KEY", $repository->getId()), 'output' => 'url', 'lang' => "en", 'filename' => urlencode(basename($file)), 'persistence' => 'false', 'format' => $extension, 'mode' => 'normaledit', 'saveurl' => $saveUrl . "?signature=" . $b64Sig);
         $service = "exportwriter";
         if (in_array($extension, $sheetExt)) {
             $service = "sheet";
         } else {
             if (in_array($extension, $presExt)) {
                 $service = "show";
             } else {
                 if (in_array($extension, $docExt)) {
                     $service = "exportwriter";
         $arguments = array();
         $httpClient->GetRequestArguments("https://" . $service . "", $arguments);
         $arguments["PostValues"] = $params;
         $arguments["PostFiles"] = array("content" => array("FileName" => $tmp, "Content-Type" => "automatic/name"));
         $err = $httpClient->Open($arguments);
         if (empty($err)) {
             $err = $httpClient->SendRequest($arguments);
             if (empty($err)) {
                 $response = "";
                 while (true) {
                     $body = "";
                     $error = $httpClient->ReadReplyBody($body, 1000);
                     if ($error != "" || strlen($body) == 0) {
                     $response .= $body;
                 $result = trim($response);
                 $matchlines = explode("\n", $result);
                 $resultValues = array();
                 foreach ($matchlines as $line) {
                     list($key, $val) = explode("=", $line, 2);
                     $resultValues[$key] = $val;
                 if ($resultValues["RESULT"] == "TRUE" && isset($resultValues["URL"])) {
                     header("Location: " . $resultValues["URL"]);
                 } else {
                     echo "Zoho API Error " . $resultValues["ERROR_CODE"] . " : " . $resultValues["WARNING"];
                     echo "<script>window.parent.setTimeout(function(){parent.hideLightBox();}, 2000);</script>";
     } else {
         if ($action == "retrieve_from_zohoagent") {
             $targetFile = $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_EDITED"];
             $id = $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_UUID"];
             $ext = pathinfo($targetFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $node = new AJXP_Node($targetFile);
             AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array(&$node));
             $b64Sig = $this->signID($id);
             if ($this->getFilteredOption("USE_ZOHO_AGENT", $repository->getId())) {
                 $url = $this->getFilteredOption("ZOHO_AGENT_URL", $repository->getId()) . "?ajxp_action=get_file&name=" . $id . "&ext=" . $ext . "&signature=" . $b64Sig;
                 $data = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent($url);
                 if (strlen($data)) {
                     file_put_contents($targetFile, $data);
                     echo "MODIFIED";
             } else {
                 if (is_file(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/editor.zoho/agent/files/" . $id . "." . $ext)) {
                     copy(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/editor.zoho/agent/files/" . $id . "." . $ext, $targetFile);
                     unlink(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/editor.zoho/agent/files/" . $id . "." . $ext);
                     echo "MODIFIED";
             $this->logInfo('Edit', 'Retrieved content of ' . $node->getUrl());
             AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(null, &$node));