function display() { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); // Get the folder to browse $folder = JRequest::getString('folder', ''); $processfolder = JRequest::getInt('processfolder', 0); if (empty($folder)) { $folder = ''; $folder_raw = ''; $isFolderThere = false; $isInRoot = false; $isOpenbasedirRestricted = false; } else { $stock_dirs = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_stock_directories(); arsort($stock_dirs); if ($processfolder == 1) { foreach ($stock_dirs as $find => $replace) { $folder = str_replace($find, $replace, $folder); } } // Normalise name, but only if realpath() really, REALLY works... $old_folder = $folder; $folder = @realpath($folder); if ($folder === false) { $folder = $old_folder; } if (AEUtilFilesystem::folderExists($folder)) { $isFolderThere = true; } else { $isFolderThere = false; } JRequest::setVar('folder', $folder); // Check if it's a subdirectory of the site's root $isInRoot = strpos($folder, JPATH_SITE) === 0; // Check open_basedir restrictions $isOpenbasedirRestricted = AEUtilQuirks::checkOpenBasedirs($folder); // -- Get the meta form of the directory name, if applicable $folder_raw = $folder; foreach ($stock_dirs as $replace => $find) { $folder_raw = str_replace($find, $replace, $folder_raw); } } // Writable check and contents listing if it's in site root and not restricted if ($isFolderThere && !$isOpenbasedirRestricted) { // Get writability status $isWritable = is_writable($folder); // Get contained folders $subfolders = JFolder::folders($folder); } else { if ($isFolderThere && !$isOpenbasedirRestricted) { $isWritable = is_writable($folder); } else { $isWritable = false; } $subfolders = array(); } // Get parent directory $pathparts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $folder); if (is_array($pathparts)) { $path = ''; foreach ($pathparts as $part) { $path .= empty($path) ? $part : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $part; if (empty($part)) { if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\') { $path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $part = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $crumb['label'] = $part; $crumb['folder'] = $path; $breadcrumbs[] = $crumb; } $junk = array_pop($pathparts); $parent = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $pathparts); } else { // Can't identify parent dir, use ourselves. $parent = $folder; $breadcrumbs = array(); } $this->assign('folder', $folder); $this->assign('folder_raw', $folder_raw); $this->assign('parent', $parent); $this->assign('exists', $isFolderThere); $this->assign('inRoot', $isInRoot); $this->assign('openbasedirRestricted', $isOpenbasedirRestricted); $this->assign('writable', $isWritable); $this->assign('subfolders', $subfolders); $this->assign('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs); parent::display(); }